The Concubine is Difficult to Provoke: Your Highness, Please Give In

Chapter 101: What happened to your uncle?


"Wang Hu, you personally take everyone, give you some guidance, do what I plan for you, and I will rush back as soon as possible." Jin Jiuying thought for a while.

After returning home recently, Wang Hu's dependence on her has become heavier and heavier, but she is extremely busy and annoying.

In this month, she has received Ye Zhaoyang's resignation letter. It is estimated that Jin Jiumei will marry into the palace soon, but this is not the point.

What annoyed her even more was Yu Lianyu. She hadn't seen her since the incident, and Ye Mo sent people letters to her to explain several times, but she ignored him in the end.

After discussing with Wang Hu, Jin Jiuying and Jin Jiulan left.

Stepping on the snow on the ground, Jin Jiuying was silent all the way, but Jin Jiulan was quite fresh, and she was jumping and jumping very excited.

"Xiaolan, you go back to the imperial city." After walking for a while, Jin Jiuying suddenly raised her head to Jin Jiulan Road, who was walking in front of her with a horse.

"Why, I think uncle, can't you go see him? It doesn't prevent you from fighting." Jin Jiulan was a little unconvinced, thinking Jin Jiuying was worried that she would interfere with them.

"Xiao Lan, you won't be able to see him when you come back from the battle. The battlefield is not at home, it is very dangerous there." Jin Jiuying patiently persuaded her.

Her eyelids were twitching very badly this day, and she was really worried that something big would happen this time.

Jin Jiulan was still young, fourteen or five years old. It was really the same age. In the world before Jin Jiuying, a child as old as her had to hide in the arms of her parents and act like a baby. How could she run to a dangerous place like the battlefield.

"It's not that I don't have no skill. Although I can't compare with you, I am better than those little soldiers. I will protect myself."

Jin Jiulan didn't follow it at all. Jin Jiuying tried to persuade her heartily for a long time, but failed to persuade her, and finally she had to give up.

Jin Jiuying fell into silence again, riding on the horse, and walking towards the border with Jin Jiulan's pace unhurriedly.

The checkpoint here is not a western border checkpoint. There is no desert land full of yellow sand and endless walks.

It was originally green hills and green waters, with the fragrance of birds and flowers everywhere, but it was burned out by the flames of war.

The clusters of grass on the side of the road, and the trees in the forest, are not very welcome to the guests who come and go. They are covered in the dust of the war, shrugging their heads, dejected and dragged by the wind. Like a puppet, let the wind pull and sway.

Just like this, Jin Jiuying and the two ran alone to the front of the barracks, without a single soldier, and it didn't seem like they were going to support.

"Who?" When they walked to the gate, at the closed city gate, the heavily guarded soldiers, with their arrows wound up, pointed at sister Jin Jiuying, and sternly yelled.

"I'm Jin Jiuying, who came to see my uncle." Jin Jiuying replied loudly, and took out the pass badge from her body.

Now the border wars are fierce, and the guards of the soldiers have become more stringent.

"What, you are the Shadow Female General?" The soldier was surprised and delighted when he heard the name on the Jin Jiu Film News. Calling the nickname of Jin Jiu Ying Bianguan, he quickly ran off the city wall.

"Sister, it seems that the soldiers here still have a good reflection on you." Jin Jiulan smiled and teased Jin Jiuying before the man opened the city gate and ran out.

Jin Jiuying ignored her, just turned her head and glanced at her faintly, then retracted her eyes, still looking at the soldier who was flying over.

"Shadow General, it's great that you can come over, we will definitely win." The soldier rushed over and took the horse bridle from Jin Jiuying, crying with joy.

"What's the situation at the border gate?" Jin Jiuying's tone was light.

She knew that she had left a very good image in the hearts of these soldiers before, but those people didn't know that the person was not her, so she had that enthusiasm and expectation.

"Now... it's bad." The soldier lowered his head when asked by Jin Jiuying, and after a long time he whispered back, his face was sad and sad.

"Very bad, how bad is it?" Jin Jiulan didn't know anything about the situation on the battlefield, thinking that it was just a war that was not great, so she didn't take that person's words seriously.

"It's very bad. We have backed almost fifty miles and closed the city gate for three days. Xue Yinfei put down his words and said that if we don't meet tomorrow, they will attack the city."

The soldier lowered his head, his voice became softer, and there seemed to be some mist in his eyes.

"What, it's so serious, what did my uncle say?" Jin Jiulan was a little scared at this time and began to worry, but there was still hope to rely on Zhu Guoli.

"Your uncle? Who is your uncle?" The soldier was questioned by Jin Jiulan, but his face was puzzled.

"Your general, she is my sister." Jin Jiuying specially introduced him, because Jin Jiulan had never been here, and most of the soldiers were recruited from the private sector and didn't even know her.

"It turns out that you are also the general's niece, so disrespectful." The soldier hurriedly saluted Jin Jiulan and apologized.

"Don't be polite, tell me about my uncle?" Jin Jiulan didn't care about his politeness at all, waved her hand, and directly brought back the topic he had bypassed, and continued to question Zhu Guoli's time.

"General, he..." The soldier lowered his head, and he didn't say a word as if choking in his throat.

"Uncle has an accident?" Jin Jiuying has been running a lot in the arena. Although she didn't understand human feelings before, she couldn't understand the love and love, but she saw a lot of this kind of life and death parting.

What hatred eyes, lingering hugs, reluctant crying, memorable glances, she has seen everything, but at that time, she swept away indifferently, and didn't take it seriously.

But now as soon as she saw the soldier's appearance, she immediately understood that Zhu Guoli might be in an accident.

"The general... the general, he... he... was martyred."

There was grief and anger in the soldier's eyes, and tears rolled down his cheeks.

Zhu Guoli is very strict in training soldiers, but he is also very good to the soldiers. The soldiers here are all brought over by him. He has lived with them for many years, and the relationship can no longer be described in words.

However, Jin Jiuying didn't expect such a result at all, and she squinted slightly, it seems that the current situation here is beyond her imagination.

"What, uncle..." When Jin Jiulan heard that Zhu Guoli was dead, she was instantly stunned. The saber in her hand fell on the ground without consciously, and she was also stupid, her eyes disappeared. , Silly stood there at a loss.

"Xiaolan..." Jin Jiuying patted Jin Jiulan's shoulder lightly. Behind her, she wanted to comfort her, but she didn't know what to say.