The Companions

Chapter 773: The life story will continue


I was stunned, but when I recalled Chen Xuandan's ambitions, combined with what Xiao Chushi said, it was really possible for Xiao Tianxing to create a fake clone to replace himself, and he was in the coffin.

I said: "There is such a miraculous thing in the world, it is incredible! Before, we traced all the way to Wanling Mountain, and then we found the huge Skull Mountain in Wanling Mountain. Finally, Skull Mountain collapsed and a spirit coffin appeared!"

Xiao Guan frowned again, "Why haven't I heard you mention it before!"

I scratched my head and said, "You were injured and needed to recuperate, so I didn’t tell you. Later, after we returned, you went out to pick insects with Sparrow, so there was no chance. Until today, I didn’t have complete time. !"

Xiao Guan nodded and said, "What's in the coffin?"

I replied: "At that time, we were all seriously injured. After the spirit coffin appeared, everyone wanted to open the spirit coffin, but we were worried that once some powerful monster was released. All of us would be folded inside, so we gave up curiosity. Xin, immediately left the Wanling Mountain Palace!"

Xiao Guan praised: "You are doing this right. The coffin under the heads of thousands of skulls is full of evil spirits! You have been seriously injured, and you should leave as soon as possible. Avoid bad things from happening again!"

I nodded and said, "That’s what we thought. But later, after we came to open the underground palace, we heard from the woods. That night, I heard someone talking in my ear, who claimed to be running out of the coffin, afterwards. After analysis, the person who ran away is most likely Xiao Tianxing's real body! And all these things are most likely made by Xiao Tianxing."

Xiao Guan stood up all of a sudden and exclaimed; "What did you say? Xiao Tianxing himself? You are not mistaken, right!"

I said: "No mistake. But Xiao Tianxing came out of the coffin and suffered a great loss of strength. It will take five to ten years to fully recover. Once he recovers, he will definitely come back to us."

Xiao Guan slapped it on the table and said angrily: "It's better for him to come. I will take his bones apart and see if he can make trouble!"

I said: "Xiao Tianxing escaped from Wanling Mountain, so whereabouts is unknown. Since he wants to recover, the place he chose to hide must be very secretive, we can't find it at all. At the moment, he can only find Gulongting, and he can deal with Xiao Tianxing."

Xiao Guan thought for a while, and said, "It seems that a lot of things have happened during the time I was trapped. You already have an idea, and I will fully support you. Your current level has surpassed me by a lot. Your future achievements are also Will surpass me."

I talked with Abba carefully for a long time, including how to deal with Xiao Tianxing, and the next plan. If Xiao Tianxing really wants to trouble us, then face it calmly and directly kill Xiao Tianxing, so as to avoid future troubles.

In the middle of the night, Lao Gu came out of the cave and talked to Xiao Guan. I was very excited in the old talk. When I talked about Ama Long Xiao Snake, it was even more traumatic. The old things of the year have passed, and the people I know are not around.

"Xiao Guan, there are no zombies I raised, and now I am really alone." Old Gu said, "Little snake is not alive, otherwise she would definitely say, Old Gu, you have no zombies by yourself. Stay with us, just live with us."

Xiao Guan laughed loudly and said, "Old Gu, I will also say that, if you don't want to live in the cave, you can stay with our family. I am getting older and I am about to become an old man, and I can also be with you. Speak well."

Lao Gu sighed, "Guan Guan, I saw you for the first time that year, you were only over a dozen years old. I didn't expect to have white hair in a blink of an eye. Constantly aging. Even me, a zombie, obviously feels that I am not strong. I may also decline and become an old guy, and I may not be able to move in the end!"

Xiao Guan smiled and said: "Old Gu, where is the overbearing Lao Gu who refused to admit defeat to the old? You have to live another five hundred years, and you will have to fight the wicked for another five hundred years. You can't say such a frustrating thing. You are the idol in my heart!"

Lao Gu waved his hand and said: "You will be old when you are old, and you must realize this fact. I will eventually become a dead bone. This is the ultimate fate of every zombie, and I can't escape it. I came to you for hope. You took it to Xiao Snake's grave to take a look."

Xiao Guan nodded: "Okay, we will set off in a few days!"

The heat during the day gradually dissipated, and gradually became a bit cooler at night. I slept peacefully, with Abba by his side, I was very at ease. For a few days, Xiao Guan helped the fat uncle and managed all kinds of things well.

Uncle Fatty said: "Old Chongwang, I didn't expect you to be a good hand at farm work!"

Xiao Guan smiled and said: "I have done a lot of farm work before. At that time, it was your father, Uncle Ma Lun. Under his leadership, we are self-reliant and we want to fill our mouths. Naturally, we can do any farm work."

After Xiao Guan's guidance, Fatty Uncle's main business and side business are progressing well. Xiao Guan decided to leave Camellia Cave in the cool night. Mo Shi and Mo Wang were unwilling to leave with us. They wanted to return to the valley below Wudu Peak.

