The Conjuror Xena

Chapter 123: 045 You don't understand me


Seeing that the cauldron spirit of Yao Wangding was retrieved successfully, Yaoluo happily embraced Chouchou. (.plain text)

On Choucho's shoulders, the lion's head and mud mass that resisted the medicine king's tripod spirit had already "babbled" and dragged the green tripod spirit into the storage space of her beast control ring.

But at this moment, Chou Chou drooped his head as if drunk, and suddenly woke up in her arms.

I wipe!

It was only then that Enchanting noticed Chou Chou's high and swollen abdomen, and a faint green aura emanated from it, which was of the same origin as the plant-type war beast, but it was a huge energy that Chou Chou could not condense by itself at present!

This child... What did this child eat indiscriminately

Enchanting blushed for a while, it was all her fault, she used to always feed Chou Chou weird things, but now this child has developed a habit of finding something to eat by herself...

My god Xunhua Tianshi! It wouldn't have eaten the magic core of the giant tree of the eternal altar, right

Enchanting stared suspiciously at the motionless giant tree in front of him.

Hey, if he really ate the crystallization of this giant tree, wouldn't Uchou grow as strong as it in the future? The enchanting scene is really unimaginable. Could it be the ancient Titan Ugly Beast in the future

She gently sent Chou Chou back to her Eudemons space. Fortunately, this little guy didn't show signs of being overwhelmed by the huge energy, but to digest such a large amount of energy, it is estimated that he will have to sleep for a long time!

What about her mask

Yao Yao had no choice but to squat down depressed, and randomly carved a new mask with the roots of the giant tree on the eternal altar and put it on her face. When returning to the residence, I have to wrap my breasts with cloth strips. Although it can achieve the same effect of indistinguishable between male and female, it is not as convenient as the ugly "transformation".

After doing all this, most of the night has passed. Enchanting immediately set off and rushed to her residence.

Since the start of the round-robin competition, she returned the Yaowang Ding to Bailichen. Although he still used Qing Jun's Jade Ding during the day to compete, he could study and practice with the Medicine Wang Ding in his spare time.

I don't know what kind of changes will happen when Yao Wang Ding and Ding Ling reunite

If the phantom of the former king of medicine can be aroused again, can she ask what the antidote to "Dark Corrosion" is? !

Holding this hope, the pace of enchanting feet quickened a bit.

But before he took a few steps, he heard loud voices in his ears.

"You ugly monster! Bah! It's scary to come out at night! I'm so scared that I lost my soul! Seeing your face, darling, I thought it was run over by a wheel hundreds of times and then thrown into a stinky ditch for three days. A monster that was pulled out in three days and nights!"

"Exactly! I drank too much tonight. I came out drunk to urinate. I didn't expect to wander to the wall and saw this scary ugly monster! I am the direct descendant of the Wang family in the Tianxing Kingdom's refining line. If you scare me You have to stop doing it from now on, no matter how many lives you have, it’s not enough to pay for it!"

"Is this freak not human? Is it a test object that escaped from the research laboratory of the Pharmacists Association?"

Under the hazy moonlight, several young pharmacists reeked of alcohol, and some of them couldn't even walk steadily. They are gathering together, insulting someone loudly.

Yaoluo originally wanted to change course, but her footsteps were too fast just now, and she was thinking about something again, so she didn't avoid it for a while.

Seeing someone looking back at her, she had no choice but to slow down and walk past the group of hangover men with her head bowed as if she hadn't seen anything.

Although she still wore a mask on her face, her figure no longer had the ugly deformed disguise, and her exquisite and bumpy figure could not be blocked by hand, only the dim night could provide her with a negligible cover.

"You... you... you guys... get out... get out!"

There was an indistinct expulsion sound from the crowd, as if it was a roar squeezed out from between teeth while enduring severe pain.

The somewhat familiar voice made Enchanting startled. Looking back, she saw a familiar face in the gap between the crowd.


