The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 23


In this troubled world, it is inevitable that there will be occasions in the armies of various countries.


Or being unable to endure hardships, dissatisfaction with treatment, or missing their hometown will prompt them to leave the camp secretly.

The weaker the coach, the more deserters, and here

In the precarious and chaotic times, the coach is also dead, and no one will bother to find them one by one.

Occasionally someone wakes up only to find the bed on the bunk beside him.

The comrade-in-arms disappeared, never to return.

Since the Julu of the Chu army became famous and became famous all over the world, it entered the Hangu Pass westward, and after stationing in Xianyang, the number of deserters decreased day by day.

After all, because Chu State is the most powerful among the vassal states, except for the eight thousand Jiangdong disciples who were loyal to Xiang Yu, the rest of the soldiers charged into battle and risked their lives.

Fight for a short-term survival, but also for long-term fame and fortune.

With Xiang Yu's self-proclaimed Overlord, and making the world worship him, his prestige in the Chu army also reached its peak.

in the crowd

It will seem that the most difficult battle of Julu has been fought, and Qiang Qin has been wiped out, but anyone who can survive from the east and west will have more or less merits.

They are all at ease and wait for Xiang Yu to reward them for meritorious deeds and resettle them one by one after the division of the feudal lords.

Even if it is inevitable that there will be uneven rewards and dissatisfaction

If you want to leave, you won't be in a hurry now.

- Han Xin doesn't care.

So whether to stay or go, he has been wandering for more than half a year.

until the last few months

, he really made up his mind.

So last night, he took a few sips of long-lost wine with his younger brother Lu Xian, whom he had known for less than a month.

When I had time to chat a few words, it was convenient to be summoned by King Xiang.

After all, Lu Bu was destined to have a bright future, so he didn't need to worry about it.

After parting with Lu Bu, Han Xin will remain

He drank all the wine he was drinking, and while choking, he also imitated Lu Bu's move, and tried to go straight down the eaves.

However, he is not as strong and dexterous as Lu Bu, although he has not been injured.

, but also ended up in ashes, a little embarrassed.

The empty wine jar in his arms was shattered on the ground because of his carelessness.

Han Xin was startled

He stared at the broken tiles on the ground, showing a strange expression like crying and laughing.

Even if it is broken, it is a pity, but the mere tile altar can be replaced by anyone, and it is not very rare at all.


And after it was broken, the residual tile not only ended up worthless, but also became a waste that people think of as a hindrance...

Thinking about this, Han Xin unconsciously gave birth to a few points.

Things hurt their kind.

I think he lost his father before he could remember, and his mother died early. Except for a long sword and the illusory 'Korean grandson', he never gave him any more.

What did he leave behind.

The ragged buildings are not engaged in production. They only wear long swords around their waists and walk in the city, which is not only not tolerated by rangers, but also by ordinary people.

He Yu Huai

In the dark, lonely and cold, always hungry and full.

For the meal of a patriarch's house, he visited every day, until a certain time he couldn't wait for the meal despite being hungry.

Until he returned home on an empty stomach for three whole days, he knew that Mrs. Ting Chang would not tolerate him.

When he raised his sword and threw himself in Chu, he reported himself to the king and grandson of Korea, and he was not believed by the guards. if not bell

Li Yi treated each other with courtesy, and he was hungry that day, and he couldn't resist the temptation of that meal, and he was afraid that it would be unbearable and embarrassing, so he left.

After serving in the Chu army, he finally

No longer suffering from hunger every day, to be able to fill the stomach.

Later, he saw Xiang Liang's arrogant soldiers defeated in the sea of swords and fire, and also went to the incredible Julu battlefield in person.


He was supported by Xiang Yu, and let him serve among the halberds beside him. For this kind of support, he was very grateful, and he repeatedly offered advice and courage to convey loyalty to the Chu army.


- However, Xiang Yuce didn't listen, and he didn't need to paint.

What made him most desperate was the reason why Xiang Yu didn't listen, not because of what he said was wrong, but because of his...

...not surname items.

Life is only a hundred years old, he has wasted more than 20 years, and he is still confused and does not know the way forward.

