The Conjuror Xena

Chapter 93: 015 The real meat of the game


The waning moon is like blood, and Montenegro is rugged. (.plain text)

Four thousand pharmacists who had just been teleported to this desolate land stared blankly at this unfamiliar land. shivering chill.

And flickering fire. The faint flames illuminated the hazy outlines of the dilapidated military camp tents in the night.

This is their official playing field? Could it be that there is a deviation in the transmission of the transmission array

The pharmacist squatted in the alchemy room every day to refine medicine, how could he adapt to such a harsh environment

The young pharmacists curled up their necks and trembled under the night sky.

"Grass! What the hell kind of place is this!"

"It's so cold! Is there any mistake? What kind of smell is in the air! It's almost like garlic rotting in the gutter! It's disgusting! I'm going to vomit!"

"This... this doesn't seem to be the Suzaku Continent! I heard the mercenary group mentioned this place. Could it be the battlefield of the Scarlet Demon Sea?"

The pharmacists, who were shivering from the night wind, hugged into a group and chattered.

This is of course the Scarlet Devil Sea, enchantingly looking at all the surrounding scenery calmly, this is not only the Red Devil Sea, but also the defending battlefield bordering the border of the Red Devil Sea and the Dahong Empire!

The war between the Great Flood Empire and the Scarlet Demon Sea monster tide has not broken out again for many years. Why is there such a strong smell of blood and sex in the air at this time

Enchanting recalled the slogan "Glory of the Empire" vaguely heard in front of the horn camp after being teleported, a bad thought suddenly rose in her heart.

Could it be that the content of their competition is...

It was too late for Yaoluo to think too much, and the messy shouts and footsteps came from far and near to everyone in the night.

"Help... help... you must save me..."

In the distance, under the night, two soldiers with gloomy faces carried a person who was not crying in pain on a single frame, and trotted away from the eyes of the crowd to the apartment of the best beauty.

This is indeed Dahong's barracks! There was also a large-scale battle broke out! A soldier is wounded! The pharmacists looked sympathetically at the blood-stained stand.

But when everyone saw the figure on the stand clearly, someone among the four thousand people suddenly vomited uncontrollably!

Yes! It's just a group of people vomited gorgeously!

The nauseating sound of vomiting seemed to be contagious, rising and falling in the dark night, extremely ear-piercing and continuous.

Because lying on that stand was a human warrior who had been devoured by an old demon!

The soldier's chest was still pierced with a bone spur that was broken off from Old Demon's body. There was no good skin on his body, his flesh and blood were flying, his internal organs were thrown out of his body, and it was impossible to tell which organ it was. Flowing on a single rack. To be alive is already a miracle!

Only his skeleton-like jaw was still opening and closing, the flesh had been torn apart, and a weak cry of "Help me..." came out from the depths of his throat!

This is by no means an illusion!

The pungent bloody smell and the desperate expression on the seriously injured soldier's face strongly impacted everyone's sights.

All the scenes are so cruel and real!

The pharmacists who have been refining medicine in the alchemy room all the year round have never seen such a bloody and terrifying scene! Just a quick glance, most of them lay on the ground and vomited, and what's more, they just rolled their eyes, and fainted before they could even let out a terrified howl.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to."

Someone vomited while explaining, and managed to stop the nausea. When he remembered what he saw just now, he lay down on the ground and continued to vomit again.

"It's too scary! You can survive being beaten like that by monsters! You're really not human!" Some pharmacists were already pale from the cruelty of the war, and their calves couldn't help shaking.

Thinking that they are now in the rear of the battlefield, everyone has a sense of fear that they don't know if they will survive the next moment. But in fact, they only glimpsed the most insignificant corner of cruelty on the battlefield.

They were not disgusted because of the bloody scene, but because of fear! This is the real battlefield! Maybe they will become like this in the next moment!

"What are you staring at! This is your game!"

Standing at the forefront of the crowd, Grandmaster Heine suddenly roared with faint anger! These young pharmacists really have never seen the world! Even the seriously injured can scare them like this!