It seems to be Ziming, the pharmacist of Tianhuo (forbidden words) in Yunguo, right

I have met both sides in the knockout round. This young man is the holder of the Heavenly Fire, so his appearance was ruined by the domineering Heavenly Fire since he was a child.

Most of his left face and left hand were covered with dark brown lumps, which were serious scars from the fire, making his limbs and cheeks look like a mixture of monsters and humans.

Only half of the right face still retains the original skin color, but under the background of the terrifying left face, the whole person looks even more strange and hideous, as if only in the diary of monsters can there be such a frightening messy face txtComplete Works !

This is the huge price that human beings must pay if they want to gain great power.

At this time, Zi Ming's body was trembling unnaturally.

Enchanting focused his spiritual power on his eyes to observe carefully, and found that there were hair-thin dark purple flames flowing chaotically on his body.

It seems that the degree of fusion between Ziming and Tianhuo is not as high as the outside world imagined. Judging from the turbulent state of Zihuo, it should be the result of repulsion between Tianhuo and the body.

Judging from this situation, Zi Ming should be in extreme pain now, so he was still wandering alone in the square at this late hour, but he was unlucky to meet a group of hangover pharmacists.

One could say that Zi Ming was an extremely famous figure among the top 100 pharmacists. If it was broad daylight, no one would dare to provoke him.

It's a pity that in the dark night, this group of drunk pharmacists who couldn't even walk steadily couldn't see clearly the unique purple hair of this "freak" that represented the characteristics of Tianhuo.

That's why they regarded Zi Ming as a lowly freak who came out at night, and insulted him unscrupulously.

"Oh! This monster can also speak human language!"

"Look at how angry he looks like a monster!"

The ear-piercing mocking sound was even more abrupt in the silent night.

Yaoluo knew that even if Ziming was at the weakest stage, the power he possessed was still enough to burn this group of scumbags who bullied him to ashes.

Because Skyfire is a tyrannical attack power! In addition to being used for refining medicine, it is also a perfect murder weapon!

Enchanting originally had no affection for Ziming from Yunguo, nor any special malice. The only thing is that I feel that this young man's life has been distorted.

However, seeing that Zi Ming, who was being bullied, didn't use the arrogant attitude he usually showed to disregard human life, Yao Yao had a new view on this young man.

She believes that as long as Ziming is willing at this time, these drunken pharmacists around him can be lit by him into living sky lanterns that burn violently!

But he didn't do it when he was in pain.

After confirming that Zi Ming's strength is enough to protect herself, Yao Yao quickened her pace and left this wrong place as soon as possible.

It's a pity that things backfired, and at the same time, Zi Ming also saw the face of "Konitie" with a wooden mask.

Damn it! It's that unbearable look and expression again!

Zi Ming exploded instantly!

"Don't look at me like that!"

The purple-haired boy growled like a wounded wolf. Huge purple flames burst out all over his body!


The pharmacists who had been around him and laughed at him were shocked immediately, and even the hangover dizziness was more than half awake in an instant!

The ultra-high-intensity flame that burst out from Zi Ming's body made the air boil in an instant, and because of the sudden change in temperature, a strong wind surged up on the ground, knocking the first pharmacist to the ground violently!

"Ahhh! It's Zi Ming from Yunguo! Damn it! I've missed it!" Everyone finally recognized the identity of the "freak".

"Grandma has a leg! I'm so regretful! New Biography of the God of War!"

The pharmacist who claimed to be the descendant of the country was lying on the ground with a mournful face. He never thought that the person he offended was actually the Skyfire holder of Yunguo, and his crotch was wet.

"Konitie! You are not allowed to look at me like that in the future!"

Zi Ming flew directly towards the enchanting, and the purple fire erupting from his body was obviously still repelling his body, and the flames were flickering violently! It flickers on and off, as if the whole person is like a low-quality thunder tube that is about to explode at any time!

