The Concubine is Difficult to Provoke: Your Highness, Please Give In

Chapter 548: You are so innocent


"But, will they chase here?" Jin Jiumei looked at Jin Jiuying with a little fear, and asked her.

"Definitely, but you are like this now, do you have the strength to run, or do you have the ability to resist the enemy?" Jin Jiuying looked up at her and asked back.

"But..." Jin Jiumei wanted to say something, but she was interrupted by Ye Xianping's excited roar.

"Enough for you, I only know that it's here, but why don't you think about it, if it weren't for you, how could things be like this?" Ye Xianping yelled at her angrily.

"Okay, the princess should go back and wash and sleep too. It's late. If you have anything, we will discuss it tomorrow." Jin Jiuying saw that Ye Xianping's emotions were still very uncontrollable, so she stopped her and brought it to Qiao Yushi by the way. A wink made him take Ye Xianping away.

Jin Jiumei also let the girl waiter to sleep. Looking at her now, she did not look like a queen anymore. No wonder she came here today, calling herself'me' from beginning to end.

After sending everyone away, Jin Jiuying and Ye Mo were discussing the next plan. Looking at this situation, the people of the world could no longer hold it. If this goes on for another month, Jin Jiuying is worried that many people will have to take it off. For the banner, he went straight to the imperial city, went all the way into the Jinluan Temple, and went straight to Ye Zhaoyang's palace.

It is estimated that by this time, Cao Jinpeng will also take the opportunity to kill Ye Zhaoyang, and then prove to the world his love for the people. Simple and simple people will also be captured by him. It is really a good way to get the best of both worlds. Qing Song won the throne, and on the other side, he could easily get the hearts of the people. Apart from this, it is really hard to find the second.

After sending Ye Xianping and Jin Jiumei away, Jin Jiuying discussed with Ye Mo for a while. In the end, the two did not come up with any good strategies, so they had to rest first.

"Wang Concubine..." The next day, Jin Jiuying was still asleep, but there was a call from Ya'er outside. Jin Jiuying, who was sleeping a little groggy, responded indiscriminately, turned over and fell asleep again, but was about to fall asleep. At that time, she suddenly remembered that when she came out this time, Ya'er hadn't come, which made her wake up immediately and sat up from the bed.

Fortunately, it's already broad daylight. It's not a horrible thing. It's probably because I have been with Ya'er for too long and have feelings, so I dreamed. Jin Jiuying comforted herself.

"Princess, princess..." But this time, the voice outside became clearer, and I was sure that I was awake, not dreaming.

"Who is it?" Jin Jiuying tried to ask before getting out of the bed and walking to the door creptically.

Ye Mo went out again, quite early, and didn't know what he was going to do. He even said that he would go to the palace again during the day, but he ran out again.

"Wang Hao, it's me." Ya'er kept patting the door. When Jin Jiuying opened the door, she almost slapped Jin Jiuying with a slap. Fortunately, she stopped one inch in front of Jin Jiuying.

"Ya'er?" Jin Jiuying was filled with surprise, "Why are you here?"

"Wang concubine, the queen accidentally fell down and died in the well because of illness. If I stay in the palace and wait for the emperor to return, how can I explain it?" Ya'er didn't care if he would be heard. Briefly explain the reason why she went to Jin Jiuying.

Jin Jiuying also didn't bother to ask her, she killed Liu Yang, but Liu Yang really fell by herself, because this is not a very important matter.

"Xue Yinfei went back?" After letting Ya'er into the house, Jin Jiuying asked about Xue Yinfei.

"No, he took dozens of people and left Tiger City without where he was going, but I guess it wasn't he who went back." Ya'er told Jin Jiuying what she knew.

"Yeah." Jin Jiuying nodded and didn't say much. It is estimated that Xue Yinfei came to Shengyuan, but now he won't make a move, because Shengyuan won't let dozens of people take it.

"Princess, what's going on in this imperial city now, and the emperor, is it hot for the emperor to ascend the throne for a while, then learn the old problems of the old predecessors, and also start to be greedy for wine, and can't go to work normally?" Ya'er talked with Jin Jiuying After a few words, he asked about Ye Zhaoyang.

It seems that Shengyuan's current situation is really precarious, and it is necessary to deal with it. Even if Ya'er glances at it, he already feels that Ye Zhaoyang is too much, let alone the people who are suffering from various taxes below

"Let me ask Jin Jiumei." Jin Jiuying thought for a while and said to Ya'er.

Ya'er didn't quite understand what she meant, but she didn't ask much, just followed her out to find Jin Jiumei.

In fact, Jin Jiuying had nothing to do with Jin Jiumei, just to ask her how she lied to Ye Zhaoyang so that Cao Jinpeng could take advantage of it.

The result was beyond Jin Jiuying's expectation. Jin Jiumei actually lent Ye Zhaoyang porridge and fainted with the medicine. Then, Cao Jinpeng took the opportunity to queue in the people who had been arranged in advance, and shut Ye Zhaoyang away.

"If you don't die, you won't die. The dignified queen can't do it. She wants to help people frame her husband. Now she's hiding in Tibet. She feels comfortable." Jin Jiuying was on the road, uncomfortably scolding Jin Jiumei, but Now these words can be said, because nothing is meaningful anymore.

On this day, Jin Jiuying did not go to the palace, because Ye Mo ran out and didn't know what to do, and did not return until dark.

"Lord, let's not go to the palace to try our luck again, and see if we can see the true face of this false emperor?" After Ye Mo came back, Jin Jiuying suddenly asked Ye Mo.

"What's so good, isn't it just a copy of Ye Zhaoyang?" Ye Mo replied disapprovingly, then pulled Jin Jiuying and said: "Go to sleep, these palaces may not be safe anytime, so take the opportunity to rest when you have time. Don’t let you be sleepy and spiritless at that time."

Listening to Ye Mo's words, Jin Jiuying was a little strange, because she couldn't figure out that her goal was the throne, so why would she be detrimental to the palace.

"No, the throne is in hand, why is he still disadvantageous to us?" After a while, Jin Jiuying didn't think of a reason, so she raised her head and asked Ye Mo with a puzzled look. Doubt.

"You are really innocent." Ye Mo reluctantly squeezed her nose gently, and shook his head: "I am the person who the first emperor specially told to assist the emperor. People who can't find the jade seal in Ye Zhaoyang's hands will naturally find it. I, besides, they know that I am not so foolish, that Ye Zhaoyang has been framed, and I will never take a break, so I will definitely not keep me."