Grandmaster Heine stretched out his arm, pointed to a large white tent that was different from the military tent and shouted loudly:

"There are all kinds of burning magic crystals, raw materials for medicinal materials, and Dahong wounded soldiers who are even more inhuman than what you saw just now! Everyone, stand up for me and eliminate your inner fear! Start the competition!"

"Medicine is limited! Each person sacrifices a tripod for hemostatic pills, a tripod for pain relief pills, plus ten points for those who can make birth muscle pills, ten points for those who can make detoxification pills, and twenty points for those who can make bone regeneration pills! Vomiting Not only those who are unable to refine the medicine will be disqualified from the competition! Among you, whoever lasts the longest, whoever sacrifices the most medicine pills, and whoever saves the most people... whoever is the final winner!"

So cruel!

This is the content of the competition in the Dahong Division of the Hundred Nations Pharmacists Competition!

Grandmaster Heine directly brought the four thousand Dahong contestants who participated in the Pharmacist Competition to the magic battlefield!

This crazy old man Jia Baoyu in the Yamen of the Red Chamber! Competing with him is simply desperate!

Yaoluo felt that all this was very exciting, but when did the Dahong Empire break out with the Red Devils and the demons in a large-scale war again? Why didn't she hear the news in the imperial capital

Because the communication crystal needs to be injected with spiritual power to use it, Yaoluo usually does not communicate with the Qilin King of the Orange Demon Sea every day. But when she calmed down and thought about it carefully, she immediately understood the cause and effect of the whole thing.

In the Orange Demon Sea, the shameless Gods of War in Yunguo boasted that they possessed the Great Emperor's magic weapon, the Zhiyang Cauldron, and they were planning to rob a batch of precious ores transported from Tianchi Mine to Dahong in the past few days. Although the news had already been passed to the Qilin King by Na Duoduo, a massive and brutal battle of gods in the Orange Demon Sea was still inevitable.

So enchanting predictions: At this time, all the senior pharmacists stationed in the Red Devil Sea were transferred to the Orange Devil Sea!

As a result, there is a serious shortage of pharmacists accompanying the Red Demon Sea!

Reluctantly, at this juncture, a big monster frenzy happened to erupt in the Red Demon Sea bordering the Dahong Empire!

There is no great pharmacist accompanying the army in the garrison camp, so we can only temporarily dispatch four thousand young pharmacists who participated in the pharmacist competition to support the field!

Pharmacists on the Dahong battlefield are scarce! This is an S-class secret! Any enemy country of the Dahong Empire must not be allowed to investigate! So Grandmaster Heine didn't reveal a word before bringing them here!

wartime! Now is the most dangerous wartime for Dahong!

The Dahong Empire, which was attacked by the Demon Race and the Gods of War of the Cloud Kingdom at the same time, is silently bearing the unimaginable pressure of the common people!

No wonder all the content of the competition was extremely fast. At the opening ceremony, 4,000 pharmacists were directly selected and brought directly to the magic battlefield. It seems that the incident happened suddenly and the situation was urgent. Grandmaster Heine must have concealed the content of this perverted competition The Pharmacist Association, privately discussed the solution with Hong Ba, the lord of Dahong!

Thinking of this, Yaoluo felt admiration for the somewhat crazy old man in front of her.

What a domineering method! That is to continue to carry out the task assigned to him by the Pharmacist Association to select the best pharmacist in the Dahong Empire, and at the same time secretly solve the huge crisis facing the motherland!

"Grandmaster! You are here!"

There was a loud sound like a bell in the sky. At the same time, a huge storm was set off on the chaotic sky, and a giant bird with two heads of red fire swooped down to the ground with an unimaginably huge deterrent force! That astonishing momentum seemed to split the air into two!

Following the appearance of the two-headed bird and the resounding sound, the soft-armored infantrymen who were trotting around in the barracks stood still abruptly, silently giving a solemn military salute to the direction from which the sound came.

In an instant, the army was mighty, and an indescribable sense of solemnity and dignity shrouded everyone's hearts!

Who is coming? How did he recognize Grandmaster Heine

Everyone knew that on Dahong's Demonic Battlefield, there was only one person worthy of such a solemn attention ceremony! There is only one person who can make the generals and non-commissioned officers sincerely respect him from the bottom of his heart!