Is this man sick

Enchanting black lines on the head. You don't care about so many people bullying you, I just glanced at you so casually, why do you want to pounce so desperately

Seeing that Zi Ming was about to come in front of her, wouldn't her bumpy figure be discovered by this guy whose head was caught by the door

"Boom! Boom!" Before Zi Ming had time to raise his head, his eyes had been smashed into a pair of panda eyes by Enchanting.

"Zi Ming! You were kicked by a donkey! Could it be that my glance at you is worse than those people's swearing at you?"

Enchanting really regretted taking this road back to the residence at night, so she raised her fists and yelled at Zi Ming.

Apparently he didn't expect Konitie to have such skill. Ziming's eyes were already swollen like a pair of peaches, but Zihuo on his body was even crazier!

"Yes! You are right! You are more hateful than those people!"

Enchanting was stunned, what kind of logic is this

"In exchange for my power, I, Zi Ming, have become this image that everyone will laugh at, I admit it!"

"They can mock me! They can laugh at me! But as long as I unleash this heaven-defying power! No matter who you are, you must obediently submit to me! Just like they are now!"

Zi Ming stretched out his finger and pointed at those drunk pharmacists who were bullying him just now, but now they were all lying on the ground shaking like chaff.

"Only you! Only you look at me not with contempt, but with sympathy! I hate this kind of look! I don't need sympathy! I don't need understanding! You don't know how happy it is for me to gain the power of Skyfire! Ah ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Even if it resists every night! When everyone falls asleep in the dead of night, I will be accompanied by the pain caused by the repulsion of the sky fire! But I am proud of it!"

"You don't understand! This is the pain that only the strong deserve! So don't look at me with that disgusting look, do you know that every time I see your eyes, I want to vomit!"

Ziming was still roaring loudly, but Yaoluo's heart trembled when she heard the young man's shouting forcefully. It turned out that the boy's heart had been distorted to such an extent by the sky fire.

"I sympathize with you."

Enchanting put away the fists she was holding in front of her, and stimulated Zi Ming even harder: "Even if you hold the heavenly fire, you are just a weak person in my eyes."

"How dare you say that I am a weak person, I will burn you to death with sky fire!" Zi Ming, whose eyes were swollen from being swollen by Yao Yao, shouted excitedly.

While dodging the flames bursting from Zi Ming's body, Enchanting said quietly:

"In fact, deep down in your heart, you also sympathize with yourself, so you don't see similar expressions on other people's faces. This expression reminds you of your true inner thoughts all the time."

"Being proud of Tianhuo is just your disguise, because apart from showing off it, you can't find the meaning of living at all!"

Zi Ming's body was obviously taken aback, and a trace of obvious anger rose from his twitching cheeks, and he stopped talking nonsense with enchanting.

"I'm going to kill you Red Chamber Yamen Jia Baoyu txt complete works!"

He growled low, his voice was like the roar of a beast.

"I don't laugh at you, but it makes you feel uncomfortable, because subconsciously, you also agree with others' contempt for your appearance. You look down on yourself and your ugly appearance. But that small and fragile self-esteem does not allow others to see it Your cowardice does not allow others to show you sympathy, am I right?"

Can barely avoid Zi Ming's attack, the enchanting voice is like a sharp knife that splits the rock, directly piercing into Zi Ming's heart.

"Stop talking!" Zi Ming roared in pain, holding his head.

Who knows the pain in his heart, because of his innate affinity for Huo Huo, he was sold by his relatives to the pharmacist branch of Yunguo since he was a child, and he was forced to accept all kinds of inhuman abuse. He died from the pain of entering his body, and he was the only one who survived tenaciously.

But when he thought his suffering was finally coming to an end, he found that he had already turned into a monster that would never be accepted by the world!

Nobody remembers his original name! No one still treats him as a person!

