The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 101


After suddenly realizing this, Xiang Yu gave birth to a feeling in his heart.

Unprecedented fear actually prompted him to break the invisible shackles and stand up suddenly!

The low table full of dishes and drinks was overturned by his rude behavior, as the utensils broke

The crisp sound of crushing, the poured wine is full of mellow aroma.

The people in the banquet were surprised and turned to him.

That Liu mouse even pretended to get up, his face closed

Cut: "General Xiang is—"


Before he knew it, Xiang Yu had completely lost his sober awareness that it was just a dream.

terrified by that

Driven by fear, he didn't even realize that he had completely regained control of his body.

He was busy looking around in panic, but when he was approached by this ugly face, he was instantly furious!

King Xiang, tall and burly, with a mighty imposing manner, was furious for no reason, his eyes were red, and when he showed a strong murderous aura that would kill the opponent, he was as cunning as an old man.

Liu Bang's generation also shivered, and subconsciously stepped back.

And this retreat gave birth to the tyrannical flames in Xiang Yu's heart!

"Wait-" he

This loud shout, sounded like thunder, made people deafening and chilling, but it was full of cold meaning: "Where are you taking Feng Xian!"

in this feast

The situation took a turn for the worse, and Xiang Bo, who thought he had coaxed the violent Xiang Yu, was also dumbfounded.

Seeing that Xiang Yu's inexplicable anger was completely out of control, he stretched out his

With a strong and powerful arm, he grabbed the front of Liu Bang's face, who was terrified.

that addicted

Xue Chongtong suddenly approached Liu Bang's pair of sneaky eyes, Xiang Yu was covered in furious flames, and he asked every word: "Where is Feng Xian

! "

Xiang Bo saw that the situation was in critical condition, how could he still sit still

He was so anxious that he almost rushed forward with his hands rolling, and he was about to break Xiang Yu's iron pincers with his bare hands.

The general grabbed the arm of Liu Bang's shirt, made the opponent's eyes turn white, and stuck out his tongue in pain, and hissed, "I beg the general to stop quickly! The 'Fengxian' in the general's mouth

Who is he, not to mention Duke Pei, even the ministers have never heard of him, so how can they know his whereabouts? If the general was deceived by a traitor and killed Zhongliang by mistake, would it be the act of a man

How different from the violent Qin! "

However, what Xiang Bo never dreamed about was that Xiang Yu, who had always been obedient to him, only sneered after hearing these words.

Xiang Yuji

With a snort of disdain, he said coldly, "Who are you loyal to, and for whom are you admonishing... You should be well aware of it!"

Xiang Bo did not expect Xiang Yu to answer this, and suddenly felt

Like falling into an ice cave, frozen on the spot, unable to move.

He was so frightened that he didn't dare to open his mouth to stop him, but Zhang Liang rushed forward desperately, how could he be a martial artist

The opponent of Xiang Yu, who is incomparable and powerful

Xiang Yu looked straight at Liu Bang, who was already venting too much and not taking in too much.


He just kicked hard without any effort, and Zhang Liang flew out on the spot like a broken paper kite, hitting the low table heavily, and he didn't know his life or death.

"If you don't know,"

Yu Yu's eyes were cold: "It's useless."

As soon as these words were finished, there was a scene called Xiang Bo and Zhang Liang's eyes splitting-

Xiang Yu, who is strong enough to pull mountains, is actually

Without blinking, his hands suddenly exerted force, like tearing a piece of cloth, tearing apart the struggling Liu Bang's arms!

His arms slumped to the ground, and Liu Bang was affected by this

Unprecedented pain struck, even though he didn't know what was going on in his head, he let out a terrifying scream!

Xiang Yu indifferently threw him down, Ren Ru

Note that blood gushed out from the two huge gaps.

He turned around, looked blankly at the people who were full of pain or shock, and slowly pulled out Long Yuan.


- With the Longyuan sword, the general of Chu State, who made a name for himself in Julu, is like a lion who has lost his lover completely insane, roaring and slashing in all directions, and finally kills him.

There was a corpse all over the place, and the blood flowed into a river.

Xiang Yu's eyes were bloodshot, but his mind was blank.

It wasn't until Fan Zeng, who was sitting in a daze, who had nothing to live for during the banquet, did he gasp for a moment.

With a sigh, he put the bloody Longyuan Sword back into its sheath.

Then he staggered a bit and walked slowly towards Fan Zeng, who didn't say a word from beginning to end. When he spoke with difficulty,

The voice was trembling uncontrollably: "Yafu..."

Xiang Yu really didn't know, if even Yafu didn't know anything about the existence of Fengxian, the world is so big, and he would not know it.

Where to look for it

As soon as this thought surfaced, Xiang Yu felt that his eyes were dark, and he actually fainted.

When he opened his eyes again, he was not in the feast, but in the

Outside a large city gate.