Whether in wartime or peacetime, this name is a kind of belief, and it is the banner that will always stand on the battlefield of the Great Flood Demon Sea!

That person is the leader of the human race - Marshal Carton Hanze!

Lord level summoner! The most outstanding general of Dahong who has guarded the border for more than fifty years. He was born in a super family of the empire, but he started from the humblest infantry in the barracks. From a centurion to a commander, he stepped into the Dahong army with his own military achievements Top position!

In the past fifty years, he has fought three times against the frenzy of monsters in the Red Demon Sea, bringing the most stable half century in the history of Dahong to the people at the border of Dahong!

The most famous one was twenty years ago, when Grandmaster Heine rescued him from the dead with a Huiming Pill, he led millions of elite soldiers into the Scarlet Demon Sea under the fury of the demons who almost wiped out the ten cities on the border. A new biography of God of War in the hinterland! After killing the demons, they huddled in the ground for a full twenty years and recuperated, not daring to invade the territory of Dahong again!

Carton Hanze's wild short brown hair fluttered wildly in the wind, and an obvious scar stretched from the top of his forehead to his chin, extending to his muscular chest muscles exposed without buttons.

The huge scar seemed to split him in two, resulting in a healthy wheat-colored skin on the right side of his body, with scars of all sizes on his chest, while the skin on the left was as ivory as a boy's. Smooth color.

That was half of his body recast by Heine's Huimeiwan twenty years ago!

Although Marshal Caton's appearance gave people a visual impact as if he had been cut apart, the weird scars on his body did not affect his handsome facial features in the slightest.

Scars are the pride of soldiers! It is the most attractive sign of a wild man!

This weird scar not only did not make Caton Hanze's reputation plummet in the hearts of many girls in Dahong, but in the past, with that fatal attraction, he successfully captured the most beautiful woman in the Dahong Empire at that time——Adela Princess's heart.

Legend has it that on a certain day when Marshal Caton Hanze returned home after breaking through the Red Demon Sea 20 years ago, Princess Adela sneaked into the barracks on a dark and stormy night, and successfully rescued the big man who was still in a dream at that time. Shuaiji successfully "thrown down" in the military tent...

Then in the next few years, the first little Caton Hanser... the second little Caton Hanser... and the life of that steel girl Barriere Hanser... came to this world one after another …

Of course, regardless of the truth about who threw down who, how nasty and violent the beauty Adela is... Anyway, ahem... Marshal Caton Hanze is a legend in itself!

"I haven't seen you for many years, but the handsome man is still so fierce!"

As soon as he saw Carton Hanze, Grandmaster Heine showed a kind smile on his old face.

"Where is there!" Marshal Carton immediately jumped down from the back of his giant double-headed bird, rushed forward in two steps on three legs, and tightly held Grandmaster Heine's skinny hands .

I haven't seen Grandmaster Heine for many years, and I saw him again in the most critical battle of the Demon Sea. This friendship made Carton Hanze, the iron-like human commander, very moved!

And behind Marshal Caton, there also flashed a beautiful girl with silver hair and silver wings, her whole body was wrapped in metal armor, but her figure was so hot that her nose bleeds.

Grandmaster Heine immediately exclaimed and recognized the person in front of him: "Hey! This is... Balier!"

Heine looked at the beautiful girl with dazzling silver light in surprise. It seemed that Ba Lier in his memory was still the little girl who rubbed her nose on his pharmacist's robe when she was a child, but in just a dozen years, the little girl the size of a palm has grown into such a beautiful and charming girl! It's not inferior to her mother Ladera's all-powerful appearance back then!

"Integrate with the beast! I never thought that the hundred-year-old beast contract of the Hanze family is not your two stupid boys, but the youngest girl, Ba Lier!"

Grandmaster Heine, as if he hadn't seen an old friend for many years, enthusiastically slapped Marshal Caton on the shoulder, looked at the dazzling silver hair on Balier's hair that contrasted with Caton's, and continued to look at Caton. Dun exclaimed.

