The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 21


Xiang Bonane was speechless, and up to now, Xiang Yu never expected to get a reply that would calm him down.

With a sigh, he ordered the soldiers to press down and imprison Xiang Bo and his party.

To Zhang Liang's surprise, Xiang Yu did not turn into anger and kill him on the spot because of his uncle's betrayal.

The people present didn't even ask much about his existence as the 'culprit'.

Only put them in jail without discrimination, the only difference is that

It was because they dispatched heavy troops and the stalwart Zhong Liying to guard it.

After Xiang Bo and the others were all imprisoned, Fan Zeng, who was very proud, couldn't help but use two more bowls of lunch.

Under Xiang Yu's personal order, he led a thorough investigation of Xiang Bo's house.

It's not clear, even Fan Zeng, who was already mentally prepared, couldn't help but be surprised.


The few pearls Xiang Bo used to bribe the prison guards they saw that day were just a drop in the ocean of Xiang Bo’s private treasures—because Xiang Bo never imagined that he would have

A day of complete loss of power, disfigurement, and residence inspections, so he did not deliberately hide his gains.

Fan Zeng just flipped through it roughly, and then he found out a full 4,000 taels of gold.

Thirty liters of pearls.

Although Xiang Bo was still a little guilty, and burned the correspondence every time he read it, these physical evidences alone made his crime of collaborating with the enemy completely conclusive.


- After all, these precious treasures are all engraved with the official seal of the former Qin Palace treasure house.

After Xiang Yu took over the Qin Palace, he also sent people to focus on Liu Bang's previous list.

The list of the inventory, the dazzling collection of items in the inventory, has never had such a big shortage.

It's not that Xiang Bo used his power for personal gain and stole the treasures, but he came from Liu Bang.

's gift.

Thinking of this, Fan Zeng shuddered.

He didn't dare to think carefully, whether Xiang Bo betrayed such an important military newspaper of the Chu Ying, and he got such a big deal.

Treasure as a reward!

Before that, although Fan Zeng hated Xiang Bo, he had always acted upright and honest. After seeing the other party's move to become a prisoner, he felt that it was enough, and he did not intend to do it.

The matter of the stone in the well must lead to Xiang Bo and his death.

But after he found such a large sum of money casually, he still held a high-sounding mouth about doing things that betray the Lord in private.

The face of Xiang Bo was so disgusted that he hated him to death.

Fan Zengqiang suppressed the anger and collected evidence of Xiang Bo's collusion with the enemy, and ran to Xiang Yu's place without stopping.

The main hall will present all the proceeds.

There was only Xiang Yu in the hall, no matter whether he was an entourage or a servant, he was excluded from it.

Fan Zeng entered alone, and will meet with Xiang Bo

After leaving the income in the room, he could clearly feel the dejected aura lingering around Xiang Yu's body, opened his mouth, but did not dare to say more.

Xiang Yu sat silently, his eyes fell on the golden pearl

After a long time, Fang said lightly: "This king already knows, let's step back."

Fan Zeng hurriedly retire after receiving amnesty.

At this point, he no longer needs to worry

Will there be a day when Xiang Bo will turn over and regain his trust in Xiang Yu

Fan Zeng patted his chest, where his heartbeat was beating rapidly, and let out a breath of turbid air slowly, not recalling what he had just done.

The suffocation felt in the hall was oppressive.

Xiang Bo was caught in the public eye by Xiang Yu himself.

If Xiang Yu really had the heart to show favoritism, I'm afraid he would have

The people present have been killed and silenced, so that no one else will know about this matter, so let it go.

However, since Xiang Yu chose to order him, who had always been at odds with Xiang Bo, to investigate the matter,

Attitude is self-evident.

Thinking about this, Fan Zeng felt a little bit fortunate in addition to sighing.

Fortunately, Xiang Yu did not lose his head, and did not blindly cover up and cast the enemy.

The little uncle who betrayed the big mistake.

