The Concubine is Difficult to Provoke: Your Highness, Please Give In

Chapter 50: How is the investigation?


These people estimate that they will live in Tiger City tonight, because after the Tiger City, it is the border battlefield, where fighting is fierce. Although the two sides are temporarily stalemate, the pedestrians entering and leaving will also be strictly checked and generally not allowed to pass.

If they had come to join forces with Xue Yinfei, they would probably live in this tiger city temporarily, and then use something as a signal, or let people be there. Notify them at critical moments, and then they should work together inside and outside.

Xue Yinfei hadn't left when Jin Jiuying left Hucheng. At this moment, it is estimated that he was only halfway there.

"Little Er, come to the bowl of noodles." Jin Jiuying returned to Tiger City, first found a hotel on the must-go road, ordered some food, and then booked a room, next to the roadside window, and watched those people. Where are you going to live

There are so many people, but they are eye-catching enough to live in hiding, so wherever they live is a conspicuous scenery.

"Xiao Er, come a few jars of good wine, and cut a few kilograms of cooked beef, and pack it for the Lord." Just when Jin Jiuying had eaten less than half of the noodles, a big beard ran in and shouted.

As soon as this man entered the door, Jin Jiuying recognized that it was the big beard from the group of soldiers.

Just somehow, this person turned out to be alone, and no one else knew where he went.

"Well, guest officer, your wine and beef."

The little second-hand feet were quick, so he quickly moved a few jars of wine and put a big bag of beef in front of the bearded man.

"Have you guys been upset lately? Isn't it something bad guys have invaded?"

When the bearded man was holding something, he broke through and lowered his head and asked the little second in the shop in a low voice.

"Taiping? Guest officer, you came from a different place, right?" The little second of the shop didn't look good when he heard those words.

Obviously, the life here in recent years has not been easy, and the people here are also having a hard time.

"Actually, I am a businessman and I am in the medicinal material business. Someone recommended me to come here, saying that I might need some medicinal materials here recently, and I might make a lot of money here, so I came here. I didn't expect to come here to take a look. , It doesn't seem to be right." The bearded man made up a lie to deceive the shopkeeper.

It's just that his lie can be seen through by a normal person, with a beard on his face and a sword in his hand. It looks like a business man.

Moreover, they even went to sell medicinal materials near the battlefield. Those who did business would either lack brains or be blinded by others.

Therefore, Jin Jiuying, who was sitting in the corner and eating with her head down, lowered her hat quite a bit, fearing that she might accidentally laugh to him.

"Big brother, don't be angry, I'll tell you the truth, you do business here, I think you can beg to go back without a loss, it's probably not bad, don't expect to make any money."

The second person in this shop was really not afraid of offending people. He responded with disapproval to the statement about the beard, and shook his head helplessly after he finished speaking.

"Is it so serious?" The bearded man pretended to be surprised, looked at him in disbelief, and asked rhetorically, uncertainly.

"Now that the disaster has been hit here, the people can't afford to eat, and many people are fleeing around. Besides, the past few years have been in turmoil, and the days of Hucheng are not as good as before."

The shopkeeper looked helpless and patiently turned back to him. When speaking, it was not difficult to see the melancholy on his face.

The bearded man was also silent, lowered his head, and raised his head so recently: "The little brother knows that there is a big empty house nearby. It doesn't matter if there is a head of the house, I can give some rent and let me Put some herbs."

"Empty house, now there are empty houses everywhere in Hucheng, and people are almost running away." Xiaoer Dian gave a wry smile, and while chatting, he had wiped several tables clean.

"I'm afraid it will close the door immediately. I can't live this day."

After answering the big beard, the little second in the shop shook his head, muttered to himself, and went to the side to get busy.

Hearing what he said, Jin Jiuying only noticed that the business here is really sluggish. Since she came, she only saw a big beard and no other people.

The bearded man didn’t show much concern for Xiao Er’s words, but after asking what he wanted to ask, he held a jug of wine in one hand, and then took two jugs in his hand, and held him in the other hand. The big piece of beef carried the remaining two jars of wine.

With such a pile, this person was not tired, and the meteor walked out in a stride.

When he left the door, Jin Jiuying threw a silver bullion into the counter and chased after him.

Hearing what that person said, they probably won't live in a hotel, but will find a vacant room to live in. Jin Jiuying is afraid that it won't be easy to find them if she doesn't follow along to a familiar place.

Jin Jiuying worked lightly and followed all the way without attracting the big beard's attention. As he turned a few turns and passed through an alley, the man didn't know whether he found something or he was suspicious.

When he reached an intersection, he suddenly stopped, turned and looked back.

Jin Jiuying was very close to her right now. Fortunately, she was also familiar with it. Seeing him turning her head, she hurriedly hid in a teahouse and placed it behind a sign on the side of the road.

Fortunately, the man turned his head and took a look, and saw nothing unusual, he quickened his pace and walked into the ground.

Jin Jiuying could see his movements clearly across the signboard. As soon as he walked inside, she quickly followed him.

Not far away, the bearded man stopped again, looked back, and after making sure that no one was following him, he quickly walked into the alley and into a house.

"The third child, I'm back, how did the investigation go?" As soon as the beard entered the door, someone inside asked him about his going out.

"That girl is right. Now it's a mess here. All the refugees have fled out. There are not many people left here, so this house must be unoccupied."

The bearded man answered to them while laying down the things on his body.

"By the way, did you check it?" The beard asked people to help, and after taking off everything in his hand, he asked them back.

"Imperial City is searching for the city. The people are not very clear about what to search for. They just heard that it may be related to the country's uncle Shen Rong." The tall man followed his words and told the people here about what he had heard. said.

"Only from Tiger City, not on the battlefield?" The leader raised his head and asked the two.

"Basically no, only I heard that the person chased by Uncle Guo might be a spy." The tall man sighed helplessly.

"It seems that Zhu Guoli blocked the news quite strictly." The leader also smiled bitterly, and then added: "There is no news about Fan Yue, have you found out about Xue Yinfei?"