The Conjuror Xena

Chapter 42: 040 Unchangeable fate


An unknown corner of the world.

The green hills are soaring, surrounded by white clouds, and under the blue sky, someone is... flying! God! I've never heard of people flying!

"Jue'er, don't tease the cricket, you are going home for dinner, your father is going to be angry again!" Wanli sound transmission, the gentle female voice was so clear that it seemed close to the ear.

At the same time, a ray of red "swish" into the body of the cross-legged young man who was sitting cross-legged and playing with the crickets. The two memories coincided perfectly, and a look of nostalgia suddenly burst out from the young man's crimson eyes. His slender and white fingers like jade touched the corners of his lips, making an inexplicable smile: "Yaoyao, this time I took advantage of you..."

The long red hair is as dazzling as the sun, the long eyelashes draw a gorgeous arc on the phoenix eyes, the tall nose and cynical lips are extremely elegant! It is definitely more mature and refined than the "Longjue" portrait that returned in Suzaku Continent. There are such perfect characters in this world! And that ambiguous smile almost broke the hearts of the girls watching in the casino!

"Young Master Longfeng laughed!" Someone choked and screamed!

"Bah! Trash young master! You only know how to eat, drink and have fun all day long, and you dare to come out to embarrass yourself!" Someone snorted, and their hearts were filled with all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred.

"Mom, I won't eat anymore, I want to retreat!"

After replying to his mother's secret words, Long Jue didn't care about everyone's gossip at all, and disappeared from the casino on a cloud of fire! practice? so boring! But this time, he seems to have finally found the motivation to practice, so... let's take it seriously!

"What? What did Jue'er say? He wants to retreat?" The job bowl in Father Long's hand fell to the ground!

"Heaven will not perish my lineage! After doing all the crooked ways, I can actually figure out how to let the avatar go out to practice. The unscrupulous person who huddles in the casino every day to tease the crickets is finally enlightened! Wow, wow, wow! God has eyes!"

Hearing this thunderous news, the domain master of Longfeng cried like a child! He is a well-known figure in this continent. He wants to have good looks and strength, but he can't hold his head up in front of his friends because of this useless son who never practiced summoning skills since he was born!

This good-for-nothing son is finally starting to work hard now!

At the same time, Enchanting Yao, who was "abandoned" by the lake after being shamelessly kissed by Long Jue, was still falling into a deep sleep of extreme lack of spirit.

In the beast control ring, the power in her dark spirit orb was being crazily sucked by the demon servant Na Duoduo, who was about to devour the master, while the water spirit orb exchanged from the bottom of the lake at the Izumo Academy slowly started to rotate.

The power of the water element in this lake area is not generally abundant! Unknowingly, enchanting, a touch of light blue water element power slowly rose from her body.

Enchanting fell into a deep sleep, but did not know that Lin Nei not far away was already fighting fiercely!

"How come there are remnants of the demon race!" When the old Tai Yuan who flew down from the sky rushed to the "flame explosion" land, he did not find the advanced fire lord, but caught the dark demon spreading from the underground magic lair gas!

"Hmph! So it's the demons of the Moyun Sect! They actually dug a base camp under the imperial capital. No wonder they couldn't find you no matter how hard they searched. How cunning!"

Seeing that Tai Yuan, who was born in the dark camp, had already forgotten about the fire lord, he flew directly into the air with one foot, and his old and dignified voice echoed under the entire sky like a bell:

"The powerhouses of the light camp within a hundred miles listen to my Taiyuan order to find the heavenly master of flowers! The great flood demon cloud sect is here, come and gather quickly! Come and join me in the devil's lair!"

"Swoosh! Whoosh, whoosh!" Before Taiyuan's voice fell, dozens of figures shot from all directions in the forest and field!

Those figures are all strong men in the imperial capital, heavyweights who came to befriend the first time because they felt the promotion of the fire lord! Either the Patriarch or the Core Disciple. The strength is not lower than the sixth level.

These people would never get together at the same time on weekdays, and anyone who was released at random would be a distinguished person who could make the ground tremble three times, and when they heard the name "Taiyuan" at this time, they all showed shocking expressions.

"It's actually the overlord of Taiyuan!" A figure looked up longingly at the legendary figure with white hair fluttering in the sky.

"Shhh, don't make jokes, how can you fly at the overlord level, Venerable Taiyuan has already broken through that level."

"That rank..." The first person who spoke certainly understood the meaning of that rank, his eyeballs almost bulged out of their sockets, and he didn't dare to make a sound again.

Standing in the air, the Taiyuan old man glanced at the crowd gathered at his feet. Yes, almost all the super families of the imperial capital sent people: the distinctive gray pupils and purple hair of the Fei Liji family, and the unique and powerful water spirit of the Xue family. Li, the steel-horned cavalry commonly used by the Hanze family, the silver-clawed flying eagle of the Luo family's flying system...

Tai Yuan nodded in satisfaction, and jumped into the dark Moyun Crypt first. This time, I originally wanted to get to know Dahong's unnamed new lord, but I didn't expect to discover by accident the old lair of the Demon Cloud Evil Sect that had been blasted away by unknown masters. Getting rid of Da Hong's cancer is more important than finding a new lord.

"Glory of the Empire!" someone shouted!

Time passed quickly, night came quietly, the Great Flood Moyun Sect was razed to the ground within a day, and thousands of Moyun disciples died in the barbaric massacre of the light camp. If Yaoluo had witnessed this demon-slaying war called "justice" with her own eyes, even her steadfast heart would be throbbing.

The natural law called fate is slowly running, and the crime and criminal law are just the declaration of the strong, which will never change.

"Brother! Look! Here is a water attribute girl that I have never seen before!" Xue Xuntian, who came to the lake to wash off his blood, found the enchanting woman sleeping on the grass, and suddenly screamed.

"What? Is it the same water attribute as our Xue family?" Xue Xundao, who is over forty years old, is the great suzerain of the Xue family in the imperial capital, and his strength is only a thin line behind the lord. Hearing his second brother's voice, his brows were furrowed, and a thought suddenly came to his mind:

great! This is a gift from God!

"What nonsense! This is Xueyu! Xueyu, who has been missing for thirteen years, has finally returned home! Second brother, let's take her back to Xue's house!"

"Brother, you..."

Xue Xuntian shut his mouth, and finally turned his head around. This year's imperial capital's imperial trial is called a pervert!

Other aristocratic families are better, they can send someone to replace them, but each of their Xue family is born with a body of water attribute, and they can't find a substitute at all. If they really send the elder brother's son Xueli to participate, it is estimated that there will be even bones left when they come back. No more!

Now the world has fallen to this water-attributed girl. Just enough to pretend to be the third daughter of the Xue family—Xue Yu, the prostitute daughter of his third brother who died thirteen years ago and got lost!

-----Off Topic-----

That's right, tomorrow I will enter the second volume of this article - Chaos Imperial Capital. Wonderful, not to be missed~

Enchanting finally grows up and can perform contract summoning~ What will be her next Eudemon? What will happen to Izumo

This book was first published by Lover's Pavilion, please do not reprint it! "