The Conjuror Xena

Chapter 127: 049 Being a good father is not easy!


The dirty mercenary took out a tattered imperial list from his pocket, and he didn't know which city he pulled it off from. "pure"

Looking at the demon-slaying imperial list, the captain of the city guard immediately understood the intention of this mercenary. Could it be that such a lowly little mercenary also tried to hunt down the witch in vain in exchange for the city lord's reward


Really overwhelmed!

If you, a beggar, had such great strength, you wouldn't have gotten yourself a disgusting scar!

The captain of the city guard immediately rolled his eyes, and looked at the man in front of him with contempt.

"So what, this high-level demon-slaying order is simply not a topic for a cockroach-like mercenary like you to ask!"

Hearing that the centipede-faced mercenary in front of him was still asking about the demon-slaying order, the captain of the city guard had a deep contempt on his face: "Let's get out of here quickly! There are too many fourth-tier powerhouses to reveal this imperial list!" Yes, don't stand in front of my uncle and cloud my eyes!"

The captain of the city guard waved the big knife in his hand even more impatiently, as if the man with the ugly scar didn't leave the gate of the city, he would cut him in half with one knife.

"Yes, that's fine. I'm afraid I'm going the wrong way again."

Hearing this answer, the man slowly took the killing order back into his arms, as if talking to himself.

But the loyal and polite temperament on his body just now suddenly subsided, replaced by a sense of heaviness, and a cold-blooded murderous intent suddenly flashed in a pair of green eyes.

I don't know if it's the night coming soon, or the sudden change of temperament in this man, the temperature in the air suddenly dropped.

"Get out!" The captain of the city guard roared.

"Since it is here, the city I want to slaughter is also here!"

The man's deep voice seemed to be telling the funniest joke in the world.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!"

Hearing the man's words, the city guard captain suspected that he had heard wrongly, and immediately burst out laughing wildly.

"I'm dying of laughter! Ever since the super beast came to Guangming City, has this sentence become a buzzword among ordinary citizens?"

"Do you think you are the young man in red? Do you think you are the Heavenly Dragon Beast? Who do you think you are, you?"

The guard captain's blade almost touched the centipede-faced man's chest. His teasing words immediately caused the guarding brothers behind him to burst into wild laughter, the voice was harsh and sharp!

However, the moment the guard captain's blade touched the centipede man's clothes, the saber forged from refined steel melted into a puddle of molten iron in an instant, and actually flowed down from the handle like water. !

The guard captain's eyes suddenly opened as big as copper bells!

The voice of ridicule was like a fishbone stuck in his throat, and he couldn't utter a word until the molten iron flowed onto his hand, and the piercing pain awakened his mind!


The captain of the city guard immediately rolled on the ground crying while holding his hand that had been scalded to the bone by the molten iron. It seemed that his right hand was completely useless from then on.

But his eyes were still fixed on the man with the centipede face. It was the heat on this person that melted his steel knife!

I saw that this man seemed to ignore any existence in front of him, and straddled his body. Every time he took a step, his body would sink slightly to the ground, as if walking through the mud.

Only then did the captain of the city guard realize that because of the heat from the man's feet, the granite floor had been pushed out into magma!

The stone boiled out huge bubbles, which were crazily gushing in front of him!

Oh my God! Is this something humans can do

Looking at the back of the mercenary man, the huge word "monster" on his cloak deeply hurt the eyes of everyone present!

Is it the Mozu

It must be the demons! Not only does it look uglier than Old Demon! Even the cloak behind him directly stated the origin of this centipede-faced man!

He is a "monster"! It's a demon!

Enchanting, who wrote her name behind her father, never thought that it would cause such a misunderstanding... In fact, she was just afraid that the lunatic father would go crazy again one day.

It wasn't until the man's back completely disappeared in Guangming City that there was a shrill cry from the corner of the city wall:

"Demon... The demon is attacking the city!"

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" The huge alarm bell echoed over the entire Guangming City!