How many more than twenty years does he have to waste

Han Xin walked back to the barracks while thinking in a daze. Under the indifferent gaze of the other two people in the same tent, he calmly packed his bed.

he will not read

How many times, the set of military books that has been rubbed so smoothly is carefully hidden in his arms, as if it is not just a set of tactics that he has already mastered in his heart, but that he has suffered repeated setbacks,

Unreal aspirations.

In addition, he only brought a small amount of salary, a few days' dry food, and clothes that had been washed and whitened and repaired many times.

he did not go

Liang Jun, who touched the Chu army, used only his feet and the stars in the sky to identify his direction, and he went north without hesitation.

Huaiyin, his hometown, does not make him nostalgic—whether it is

The grace of the floating mother, or the humiliation of the crotch given by Zhen Er, made his self-esteem full of holes and full of pain.

Going west to Shu is a boundary that will fall into the hands of Liu Bang

, he did not intend to go.

And whether he is going east or south, he needs to lead the way through the heavily guarded Hangu Pass. He is a deserter, and he must not fall into the trap.


I don't know what is waiting for him in the north, but it is the only place to go.

Han Xin let out a long sigh, but his steps were extremely firm, and he went north silently.

He seems tireless

Walking wearily, apart from occasionally looking up at the stars and recognizing the road ahead in the dark woods, I never stopped for a moment.

Surrounded by noisy insects and occasionally disturbed birds

Apart from the sound, there is nothing else.

Han Xin walked and walked, but the one who thought about it the most was Lu Xiandi, who had the closest relationship with him in the army.

If he hadn't gone,

At this moment, he may have waited until Brother Lu Xian came back. In the middle of the night, he was woken up by the arms and legs of the extremely domineering opponent who slept all over the place. He reluctantly covered the thin quilt for others.


Thinking of this, Han Xin couldn't help showing a faint smile.

He has never seen such a real, lively life as Lu Bu,

Do whatever he wants but be likable, and even make him a wonderful person who yearns for it.

His virtuous brother looked at him silently, but he didn't make a sound, but he didn't move, he didn't make a surprise, and he died endlessly.

Shi Zhiyong kills Ziying first and then Xiong Xin. Even if he directly confronts Xiang Yu, who is in a bad mood, he is calm and fearless. If there is a plan by a state scholar, he assassinates the King of Qin first to cause chaos, and then sees Pei Gong and Private.

After fleeing, he immediately thought of killing the King of Chu in order to marry him, and he endured the humiliation of Xiang Bo for a while, so he deliberately left Zhang Liang as bait to get rid of the traitor Xiang Bo.

At a young age, he is so brave

In front of the scheming Qishi, how could he get the face, and then claim to be underappreciated

On the other hand, he had grown up for a few years, entered the Chu camp several years earlier, and was used to seeing the tragic blood flow.

Xiang Bo, who is used to shameless collaborating with the enemy, Fan Zeng, who is stubborn, and Xiang Yu, who is arrogant and arrogant, but is repeatedly fooled by a traitor and doesn't know it...

The only thing I don't know,

Able to throw out a chaotic fist, as long as the timing is right, the arrogant King of Chu can be smashed to death, and Liu Bang, who has a sweet belly sword, can't say anything.

Escape also means that Xiang Bo, who has no disadvantage in the future, is exposed and has no day to rise again.

He is not as good as this brother Lu Xian, whom he loves immensely.

And there is the shining sun of Lu Xiandi

, who can see the light of dim stars

After a few years, it may be enough to prove that his way out is not in Chu Ying, but I don't know where it is.

- after a long

With the tempering of Lu Bu and the foil of Lu Bu, Han Xin unknowingly fell into an unprecedented state of confusion, loss, and depression, and subconsciously escaped.

Although he kept rushing

Walking on the north side, but after all, there is no definite purpose.

He walked from the dark to the destiny, and under the blazing sun, he walked for a whole day.

When night falls again

When the morning star was shining, Han Xin held the empty water bag, and finally decided to take a break, no longer reluctantly aching legs.

He followed the source of the sound of water,

Before walking too far, he saw a wide river laying in front of him.

While drawing water, he took a rough wash, and took advantage of the coolness of the river to dispel the suffocating heat, while visually inspecting the river.

The width of the flow and the speed of the water flow, I slowly figure out how to cross the river for a while.

At this moment, the sound of the turbulent river flowing by, and the surrounding

In addition to the sound of insects, Han Xin vaguely seemed to hear other sounds.