He sat up in confusion, realizing that his palms were muddy.

After he was stunned for a while, he knew that the ground must have been flooded before.

Appears to be soggy and soft.

Where is he

Xiang Yu looked up in confusion and saw a stone plaque with the word 'Xiapi' hanging on the city gate.

He did not detect that the stone plaque was

When I saw it before, it was much more mottled and old, so I just got up slowly and unconsciously walked towards the city.

How could he be in Xiapi... This is because he was chasing after Feng Xianxian

Afterwards, Fang came to an unfamiliar city

When Xiang Yu was walking aimlessly in the city, he suddenly caught a familiar roar: "—the most unbeliever!"

After hearing this sound, Xiang Yu's whole body was shocked, and the next moment he ran wildly towards the source of the sound like crazy!

He was not far away from the source of the sound, and he was not far away.

Under the rush of his rampage, he finally killed the captive who was struggling endlessly with the white ling, but it was in vain!

as if in mind

Inductively, when Xiang Yu arrived, not only the soldier who wanted to hang the prisoner was stunned, he stopped and continued to tighten his grip, but even the prisoner who was screaming and struggling.

Jiang, also froze on the spot, just staring at him blankly.

Although the appearance has changed a lot, Xiang Yu can still clearly recognize it with just one glance.

That is

The pheasant's tail feathers have been broken, and it is tightly bound in disgrace. His shirt is torn to pieces, showing bruises all over his body... A love general who is embarrassed.

Xiang Yu timidly

Looking at this scene, the heavy pupils moved slowly for a while, and moved to the dazzling white silk.

"Fool!" Lu Bu was also dumbfounded, and murmured, "How could this ghost come here

place! "

Originally, he was put to sleep by this foolish man as a mother-in-law, and he felt depressed because he felt that he had suffered a big loss and could not break the marriage, and the next moment he dreamed of being a hateful white man.

Downstairs that day.

Even though he knew it was just a nightmare, the pain of being hanged to death still made him horrified, so even if he knew it was futile, he still had to.

Struggling to resist until the last moment.

Who would have thought that he was resisting and resisting, but in his heart he knew that his limbs were bound tightly, and he had nowhere to exert himself.

At the moment when the soldier was hanged to death, this reckless man who should not have appeared here and now appeared!

Xiang Yu's lips twitched when he heard the phrase 'foolish man'.

in mind

There was still a buzzing sound, and he was shocked by this scene, and he slowly closed his eyes.


The next moment, with this sound

Xiang Yu, who was devoured by the raging flames that swept through the sky and completely lost his sense, opened his blood-colored eyes full of hatred and destroying everything!

his eyes

His eyes were red, but two lines of shocking blood and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

And it was this evil spirit, who was killed out of thin air, with blood and tears, and went completely mad on the spot.

he pulls

Out of the Longyuan Sword, no matter how many injuries he suffered, he just killed everyone present.

Before the army came, he staggered and grabbed a military horse.

Carefully picked up the scarred love general who had just been rescued, and the two rode together and rode away.

Although there were soldiers behind him yelling and scolding, there were also horses kicking.

Chase, but in the end they couldn't keep up with the speed of them who were ahead, and were gradually thrown away.

Only at the moment when the two were about to leave the city, he suddenly remembered that there was also Gao Shun Chen Gong.

Together with Zhang Liao's long-winded ghosts, he shouted that the invincible idiot who could come to rescue him even in his dreams would help him and take away a few of his subordinates.


Yu Zi agreed.

So the two of them unreasonably killed a carbine, ramming Cao Jun into a mess, caught off guard, and knocked Gao who was almost dropped.

Shun several people cut the rope with a sword and rescued them together.

Several people looked at the god-like mighty man in disbelief, who was not inferior to the tall and burly lord.

General Tong, there was a faint guess in his heart, but no one really asked.

Gao Shun and Zhang Liao reacted very quickly, a hawk turned over and got on the horse, while Chen Gong stumbled

Hit, sweaty palms grabbed the reins, but couldn't climb up for a long time.

Seeing that Lu Bu was impatient, he simply lifted him up and threw him on the back of Gao Shun's horse: "

go now! "

It's really strange to say that it's strange. I clearly know that this is just a dream, but the sense of urgency that the chasing troops are approaching has not diminished in the slightest.

Several people fled quickly

, and Lu Bu looked back from time to time at the several subordinates who were still alive and kicking, with a dazed expression.

He couldn't believe that he had escaped this constant entanglement so easily.

Nightmare not to go.

Until a drop of hot tears hit the wound on his shoulder, bringing clear stinging pain, and the back also felt the silent but fiercely heaving chest of the fool.

After the chamber, he slowly returned to his senses.

Alas, how could this foolish man rarely be so mighty in his dreams, but he was still so foolish in the end!