In the eyes of Grandmaster Fengtian, he is just a container of Ziming Tianhuo, it doesn't matter whether he hurts or not, it doesn't matter whether he is ugly or not, all the glory exists only because of Tianhuo!

Except proud! Apart from pursuing the powerful power of Ziming Tianhuo, what else can support him to survive

"It's pathetic to think of yourself as Tianhuo and claim to be powerful." Enchanting continued.

"It's shameful to hide your cowardice and live like a walking dead!"

"You are not Tianhuo, and there is no need to live for Tianhuo, because you are you!"

Zi Ming's body shook violently!

You are you! These words kept echoing in his ears, shaking his soul.

Could it be that the reason why Ko Nitie made him feel unbearable was not because of the sympathy in his eyes, but because his eyes had already penetrated the coat of Tianhuo, seeing the humble place in his soul without irony or sarcasm? Alive yourself

"You don't understand me!" Zi Ming yelled in panic. No one knows about his past, so no one needs to know about his present!

"I don't need to understand you."

There was a hint of a smile on the corner of the enchanting mouth, and at this time she had passed Zi Ming's barrier and stood on a high platform.

"But do you understand yourself?"

"What's the name of the boy who was called Zi Ming before? Do you remember?"

"The boy before he became the skyfire container, what dreams did he have, which girl he liked, do you remember?"

"I..." Ziming realized in a panic that he really couldn't remember his former name!

Still have a dream? What was his dream

This word is like a mirage that has never been touched by him now!

Zi Ming was at a loss, but in the confusion, there seemed to be another illusion of seeing the bright moon through the clouds and mists, and something in his heart that he had been holding on to was collapsing!

"You are not a container of Skyfire, Skyfire is just one of your abilities, don't be bound by it, remember your name in the future, come and tell me!"

The black-robed boy stood sideways on the high platform, and the moonlight shone on his sharp-edged mask along his long hair tied high behind his head.

The wind blew quietly, and there was silence everywhere, even the sky fire restrained its tyrannical heat and moon lingering robbery.

Zi Ming desperately opened his eyes that were swollen by Ko Nitie.

He saw a masked boy wrapped in the light of the silver moon, standing facing the wind, his robe and long hair dancing in the wind, like an elf dancing in the dark night. But the young man exuded a calm aura, as if those eyes hidden under the mask could see through the hardest barriers in the world, pointing directly at the most vulnerable places in people's hearts.

It makes people have nowhere to hide in the dark night, and they don't want to pretend to be their true self anymore, they just want to bow their heads and surrender.

Surrender to his contemptuous gaze, and her arrogance to the world.

Quietly recall his words!

"I... I will remember my name!"

The purple-haired boy shouted loudly, as if venting the complex emotions in his heart, more like an oath!

The first oath I made for my future!

"very good… "

A peerless smile appeared on the corner of her enchanting lips, and she galloped towards the distant residence on the night wind, leaving only a fleeting afterimage.

uh he? !

Zi Ming, whose eyes were swollen from the swollen eyes, stood there in a daze. He seemed to see the black-robed boy's chest...that proud curve...and that pharmacist's robe. Leniency

Zi Ming rubbed his eyes desperately, but the figure who was standing under the moon just now had already disappeared.

A night of ups and downs.

Enchanting who left Ziming and returned to her residence, ran back to her room, wrapped a cloth strip around her chest, and then rushed into Bailichen's room.

She was also looking forward to the phantom of the medicine king appearing after the fusion of the medicine king cauldron and the cauldron spirit, so she tried to ask him about the solution to "Dark Corrosion"! If it wasn't for the bloody encounter with Zi Ming on the road, she wouldn't have been delayed on the road for so long.

"Bailichen, wake up."

The enchanting girl who sneaked into other people's houses didn't have the consciousness of trespassing at all, and didn't even look at Bailichen who was sleeping soundly, and directly threw his quilt three feet away with one hand! He leaned over and whispered in his ear.

"Oh, wake up..." Bailichen heard this whisper, and got ready to get dressed in a daze.

