The Conjuror Xena

Chapter 124: 046 Destroy the Sun! (superior)


Bailichen's heart was shocked! Now that the tripod and the spirit are combined into one, the connection between him and the medicine king tripod has suddenly increased by more than a hundred times! He could even feel Yao Ding's heartbeat! It seems that with a single thought of his, the size and shape of this tripod can be changed at will!

It completely covered up the original shape of the fused medicine king cauldron!

There is only a dazzling light in front of the enchanting eyes!

Since the remaining medicine king tripod in the white, blue and red pagoda can already arouse the phantom of the former medicine king, can the real medicine king tripod after the perfect fusion of the tripod and the spirit at this time be able to awaken the memory of a medicine king

Enchantingly waiting for the moment when the medicine king's cauldron is completely restrained!

In the small room, every corner is filled with a surge of life energy! Fortunately, the medicine king tripod itself is a psychic thing, and its power when fully awakened is controlled within a certain range. Otherwise, the entire Medicine Masters Association would have discovered its existence. {free novel}

The lion head magic medicine stood aside, sucking a breath greedily, like a child who got candy, with a smirk of satisfaction on his face.

I saw that after the medicine king cauldron was fused with its cauldron spirit, the brilliance inside the cauldron's mouth increased instead of diminished, and something was brewing under the light cluster.

"What is that?" Enchanting faintly saw a rectangular object appearing under the light cluster.

How could something like this appear? Isn't there nothing in the medicine king cauldron

"Let me guess..." Bailichen frowned, as if recalling something.


Before Bailichen could finish his sentence, the light in the Yaowangding cauldron spewed out like ignited fireworks. Immediately, it was full of haze, casting a huge halo in the midair of the room!

"Boom boom boom!" A low muffled sound resounded in the room.


The strange light shone brightly on the enchanting face, which complemented her shining eyes!

An object half a person's height was thrown out along with the burst of light!

This rectangular object is actually a book!

A thick and huge book is quietly suspended in the air, and all the brilliance in the Medicine King Cauldron dances around it, like colorful clouds supporting the moon, celebrating its existence!

Green leaves and fiery red fruits grow on the white surface of the giant book.

If you look closely, you can see that the white writing is actually carved from warm jade.

The green branches and leaves are emeralds, and the red fruits are agate!

I don't know which sculptor's handwriting it came from, it's really ingenious, almost magical! There seems to be juice flowing under the branches and leaves, and every vein of the leaf is clearly visible, as if it is a living thing!

And all these precious gems are just decorations on the cover of this half-human tall book, so how shocking is the content of this book

This is... King of Medicine!

I saw the three golden characters of "King of Medicine" suddenly appear on the cover of the huge book!

The golden light stung the eyes of Yao Yao and Bai Lichen!

Yaoluo was expecting the reappearance of Yaowang Xuying, but she didn't expect that a more precious Medicine King's Sutra would be sprayed out from within the Yaowang cauldron!

No wonder if the Medicine King Cauldron does not appear, the Suzaku Continent will not be able to produce the Medicine King!

Because a super pharmacist is an alchemist who piles up countless prescriptions of divine elixirs and superb skills, it can be said that the number of prescriptions and medicinal skills he masters directly determines the level of a pharmacist!

Only if the Medicine King Cauldron is fully awakened, can this Medicine King Scripture reappear. It is also reasonable for a pharmacist who has not produced a king-level pharmacist in this world for a thousand years!

Will the medicine king's scripture record the magic elixir prescription to relieve "dark corrosion"? Enchanting can't wait to know the answer!

So she fished it out, and pulled the huge King of Medicine Sutra that was half-suspended in mid-air to her face.

A breath of ancient times rushed over, making people feel a sense of reverence in their hearts!

This ancient book, I don't know how many medicine kings have touched it, and how many memories of the medicine king have been left behind! No matter who stands in front of this book of medicine kings, they will feel the sense of a thousand years of history slowly passing by before their eyes.

Thick and vast!

Enchantingly turned over the first page of the Medicine King Sutra with great excitement. A few lines of big characters immediately came into view.

"The initial chapter of the Medicine King's Classic, ten basic medicine techniques: first: subtractive alchemy, created by Huangtian Medicine King..."

