The Cold Emperor Plays Phoenix

Chapter 66: If the neighboring country commits a crime, send the monarch out (2)


Mo Yuming glared, and took a deep breath, "You will speak for that girl! I didn't expect my son to be a flower picking thief! He also picked his own righteous princess! He is still a fucking man! What the hell is all this!"

"Cough, cough, I can’t help my son. Father, look at that girl so outstanding. Fortunately, my son started early. Otherwise, cough, there are two brothers and five brothers and seven brothers so diligent. What do women mean?" Mo Qihan said depressedly.

Mo Yuming stared at Mo Qihan inquiringly, and said in doubt: "Han'er, then you to Xueman girl... I remember, don't you like the Wutong girl from Taifu Liu's house?"

"The father, the son and the Wutong have passed, and the son will not marry her again, nor will the son marry any other woman, because the son only loves Manman alone, and only wants to grow old with her and create the father and the queen. There is no creation myth!" Mo Qihan's firm tone and serious expression could not show a hint of joking.

Mo Yuming was shocked, "Han'er, I plan to wait for your army to return from victory, and I will make you the prince and pass it to you. You will be the emperor. How can you, how dare you say that you only marry a woman? The existence of the harem is not only to extend the royal heirs, but also to stabilize the court!"

Mo Qihan looked at Mo Yuming with firm eyes, and said word by word: "Father, the children are determined, and they are confident that they can manage the world without relying on the harem. Does the father believe in the children? Erchen died once, and he was happy to be reborn as his father, but if he takes the oath promised to Manman, he can have countless women, but he will not be happy because Manman is not happy anymore, just like a mother, the father doesn’t want to Negative, but the same is negative, so the mother is not happy, always hiding in her heart, secretly washing her face with tears, but the mother can still laugh at the other concubines of the father, but if it is changed to Manman, she will not laugh, either. I won't love Erchen anymore, if Erchen loses her, he would rather really die!"


Mo Yuming frowned, staring at Mo Qihan's seriousness, silent, thinking, for a long time, then slowly said: "Han'er, you have to think about it, and after marrying the sixth house, you will face it. What a tremendous pressure! There is also the issue of inheritance, and the country must have someone to succeed!"

"Father, these sons and ministers have already thought about it. The sons and ministers have been deeply shocked from Wutong, and they dare not give sincerely to anyone. It is a long time to change the sons and ministers, so that they can taste the love of each other. During these years, the ministers did not dare to boast, but they also dared to say, on the scheming, the strategy, the talents, the emperor's skills, there is no problem with the self-confidence of the children, please trust the children! As for the issue of children, according to Manman's physical condition , It doesn’t matter how much, the son has a son, and can become a talent, the son will pass on to him, if there is no son, there is Xuan'er! Didn't the father adopt Xuan'er to the name of the son? Xuan'er is smart Motivated, he was calm and introverted at a young age. His son was very optimistic about him. He is the son of my second elder brother and the descendant of my Mo family. It's not a bad idea to pass on him!"

Mo Yuming sighed for a long time, staring at the roof of the glazed tiled palace, and said earnestly: "Han'er, this throne, I still want to pass it on to you, I owe too much to your mother and your eldest brother is gone again, according to ancestors. It is only natural for you to inherit the throne from the remaining classic system. Given it to you, it can also prevent your other brothers from fighting and fratricidal. I was still worrying a few days ago! If you can secure the court, you will be secure. In the world, I am naturally happy. You have to be willing to marry anyone you want, otherwise the harem will spoil one person, and you will die inexplicably sooner or later."

"Yes, she is not good at those conspiracies and tricks. She is pure as a lotus and has no dust in her heart. She is not suitable for survival in the sixth house. Therefore, after the children will remove all obstacles for her, she will tell her the true identity of the children. Marry her, marry her and marry her, let her live happily with her son." Mo Qihan smiled knowingly, and took Mo Yuming's hand, "Father, thank you for understanding your son. Tolerant of the children, I talked to the children a few days ago. I was worried that she had a bad temper and was not a good daughter-in-law. She would quarrel with her in-laws. I was afraid that it would be difficult for the children to marry her. So I would rather not let the children marry her. Li and Erchen will live a lifetime. If she knows that her in-laws are the father and the queen, she will definitely be happy too."