"Xiao Kang... I really can't bear you. After many things, the descendants of the worm spirit are getting better." Mo Wang said, "We don't have to worry about anything. It's time to go back to the worm mound!"

I said: "The worm mound has been burned to ashes. What can you do when you go back?"

Mo Shi said: "Winter to spring, all life will be bred again. I believe that the current valley will re-bring life again, vegetation will re-grow, all kinds of rare flowers and plants will re-germinate, wild animals and poisonous insects will still regenerate. Go back."

Don't forget: "Yes, the two of us are also experienced. But after all, the outside world is not in line with our worldview. We just want to go back to that quiet place and have no other hope."

I smiled and said: "At the beginning I fell from a high altitude and disrupted your silence. Today you are back in silence again, which is also a great thing. I will not drag you to wander around with me. Don’t lose it. Don't forget, take care!"

Mo Shi smiled and said: "We were as timid as a mouse before. After such an ordeal, we have become more courageous and it is not a waste of this trip. We are in the cliff valley. If you really want to see us, go there. Find me! If you can't get in, just jump off the top of the mountain! Hahaha..."

Mo Shi and Mo Wang walked into the night together and left Chahuadong. My nose is sore, and I feel quite uncomfortable.

But separation is inevitable. In life, there will always be countless separations.

After sending away Mo Mi and Mo Wang, Lei Zhenzi also walked out of the cave, his complexion improved a lot, but it will take time to fully recover.

Lei Zhenzi had nothing else to do. He lived in the cave for a few months, and it was a bit boring, so he walked around with us.

Me, Huaxue, Laogu, Xiaoguan, plus Lei Zhenzi, the five of us left Camellia Cave and walked north via the mountain road. In accordance with the direction indicated by Xiaoguan, we headed to Shennongjia Long's house.

Shennongjia Dragon’s family is grandma’s natal family. After Ama’s accident, Abba worried that her body would be used by others, so sending her body to Long’s family for burial was considered a safe place. If you want to worship your grandmother this time, you should come to Shennongjia.

The journey was unimpeded, and it only took a few days to reach Shennongjia. When he arrived in front of the grandmother’s grave, Xiao Guan’s tears filled his eyes, and he knelt down all of a sudden, and said, "Little snake, you explain my business. I have already completed it, and my son has found him. Xiao Kang has no shortage. With arms and legs, he has survived intact."

With a plop, I knelt on the ground, remembering what happened when I was a child, I couldn't help but burst into tears, and finally burst into tears.

Huaxue stood by my side, patted my shoulder and said: "Xiao Kang, grandma doesn't want you to be like this. The matter is over and there is no way to remedy it. The important thing is that we have to live well."

I shook my head and said, "No... I want my grandmother to come back."

Lao Gu stood on the side with a dazed expression, and said for a long time: "Little snake, I didn't expect you to leave us early. Don't worry, the person who killed you has been killed by Xiao Kang. You know well, please bless you. Xiao Kang, but also bless the woman next to him, this is your future daughter-in-law."

This worship lasted a long time. I don't want to leave, I always feel that my grandmother will not leave us like this. We have lived in Long’s house for half a month. Every day I would come to sit in front of the grave and talk to the head of the grave. I would feel sad. Sometimes I burst into tears and sometimes I laughed.

Only later did I know that Grandma really left us. I can only miss her in my heart forever, and meet her in my dream forever.

Life will never be complete.

We stayed at Long's house for half a month, and then left Shennongjia Long's house. Huaxue and I returned to the Qinling Hua family. Huaxue wanted to train a successor for the Hua family. Lei Zhenzi liked Qinling, so I went with us.

With Lao Gu, Abba returned to his hometown and made an appointment to wait for Huaxue and I to return. A wave of people is divided into two groups, all the way to the Qinling Huajia, all the way to the border between Jiangxi and Hubei.

The road is long, and our lives are going through all this.

Ten years later, I married Huaxue and married. Linglong, Chen Ye, Ma Que'er and Xiao Feng all came to congratulate us. It was learned from Chen Yekou that Yuyinzi hadn't woken up yet, and it might take longer.

Our wedding was held in Qinling Hua's house. After the marriage, Huaxue left the Hua family with me, and her apprentice succeeded her as the head of the Hua family.

Ten years have passed since the change of Wanling Mountain, and Xiao Tianxing has not come to me for a long time. But I believe Xiao Chushi's words, Xiao Tianxue will come one day.

I have no fear. As long as Xiao Tianxing comes, I will be sure to reward him with ten palms for the "eternal handprint", so that he can understand that there is no good result for staring at me Xiao Kang.

Three years later, one autumn afternoon, his father Xiao Guan, a generation of insect kings sat on a bamboo chair and fell asleep, and never woke up. He left very quietly and kindly without any burden.

His story was circulated on the land of China, but then the number of people who chanted it gradually decreased, and the people who remembered him gradually grew old.

As for me, the story of a Gu person, no matter if someone remembers it or no one remembers it. I am still me, living my life quietly and ordinary.

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