The Concubine is Difficult to Provoke: Your Highness, Please Give In

Chapter 48: A chance encounter on the road


"Yue'er, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Li Yue like this, Shen Rong, who had always hated iron and steel, was a little panicked, and immediately rushed to hug him.

"What the woman said is true, my stomach hurts."

Li Yue knelt on the ground from one knee to both knees. The sword in his hand was also thrown on the ground. He held his stomach tightly with both hands, and the big beads of sweat on his forehead rolled down, and the whole person felt even more painful. To the ground.

"Yue'er, what are you talking about, what is going on?" Shen Rong was a little panicked, squatting next to him, holding Li Yue in both hands, and asked him the reason.

"Uncle..., then... that woman... will be poisonous..."

Li Yue's pain this time was worse than last time, and the pain burst from every cell in his body, and his words began to knot in pain.

"What, she knows poison, then she just now?" Shen Rong immediately understood Li Yue's words, but thinking of Li Yue's situation, he quickly said: "You guys are chasing after each other, and you must catch that woman back. ."

"Also, don't publicize it to the outside world." Unlike Li Yue, Shen Rong asked people to get back Jin Jiuying just to take the antidote, so he especially urged people not to spread the matter.

"The antidote is in three stages, but I didn't have all of them, but if you are obedient, I think of it later, I can match it again." Jin Jiuying appeared on the top of a pavilion opposite Shen Rong after the killer was driven away. Go up, sit there, looking at them with a smile.

"You vicious woman, quickly hand over the antidote, otherwise..."

Shen Rong, who had always been calm, saw Li Yue fall to the ground completely in pain. He was speechless and went crazy. He picked up the sword on the ground and flew lightly to the pavilion where Jin Jiuying was sitting.

"Uncle Guo turned his face faster than others turned the book. Just now he called me the princess princess kindly. In the blink of an eye, he started to face each other."

Jin Jiuying didn't move much, just lifted her legs slightly, opened her hands, and flew to the top of a tree next to the pavilion.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to be such a vicious person before. We treat you as a distinguished guest, but you have a bad intention. I can tolerate my nephew in order to steal my family treasure and murder my nephew."

Shen Rong swung his sword and chased Jin Jiuying.

I have to say that this Shen Rong is really an old fox. At this time, he can still think of a plan to retreat.

This should be heard by outsiders. Those who don't understand the situation really thought it was Jin Jiuying who acted murderously against Li in order to be greedy for money.

Speaking of this, returning to the imperial palace, Shen Xin, who had the thought of removing Jin Jiuying, added fuel and jealousy in front of Ye Zhi, then the fake will also be true.

What's more, Shen Rong's family really has a treasure, it is said that his ancestor was still in the imperial city.

"Uncle Guo knows how to make up, then I won't be with you. Since you are so good at making up stories, first go and make up an antidote for your nephew." Jin Jiuying once again avoided the chasing Shen Rong. , Smiled, didn't argue about it too much.

Because this matter cannot be disputed at all, this is something that happened in Shin Rong’s mansion. He has to insist that even if she stole their things, no one will believe it if she denies it, so it is better to use the antidote directly. Contain them.

In addition, she has no interest in fighting. Now that the letter has arrived and she understands Shen Xin's purpose, he can use it to find a place to have a good time instead of going back.

I believe that Shen Rong dare not tell people that she is still alive, and Shen Xin will not know that she is still alive for a while.

"Don't go, bring the antidote." Shen Rong yelled after chasing after him.

"The antidote has been given to your nephew. For the next two stages, I will let the prince send it to you at that time. Thank you for your cooperation. See you next time. Goodbye."

Jin Jiuying's light work is very good. She is not as strong as others, so she always doesn't like to use close combat.

In response to Shin Rong’s pursuit, she turned her head and smiled at him, then raised her hand and gently scratched her fingers, making a funny goodbye gesture, saying a few modern words, and then easily throwing him away. Lost.

After leaving Shenrong's mansion, she did not look for an inn in Hucheng, but went outside the city and found an ordinary household to live in.

There was just a disaster here, and the households had very little food to eat. In the morning, the family cooked a pot of porridge and gave Jin Jiuying a large bowl, and the rest was gone.

Seeing that, Jin Jiuying couldn't bear to eat, and gave them an ingot of silver, as the accommodation fee, and left the house on horseback.

Her aunt lived in the first county seat from Hucheng, and it was estimated that it would only take a few hours from there. With her healthy body, she probably ran there without starving to death on the road.

The temperature in Tiger City was slightly warmer than that in the Imperial City. As she ran all the way on her horse, Jin Jiuying's palms were still slightly sweaty.

"Brother, do you think Xue Yinfei is credible?"

"We have no other way now, we can only rely on him, let's be a dead horse and a living doctor."

Not long after Jin Jiuying left, she heard someone talking on the official road next door, and there were sound of horseshoes following the voice.

The speed is not very fast, it does not look like it is on the road, like a marching horse team, although the speed is not fast, but it is very uniform.

After hearing about Xue Yinfei, Jin Jiuying paid special attention to the horse team over there.

They were dressed casually, unlike the army, but the horsemen who walked in front of them all wore a hat like armor, and although the clothes were scattered, they all wore a scarf of exactly the same color, size and format around their necks.

It seems that it should be the army, and this scarf should be used to identify one's own identity.

Jin Jiuying has heard that there are some semi-independent and independent small countries and tribes here. Although they have their own army, they have no fixed clothing. They only use a special scarf or hat for identification.

Listening to their tone, it is estimated that Xue Yinfei agreed to some of their requests, and then let them do something for them.

But what can Xue Yinfei need to do for him now, and he is still a soldier

Of course there was a war, and now Fan Yue is fighting with Shengyuan, and there are still defeats.

Xue Yinfei was still very good at using soldiers. Shengyuan had lined up many people to attack them before, but they couldn't attack them until her uncle Zhu Guoli came.

At that time she and Ye Zhaoyang also came. Of course, it was not her at that time, but the real Jin Jiuying. Later, Jin Jiuying had a battle with the general and killed Xue Yinfei's general, and he was also seriously injured.

But because of Jin Jiuying's injury, Ye Zhaoyang accompany her on the battlefield, and went back to recuperate.

But after the general died, Xue Yinfei seemed to have lost his left and right hands. He was restrained in the battle and suffered several defeats. Later, he took the initiative to retreat to an important pass. Because that pass was difficult to attack, Zhu Guoli was also unable to attack for a while. Only then did the two sides truce, confront each other, and wait for the moment.