After all, the paper in the world can't contain the fire, let alone in the tent of the king of Chu where the wise men gather - if the scholars and officials under his command guess the truth and know the truth

If King Xiang was so close to the point that right and wrong were indistinguishable, the consequences would be unimaginable.

That is bound to lose the loyalty of his subordinates, and since then he will truly cut off the return of the heroes of the world.

Way to go.

Fan Zeng took a few steps absentmindedly, then suddenly stopped, his heart froze slightly.

I don't know if King Xiang's reaction was the result of Lv Fengxian, who was in charge of the matter.

Magical calculations in progress

There are not only hand-to-hand combat, sword-to-sword collision, and the heroic courage of killing the Quartet with one, but also the invisible and intangible wisdom who kills people without fighting and killing with ease.


After that day, they suddenly realized that Lu Bu, who possessed superb swordsmanship and divine power, actually had a sharpshooting ability that was not inferior to Yang Youji.

Fan Zeng thinks

Fascinated, before he knew it, a thin layer of sweat had oozing out of his forehead.

This person has a thousand skills and does not reveal it, so unfathomable, but he is willing to dormant under the command of King Xiang, and he also has a heart for King Xiang.

After thinking about it, you can make a decision that seems to follow your heart, but it is all scheming...

Who is this Lv Bulu Fengxian

I don't know he hates Liu Bang

It is true and false that it is true and false that it is necessary to take its head.

If it is false, what is he thinking about

If it is true, how did Liu Bang treat such a rare genius in the world

Offended to death

In any case, they treat it with care, lest one accidentally touch its inverse scales, inexplicably adding a powerful enemy that is unpredictable and unknown.


After a while, Lu Bu had never dreamed that he was just trying to get out of his anger to go to Xiang Bojiaozi, which caused a lot of speculation from his father, Fan Zeng.

why he

To be able to find Xiang Bo accurately, it must be five points of coincidence and five points of necessity.

Because of Wei Xu's betrayal, the one he despised the most was Fei Xiang Bo, a scornful and stingy traitor.

Wanting to vent his anger, he went straight to him.

As soon as he contacted Xiang Bo's absence from the court meeting, he naturally thought of Zhang Liang, a piece of incense bait he hadn't seen for several days.

Went to jail.

When he saw that the prison was full of prison guards who had been killed by a knife, Zhang Liang's cell was empty. At this time, he couldn't guess which idiot it was.

Did the fish bite the bait

Except for the stupid and poisonous Xiang Bo, there is no one else in this huge Chu camp who has the courage and reliance to carry out this simple and crude robbery.

Lu Bu did not understand Xiang Bo, just as he would never understand Wei Xu.

To say that they are stupid, they know that even if they betray themselves, they will not necessarily incur the punishment of killing themselves.

Have no fear.

To say that they are not stupid, then whether it is Xiang Bo, who is highly valued by Xiang Yu, or Wei Xu, who is highly treated by him, is this how they treat their promotions

If Xiang Bo was not Xiang Yu's uncle, he would not be able to sit in Zuo Yin's seat for a few lifetimes because of his mediocrity.

Wei Xu is the same, if he is not

His wife and brother-in-law, just like the bear on the battlefield, can be a fart

Whenever Lu Bu thought of Wei Xu colluding with others to betray him, stealing his weapons, and treating him like

A stinky face tied with shame like a pig and a dog...

Even if he lives again, he is still uneasy.

It's a pity that he died one step earlier and didn't see that son of a bitch

child's fate.

"The thief without long eyes!"

The night sky was full of stars, and Lu Bu, who was sitting on the eaves of a temple, couldn't hold back, and moved towards him indignantly.

The night sky roared loudly, causing the guards in the distance to be startled.

Only his name of murder and the name of a poisonous warrior gradually spread far and wide, and it was quite deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Instead, he was even more frightened, and quickly retracted his gaze.

