The Concubine is Difficult to Provoke: Your Highness, Please Give In

Chapter 81: none of your business


Xia Jinmo said something to Ye Zhaoyang, and turned his head and walked outside without saying goodbye to him.

Now she was soaking wet, and her whole body was trembling with cold on this cold and windy night, so she didn't want to talk nonsense with Ye Zhaoyang at all.

Besides, going back to the hotel like this, it is estimated that Zhu Guoli went to bed early. If she went back and quarreled him and let him see her wet, he would definitely have to ask why.

In order to avoid unnecessary explanations, she decided to find an inn again.

"Jin Jiuying stop for me."

Just after Jin Jiuying turned around and walked two steps, Ye Zhaoyang suddenly yelled at her coldly from behind.

"What else is the prince?" Jin Jiuying turned to look at Ye Zhaoyang, and asked with a slight frown.

Ye Zhaoyang was very angry to hear, but she didn't say anything. If he was dissatisfied with Ye Mo's kiss, it would have happened and it would be useless for him to yell.

"I also said that I thought a lot." Ye Zhaoyang sneered and walked to Xia Jinmo, holding her chin in his hand.

"How long have you been with Ye Mo? If you haven't been discovered by me, you will never tell me.

No wonder it is obvious that there is no place for disaster relief, and you have to sneak over by yourself and tell me that you can't go back. It turns out that you two want to elope here secretly, don't you? "

Ye Zhaoyang talked, approaching Xia Jinmo, and babbling to himself, pushing Xia Jinmo to the wall, holding her hand on the wall, and stopping her with a sneer.

"Ye Zhaoyang, you are too imaginative, elope, you can sneak here? I really want to have this heart, Jin Jiuying, will I follow you when I come here?" Jin Jiuying also sneered.

"Can you find an excuse and find a more suitable one? I know you like Jin Jiumei, but I don't mind, and I agree to cancel the marriage contract. You can do whatever you want, as long as you don't add the Jin family."

Jin Jiuying sneered, then raised her head and replied to Ye Zhaoyang. After speaking, she pushed away his hand and turned around.

"Jin Jiuying..." Ye Zhaoyang pulled her back again, and with force, brought Jin Jiuying into his arms.

"Ye Zhaoyang, what are you doing?" Jin Jiuying was irritated by his sudden action, and shouted angrily at Ye Zhaoyang.

"Why? Are you jealous and don't believe me? I'll just give it to you." Ye Zhaoyang hugged her tightly with a wicked smile on his face, his emotions were completely out of control, and his other hand started to pull Jin Jiuying. Clothes.

"Ye Zhaoyang. What are you doing, let me go." Jin Jiuying struggled hard.

Now her hand is completely held by Ye Zhaoyang, and she was soaked in water just now, and the medicine on her body can't be used. Ye Zhaoyang's internal strength is higher than hers. It is impossible for her to use her strength to break Ye Zhaoyang away.

"Shhh, be good, don't be afraid, I will tell my father right after I go back, we will worship her." Ye Zhaoyang tightly bound her with one hand, and pulled off her coat with the other, and then he leaned against her. Kissed her face indiscriminately.

The uncomfortable and disgusting feeling made Jin Jiuying hate to spit on his face, but this made her struggle even more weak. In order to alleviate the nausea, she had to dodge from side to side, avoiding him and kissing her mouth. .

"Yangyang, please, don't be so good, please." After being kissed wildly by Ye Zhaoyang, Jin Jiuying couldn't avoid it, so she began to beg him.

"Don't be afraid, I will love you. I will treat you like a treasure for the rest of my life." Ye Zhaoyang kissed and talked incoherently.

Even begging hard for Ye Zhaoyang to let her go. There is no medicine, and the struggle is not enough. Is it really going to be given by this man today...

To resist the weakness, Jin Jiuying gave up the struggle and couldn't help but shed tears, but hid her head and left, avoiding him to kiss her mouth.

"Which..." When Ye Zhaoyang kissed her neck all the way, a stone suddenly hit the back of Ye Zhaoyang's neck.

Ye Zhaoyang was hit by this, and he fell directly to the ground.

Before Jin Jiuying could react, she was picked up by a person and jumped onto the roof next to the alley.

"Ye Mo, what are you doing?" Jin Jiuying had time to take a closer look at the person who rescued her when Ye Mo took her to another alley.

"It seems that I will be wrong, do you want me to send you back?" Ye Mo put Jin Jiuying on the ground, and then asked her sarcastically.

"If it weren't for you, would something like this happen?" Jin Jiuying stretched out her hand to tidy up some of the messy clothes that Ye Zhaoyang had pulled, and looked at him coldly, and the hatred in her eyes instantly deepened.

"What does it have to do with me if you sent it by yourself?" Ye Moyang sneered disdainfully, not caring about her emotions at all.

"Fuck." After a long time, Jin Jiuying gritted her teeth and said such a sentence.

"What's wrong, I got angry." Ye Mo still had that expression, stopped in front of her, didn't go, and didn't let her go.

Jin Jiuying looked at him coldly, with fire in his eyes. If he could kill people with his eyes, Ye Mo would have been chopped into pieces.

Ye Mo glared coldly for a while, Jin Jiuying didn't speak any more, stretched out his hand to push Ye Mo aside, and rushed out angrily.

"Stop." Ye Mo ran after her and stopped her.

"What do you want, what's the matter, haven't I seen enough of my jokes?" Jin Jiuying turned around and looked at him with a sneer, staring at him.

"Do you love Ye Zhaoyang?" Ye Mo looked at her quietly, and then asked her lightly after a while.

"It's none of your business." Jin Jiuying shook his hand away. She had a good feeling for him before, but after this incident, she really had a discount on him.

"If it was the burning of paintings at the beginning, now you should be satisfied. When you go back, Ye Zhaoyang will divorce. From now on, the name Jin Jiuying will be Shengyuan’s joke. Please help me to pray for God’s blessing and don’t bother the Jin family, so that I can take this matter. It has never happened. Shengyuan is a dream of mine. From then on, I no longer set foot in Shengyuan for half an inch."

When Jin Jiuying was about to leave, she stopped again, turned around and said to Ye Mo very seriously.

"If Ye Zhaoyang really divorces you because of this incident, then the king will marry you." Ye Mo said with a gentle voice from behind as she walked forward.

"Is it a guilty remedy?" Jin Jiuying turned around and looked at him with a sneer.

"If this king comes forward, no one dares to say that you are not." Ye Mo walked up to her and said faintly. The king can marry you, so that you won’t be humiliated because of it, and you won’t be forced to agree to be the king’s princess.”

Ye Mo's voice was very calm, speaking with discussion and suggestions, without any strong intentions of her.

But when Jin Jiuying listened to these remarks, she felt very uncomfortable.