The lord of Guangming City, Kelsa, jumped up from his white jade chair!

Enemy attack? Just in time! I was just thinking about meeting those who dare to challenge the authority of the city lord!

A huge fire instantly blew off the roof of the City Lord's Pavilion! In the heavy dusk of the evening, it was like lighting a mighty candle to the sky at the highest point of Guangming City!

boom! The city lord rumbled and spread out!

Ke Ersa's tyrannical consciousness sweeps across the city domineeringly, covering a radius of hundreds of miles! All the ordinary people who passed through his consciousness couldn't stand this terrifying coercion and fell to the ground.

In just half a quarter of an hour, Keersa, who was standing on the roof of the highest part of the City Lord's Pavilion, discovered with his divine sense that the mercenary branch in Guangming City had already ignited a raging fire!

That's where the tasks of the Massacre Order were handed over, and it really was the witch's party that attacked again!

Corsa couldn't hold back the anger surging in his heart! But a kind of anger quickly turned into a kind of madness!

His spiritual sense told him that the vitality of a two-person fourth-tier mercenary in the mercenary branch was constantly withering!

That is the only combat power remaining in Guangming City after the first massacre of the city! In this continent, summoners who can be promoted to Tier 4 are quite powerful fighters! How could he be strangled so easily by the Witch's accomplices? !

Is the person coming from the sixth rank? Or seventh order

snort! No matter how powerful it is, it can't be stronger than my seventh-order peak Lord of Light!

Extending his gaze, Corsa saw a tall man stepping out of the flames of the mercenary branch! The raging fire was steaming and burning under his feet! The wide black cloak fluttered behind him!

The silver "demon" character was dyed bloody by the flames!


Seeing the man's centipede face, Korsa roared to the sky!

"I am going to kill you!"

Feeling that the lives of the fourth-tier mercenaries ten thousand meters away were close to death, Keersa summoned his own flame vulture, bird and war beast in an instant! With the speed of Flame Vulture, he can rush into the mercenary branch in an instant and tear the provocative man to pieces!

Just when Keersa stepped onto the Flame Vulture's broad back feathers, Wang suddenly saw the man in the flames turn around, raised his head, and smiled coldly at the direction where he was standing!

How can it be? Corsa's heart tightened!

How could his consciousness be reversed? Usually, the people who are swept away by the powerhouse's consciousness can't find the origin of the consciousness at all! This is the essential difference in spiritual consciousness between the strong and the weak!

And how could this man...

no no no! He must be thinking too much! The man just turned his head inadvertently once. City Lord Korsa comforted himself like this in his heart.

But in a second, when he raised his head again...

The first sight he saw when he raised his head already made his heart shatter! Corsa's eyes suddenly shrank!

What's this? !

The man who was still a thousand meters away just now flew over his head! The face covered with centipede scars suddenly grew bigger in his eyes!


At this time, the man's face is no longer ugly! And with the shocking beauty of a strong man!

I saw the golden flame wings behind the man spread out, and it was more than three times bigger than the flame vulture spirit beast under the feet of the city lord Korsa! It is simply blocking out the sun!

The golden wings are so gorgeous that they seem to be unearthly objects!

But the lord of Corsa didn't have time to appreciate the amazing scene in front of him! Because he can see that every feather on the golden wings contains a powerful force that must not be underestimated!

A piece of golden feather fluttered down from the golden wing of the centipede-faced man, and that piece of feather, seemingly harmless, burst into a monstrous flame when it touched the ground. Master Korsa couldn't bear the scorching flames!

boom! The entire main pavilion of Guangming City was on fire at the feet of Keersa!

It's too scary, this is definitely not the flame that ordinary war beasts can emit! Then his master...

"Who are you!"

Corsa roared in fear!

damn it! Seeing this man suddenly appearing in front of his eyes, the city lord of Guangming, who ruled the Dahong Empire and didn't even look down on the lord Hong Ba, panicked!

He was horrified to find that under the aura of this man, the fire element mystery in his hand could not be gathered!