Only the divine beast contractors whose synchronization rate between the Hanze family and the Steel Winged Pegasus reached an extremely high rate would change their hair color and pupil color together.

It seems that he has retreated and studied pharmacology these years, and he is not familiar with many things in the Dahong Empire, even the appearance of the Hanze family's beast contractor. An indescribable complex emotion suddenly rose in Grandmaster Heine's heart.

"Grandpa Heine is good!"

Balier Hanze is one of the few fourth-order summoners who can fly freely in the sky with the help of beasts of the bird type. She quickly descended to the ground after her father Caton's two-headed beast. The silver armor was also stained with blood, it seemed that he had just killed demons on the battlefield of demons and returned to the prehistoric world.

"Thank you Grandpa Heine for bringing so many pharmacists to help us exterminate the demons." Ba Lier's voice was clear and sweet, although she had never remembered seeing such a kind old man when she was young. But when he heard that Grandmaster Heine was his father's savior back then, he immediately rushed forward cordially.

"This monster frenzy came too suddenly. If I hadn't happened to be patrolling the border, the monsters would have already destroyed our first border defense line. A large number of senior pharmacists were transferred away by the king a few days ago. The demons seem to know We don't have enough pharmacists, and the attack methods we use are poisonous barriers and traps, which are not confrontational attacks. After such consumption, our military strength is lacking... "

Marshal Carton and his daughter had a warm exchange with Grandmaster Heine about the recent wounded soldiers. Although Marshal Caton was very excited to get the help of Grandmaster Heine again, but obviously the most important thing now is to discuss the situation of the war.

And the pharmacists who had just been trapped by Heine from Lieyan Square complained incessantly when they heard the alchemy instructions issued by Grandmaster Heine. Generally, healing is only the work of doctors, and pharmacists don't need to face the wounded patients directly, just follow the requirements of the doctors to practice alchemy. Making all kinds of wound medicine is, I have seen such a bloody and terrifying scene there.

More than half of the 4,000 people have already vomited stomach juice just now, their faces turned green, and their footsteps were sloppy. Not to mention mustering up the courage to walk into the white military tent to treat thousands of seriously ill wounded soldiers!

As far as justice is concerned, it's not that he doesn't want to cure diseases and save people, or that he doesn't want to contribute to the army of the Dahong Empire. Pharmacists can be regarded as half doctors, so they naturally have the mood of saving people;

As far as selfishness is concerned, which pharmacist doesn't want to win the first place in this "abnormal" competition

It's just that the pharmacists couldn't adapt to the extreme psychological shock for a while. Being in the camp of the Red Devil Sea garrison who may die at any time, as long as they think of the bloody and wailing horror scene they might face... His calves are so trembling that he can't even walk!

Among the 4,000 people, only a mere 100 people bravely walked to the white wounded soldiers' barracks at the first time.

Enchantingly turned her head to look at Marshal Carton and Ba Lier who descended from the sky, she did not expect that her old fox father who taught Ba Lier to go to Xue's house to cheat for food and drink is actually the one that the people of Dahong often talk about Hero of the Empire - Marshal Carton Hanzer.

This girl is hiding deep enough! Enchanting thought secretly, so her father is so famous!

good! Meet acquaintances! You can also quietly help them when you need it!

Thinking of the kind eyes of Iron Girl in the ancient ruins, the enchanting heart was moved. Her father was the most powerful commander in the Dahong Empire who had slaughtered demons for half a century. He was born with an extraordinary hatred for monsters. But she still trusted her unconditionally after seeing her bursting out with dark attribute power.

Enchanting has this trust deeply in her heart.

People are such a strange animal. Some people have known each other for a lifetime, but they still have to be on guard against mutual suspicion, while some people are clearly just a few face-to-face friendships, but it is enough to make people feel that they can become lifelong friends. In my heart, it obviously belongs to the latter.

All the thoughts just flashed through the enchanting mind in an instant, and she had already started running towards the white wounded barracks.

Let's put Lier aside, after all, saving people is the most important thing now!