So enchantingly turned to the second page again.

"Second: Layered Alchemy and Spiritual Refining, created by Haoshui Medicine King..."

Subtractive alchemy and layered alchemy!

After roughly scanning the first few lines of the small text, Yaoluo immediately understood that these two miraculous medicinal techniques recorded in the first part of the Medicine King Sutra are the special alchemy methods she realized from the strange prescriptions in the white, blue and red medicine tower! It turns out that there is such a relationship between the White, Blue and Red Medicine Pagoda and the King of Medicine Sutra!

Turn to the third page again, and the small characters on the third page clearly read: "Third: Empty Nirvana alchemy method and life absorption, created by Xuanyuan Medicine King..."

Seeing this, Enchanting was shocked!

It turns out that Grandmaster Heine's most powerful alchemy alchemy method is in the King of Medicine Sutra, but it is only the most basic medicinal skill in the initial prologue! So how shocking will the next content of this King of Medicine Sutra be? ! No wonder the king of medicine pharmacist is such a heaven-defying existence!

Enchanted still wanted to continue to turn to the fourth page, but the thin fourth page of scriptures suddenly became as heavy as a thousand catties boulder in her hand! No matter how you turn it over, you can't turn it over!

Not only the fourth page, but the entire Medicine King Sutra after the fourth page was tightly pasted together like a rock, as if it had already been petrified, no matter how hard Yao Yao tried, there was no way to open it.

How is this going

At the moment when enchanting and hesitant, a deep voice sounded in her ears:

"Little boy, it's pretty good to be able to turn to the third page."

When did the third person appear in this room? !

Yaoluo and Bailichen looked at each other with big eyes to small eyes, neither of them knew where the voice came from. At this moment, the Medicine King Cauldron, which had been forgotten by the two of them on the ground for a long time, suddenly flew into the air.

It turned out that it was Yao Wangding who spoke!

I strangled it!

Yaoluo was stunned for a moment, and Bailichen was also stunned. Neither of them thought that the medicine king cauldron after the fusion of the cauldron and the spirit would really have the ability to channel spirits!

Can communicate with people verbally, is this really a medicine stove? I've only heard that phantom beasts may turn into human forms and use human language when they grow up to a certain period of time, but the medicine king tripod, it used to be just a tripod!

"You can talk?" Enchanting asked hesitantly. Not sure if the voice just now was her hallucination.

"Of course, if it weren't for me, why would I be the leader of the five tripods?"

If you don't count the reincarnation of dry bones. Yaowang, Canglong, Jiuqiao Yanhuo, Caiyun Chasing the Moon, and Modi Ding, among the five tripods, the Yaowang is indeed ranked first!

Enchanting, who often saw all kinds of strange things, quickly calmed down the shock in her heart. Since Long Jue, a pharmacist idiot, can make medicine, why can't a medicine cauldron speak

So she didn't worry about why the medicine king cauldron could make a sound, but turned the topic to the incident of the medicine king's scripture ejected from the medicine king cauldron.

"Uh... why can I only turn to the third page?" Enchanting asked cautiously, as if she was not used to talking to a "ding".

"Because you have only mastered the content of the first and second pages, if you master the content of the third page, you can turn to the fourth page: Princess Erysipelas: Immortal Road Prosperity." A deep voice came from Yao Wang Ding. continued to answer.

What... You have to master the content of one page before you can read the next page? !

In an instant, Enchanting felt as if she had been electrocuted all over her body, and she was instantly stunned by the thunder!

She looked at the huge book in front of her that was ten times thicker than a brick, and the tears flowed silently from the bottom of her heart...

If the antidote to "Dark Corrosion" is written in the King of Medicine, then she will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey to turn to that page? Even if she completely gave up the training of a summoner, she might not be able to finish reading this terrifying book in her dying years!

Cheating her father... She really cheated her father together with her!

I pour! Medicine King Ding can actually speak!

This guy Bailichen was also shocked by the change in front of him!

The dilapidated appearance of the wooden tripod was swept away long ago, replaced by a smooth jade-like tripod wall and a strong breath of life. There are a few old and vigorous branches and leaves twisting and twisting on the body of the tripod, making the green body of the tripod more verdant.

treasure! This is an absolute gem!