"Is it you who issued the witch hunting order?" The man's voice in the sky was like rolling thunder!

I wipe!

Could it be that because of chasing and killing a witch, he was crazily retaliated by a nest of monsters

Ke Ersa's heart was full of aggrieved, more intense anger!

And the Flame Vulture Spirit Beast under his feet sank suddenly when he heard the thunder-like sound, its huge body trembled involuntarily, no matter how Ke Ersa summoned it, it never raised its head again. Worship devoutly to the figure in the sky!

"So what!"

Pooh! Isn't the other party so arrogant because of the phantom beast with golden wings! Laozi is the lord! When you really fight, you don't know who will win and who will lose!

"Sirius! Yachi! Come out!"

Taking advantage of the unpreparedness of the man supported by the golden wings in the sky, Corsa summoned Sirius with his left hand, and Yagi no Orochi with his right hand to attack at the same time!

Sirius is a six-star spirit beast, while Yamato no Orochi is a one-star beast!

Two huge phantom beasts like hills rise up from the summoning formation at the same time, and the terrifying roar spreads thousands of miles away!

The whole earth was throbbing, plus the fire that Jin Yu ignited just now. The flames made Corsa's face hideous for a while!

"Go to hell! It doesn't matter if you are a madman or a human! Sirius! Baqi! Let me strangle him!"

"Ho Ho!"

The roar of the two powerful war beasts made all the summoners in the entire Guangming City raise their heads in fear. They saw that their most respected City Lord Pavilion was wrapped in a blinding flame!

Under the firelight, two war beasts taller than a private house are rising aggressively! Those are the two most famous psychic war beasts under the Lord City Lord!


The man in the sky seemed to disdain the danger of being flanked by two huge phantom beasts!

"Where is she?" The lunatic asked enchantingly.

"Hmph! I also want to know where she is, but I know that within a few days, she will definitely go to hell to accompany you!" Korsa roared crazily!

It turns out that Yaoyao has not been arrested by these scumbags as a witch. The lunatic finally calmed down a little at this moment.

"Well then, I won't kill you, and leave you to Yaoyao to deal with."

Knowing that Yaoyao was fine, the lunatic suddenly restrained his killing intent, stood in the sky stupidly and pointed at each other and said:

"If I swatted the flies for her, she would be angry, um... yes, she would be angry."

I saw this lunatic carelessly scratching his messy hair, and then babbled about his child-rearing experience to Lord Korsa, whose expression turned into an eggplant:

"Once I taught her a lesson from a violent bear who bullied her. She ignored me for a whole week. Later, when she was five years old, she went to turn the violent bear's hometown upside down and talked about her own business. You have to deal with it yourself. I am a good father, and I listen to Yaoyao very much, so the person Yaoyao hates the most must be left to Yaoyao to kill herself... "

The lunatic ignored Ke Ersa's madness, and held his chin in the sky to recall every detail of living in the forest with Yao Yao, and there was a little warmth in his pale green eyes.

Yaoyao, your Suzaku seal suddenly disappeared, where are you now

Seeing that somewhat silly man in the sky, Corsa felt as if he wanted to die!

What a big tone! Still say not to kill him? If he was so stupid as to say useless nonsense on the battlefield, then he wanted to see who killed who in the end!

"Die to me!" Violent flames rose from behind him! "Sky Wolf Burning City Flames!"

"Hey..." The lunatic who was flapping his golden wings in the sky finally came back to his senses, and let out a long sigh:

"But killing you doesn't mean letting go of you scum who chased and killed my Yaoyao!"

The lunatic stretched out his hand and pinched it carelessly in the air!


what is that? That was the sound of glass breaking!

Corsa suddenly felt that someone had slapped him hard in the chest! It's hard to breathe!

And in front of his eyes, an incredible scene appeared!

I saw the scene of the sky cracking at the same time as the sound of breaking!

Yes! The sky is cracked!

Cracks like broken mirrors appeared in the dark sky in vain! Like a spider web, madness spread in all directions!