"Haha, don't tell me, you long-term girl is really a little bastard, and talk back to me! However, your queen likes to watch that girl play football. It's so popular! This girl is really special. Dancing well, playing the flute well, with a sharp mouth, a big temper, a lot of intestines, lively and courageous, especially if I turn around the little seven, I feel ashamed to watch it!" Mo Yuming said more and more thoughts. Laughing, at the end, even the eyebrows were bent, "That girl is right. With her daughter-in-law, I can't help but quarrel with that girl!"

"Oh, father, um...Speaking of which, there is one thing that I implore my father, that is, I don’t know how long this battle will take. I don’t know how long this battle will be. You have to help your son to watch Manman for a long time. Brothers, five brothers, and Mo Qiming, he also likes Manman." Mo Qihan said uncomfortably.

"I know all of these. Every time I see that girl, I follow the devil, and I am not promising! By the way, Han'er, are you really sure about this battle? Do you know Nanzhao? I don't want to just know. The son is not dead, and in a blink of an eye..." Mo Yuming turned around, clasped Mo Qihan's shoulders, and asked with a serious expression.

Mo Qihan smiled softly, "Emperor father, your son will not do anything unsure. Although your son has never taken a soldier, Marshal Lei is a veteran on the battlefield. He is loyal to his father. My master knows Nanzhao very well. His old man is a genius, he traveled all over the world in his early years, and his martial arts medical skills can be called the best in the world. He is also proficient in the formation of troops and the art of escape from the strange door. These children and ministers have learned from the master. Besides, there is no problem with self-protection. Mo Qiming's martial arts are not as good as his children's ministers, and the children's shadows are all martial arts masters. They are all martial arts masters who swear allegiance to the children's ministers to the death. Don't worry, the children's ministers will return safely."

"Really? Han'er, can your master let the emperor see you? I'm full of curiosity about this celestial old man!" Mo Yu's eyes shined brightly, and Mo Qihan and Mo Li could be saved. Xuan, with these two points alone, he was shocked!

"Of course it is possible. Master and Junior Brother have lived in Xiangtanju in the past few months. By the way, father and son almost forgot to tell you about another important event!" Mo Qihan patted his forehead, unexpectedly forgotten. That's it! Lin Mengqing must stalk him to death!

Mo Yuming wondered: "What's the matter?"

"Ahem, it's about the marriage of Concubine Ya. Erchen has privately promised her to Lin Mengqing, the younger brother of Erchen! Concubine Ya has been to the Siwangfu several times and got along with Meng Qing very much. Meng Qing likes Concubine Ya very much. , I want to marry her, my son also responded to him, I don't know what will happen to my father's imperial will?" Mo Qihan pulled his lower lip and asked very carefully.

Mo Yuming frowned, "Huh? You actually let the concubine Ya Xu go out? I'm still planning to pick her up in the court!"

"Father, Meng Qing is good, looks outstanding, talented, has no one in the world in disguise, martial arts is not a problem, and he has obtained the true biography of the master, and he is dedicated to helping the children and ministers many times. She is deeply in love, and Ya Fei also likes to be with him." Mo Qihan said hurriedly.

"Oh? How about Lin Mengqing's family background?"

"My parents died. When he was five years old, he was taken by his master to Lishanguan to raise him. He was open-minded and open-minded. He was an early apprenticeship teacher, but because of his special status and two years older than him, he was two years older than him. Long, he called Erchen Yisheng brother, and Erchen and him are brothers of life and death."

"Listening to you so complimenting him, my father would like to see this young man too."

"That's okay, the father can secretly take his mother to the incense altar after three days, the master and Mengqing are both here, and the father will know at a glance."

"Okay, but if the father is satisfied with Meng Qing, the marriage will have to be put on hold, and the children will take Meng Qing with him. In many places, the children will be able to use him."

"Okay, my father knows what to do."

Mo Qihan looked at the sky outside and sighed, "Father, before you know it, the sky is almost bright, and the father has to sleep for a while, and the sons and ministers have to go."


Mo Yuming sat up, reluctantly clasped Mo Qihan's hand, everything was silent.

"Father! Take care! In these ten days, the child minister has a lot to deal with and cannot enter the palace anymore. After three days, the child minister will be waiting for the father and the queen!" Mo Qihan choked up, his backhand also clenched. Mo Yuming.