Although Lu Bu slandered like this, he

He couldn't help reaching out his hand, and under the horrified eyes of several subordinates in the daytime, he lightly covered the back of Xiang Hanzi's hand, which was holding the reins so tightly that his fingers turned white.

Although it's just a dream to put gold on this fool's face...

It's worth a word to get him out of this quagmire.

Lu Bu Ergen was shocked for a while

Hot, just when he was hesitating whether to say it, he suddenly lost weight, and the world was spinning before his eyes, and he lost his mind.

After finally getting rid of the dream, the two of them together

When I opened my eyes, I felt like I was separated from the world.

Xiang Yu just thought it was just his own imagination, and now he can return, after a silence subsided, he couldn't help but stretch out.

He stretched out his arms and hugged his sweetheart tightly.

"Follow first."

He still had the pain of that horrible scene grinding back and forth like a dull knife in his heart, which eased after a while.

Breathe out, muttered.

It is the one he loves, who is well protected, who is still alive and well, who is full of vitality and high spirited love will...

Lu Bu did not know that mysterious one

'Dream' is actually two people in it at the same time.

He kept thinking to himself, 'Thinking about the day and dreaming at night', is it because he is thinking about this foolish guy too much, Fang Fang

Did you make up the other party in a nightmare to save yourself

Reminiscing about that fool who showed great power, alone and with a sword, he actually beat all the people who bullied him to the head.

, Even the traitor Cao and the three brothers Liu Da'er couldn't escape, and the slaughter was called a neat and sassy heroic figure...

It is second only to Lao Tzu's domineering!

Lu Bu

The more I think about it, the more happy I feel, and I can't help but smack my lips.

This was the first time ever. When he recalled the scene of that day, it was no longer a matter of remorse.

, humiliation and pain, but full of the joy of revenge.

If nothing else, it is far more painful than the revenge method he used to accidentally kick Liu mouse to death.

Much faster!

Driven by this lingering rhyme, Lu Bu's mind moved slightly, and he couldn't help rubbing against this naive man who had become extremely pleasing to the eye.

Although shock and pain last night

A lot, but... not entirely uninteresting.

Simply taking advantage of the mood, come again

Lu Bu always wanted to come out and come out, whenever the mood came, he would be on the spot.

It has to be made of quick temper.

He didn't care what the foolish man was thinking with his eyes open, he lit the fire on his own, and set the two people who were attached to it on fire.

Woke up.

After Lu Bu completely put aside the stubborn resistance, he used his true skills generously. Although he was still a little rusty, this time it was not as good as the last time.


It can be said that both parties enjoyed each other, and they both tasted the joy that makes people eat the marrow and know the taste.

After Lu Bu was full, he wanted to leave the foolish man behind and go to sleep.

But that silly guy

He tasted the sweetness, but he refused to let him go easily, so there was another cat-like fight, tossing and turning on the couch.

Until the lights come on again, listen to the general

When Han Xin asked to see him, he had to stop temporarily.

When Han Xin, who was full of sadness, walked around like an ant on a hot pot for a long time, when he saw the Emperor Chu who was slowly walking out, he was overwhelmed.

time sank.

As a man, how could he not see the completely satisfied look on Emperor Chu's face at this moment

But he didn't know that his virtuous brother was bullied by this.

How's it going!

Since Han Xin heard the shocking news, he was so anxious that he was burning inside.

He didn't care about the army, he was hurrying and hurrying all the way, and it was only one day before the emperor's wedding.

Back to Xianyang.

After entering the city, he was dressed in the dust, and his mouth was dry, but he didn't even want to take a sip of water, so he immediately rushed to the palace and begged to see His Majesty.

However, if

It seems that he is late after all!

With regard to his previous ignorance, he was suspicious of his own stupidity, but he missed the most powerful person in the world because of a blind eye.

The letter is even more regrettable.

I only hope that my virtuous brother will not be short-sighted because he cannot bear the humiliation—

Han Xin is staring at Xiang Yu, who is absent-minded. His virtuous brother is full of thoughts.

, actually walked out from behind the curtain, dressed neatly.

Although Lu Bu walked a little slower than usual and was a little more careful, he was full of energy and his eyes were bright.

Yi, where is it like the slump and pain that Han Xin imagined

Since he knew that the cheap old man was here, how could he lose face as a husband, and hurriedly kicked the foolish man

Go out to stay first, change your clothes by yourself, and then come out majestic.

However, in Han Xin's eyes, this is undoubtedly the three hundred taels of silver in this place.

He was stunned

, and Lu Bu, who was unaware of this cheap old brother's complicated feelings, thought he was hiding it, and said carelessly, "Brother Han is back just in time. In three days, Bu will be big—"

The word "marriage" has not been uttered, and Xiang Yu, who has been silent for a while, has frowned and corrected in a deep voice: "Second day."