It's a pity that the Yaowangjing was born just now, neither Yaoluo nor Bailichen cared what the Yaowangding looked like after the light disappeared.

Legend has it that every time the Medicine King Cauldron recognizes its master, its shape will change once.

But at this time, this three-legged and double-eared green tripod, with its feet on the branches and leaves of Bodhi, and the double-petaled green lotus carved on the wall, gathers the ancient treasures of Taoism and Buddhism! It is the top treasure in the metamorphosis!

"Is this my cauldron?"

For a moment, Bailichen seemed unable to accept his turning a broken pot into a treasure, so he yelled in astonishment. That appearance is definitely more surprising than seeing the birth of Yao Wang Jing.

"It's not your cauldron!" Still that deep voice resolutely and resolutely denied it.

I wipe!

Yao Wangding answered Bailichen's words without even thinking about it. Could it be that this guy will no longer be bound by the contract force after merging with the cauldron spirit, and intends to betray his master Bailichen

"Not your cauldron, but your master! Stupid!"

Before Bailichen could continue to question, Yao Wangding quickly jumped up and knocked hard on Bailichen's forehead!

"Before you become the real medicine king, you have to respectfully call me master!" Said the medicine king cauldron triumphantly after rewarding Bailichen with a shudder.

"Hmm... Master... Fu?" Bai Lichen muttered ignorantly while covering the big bag on his forehead.

Too lazy to talk to Bailichen who was still in a daze, the awakened Yaowangding turned around and continued to Yaoluo:

"And you, little boy, I feel that you rescued me from the altar of eternity and revived my vitality again. What compensation do you want? Do you want me to refine ten bottles of superb treasure pills for you to help?" Your spiritual power has improved?"

scare! This talking medicine king tripod is really loud!

Just one mouth is ten bottles and eight bottles of superb pills to improve spiritual power! With such a large amount of powerful potions, I don't know how many sixth-tier powerhouses can directly advance to seventh-tier lords!

If Yaoluo were to serve her alone, she might even be promoted to overlord.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Yaoluo's mind. Even if Yao Wang Ding claimed to be the master of all the medicine kings, he must know a lot of prescriptions, right

"I don't want the aura enhancement medicine pill, I want to ask the senior to help me refine a tripod of antidote pills for the giant worm corpse witch txt."

"You don't need aura to detoxify? I think you are a summoner. Why are you not interested in the top-grade aura enhancement pill? A sixth-level intermediate summoner, tsk tsk tsk... Such a high strength at such a young age, even a thousand years ago. Not much, have you thought about it, a bottle of treasure pill can let you jump directly into the lord realm!"

"No, no, I'm waiting to save someone, and the antidote pill is more important to me." Enchanting said respectfully.

"Okay, what poison do you want to detoxify?" Yao Wang Ding said, patting his chest.

"The antidote to 'Dark Corrosion'!" Enchanting said the name loudly.

"Ah? Cough, cough, cough!" Hearing the four characters "Dark Corrosion" spit out from the enchanting mouth, Yao Wang Ding immediately coughed loudly. It managed to breathe a sigh of relief, and continued to shout in horror:

"What did you say? Dark corrosion!"

"It's dark corrosion." Enchanting eyes darkened, seeing Yao Wang Ding's panicked look, I'm afraid the antidote won't be so easy to get!

"Is there anyone in this world who has been corrupted by darkness and is still alive? Where is he? Show me?" Yao Wang yelled in a panic.

"He's not here." Yaoluo stated the madman's father's illness to Yao Wangding: "The symptoms of that man are: centipede-like scars all over his body, frequent intermittent amnesia, and this situation has lasted for at least fifteen years. But this person's summoning rank is half-step emperor..."

"Not only must be above the half-step emperor." Yao Wangding interrupted the enchanting words: "If he is from Suzaku Continent, he must also have a body with dual attributes of light and fire." It seems that its medicinal properties against darkness corrosion are still very strong. understand.