It took a few seconds before he felt that the voice was wrong, he raised his head and saw Yao Yao lying in front of him, staring at him intently!

Look at the moonlight outside the window, it is quietly spreading the cold silver light to the world.

It's still a good night!

"Ah!" Bailichen let out a shrill cry immediately, covered his thin underwear with both hands, and shouted: "What are you doing here!"

"Shh! Keep your voice down." Before Bailichen could finish speaking, Yao Yao tightly covered his mouth, and viciously gesticulated with his fingers on his lips, and immediately stopped his voice.

"Don't make such a big noise, don't let others know."

Enchanting closed the door lightly, and closed the window carefully. When she returned to the bedside again, Bai Lichen hadn't gotten up yet.

And this damn kid actually...

He was lying on the bed in the shape of "big" lying on his back, with a heroic expression on his face!

I saw him closing his eyes, and said with a heartbeat:

"Yaoyao, come if you want, I will never say a word, and I will not let Long Jue know the fate of the wild!" Bai Lichen tore off his thin underwear... He was ready to go...

Shrimp? !

"Get out! Get this girl up!"

A fist hit Bailichen's forehead extremely fiercely, and he instantly saw stars shining everywhere in the room.

What the hell is this guy thinking about? snort! Enchanting snorted coldly from her nose!

"Ahhh!" There was another childish cry in the room.

I saw the lion-head magic medicine in the enchanting beast control ring spread its feet and jumped on the ground again, and directly pulled the medicine king tripod out from under Bailichen's bed.

What the hell is this weird little thing trying to do

Seeing such a serious expression on the lion's head, Bailichen finally realized that Enchanting Yao really came here for something, so he quickly got dressed and sat down on the side of the bed solemnly.

"I found something in the Medicine Classic Pavilion."

There is no need to explain too much, the extremely excited lion head magic medicine has already rushed into the beast control ring, and carried out the green medicine cauldron that was taken from the giant tree on the eleventh floor of the Medicine Scripture Pavilion .

"This... this is..." Sensing that strange yet familiar breath, Bailichen immediately covered his mouth!

Yes, as the master of the contract of the Medicine King Cauldron, even if he has never seen the Cauldron Spirit before, he still recognizes this aura of the same origin!

Now there is no need for anyone to explain, the actions of Yao Wang Ding and Ding Ling have already explained everything!

After the lion head let go of the small cauldron spirit, the green cauldron spirit, which was completely transformed from essence, was automatically suspended in the mid-air of the room. The moment he saw the broken wooden cauldron on the ground, the cauldron wall began to violently trembling!

When Ding Ling saw the wooden tripod, he rushed towards it as quickly as a long-lost relative.

Even Yao Yao and Bailichen, who couldn't hear Cauldron Ling's inner thoughts, could feel the air filled with complicated emotions at this moment!

It is mixed with nostalgia, sadness, and unspeakable parting sorrow... But the most, is still a deep sense of joy!

This is the fusion of spirit and flesh, and does not require any redundant rituals!

At the moment when the cauldron spirit touched the broken wooden tripod, it didn't make any sound, nor did it cause any restlessness, just like a drop returning to the sea, it was so natural and harmonious, and the two objects blended together cordially!


After fusion, the medicine king cauldron finally let out a faint clang.

The clanging sound is so small that it can only be caught by listening carefully, but it is so long and long, as if flying over the mountains and lakes, announcing five words to all the lands it has traveled through:

Medicine King, back!

-----Off Topic-----


Feather has always updated the article on time at six o'clock in the morning, but now I occasionally twitch~

If someone sees that Feather is not an article updated at 6:00 in the morning, but uploaded immediately after 0:00 in the evening, then don't order it at 0:00 on the same day, it must be accounted for. If you order after 6:00 the next day, the feather will be changed to the real content between 12:00 and 6:00.

Every morning after six o'clock, the main text will come~"