The Concubine is Difficult to Provoke: Your Highness, Please Give In

Chapter 76: you think too much


"It's a joke, just a handkerchief can make you think so much, your imagination is too rich." Jin Jiuying sneered, not planning to ignore Zhao Xiaosong.

"Isn't a handkerchief the most personal thing for others? Do you know the origin of this handkerchief?" Zhao Xiaosong looked at her puzzledly and asked her back.

"Yu Hanxiang's favorite color." Jin Jiuying said indifferently.

Ye Mo likes pink the most, but this is not the color he loves, because he often wears white clothes, and occasionally changes colors to purple or azure blue. It is rare that there are pink things on his body.

Xia Jinmo guessed that he prefers white by nature, because she saw that the jade fingers on his hand and the crown on his head were warm white.

"But I just ran into a little trouble at the time and lost the handkerchief, so I asked him for a loan." Jin Jiuying stood up, and when he heard his words, she explained something specially.

After that, he added: "He is a little bit clean, he usually doesn't ask for what others have used, so he didn't pay it back. Later, when he came here, he had a lot of handkerchiefs in his hands, and they were left behind. It's not as complicated as you thought."

Although this explanation seemed a lot, it was also quite reasonable, which made people unable to doubt. Zhao Xiaosong was silent, lowered his head and quietly stared at the handkerchief and said nothing.

"I think Xiaoying was right, otherwise I wouldn't know if I lost it." After they had a conversation, Wang Hu had a little understanding of the situation, so he helped Jin Jiuying and Zhao Xiaosong to explain.

"Will she remember what I have used as my own based on her memory?" Zhao Xiaosong raised his head, looked at Jin Jiuying contemptuously, and asked Wang Hu with a smile.

"My memory is generally good, but I don't pay much attention to some daily necessities in life. Of course, if you have to doubt, I don't mind if you doubt it." Jin Jiuying replied with a sneer.

This Zhao Xiaosong has always made her suspicious, but she didn't expect his thoughts to be so meticulous.

"Wang Hu, I'm leaving. As for him, let him do whatever he wants. If you want to continue his work, try to do what I say. If you don't want to, you can go as far as you want him, and don't need to stay." Xia Xia After Jinmo returned Zhao Xiaosong's words, before he could speak again, he explained to Wang Hu and was about to set off.

For Zhao Xiaosong, Jin Jiuying knew that he would never be controlled by Wang Hu. Although he didn't know the purpose of his lurking here, it was definitely not for a leader to do it.

In the woods after the rain, the leaves on the road are wet, and the sizzling sound of walking on it when there is no sunny day, the mud on the road makes the horses’ hoofs walk on it, sinking deep, and every hoof can bring out A big pile of mud.

Jin Jiuying returned to Tiger City again. Tiger City has changed drastically. The streets are bustling with pedestrians, shops have opened everywhere, and the victims have been arranged.

It seems that the disaster has been relieved, so Ye Mo and the others should leave too.

"Xiao Er, come here with a bowl of lean meat porridge and a plate of side dishes." Jin Jiuying came to the hotel where he had lived in Hucheng before, found a seat and took a seat, and ordered a simple one, but it is more here. The famous porridge.

"Guest, what would you like to eat or stay in a store?"

As soon as Jin Jiuying sat down, Xiao Er brought a bowl of porridge to her, and after taking a sip, he heard the shop Xiao Er greet the customer familiarly.

The inn’s business was not so good before. It seems that the disaster here is alleviated and the business here is also getting better.

Jin Jiuying turned her back to the door, and didn't want to worry about the nostalgia. He just wanted to eat something, and then leave here early.

But she wanted to be quiet, but others wanted to provoke her, a figure flashed and came to her.

Jin Jiuying, who was eating, was suddenly blocked from sight. She wanted to see who she was. When she raised her head slightly, she saw a fluttering white robe, and the dragon-shaped pattern outlined on the upper corner of the dress was particularly conspicuous.

Raising his head, it was that exquisite, almost perfect face, and Peugeot's facial features were carefully carved by the gods of heaven. Such a perfect person could be picky, besides Ye Mo, who else could be here.

"Ye Mo?" Jin Jiuying raised her head slightly, faintly yelled, a little surprised on her face.

"Didn't you finish the disaster relief? Why didn't the teacher return to the court?" Jin Jiuying put the spoon in the bowl and asked suspiciously as she watched him.

"Who told you that I am finished with disaster relief?" Ye Mo unceremoniously sat across from her, and asked her coldly.

Jin Jiuying feels that Ye Mo seems to be very indifferent to the position of the prince. At least Ye Mo has heard him calling himself "me" most of the time since he met her. 'This King'.

When she asked him a rhetorical question, Jin Jiuying ignored him. Since it was endless, it would be no surprise to see him.

Jin Jiuying started to eat her food. Since it was a coincidence, he should be fine, but she still has something to do. After eating, she has to go to her cousin's house quickly, or miss the wedding.

"Have you been following me all the time?" Ye Mo was holding the tea handed by Xiaoer from the shop, turning the lid of the teacup recklessly, looking at her, and suddenly asked strangely.

"You think too much, I'm not as busy as you." Jin Jiuying still had a spoon in her mouth, and suddenly heard Ye Mo's words, she almost sprayed his face with a mouthful of porridge.

What's the matter, Zhao Xiaosong will misunderstand that she is interesting to this person who speaks terribly because of a handkerchief that she accidentally borrowed, and that's fine.

But this narcissistic guy thought she would be okay to follow him.

What do you think, why did she follow him for no reason

"We are going back soon, will you go back with us?" After a long silence, Ye Mo took the cup of tea and smelled it under his nose, put it on the table again, raised his head and asked her faintly.

"Why do you all ask?" Jin Jiuying had almost eaten, took out a handkerchief and wiped her mouth. It was a habit that she once developed, after eating, wipe her mouth with a paper towel, and always throw the paper towel on the table.

I still can't change it now. I just forgot that this is a handkerchief. I just put it on the table and coughed with the water in front of me. I sat for a while, took the saber, stood up and walked out.

Unexpectedly, Ye Mo would ask her like this. He thought that Ye Zhaoyang still had a marriage contract with her. Maybe she needed to go back. Even if the marriage contract was broken, she had to return to the imperial city to make arrangements.

But Ye Mo had nothing to do with her. He cared about whether she would go back. Why did he eat too much