The Conjuror Xena

Chapter 40: 038 Flame Phoenix from another world


"With my sincerity, turn it into psychic power!"

He didn't realize that there was a fire feather imprint on his forehead, and he was still chanting a psychic spell. (. Plain text) She didn't know that this fire feather was exactly the one-finger inheritance that the lunatic father had pointed at her forehead when he left her.

And this finger inheritance is condensing out hundreds of feet of fire wings, flying towards the boundless sky with her spiritual power at a speed exceeding the speed of light!

Yes - Suzaku!

The spirit passed through countless clouds, and maybe even broke through the space-time tunnel. In a colorful and grotesque fairyland, Enchanting opened his eyes and saw the huge figure floating in the air!

Getting closer! Without a glance from a distance, no one has ever seen the figure of the Emperor of Beasts so clearly!

What rank is this! The beast is a green star, but Suzaku has a huge purple star on his forehead!

And the most legendary Beast Emperor on the Suzaku Continent, actually... half of his body is flames, and half of his body is full of demonic energy!

How could Suzaku have demonic energy! It is the strongest guardian beast of the light camp! Enchanting surprise!

wrong! It was hurt! Enchanting finally found that Suzaku, who was half full of demonic energy, was exuding a sense of decline. Obviously, like the old octopus, he was slandered by a rather domineering dark illusion!

But this injury was far more serious than that of the old octopus. Suzaku's body that shrouded the sky and the sun had already penetrated into the bone marrow. Even if all the sanctuary snow lotuses on the entire continent were consumed, it wouldn't be able to heal even one percent of it!

Blast! Catastrophe! The end of Suzaku Continent Summoner! Has no one discovered that the patron saint of the mainland is about to be devoured by the demonic energy and die! Enchanting who was still rapidly approaching Suzaku broke out in a cold sweat!

It's no wonder that most people who use psychic psychics complete the ceremony just by glancing at a ray of red light from a distance. People like Yaoluo use hundreds of psychic stones, and the seventh-level lord activates the formation, inheriting the Suzaku fire feather, and the spiritual power is bursting. How many super perverts have emerged in a hundred years? In ten thousand years, only a few people can truly kneel under the throne of the Bird Emperor!

And seeing the enchantingness of Suzaku's true body, the flight of mental power has no intention of stopping at this moment!

Sensing someone approaching, the Suzaku Beast Emperor, who had been struggling in pain for a long time, finally opened its bright yellow eyes wearily.

There is a little girl in front of her, flying towards her at an unprecedented speed, and on her head, there is a bright fire feather shining!

Suzaku seal!

This is the ninth generation of human beings who inherited the Suzaku Seal, and he is just a teenage child! The lineage of Suzaku is really lost here! Where did Yadai go? Could it be... Suzaku's heart that hadn't throbbed for a long time was beating crazily, and a feeling of regret welled up in his heart! It's a pity that there is no time to be sad, because its body will die completely in less than a hundred years!

Suzaku, who was seriously injured, slowly opened his long beak, and spit out the secret words of receiving the ninth-generation successor as the Beast Emperor:

"Nine generations of girls, with the fire of Suzaku, revolutionize the world..."

Before Suzaku finished speaking, an afterimage of red light suddenly passed by its side, flying towards the more distant heaven!

Suzaku's chin dropped directly, and the pair of animal pupils opened wide!

Its ninth-generation inheritor... unexpectedly... did not stop! Where did her psychic go! It hasn't had time to explain it yet! What a pervert!

It doesn't know that "I will revolutionize this world with the fire of Suzaku!" This sentence also set off a storm in the enchanting heart!

madman! Crazy Daddy's catchphrase! Daddy actually has something to do with the injured Wanshouhuang Suzaku! Where is daddy now!

I want to go back! I want to ask clearly! It's a pity that the enchanting screaming madly in his heart can't stop his psychic power from flying forward!

Psychic! Still going on!

This tormenting process is long, as if it was just a moment, and it seems to have wandered in the empty space for a century. If the human beings are not mentally strong, it is very likely that they will lose their original mind in this boundless soul travel.

"Boom Ye Qing Three Kingdoms!" The enchanting consciousness hit a hot object, and finally stopped moving forward.

He opened his eyes, and his vision was filled with flames. If the figure of Suzaku just now covered the sky and the sun, then the scene at this time is full of sky and sun!

Because there is only one element in the whole world, and that is - fire! Incomparably pure fire!

"Tsk tsk, interesting, you already have the mark of another beast emperor on your head, yet you dare to come to me." Voices sounded from all directions at the same time, but only one person spoke.

Enchanting heart tightened, guessing that the other party should also be a noble flame beast emperor, why did she psychic here? Is it difficult that there is not only one Eudemons patron saint on a continent

Without the power of Suzaku, even though Yaoluo was unwilling to lose this opportunity, if the psychic channeling failed, she would really have only a dead end in Moyunzong.

"Beast God, please lend me your strength!" Facing the unidentified Fire Beast Emperor, she bent down enchantingly and reverently. Facing the supreme divine power, even the most proud person would have a heart of awe. .

"Hahahaha! Actually, I didn't expect that the humans in that barren world could actually channel me to me!"

The laughter in all directions contained a huge spiritual pressure, which almost crushed the enchanting body into pieces, and even her ears were bleeding. But she knew that the other party had no malicious intentions, it was only because for a real strong person, she was as weak as scum, so weak that the other party could kill her by raising her voice.

"You are not bad, your mind is very firm. Although you have the inheritance seal of other beast emperors, they have not been recognized. Yes, it is not illegal for me to do so." The voice that seemed to be the God of Creation continued to murmur to himself: "However, I don't like my psychic, who inherits someone else's imprint! Let me exchange a flower on your head!"

A huge wave of scarlet fire erupted instantly! Involuntarily penetrated directly into the enchanting eyebrows!

"Ah!" It seemed that the soul would be wiped out at this moment! Just when Yaoluo felt that her consciousness had gradually dissipated, a raging fire suddenly rose from her body! Immediately offset all the pain of being scorched by the flames! It was Li Huo who transformed into her own power!

The beast control ring on the enchanting arm lighted up indistinctly, and a small bird gradually flew out of the originally blurred pattern, but unfortunately no one noticed it.

As the physique was transformed, the imprint of the Suzaku tail feather on the enchanting forehead gradually faded, replaced by a beating heart of fire!

"That's right, the juniors who can psychic to me are all survivors who have encountered a life-or-death crisis and are extremely determined. I like this kind of backbone, so I will take this opportunity to use 'Pyrobomb' once, remember! In the future you He is the inheritor of my other world Flame Phoenix! Go back!"

Before Yaoluo had finished digesting the shock in her heart, a ball of flames sent her mental power back to the Moyunzong psychic formation somewhere underground in the Dahong Empire of Suzaku Continent. a spring dream.

"Bang bang bang!" The psychic stones floating around Enchanting faded into a dull gray-white color, and all of them burst!

"Smelly girl! Look at your good deeds! This old man killed you!" Great Elder Dongming, who was sucked dry by the psychic magic circle, rushed forward angrily.

He never believed that he, who had been the seventh-rank lord for decades and became the most powerful in the mainland, would be slapped by a hairy girl! court death! It's hard to get rid of my anger if I don't smash her body to pieces!

And Enchanting, who came back to his senses, brought up the rice dumpling-like Long Jue, with a smirk on his face, and softly uttered two words between his delicate lips:


-----Off Topic-----

Long Jue is a coquettish bag, not an idiot~ Dear friends who like Long Jue, don’t miss the next two chapters~

This book was first published by Lover's Pavilion, please do not reprint it! "