The Concubine is Difficult to Provoke: Your Highness, Please Give In

Chapter 550: Reversal (grand finale)


In the imperial palace, in the Jinluang Hall, a full house of ministers of civil and military affairs stood around waiting for the final result just like a serious offender.

"Ye Mo..." Jin Jiuying looked at Ye Mo who hadn't reacted until now, frowned and touched him lightly.

Ye Mo kept holding his hands, his eyes closed slightly, as if he was rejuvenating. He quietly listened to Li Fu once again chanting the accusations that people had prepared in advance, saying that he and Jin Jiuying entered the palace to frighten Ye Zhaoyang and let him. Excessive fright, violently killed overnight or something.

Listening to such a crime, Jin Jiuying guessed that even if his identity could not affect the nine races, it would be unavoidable that the two of them would die, but Jin Jiuying did not understand where his calmness came from.

"Nine Princes, Princess Jin, what else do you have to say?" Prime Minister Cao Jinpeng looked at Ye Mo and Jin Jiuying arrogantly, interrogating them harshly.

"Master Prime Minister, this king has nothing to say. This king just wants to know that you have carefully planned for so long. Now that the emperor is dead, you are also at your fingertips in the world. Why do you need to frame this king?" Ye Mo still held his hand. Yes, his eyes were still slightly closed, as if he was restoring his mind, and the tone of his speech was not irritable or impatient, and he could not hear what was anxious and worried.

"Nine princes, don't spit people. You know that you have killed the emperor. He is very guilty. If you refuse to accept the verification of the prime minister, you have to bite back." Cao Jinpeng was a little panicked, but as a veteran in the area, he has also gone through a lot of wind and rain, so Still quite able to hide emotions.

"Check?" Ye Mo opened his eyes and looked at Cao Jinpeng with a skeptical look: "This king thought you planned it by yourself, so there is no need for a word of verification at all. Just say who and who you arranged to watch. It’s okay if you arrive, so you have to pretend and find someone to check it. This really makes you bother."

"Nine princes, don't reverse right and wrong. Knowing that the crimes are now exposed and can't be concealed, I deliberately use words to lead others to misunderstand." Cao Jinpeng pointed at Ye Mo angrily and roared.

"Since you haven't done it, you are afraid of misunderstandings. Since the evidence you have checked is conclusive and you are worried about who will guide you, it turns out that all this is just your conspiracy. You are scared.” Ye Mo didn't care about Cao Jinpeng's anger at all, and kept saying that all this was just carefully planned by him.

Although Jin Jiuying also believes that what Ye Mo said is true, everything needs evidence. Ye Mo runs through the border every day and only comes back from the outside now. There is no evidence of Cao Jinpeng, but Cao Jinpeng has already forged a lot of things. evidence.

In this world, evidence only needs witnesses and real objects. Jin Jiuying guesses that Cao Jinpeng is in the palace every day, and certain people can be arranged to help him tell lies, such as Li Fu who has been with Ye Zhaoyang. As for evidence, it is easier. In this world, there is no high-tech to distinguish fingerprints, so just find something that has something to do with them and Ye Zhaoyang, and it can be used as ironclad evidence. By then, everyone will be Cao Jinpeng.

Therefore, no matter how clever Ye Mo is and how much he knows the truth, in the absence of anyone to testify for him and no evidence, it is impossible for half of the civil and military people of this Manchu to believe him.

"You're spitting blood, come here, and send the Nine Kings and Princess Jin to the jail, and execute them later." Cao Jinpeng was roughly afraid to continue, and Ye Mo's words would arouse others' suspicion, so in order not to have more dreams at night, he decided not to stop. Continue to deal with Ye Mo.

It's just that when Cao Jinpeng's order was issued, no one responded. No one in the house seemed to understand him, and no one actually took action.

"What are you doing in a daze? Didn't you hear what the prime minister said?" Cao Jinpeng also found out that it was wrong, but luckily, he yelled again to the following again.

