The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 14


When Lu Bu asked this question, Xiang Yu was silent for a long time, wondering what he was thinking about.

Just when Lu Bu was getting impatient, he began to conceive.

When he wondered if the Han King of Western Chu was drunk and confused, Xiang Yu nodded.

To Lv Bu's satisfaction, Xiang Yu took a long time to think, but his attitude was very good.


I saw that he first nodded slightly to Fan Zeng, who was still immersed in extreme shock, then turned to the side, and calmly ordered Chu Bing behind him: "Do as Lu Langzhong said.

. "


The Chu soldiers who had been stunned for a long time were finally able to make a difference. They responded in unison, stepped forward one after another, and waved the others in the field without hesitation.

In the hall, blood and flesh splattered instantly, and there were mourning.

All the followers of the King of Chu who dared to resist were cut off by Lu Bu, and they were separated by their heads; the few remaining manpower

, all shivering and hugging into a ball.

When they saw with their own eyes that Gangna was willing to cooperate with this murderer who appeared out of nowhere and promised to tell nonsense to the outside world

After the demonstration of escaping death, they rushed to cry to Lu Bu, begging for his life.

As for the hundreds of cavalry followers abandoned by Liu Bang, they knew that they would die.

, simply fighting to the death, so he formed an array first, and as a result was killed by Lu Bu, who was able to subdue ten guilds. As for the remaining half, it is not Chu at all.

Soldier opponents were quickly killed on the spot.

In the blink of an eye, the only person in the hall who could reconnect with the 'Han Army' was Zhang Liang alone.

Xiang Bo was terrified, and without thinking, he stood in front of Zhang Liang, who was his brother.

General Xiang, please think twice! This fact is impossible! This son has only come to vote for a few days, but he is hiding evil intentions and plotting evil. If he dares to harm the King of Chu today, he will dare to harm the general in the next day! "

"Oh?" Lu Bu had already seen him disliked, but seeing that he couldn't wait to stand in front of Zhang Liang, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows maliciously, playfully saying, "I may

Someday I'm tired of living, will I be able to move the unparalleled general Xiang, not to mention, just look at Xiang Zuoyin..."

In the face of Xiang Bo, who was glaring at him, he was not afraid at all, and he still pretended to be

Pretentiously, he touched his bare chin, which had not yet grown a few hairs, with a contemplative look on his face, and gave a high five after a while: "The diligence of protecting an enemy's think tank.

The posture is almost the same as the recklessness of the animal when it protects its cubs. "

"Shameless!" Xiang Boji was so enraged by this remark, he drew his sword in anger, and the tip of the sword pointed straight at the big

Lu Bu, who was talking nonsense: "Blood mouth! I will kill today—"

Lu Bu lazily played with the hilt of the sword in his hand, sneered when he heard the words, his thumb was slightly tipped, and blood was still dripping.

Li and Yu Wen's sword body suddenly unsheathed.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and interrupted the other party who did not know the heights of the sky with anticipation: "Chu Zuoyin is really going to have a showdown with his ministers.

, Regardless of life or death? "

He can't wait for Xiang Bo to take the initiative to seek death under the unbearable humiliation - if this is the case, no matter how big Xiang Yu's face is, he will definitely make the other party pay.

Long-cherished wish, life belongs to Huangquan.

In his eyes, the most damnable 'remainders of the Han army' is just like this traitor Xiang Bo, who is in Chu and Han, and has no shame.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was also the head of the Xiang clan, and he was also Xiang Yu's uncle, the relationship was extraordinary, he would have chopped the person down long ago.

Xiang Bo hated gritted his teeth, holding the hilt of the sword

His hands trembled slightly.

Even though his brain was congested and his hatred was boiling, he would not completely lose his mind - so he painfully had to admit in his heart that he

Not at all the opponent of Lu Bu, who had just beaten one to a hundred and slaughtered the Quartet.

In the face of Lu Bu's aggressive provocation, he only felt that all his internal organs were burned, but he remained silent in shame.

language, has retreated.

Fan Zeng saw that his face was unpredictable, showing thousands of humiliations, he couldn't help sneering, and asked bluntly: "What Feng Xian said is very true. Zuo Yin is like this.

Anxious to protect each other, An has a relationship with Zhang Liang? "

Fan Zeng had been silent for a while, because the incident was too sudden.

And I saw with my own eyes that Lu Bu acted so boldly and cruelly, calling him

I was in shock, and my mind was disturbed for a while, so I didn't react at all.

After calming down a bit, he had to admit that walking along with Lu Bu's words was the best way to

The path to danger is now - even if they take Lu Bu to death now, because of their status as the leader of the Chu army, the Chu army who watched the king of Chu suffer the assassination is doomed to be unable to escape.

If you have a relationship, you will definitely give someone the right to talk.