The scene of the Wounded Barracks was even more crowded than Yaoluo had imagined. It seems that although the eruption of the demonic frenzy was not long, because this important news is still locked up, and it has not spread to the interior of the Dahong Empire through gossip, but Judging from the number of seriously injured soldiers in one day, it is not difficult to guess the scale of this monster frenzy and the madness of the attack!

"My God! Why are there so many wounded!"

Seeing the scene in front of them, the pharmacists who rushed into the white army tent first with Yaoluo gasped!

All kinds of wounded soldiers who were wounded by various monsters were curled up on the ground and in the corners. Although they were all well-trained, they tried their best not to make a sound no matter whether the wounds were treated or not, but the strong smell of blood and the suppressed voice Sighs everywhere betrayed the pain and torment they were enduring Yue Lingjie.

Not only humans, but also their war beasts are on the verge of dying at the same time.

It seems that the outbreak of the monsters in the Scarlet Demon Sea must have been secretly reported by a traitor!

It can be seen that the damage suffered by all wounded soldiers is not a physical attack of immediate death, but poisoning! Get hurt by a trap! The war beast is controlled by the mind and devours its master...

All of them are the kind of injuries that can't die on the spot, and if there is no medicine and doctors after being rescued back to the barracks, they will be tortured to death!

What a vicious method!

Seeing this tragic scene, Yaoluo immediately went into a rage! Demons are so shameless!

She immediately went forward, grabbed a medical staff who was busy spinning like a spinning top, and asked loudly, "What medicine is most in short supply here?"

"You are... a pharmacist!"

The medical staff caught by Yaoluo saw the pure white medicinal cauldron held in Yaoluo's hand, their chaotic and godless eyes suddenly burst into excitement, and they held onto Yaoluo's slender waist with one hand, and shook it crazily, almost knocking out the cauldron that came out. The snot and tears were all stuck on the enchanting neck!

"The pharmacist! The pharmacist is finally here! We lack everything! When the demons attacked the most, they blew up our medicine storehouse!"

"Only a few ingredients right now! We want the bleeding pills! We want the stopping pills! We want the paralysis pills! We want the CPR pills! We want..."

The excited medical staff announced the names of thirty or forty kinds of emergency medicines in one breath, almost failing to mention them all in one breath and recite them by themselves!

He yelled at Yaoluo with a smothered purple round face: "Help us quickly! We have hundreds of wounded soldiers who cannot perform operations because they have no medicine! They bite the board directly without hemostatic medicine and paralysis medicine After being operated on, we are almost at a loss, the demons are asking us to kill our own people... Pharmacist is here to help!"

"That's right! We still need to dispel poison pills. Is there any great pharmacist among you who can refine sixth-grade dispel poison pills..."

"I'm going to explode blood pills here! My patient's heart is about to stop beating..."


Hearing the roar of the first enchanting medical staff shaking excitedly, thirty-four doctors suddenly emerged from all directions of the military tent, and surrounded the first batch of pharmacists who rushed into the tent! They began to speak loudly about the medicines they needed!

The situation is so serious! The enchanting eyes are breathing fire!

This is definitely a premeditated frenzy of demons! He actually burned down the medicine storehouse in the first place!

Although the Dahong Empire has a lot of medicine reserves, most of them are health-preserving pills and elixir for summoner cultivation. There are not many finished products that really stop bleeding and save the wounded!

Qilin City is also preparing for battle, and it is absolutely impossible to help them. Even if the Dahong Empire can use the teleportation array to continuously deliver medical raw materials to the Scarlet Sea Demon Battlefield, they are still in urgent need of pharmacists. It seems that Grandmaster Heine moved here all at once. Four thousand pharmacists are really not too many!

After all, there must not be many pharmacists who can really resist this kind of mental oppression and continue to refine medicine until the end of the war!

-----Off Topic-----

Thank you tracy199431 for the three flowers~thank you for the shadow of the eleven flowers~thank you Meier for the two diamonds~very happy~mua

By the way, it seems that Xiaoxiang's page has been unstable in the past few days, and the catalog and updates of many articles cannot be published~ Yuyu still updates articles at 6:00 every morning. If you can't see the catalog, you can refresh it more~"