"Okay, like Han'er, you are in a dangerous situation, and you have to take care. I will personally thank the old man Tianji for his great kindness to my son!"



Mo Qihan put on the human skin mask again, knelt down in front of the bed, knocked three heads heavily, then got up and left.

Moving up the next day, Mo Yuming issued the next imperial decree.

"Feng Tiancheng luck, the emperor Zhao said: From now on, Leiyue will be named General Marshal of Pingnan, and 300,000 troops will be sent to the border to quell the Nanzhao Rebellion! I will be my first dark guard as a general and give the country the surname Mo. Mo Jun is coming on behalf of me. In the three armies, those who see the generals will see me, hope you will win this battle, and promote my great prestige! Thank you for this!"

After the eunuch chief Li Dehou solemnly read it out, in the Jinluan Hall, hundreds of civil and military officials booed and were shocked!

"Long live the emperor!"

Mo Qiming was even more shocked. He raised his eyes slightly and looked at Mo Yuming who was sitting high on the dragon chair in disbelief. Apart from the incredible, his eyes were still incredible!

Finally, Shangshu of the Ministry of War stood up and said, "The emperor, the ministers are wondering, are the emperor's secret guards the Ouchi guards? The ministers have never known!"

Mo Yuming's majestic gaze swept across the hundreds of officials, and he said loudly: "Aiqing’s question is good, and I am just about to explain to all the Qing’s families that starting from the first emperor, we have trained a secret guard that only obeys the emperor and is responsible for secretly. To protect the emperor, he never appeared in front of the world, but only hidden in the dark, so it was called the dark guard. Mo Junlin has some connections with me, has a high martial arts, and is brilliant in marching and fighting. The princes do not approve of my imperial conquest, so , Mo Junlin replaces me, can all the officials have objections

"The officials dare not wait!" Baiguan knelt again and bowed to the ground.

"Eight days later, the generals were on the stage outside Xuanhua Gate, and I personally sent Marshal Lei and General Mo to lead the three armies on the expedition!" Mo Yuming stood up, his magnificent voice penetrated above the golden palace.

"Long live the emperor!"

After half an hour, go to the study.

"Lord Xuansan came to see me!" Mo Yuming said after approving the last memorial.

Li Dehou said immediately: "Yes, the minion will declare!"

Mo Qiming came in to salute and knelt down, "My son-in-law sees his father!"

"Ming'er, get up quickly!" Mo Yuming smiled lovingly.

"Thank you, Father!"

Mo Yuming said with a complex expression: "Ming'er, I thought for a day, but decided that I still can't let you go to war. This way, life and death are unpredictable. I can't rest assured! Being loyal and filial does not necessarily have to be on the battlefield. I know that your intentions are already very gratified. Besides, your second and fifth brothers will also go. My descendants are already scarce. Your eldest and fourth brothers are no longer there. I really dare not take it lightly, so neither of your brothers should go. Now, stay in the court to help me share my worries!"

"Yes, Father!" Mo Qiming nodded, paused, and asked with his hands: "Father, today you have issued a decree to grant the title, why can't Mo Junlin be granted the title?"

"Oh, this is not surprising, King's Landing is a dark guard, and dark guards do not show their true colors, nor can they easily appear in front of outsiders. This is the rule left by the first emperor, so naturally he will not go to the palace." Mo Yuming Smiled and explained.

Mo Qiming's eyes flickered, and he lowered his head, "Emperor father and children still have doubts, why didn't the father send General He to quell the chaos? General He has been on the battlefield for many years and is a veteran general. Although Mo Junlin alone martial arts is good , But leading soldiers to fight is not a matter of one person, in case..."

"Hehe, what Ming'er said is what I said. I have considered it again and again. General He wants to guard Pingzhou. If the defense is adjusted, in case the Northern Zhou Kingdom also abandons the peace treaty, while the Nanzhao invasion, chaos the border of Pingzhou, then What should I do? Besides, I am very aware of Mo Junlin's talents, I don't doubt about employing people, Minger don't have to worry!" Mo Yuming said.

"Yes, Father!" Mo Qiming bit his lower lip unwillingly, a pair of deep eyes glowing in the darkness.

Fragrant altar house.

The butler notified him and passed a secret letter with both hands, "Master, this was sent secretly by the emperor just now."