Lu Bu was stunned by these words and thought about it.

The two spent a whole day and night together in a daze, but it was only for two days!

Then he changed his words eloquently: "—The big wedding will come in two days, and the elder brother will have to come.

Banquet, or beg for a glass of wine! "

Xiang Yu nodded slightly, his eyes fixed on Lu Bu, who cares about General Han who has been transformed into a wooden and clay sculpture.

he is

I know, Fengxian is alone here, and he has no worries, but he is very close to this righteous brother. Even when he abandoned the official and left, he was the first to go to Huaiyin to avenge his humiliated old revenge...

This kind of friendship is extraordinary and should not be taken lightly.

After Lu Bu finished explaining, he was afraid of being questioned by this cheap old brother, so he slowly moved back to the hall.


Until Lu Bu left, Xiang Yufang turned his eyes calmly and landed on Han Xin, who had a sluggish look.

This tired, go back to the house to rest. "

Han Xin was already very messy, and even though he was cared for by this, he just nodded dumbly and left the hall in a hurry.

Although he had missed the guess of Emperor Chu before, and ended up in today's situation, he was by no means an elm head.

Seeing that the two of them were very close, how could he not know that the virtuous brother and the majesty

Between the next... is definitely not what he thought to be bullying the virtuous and robbing

But what's going on here

He looked back at the 'Fengxian Temple' three in confusion.

Words, for a long time do not understand.

That night, I also had a splitting headache. I couldn't understand how I got into such a precarious situation, but there was still Xiao who stayed in the Hall of Hundred Officials.


The normally cold brows became even more stern at this moment, deeply frowning.

- Because no one dared to take the initiative to take the important post that was to be sealed by the Hou Edict, he took it for granted

Suddenly, it fell on the head of Fan Zeng, who was most valued by Fan Zeng.

Noticing the sympathetic eyes of his colleagues gathered on his body, Xiao He couldn't help but smile bitterly.

They all feel helpless

Hand, could he... have a clue

The emperor married the general as the queen, such a pioneering and unprecedented anecdote, how can there be a precedent to learn from!


For those compliments of being "gentle, graceful and dignified, with a noble clan, a beautiful birthday bell, and showing off with a chapter", and even more with the majestic General Lu, who is highly skilled in martial arts.

The army can be said to be irrelevant!

Xiao Heku stared deeply at the blazing fire, and the blue veins on his forehead burst slightly.

I don't know why, he

The biggest problem faced was actually caused by General Na Lu Da.

Even if he procrastinated for a day and a night, the most difficult task would not fall on anyone else, and he would finally write it down.


Xiao He opened and closed his eyes repeatedly, and put the pen on hold.

It was only after midnight that he finally calmed down, concentrated his energy, and bit the bullet and wrote—


I was awarded the title of Zongzhou, trembling with fear... I heard that the one who is the sage will stand up... Build the world in all directions. General Lu Bu, loyal to the liver and courageous, known for his bravery as a tiger, and also a brilliant strategy,

The generals are like gods, he has driven millions of troops, followed the king to fight in the four fields, and made achievements; he has even advised the king, recommended talents, showed mercy to the people, defended the capital, defeated evil captives, and conquered lost territories... is hard to be rewarded because of the extreme merits, but only relying on the destiny, canonizing Lv Bu as the Queen of the Middle Palace, and living with the emperor in the Fengxian Hall..."

At the end of writing, even Xiao He couldn't help but be surprised at Luo

The smoothness behind the pen is actually without the hardships he originally thought.

Just like the two powerful and equally powerful people, they seem incredible, but they are destined to be a match made in heaven.


Xiao He let out a laugh, and concentrated on the last word—Qin this.

All the flames, the entanglement of grievances... and the dust has settled.

The author has something to say

Say: The text ends here! A random drop! The show really doesn't change every day! This maintenance day has come to an end. It is really a passion that I didn't expect myself. QAQ

I was too tired and needed a break.

Thank you very much for being with you all the way = 3 = bow.

In addition, the new text plans to open the book of the Three Kingdoms generals, but because of getting

The editor reminds that because the policy has been tightened again recently, it is emphasized that the sexual orientation of historical figures cannot be changed. In order to prevent being reported, it is recommended to change to no CP. After all, new articles can no longer be adopted

Take a parallel history setting like mine.

In fact, this article can be successfully written according to the settings, I have been very lucky, and I hope that everyone will not publish this.

many comments.

I would like to apologize to the relatives who collected 'Xun Yu CP' for the copy.

As a result, the outline I originally envisaged was completely invalidated.

I will also write it out, so I plan to write another book to change my mood. Maybe I will write the article "Domineering Beauty" in the pre-received article, or I may write another Western Fantasy Farming article and try it for a long time.

Illegal translation style.

Thank you again for your company along the way, bowing~ If you have a fate, the new article may see you again!

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