It's better to do one thing and two things endlessly, and either silence the people present, or force them to the same camp, and put the blame on a hundred words for escaping from the seats.

Mo Bian's Liu Bang, although it may not be able to deceive the smart people in the world, at least it can completely muddy the water.

Others don't know, but Fan Zeng is true to Xiang Yu.

The King of Chu knew that he was going to kill himself: sooner or later, he had to get there, so he might as well be neat and tidy, so as not to leave endless troubles.

Just look silent on weekdays

Lou Bu, who was loud and kept a low profile, was much more powerful than him when he went his own way.

He calculated Liu Bang and needed help from Xiang Zhuang. In the end, not only did he fail, he even tried

The King of Chu was disgusted.

With this stark contrast, it was even more evident that Lü Bu's calamity and the ruthlessness of his quick kills made him extremely shocked.

Rao is proud of himself

Qi Ji's own can only do nothing about the king of Chu's stumbling on Xiang Yu, Xiang Yu's resentment against the king of Chu, and his murderous intentions. In the end, he was helpless and let Xiang Yu decide.

Overhead the king of Chu, and then kill again.

Guess Lu Bu was not only determined to be ruthless, but also decisive, not afraid of being attacked by insufficient combat power.

Even more incredible is that he

Not afraid of Xiang Yu's jealousy, nor of Xiang Yu's unwillingness to cooperate and cross the river to demolish the bridge... This precise grasp of Xiang Yu's temperament reveals the unfathomable side of this person.

The more Fan Zeng thought about it, the more shocked and confused he became.

However, such a wise and brave man who acts inscrutable and unpredictable, was willing to give up his job as a halberd master.

The whole number of days really puzzled him.


After listening to Lu Bu and Fan Zeng's words, Xiang Yu frowned slightly and looked at Xiang Bo with a few words mixed in for the first time.

Divide doubts.

Xiang Bo was questioned by Fan Zeng and Lü Bu one after another, and he couldn't help feeling guilty.

However, he always prides himself on being upright and upright with 'righteousness' as his priority, and is based on accepting bribes.

More than a little guilty, he is more angry and angry: "Nonsense! It is unrighteous for the general to attack the Han army in vain;

Inverting black and white is even more injustice! If the Lord is unjust, the ministers should persuade themselves. What does it have to do with whether they are old or not? "

After hearing this impassioned statement, Lu Bu

He pouted his ears expressionlessly, and then slowly raised his sword and stepped forward, while scolding happily: "Fuck your mother! Don't talk about something, it's a big man, no matter what.

The mule is pulled out by the horse - either get out of the way, or take a good sword with me, or simply swear by your most important 'righteousness', saying something like

If you and Zhang Liang have a relationship with each other on purpose, it would be unkind and unjust like thunder and lightning... General Chou Xiang would believe you or not. "

Seeing Xiang Bo staring at him, he has to argue again.

Lü Bu suddenly drew his sword, pointed the tip of the sword directly at the tip of his nose, and began to open his eyes awe-inspiringly and start talking nonsense: "Although Bu is a rude person who doesn't read much, he also knows that he is loyal to the Lord.

Lord, the superficial truth of humiliating the death of a minister. This yellow-mouthed child has not achieved an inch of merit, but in order to fight for power and power, he suppresses General Xiang regardless of the suffering of the people, and he is holding Liu Bang's hob of meat.

The old man, what kind of righteousness is this? ! It's a pity that you are still the dignified Zuo Yin, the general's uncle, but you are always oppressing each other with righteousness, not forcing the heroic general to continue to suffer those wines.

The bully with the sack of rice is even leaning his ass and standing in front of the enemy's staff at this moment, posing as a desperate mandarin duck with him! "

Speaking of which, Lu Bu still took advantage of the

Ji Gong avenged his personal revenge and took a sip in the direction of Xiang Bo's stinky face, which he had long disliked.

It's a pity that it didn't go far enough to hit Xiang Bo's face, but it didn't prevent him from going all the way.

Fascinated by the drama, he said loudly: "Bu this is a life-threatening situation, even if he doesn't want it, he has to give the general a sigh of relief, and he must give the general justice!"

Xiang Yu

: "… "

Listening to these sonorous words, I looked at Lu Bu, who had just returned to martial arts and was so arrogant, but now he was angry for him and scolded Xiang Bo...

Xiang Yu, who was unaware that he had been stamped with the 'Han King of Western Chu' in his heart, had an unprecedented tiny ripple in his heart.

He staggered his eyes without a trace, and his knuckles tapped lightly on the halberd, as if he was pondering, but in fact it was blank.

Xiang Bo was repeatedly questioned by Lu Bu, and he was speechless.


Watching this sudden change, Zhang Liang, who knew that the situation had completely deviated from the trajectory and was powerless to return to the sky, finally ended his long silence.