Light attribute

Immediately, Yaoluo thought of the golden light and fire wings that were often spread out behind the madman's father, which should also be the phantom power possessed by the war beast with dual attributes of light and fire. From this, it is not surprising to infer that the madman's father has the spiritual power of light.

No wonder Dad was so sensitive to the Dark Spirit Orb fused with her at first. And because the powers of light and darkness are mutually restraining, that's why he can resist the poison of darkness corrosion for such a long time!

"I can't make this medicine." Yao Wangding said frankly to Yaoluo.

Hearing this answer, Yaoluo's heart sank suddenly, even the medicine king cauldron couldn't be made, is there any other solution in this world

"But I can tell you the prescription." Yao Wang Ding said slowly!


You can't finish a sentence at once!

Hearing the second half of Yao Wang Ding's words, Enchanting was almost suffocated to the ground!

"Master... Master, do you know why the prescription can't make an antidote?" Bai Lichen squeezed forward and asked with the attitude of breaking the casserole.

"Idiot, I'm just a cauldron! Do you think I can make anything with hands and feet? Why do I need you if I can make it! This is the antidote to the poison of the devil emperor. The formula is so complicated! Don't come out!" Yao Wang Dingzao jumped up, making a gesture to reward Bailichen with a chestnut.

"Little boy..." Yao Wang Ding finished yelling at Bailichen, and then turned to Yaoluo: "Are you sure you want this antidote? Even if you want it desperately?"

"Yes!" As long as it has something to do with the lunatic dad, why is there any hesitation in this answer


Before she understood how to go all out, Yaoluo suddenly felt that her body was being pulled forward violently!

His eyes darkened, and when he opened his eyes again, Enchanting found that he was no longer in the small wooden house made of bamboo just now, but seemed to be in a starry sky!

The huge universe leaves the Three Kingdoms! Stars of various colors are twinkling above the head and in all directions. In the distance, there is a burning sun, a rising moon, a dazzling Milky Way, and a dim black hole!

In front of these huge stars, Yaoluo felt that she was as small as an ant, as if an inadvertent cosmic storm could blow her slender body to pieces!

Looking down again, the feet are still hanging in the air, giving people an illusion that they are falling in the universe and lost in the starry sky forever!

If it were someone else, it would be unavoidable that his legs and feet would become weak immediately and his buttocks would fall to the ground.

But Yaoluo stood in the void with her hands behind her back, looking up at the front, in such a vast world, her state of mind was also quietly changing.

This illusion... so big!

"Keep your eyes open, this is the Sutra of the King of Medicine Sutra!"

The entire universe is actually transformed by the essence of medicine in the King of Medicine Sutra! Called "Xu Jing" by Yao Wang Ding, it is more terrifying than that immovable physical scripture!

In this starry sky, except for Yao Yao, the body of Yao Wang Ding was nowhere to be seen, but his thick voice was still heard clearly in her ears.

"In fact, you have already seen it, it is the white jade book, but with your current level of pharmacy, you can't even turn the page of 'Dark Corrosion'."

"This is the illusory world I created. In order to experience the new generation of medicine kings, I completely copied all the content in the real scriptures. Originally, only the orthodox heirs of the medicine kings could enter, but because of your help to me, I reluctantly overstepped my authority You see it once..."

"When the Sutra is fully displayed, don't be confused by the illusion, and only read the content of the scriptures wholeheartedly, because this illusion is also built to experience the spiritual power of the medicine king, and you can't check it by leapfrogging. I will make an exception for you."

"But what comes with the scriptures is also the spiritual phantom wave that tests the medicine king level. You may not be able to earn it to the end!"

"Remember! With my current ability, I can barely open the Great Emperor's Antidote chapter of the King of Medicine Sutra once. You only have one chance. If you don't make it to the end, you won't get the antidote..."

"However, if the mental power cannot compete with the phantom attack, be careful that your own sanity will be blown to ashes!"

Once the enchanting mental power is not enough to compete with the drug king-level mental illusion, she may become an idiot before seeing the "dark corrosion" antidote!

It turns out that this is what Yao Wang Ding said about "desperate"!

If you want to see it, you must have super belief! Otherwise, it's too small to get a complete prescription, or the soul will collapse!