"Oh?" Mo Qihan took it, read it again, and then said: "Master, Meng Qing, my father changed my name to Mo Junlin!"

"Mo Junlin?" Lin Mengqing chewed carefully, looked at Mo Qihan with an admiring gaze, and said: "The emperor is wise! The king is over the world, this is hinting the identity of the senior brother in advance!"

The old man Tianji nodded while reading the letter, "Yes, Meng Qing's analysis is correct, and the emperor is very considerate."

"The king is over the world!"

Mo Qihan looked over the housekeeper, directed outside the door, the afterglow of the setting sun shed in the courtyard, cast a golden light on the bluestone slab, thoughts drifted away for a time, the country is in hand, in charge of the universe, the beautiful woman is company, the love of brotherhood, Parents’ grace, this life is no regrets!

At night, embracing Ling Xueman to fall asleep, he still didn't say anything in his mind, and before he left, he started to fall asleep, only to hold the person in his arms tighter, tighter...

The next night, Mo Qihan first went to Shushui Garden to accompany Ling Xueman. The two chatted for a while, and then lingered for a long time before coaxing Ling Xueman to fall asleep. When she was asleep, he quietly got up and dressed. go away.

Back at Xiangtanju, Lin Mengqing and the old man Tianji were both waiting. Mo Qihan said an idea he had been thinking about for two days, "Master, I want to ask Granny Plum to come here to help me protect Manman. Does Master think it is feasible? ?"

"Huh? Old lady Meihua? Han boy, you want to invite her?" The old man Tianji almost bit his tongue in surprise.

Lin Mengqing's eyebrows twitched, watching the old man Tianji's reaction, and grinning, "Master, are you nervous?"

"Who, who is nervous?" The old man Tianji blushed and choked unnaturally.

"Master, this trip to Beijing, Wuji Wuhen Wujie, Shadow, you and Mengqing have all gone with me, what if Mo Qiming doesn’t give up and robs Manman again? The general guards’ martial arts are low and it’s not his iron blood at all. Assassin’s opponent, so, I thought for a long time, the only martial artist that I can trust is Granny Meihua, Master, how about you writing a letter for me? Granny Meihua should help me out of your face." Mo Qihan said worriedly.

The old man Tianji was so embarrassed that he waved his hand and said, "Ah, cold boy, that old lady is very stubborn, how can she listen to the master? Your face is not small, she will agree, or you can do it."

Mo Qihan thought for a while and said, "Then, I will write a letter and Master will also write another. I can't get out of it now, so how about Meng Qing taking the letter to Lishan Pass?"

"Uh, is this tiring and tiring work on my head again?" Lin Mengqing rolled his eyes dejectedly, and said with a sly turn, "Let me send the letter to someone, but the master's letter must be enough for two thousand. Words, there must be no words that might provoke Granny Plum, otherwise I won’t send them!"

"What? Two thousand words? Are you a college bachelor when you are your master? Also, can't you provoke the old woman?" The old man Tianji jumped up when he heard that, slapped a palm on the table, and roared: "Lin Mengqing, Go to hell!"

As smart as Mo Qihan, he understood Lin Mengqing's meaning at the moment. When the two eyes met in the air, Mo Qihan said grimly: "Master, you are wronged, besides Mengqing, who knows Lishan Pass? Who can break your Qimen Pear Tree formation and get Lishan? Who can see Granny Plum again? Anyway, I can't go, or Master, you go personally?"

"Huh? No! I'm not going!" The old man Tianji flicked his sleeves and lay on the table with his chest.

"Then Mengqing can only go there. Master, please agree, otherwise the apprentice will kneel for you!" Mo Qihan said, he really threw the brocade robe and knelt in front of the old man of Tianji.

"Bad boy, you are breaking my old man's longevity!" The old man Tianji hurriedly pulled Mo Qihan up and stared at Lin Mengqing with a dark face for a long time.

"Hey, no!" Lin Mengqing shook his head, triumphantly.

"Okay! I write!" The old man Tianji gritted his teeth and slapped his palm on the table again, "Bring paper and pen!"

Ten minutes later, Mo Qihan's letter was completed, and when he looked back, the old man Tianji only suffocated three words: old lady!

"Ahem, Master, please write quickly, Meng Qing has to leave early tomorrow morning!" Mo Qihan urged in a collapsed voice.