Lu Bu, who was still scolding, didn't know it. The more the Chu soldiers understood his ability and temper, the more respectful and fearful he became.

"Is there something to worry about, Brother Xian?"

Suddenly there was a sound behind him, and Lu Bu turned his head, restrained the strong anger that had just gushed out, and said with a grin, "Brother Han

also come? Sit fast! "

When he hit a carp, he changed from a lazy lying position to a straight sitting position, and rarely took the coat that padded his buttocks to gilt his side.

Wa Shang patted so that Han Xin could sit down.

Han Xin also sat down generously, and passed the thing in his hand along the way: "Gift from Yafu."


Giving', not 'Giving'.

Although they did not know that Lü Bu had cunningly dismissed the appointment of Zuo Sima of the Central Army, but looking at the incident of Xiang Bo's capture today, no one knew about it.

Lu Bu, the big traitor that no one else dared to think of, is destined to be credited with great merit again.

And after seeing Lu Bu's endless high-strength abilities, no one dared to

I really treat him like an ordinary halberd.

Only Han Xin treated him as before. Seeing that Lu Bu was really happy to accept it, he tore the seal on the spot and took a deep breath of the jar.

The long-lost aroma of wine came out of it, and he couldn't help showing a smile on his habitually cold face.

"This wine is not bad, come, Brother Han, please."

Unexpectedly, Lu

After smelling the wine, Bu had a rather satisfied look on his face, but he didn't rush to drink it, but handed it back to Han Xin first.

Han Xin felt a little warm in his heart, but he did not refuse.

He lifted up the wine jar and poured it neatly into the entrance, just like other people, taking a few sips.

It's just that he never likes wine and meat, and he's not used to making it now.

The field choked.

While choking in embarrassment, he handed the wine jar to Lu Bu, who had a strange face and had to pat him on the back, and said with a smile, "Brother Fool.

Not good at drinking the contents of this altar... but made my brother laugh. "

Lu Bulang laughed, took the wine jar neatly, and took a few mouthfuls immediately.

the same movement

It was done by him, and it seemed smooth and pleasing to the eye, and not a single drop leaked out. Unlike Han Xin, who seemed to be unrestrained and clumsy, the clothes on his chest were also wet.


He slowly swallowed the wine, which was still edible, Fang looked at Han Xin, and comforted him without much care: "Brother Han is cautious and self-controlled, and don't be greedy for this mistake.

The foolish brother will only admire it, so why would you laugh at it? "

Han Xin shook his head, did not say anything about the topic, but joked: "Brother Guanxian is straightforward.

Pai, Brother Yu was worried that you would repeat the old tricks, and killed Xiang Bo first. "

Lu Bu shook his head and said as a matter of course: "One is surnamed Xiang, and the other is surnamed Xiang.

Liu's lackeys, although the former did worse things, but for King Xiang, they were one relative and one enemy. How could they be generalized? "

Straightforwardness and smoothness

, so that Han Xin couldn't help but stunned, and then smiled.

While drinking, Lu Bu glanced at him from the corner of his eye.

For some reason, he always felt that Han Xin was in high spirits tonight

It's not high, and the mood is not right... He couldn't tell what was wrong.

Just when Lu Bu was still thinking about him, Brother Han, he didn't dare to approach him before.

The guard suddenly approached, stood under the eaves that Lu Bu had openly occupied, raised his head, and said bravely: "Lv Langzhong, King Xiang has something to call, and please come to the main hall.

. "


Lu Bu couldn't figure out Han Xin's thoughts for a while, so he had to put aside that troublesome ghost who was looking for him again.

he lazily responded

Now, after saying hello to Han Xin briefly, he turned over under the shocking gaze of the guard, that is, he turned down like a cat from the eaves that were almost two people tall.


After landing steadily, he waved his hand at Han Xin, who was bathed in the faint moonlight, and his whole body was filled with a sense of disappointment, before turning around and heading towards the main hall.