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" The crackling sound made one's scalp tingle!

Lord Korsa saw a flock of birds passing through the shattered crack in the sky, one of them flew over alive, and when it came out, it quietly turned into two halves and fell from the sky!

However, all these terrifying scenes were caused by the casual pinch of the man in the sky!

Corsa's eyelids twitched violently!

In just a split second, the two war beasts beside him suddenly let out painful screams! It's like the canvas has been torn apart! Huge wounds were torn apart by inexplicable things one after another on their huge bodies! Blood and spiritual power immediately overflowed!

This is! This is the secret of space! Time and space split!

Corsa is horrified! Finally understand! He underestimated the man in the sky!

But at this moment, he had no time to take care of his war beast, because at the moment the sky cracked, a big cold hand had already strangled his throat!

"I'm a good daddy... so I won't kill you... I'm a good daddy, so I'm going to abolish your war beast first, and then give you to Yaoyao..."

He punched Korsa in the face, blowing the nose and eyes of this arrogant lord!

Too bloody! A lord-level Xeon was in the hands of this impoverished man with a centipede face, and he didn't even have the strength to resist.

Boom! Two bangs! Corsa's two battle beasts were exploded into blood mist by an inexplicable force right beside him!

This man is not human!

Corsa's feet went limp!

Space mystery! That is... That is a super mystical truth that even the Taiyuan God of War has not comprehended!

He... he is...

"That violent bear was also flattened into a pig's head by me and tied up in the cave, waiting for Yaoyao to clean it up! Do you know that I worked hard back then? Cheating can't let Yaoyao find out..."

"Oh! It's not easy to be a good father!"

The lunatic was lamenting his parenting experience again, sparks burst out from those pale green eyes, like a crazy father who wanted to go crazy when he recalled the child.

But even if this guy becomes crazy, his mouth is vicious enough! Directly compare Guangming City Lord with an animal in the forest! Hearing Corsa's call a nest of fire!

He didn't kill him because he wanted to keep him as a toy for his daughter!

If the other lords of the Dahong Empire heard the conversation between the madman and Korsa at this time, they would all vomit blood and pass out!

"So you don't have to trouble my Yaoyao any more, wait here obediently for her to kill you, understand? Huh? Understand? She can't fight back when she hits you, and she can't fight back when she scolds you. Do you understand? Do you understand? "

The lunatic seemed to be in a state of madness again, and he yelled at Korsa like he was scolding his grandson.

He tightly held Corsa's collar, and lifted the arrogant lord from the ground. That terrifying face was directly attached to Corsa's nose, and there was a look of madness flashing in his eyes!

"Understood?" It was a questioning tone, but the lunatic only wanted to hear an answer at this time.

"clear… "

Korsa bit his mouth so hard that the corners of his lips were bleeding from his own bite. He is the most honorable Lord of Guangming City in the Dahong Empire! I didn't expect that in front of this man, I could only smash my teeth and swallow it in my stomach.

And I have to swear humiliatingly that I will obediently wait for that little witch named "Enchanting" to kill me in Guangming City!

so hard...

How humiliating!

Why was the lord of Guangming City, Ke Ersa, so aggrieved

Ever since his first son had a relationship with this enchanting witch, he has been falling over this witch!

But he can only "cooperate" with the perverted lunatic in front of him with humiliation,

hateful! When I go to Zhongzhou country, I will definitely ask my wife to leave the customs! Borrow the power of the entire Burning Demon Sect, and strangle you big demons, small demons, red-clothed dragon demons... all into scum! Corsa howled crazily in his heart!

"Well! Just understand."

Hearing Keersa's answer, the lunatic loosened his hand and threw the hard-pressed city lord whose nose was crooked and two of the strongest war beasts slaughtered to the ground.

He scratched his head, but where do I go to find my Yaoyao

A golden light flashed across the sky, and the perverted centipede-faced man disappeared, leaving a huge hole in the night sky of Guangming City!