He is relieved

Li was worried about Liu Bang, sighed softly, stood up in a dashing manner, walked out of the shelter of Xiang Bo's body in a few steps, and said calmly, "General Xiang has a capable person in his account, and his skills are superior.

, Liang Gan bows down. Now you are the sword, I am the fish, and if you want to kill you, you will be killed. And when I am about to die, I want to be open and honest, and I don't need to involve others. "

Xiang Bo said sadly, "Ozi!"

How could he not know that Zhang Liang took the initiative to seek death at this time, to protect himself, who was under suspicion

Lu Bu squinted slightly to see this feeling

The parting of life and death in the heart of the human being, swayed around Zhang Liang's white and beardless face, floated slightly, and suddenly changed his mind.

This guy is really good looking!

When it comes to the handsomeness of a man, Lu Bu thinks that he is not inferior to anyone, even Xiang Yu, who was born with heavy pupils, and is handsome and handsome, ranks second in his eyes.


Zhang Liang's eyebrows and eyes are soft and delicate, with a bit of the femininity of a beautiful woman...

Lu Bu blinked.

... that's all, even if this person is loyal to Liu Bang's thief

Geng, it is destined to not be used by them, but it is more than enough to keep it as a bait to catch a few silly fish.

So, in front of everyone's eyes, Lu Bugang, who quietly changed his mind

After drawing a small half of the sword, he retracted it neatly, and said in a false tone: "Since Zuo Yin has a deep relationship with this enemy soldier and brother, Bu Ren is very soft...

dare to deal with it. "

Xiang Bo almost spat out a mouthful of blood because of Lu Bu's sullen behavior.

-Damn, this Shuzi is shameless! The dog is speechless

Human words!

As noble as the king of Chu, Lu Bu just dared to smash his head into pieces with the body of the piano without blinking an eye, but now he is posing in front of Xiang Yu and getting angry at him.

coming? !

"No problem."

Xiang Yu, who never said a word, suddenly stepped forward, his right hand was loosely placed on the hilt of the long sword, his face was frosty, and his voice was low and cold: "

Feng Xian is inconvenient to do it, I will come. "

Xiang Bo's hand holding the hilt of the sword clenched tightly, his eyes showing despair.

He dared to fight for Liu Bang in front of Xiang Yu, and dared to detect Fan Zeng's faction.

Xiang Zhuang stepped forward when he assassinated Liu Bang, and even dared to yell at Lu Bu, who was approaching step by step.

But the difference in force between him and Xiang Yu is as vast as the sky and the earth...

Therefore, he had just been afraid of Lu Bu, who was extremely skilled in martial arts.

What's more, he knew that he would protect Zhang Liang by himself.

His demeanor was too obvious, and even the sluggishness of Xiang Yu could not be concealed.

To kill Zhang Liang in front of him was also a warning to him.

By Lu Bufang

Zhang Liang, who was a little confused by that inexplicable action, knew that the dust had settled, and smiled relievedly, and even joked to himself: "You can get General Xiang to do it yourself,

Fortunately. "

To everyone's surprise, Lu Bu, who had just been murderous and wanted to take Zhang Xiang's life with his own hands, was now the only one who stood up and dared to stop him.

Xiang Yu's man who was angry: "General Xiang, wait."

What surprised the audience even more was that Xiang Yu actually stopped, looked back indifferently, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Lu Bu grinned: "It's a matter of confidentiality, please ask the general to take a step to speak."

Although he initially accepted the murderous intention of Zhang Liang, it was because of Zhang Liang's eye-catching

He had a handsome appearance, but after calming down and thinking carefully, Lu Bu realized that keeping Zhang Liang at this moment was far more useful than simply killing him and having a momentary pleasure.

Xiang Yu frowned slightly.

Just when everyone thought that Xiang Yu was about to lose his temper, he nodded expressionlessly and turned to Lu Bu, leaving Lu Bu to let him go.

The words are over!

The two of them were not particular about it, and just in front of a group of people, they discussed some secrets in an open and honest way.

Lu Bu obviously knew this time very well.

Bo's heart was in the mid-air torment, and while he was talking in Xiang Yu's ear, he also gave Xiang Bo an inexplicable wink, making Xiang Bo angry.

He gritted his teeth hard, dared to be angry but did not dare to speak.

"Then as you said, keep it for now."

I don't know what Lu Bu said just now, but I heard Xiang Yu's calm voice.

In the end, everyone in Chu Ying was extremely shocked.

Where is the General Xiang they know

As soon as General Xiang was completely provoked, he would start a killing spree.

People can stop it.

Lu Bu was so powerful that he was stunned to persuade the angry opponent to leave Zhang Liang behind!

As everyone knows, it has never been so

Lu Bu, who talked a lot, quietly broke into a cold sweat after the storm calmed down for a while.

As expected of my father! The brain is clever!

Since you can't escape punishment, simply

He slaughtered the person who could punish him - this trick was used by him, and it was tried and tested.