"Come on, I'm not afraid of any level of mental attack!" The girl's sweet voice without any thinking immediately stirred up the entire "universe"!

not afraid!

In order to heal the lunatic father's injury! Even if she is given a piece of the universe as an enemy, she can still walk in the starry sky!

All the spiritual power in her body is gathered in her eyes. If anyone sees her enchanting face at this time, she will be shocked to find that red, blue, black, three colors of magnificent light flow in her deep eyes!

"The Medicine King's Sutra, the chapter on the Great Emperor's Antidote opens...!" The trembling voice of the Medicine King's Cauldron set off the movement of the entire universe!

"Boom boom boom!"

The huge roar roared in enchanting ears, which made her ears numb, her blood was rolling, and her chest was stabbed!

I saw a huge "sun" descending from the sky, bringing a scorching solar storm to press down on the enchanting Linkong!

Because of that powerful and tyrannical momentum, several asteroids near the "sun" were immediately twisted into pieces by the storm, like a dense rain of arrows on an ancient battlefield, pouring over the sky and covering the sky. Play!

"Arrow" is no ordinary arrow! It's a huge meteorite with a trail of flames! Each one contains the power to destroy the world!

Don't think this is just an illusion! What is raging in the air is by no means an ordinary coercion! The enchanting spirit was instantly oppressed! That flame burning nerve pain is real! The frightening scene is also vivid!

If it is someone else, who can guarantee that he will not be distracted for a quarter of an hour

The light quickly flowed in the enchanting eyes, and her eyes suddenly burst into a torch-like light, as mad and bewitching as a monster!

She stared intently at the huge "sun" that was churning with flames! Because above Yaoyang, there is a row of small words faintly appearing!

"Darkness corrodes... The devil emperor awakens his talent, the world is so poisonous, even the emperor is hard to resist!"

"I have been researching for decades, but I only found a complex medicine that can detoxify it, so I created the technique of emptiness and nirvana, combined with the method of refining medicine..."

From the word "empty nirvana", Yaoluo guessed that the antidote to the darkness and corrosion was actually created by the ancient medicine king Xuanyuan recorded on the third page of the Medicine King Sutra!

A meteorite was attacking the enchanting body! Boom sound like ten thousand horses galloping! The red fire dyed the enchanting eyes red! The severe pain from the burning flames spread from the soles of her feet to the top of her head! Can't go away for a long time!

Even if it's just a mental attack, the body is harmless, but the mental impact on a person is simply unimaginable!

Is this how Yao Wang's mental power was tempered

Don't be distracted! Absolutely don't be distracted, at the moment when enchantingly frowned, a few words in front of her eyes suddenly became blurred!

Fortunately, it was only Xuanyuan Yaowang's self-report at the beginning, not the real content of the antidote prescription! What if she misses a few words of the real prescription? !

"This antidote must be refined from a medicinal cauldron above the heaven rank. The raw materials required are: Neidan, the divine medicine of life, and a thousand-year-old light soul that grows in a place of extreme sun..."

Just after a flaming meteorite passed by, dozens of them swooped in again! Behind them is the huge sea of flames and the violent cosmic storm!

no! Looking at prescriptions now! Must not be disturbed!

With a thought, the ten fingers of the enchanting hands gathered thick water elemental energy in an instant! Breaking the sky refers to ten bursts of fire!

"Bomb it!"

Shi Dao Po Tian Zhi was compressed into a light bead the size of a walnut in an instant, but the light bead contained extremely powerful energy! He quickly bombarded the nearest burning meteorite!

While doing all these actions, her enchanting eyes never left the ethereal small characters in the center of the sun! Everything is subconscious behavior.

Never allow anything to interrupt her viewing!

"Pfft..." The sound of Po Tianzhi's annihilation is almost undetectable in this vast universe, and it disappeared without a sound and became invisible the moment it touched the burning meteorite!

It turns out that in this world, all physical attacks are invalid!

Seeing that the second burning meteorite is about to fall on the enchanting body!

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Thank you [wzqh1213] dear big diamond~

It’s cold and you need more clothes~ It’s getting colder every day~ The final exams are good~ Those who go to work are good at earning year-end bonuses! "