Yes! Hole in space! Like the big mouth of a prehistoric monster, it is still devouring any living beings who try to resist.

Although the centipede-faced man came and went without a trace, the fear he created will always remain in the hearts of everyone in Guangming City!

lady! You have to help me this time!

The lord of Guangming City, Korsa, shivered fiercely on the ground.

It turned out that his wife was one of the elders of the Burning Demon Sect, and she was also a candidate for the queen when she was young. When traveling, he came to the Dahong Empire and gave birth to several sons with Keersa, then returned to the sect and continued to practice in seclusion.

Speaking of Corsa's wife, she might be far more powerful than the lord... It's no wonder that both the lord and the city guards of Guangming City are arrogant.

It's just that Keersa, who is still prostrate on the ground, didn't expect that the "enchanting witch" he hates most in his heart is also at the venue of the pharmacist competition in the Zhongzhou Kingdom...

"Senior Qilin King..." Yaoluo took the messenger crystal and called the number one warlord of the Qilin King Republic of the Orange Demon Sea.

"Enchanting, I've seen you often recently." Qilin King said jokingly. "What else is there for me, an old man, to contribute to this matter?"

Although the Qilin King is indeed an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years, it is not difficult to see from the gentle smile on his face that he is delighted to see the enchanting.

Moreover, a man who is so handsome and young calls himself an "old man", which really makes people not used to it all at once.

"It's true that I want to trouble senior with something..." Yaoluo touched her nose and said embarrassedly.

"Can seniors lend me some money?"

"Yo, enchanting is short of money and spent it? How much do you want, I will give it to you."

"Uh... this... the quantity is relatively large."

"Tell me how much you want."

"One hundred baht"

"Pfft..." The Qilin King's hand holding the tea trembled, and the hot tea he had just inhaled immediately sprayed on the communication crystal, so Yaoluo immediately saw only a hazy picture of dripping water.

I said senior, why don't you be so restless... enchantingly scratching her head heartlessly.

"You, you... what do you want so much money for? Do you want to buy a country? One hundred billion gold baht, which is equivalent to the total annual income of Qilin City."

"I need to buy a Millennium Light Soul as medicine."

"For the finals of the Pharmacists Association?"

After finally wiping off the water stains on the communication crystal, Qilin King's angry face appeared in front of Enchanting again, but his eyebrows were raised high, and he was still waiting for her answer.

"No, it's to save someone who is very important to me."

Yaoluo didn't plan to tell the Gods of War in Dahong Kingdom about the lunatic's father. Although she knew that You Lian, the God of War had been looking for him, once the news leaked out, the danger of the devil emperor turning out to slaughter the lunatic's father would suddenly increase.

"Well, it turns out to be like this." This time, the Qilin King's brows softened extremely quickly: "Then don't worry, I will definitely find you a thousand-year-old light soul as soon as possible."

She didn't even ask Yaoluo who she wanted to save, she just supported and trusted her so much!

Infinite gratitude surged from the bottom of her enchanting heart. It has always been the Qilin King who has fully satisfied her various needs, helped her take care of Ruozhu Niang, helped her cultivate the strength of Yuan Fang and Zhan Hu, and answered all kinds of trivial questions for her. Problem... Now help her to find the last medicine that can cure the crazy dad.

And her return to Qilin for this kindness is nothing more than an empty promise: "When I rescue Fayi, I will definitely go to Qilin City to participate in the orange demon sea demon battle."

"Senior, I will definitely return this money to you in the future."

A determined expression flashed in the enchanting eyes. If she can say it, she can do it, not to mention hundreds of billions of gold baht, even if she slaughters the entire Orange Demon Sea and gives it to the Qilin King!

"No need..." A gentle smile appeared on Qilin King's face.

"Hundreds of billions of gold baht, buying your future combat power is not a loss-making deal for me!"

-----Off Topic-----

There are still a few days until the 19th, and the feathers will be changed... It’s really uncomfortable to swell my face, try to change it for ten days~Qunyou~"