It's just the same this time. No one answered him. The guards outside seemed to be deaf and could not hear words. The full house of civil and military officials seemed to be watching acrobatic performances, they all looked like fools. Looking at him, no one has acted on his words.

"The prime minister asked you to lock up these two people. Didn't you hear?" Seeing this situation, he repeated his words.

"Nonsense, the Ninth Prince is a prince. The emperor first spoke to the person who assisted the emperor. Who would dare to move him at will?" After Li Fu's words fell, someone from below finally responded to him, but what he said was obviously not what Cao Jinpeng wanted. .

"What do you want to do?" Cao Jinpeng was a little panicked, looking at the civil and military dynasty, and shouted at them.

"What do you want?" Ye Mo raised his head and revealed his evil smile: "It's just that the hundreds of officials here are not all fools. Your behavior is seen in others' eyes and hidden in your heart. If you don't say it, you still want to I want to give you a chance, but I didn't expect you to arrogantly kill the emperor."

"You are talking nonsense, the prime minister is the emperor's teacher, how could it be possible to kill the emperor, you know that your sins are too serious and you can't escape punishment, so you go the other way?" Cao Jinpeng began to panic, shouting at Ye Mo, and refused to admit it. He killed Ye Zhaoyang.

"It seems that if you don't show the evidence, you don't want to admit it." Ye Mo made a helpless expression, shook his head, and then said: "Come here, present evidence of what Cao Jinpeng has done over the years."

"Yes." As soon as Ye Mo's words fell, someone outside immediately responded, and then a trot of footsteps came, and a person came to Ye Mo with a large stack of materials.

"Cao Jinpeng, do you want to see it for yourself, or do you want this king to let you read it for you?" Ye Mo asked Cao Jinpeng after taking a look at the information that the person next to him was holding.

"You are framed, the prime minister has served as officials in the court for several generations, and he is all loyal. How can he do such a rebellious thing as the killing of the emperor?" Cao Jinpeng was still struggling, and he refused to admit this phenomenon.

Ye Mo saw that he was stubborn, and he was not talking. He waved his hand at the person next to him, and the person immediately began to read.

"In XX years, Cao Jinpeng and the crown princess Shen Xin framed the concubine Shu."

"In XX years, Cao Jinpeng framed General Qiao with XX Design again..."

The man’s teeth were dripping, and a bunch of crimes were pointed out in a while, and each of them was evidence of witnesses, and every sentence pricked his heart, so that Cao Jinpeng could no longer quibble. As soon as he fell down and sat on the ground, he stared stupidly. I hope those who believe will keep chanting'impossible'.

It's just that the facts can't be changed after all, no matter how unwilling he was to believe it, in the end he still couldn't bear the iron proof, and finally he was dragged to the jail by someone.

Several years passed in the blink of an eye. On this day, Jin Jiuying was playing hide-and-seek with a cute little bun in the imperial garden when someone suddenly called'the emperor is here.'

"Ye Mo, have you left the morning court so early today?" Jin Jiuying stopped frantically, took her two-year-old son, and walked to Ye Mo, who was wearing a dragon robe.

"It's nothing big, so I told them to retreat ahead of time." Ye Mo smiled slightly and swept the court lady next to him from the corner of his eyes.

"Prince, go back to the palace with the slaves." A sensible lady of the court hurried over and pulled away the child beside Jin Jiuying.

As soon as the child was taken away, Ye Mo and Jin Jiuying began their quiet two-person world.

Although Shengyuan is a safe world and the people live and work in peace and contentment, it has undergone a very serious reform. The first is to reduce and exempt some taxes.

In addition, polygamy was abolished. From then on, Shengyuan, whether it was the poor or the rich, the common people, or the officials, was the emperor, and they could only be monogamous. This was the condition when Ye Mo was forced to become the throne by those ministers. Although the ministers were very reluctant to accept it at the time, they finally reluctantly agreed. After all, today's Shengyuan is more capable of serving as the emperor than Ye Mo, and basically there are no more.

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