He took a few steps back and moved away from the river, and the source of Chana's voice was also a little closer and became clear.

stand up.

He had been in the army for many years and had no trouble distinguishing that it was the peculiar sound of a horse's hoof stepping on a thick leaf.

Listen carefully, those who come should only have

one person.

He frowned slightly, and his doubts suddenly rose: it's not that he can't believe it, but in this chaotic world, except for him as a deserter, it is really impossible to be in the forest.

meet other nocturnal travelers.

Should he avoid it, or stay open and aboveboard

Han Xin only hesitated for a moment, then decisively chose the latter.


He had to ride alone. Although he didn't know whether he was an enemy or a friend, he no longer had the peerless bravery of Lu Bu and Xiang Yu, but he was also trained in battle on the battlefield, and he had no reason to be afraid.

make a decision

Heartbroken, Han Xin gave up the plan to hide, and only tightened the sword around his waist, listening intently to the sound of the horse's hooves getting closer.


Han Xin Shang

At one moment, I was listening to the sound of horse hooves being more than ten steps away from me, but at the next moment, the sound was already close at hand!

An incomparably vigorous black horse shadow rushed out of the forest.

, rushing to the bank of the river to a dangerous stop, followed by the rein of the knight, this extremely steed horse proudly raised its head and neighed!

It's too late, it's too fast, it's been obscured by dark clouds

, The full moon, which seemed to be bleak, finally left its cover, and the gentle silver light sprinkled all over the sky and washed the ground, and fell on the horseback full of knights.

Although the knight appeared there

At the time of the outline, Han Xin felt extremely familiar with the pitiful moonlight.

However, that person should be in Chu Ying, how could he appear here

wait for him

Thinking about it a lot, without waiting for him to ask the question, that person didn't know if it was a coincidence, or if he really felt sharp and came straight at him, even if he didn't make any other noise, he didn't hesitate.

Yu turned the horse around, facing him.

When the moonlight turned bright, Lang Lang's radiance poured down, and at the moment when sparkling waves appeared on the river, Han Xin also opened his eyes in disbelief.

Eyes widened, he blurted out, "Brother!"

This month, the royal horse was chasing after him, and it was actually Lu Bu!

Looking at Han Xin who was shocked, Lu Bu had a stinky face, lightly.

With a snort, he didn't even say hello.

He grabbed his horse's belly and urged Wu Wei, who still wanted to show off his strength in the same place, to pace forward.

Waiting for Han Xinshen

Before, Lu Bu didn't say a word, but extended his hand to him.

Han Xin's gaze shifted stiffly from Lu Bu's face to that arm, but he remained stunned.

Seeing that the person was still motionless, he just looked at himself in a daze, the cheap old man who didn't have the usual mature and stable appearance at all, stretched his hand for a long time and didn't get a response.

Lu Bu couldn't hold back.

He frowned and couldn't help but urged, "Brother Han, why haven't you mounted your horse yet?"

Han Xin opened his mouth and unconsciously put his hand on it,

Lu Bu only made a "hey", and his thin waist and abdomen suddenly exerted strength in coordination with his arms, but in the blink of an eye, it was as if Han Xin, an eight-footed man, was dragged onto him effortlessly.

Wuxian on horseback.

Wu Hao let out a dissatisfied "chirp chirp", but for the sake of Lu Bu's face, he reluctantly endured the hardship of handling one more heavy object.

"The burden of eating and drinking

It's all there, Brother Han can take it by himself. "Lü Bu muttered, then he took off the burden on his back, threw it into Han Xin's arms, and said happily, "Go back. "

put people

Lu Bu, who was caught, was in a good mood, and ran to and fro without any explanation.

It wasn't until Han Xin ran a mile away that he was in a trance, and finally found the soul of You San.

Po, inconceivably asked the person who was chasing under the moon: "How could Fengxian show up here?"

Lu Bu didn't look back, but said lazily, "It's not because of my carelessness.

Careless brother? Even out of business, you can get lost here. The king was short of something, so he couldn't help but ask, and since then he sent Bu, the most idle person under his command, to ride on Wuxian to find it.

. "

He originally wanted to ride the jade lion, but as soon as he arrived at the stable, Wu Wei first saw the figure of him, and he was so excited that he desperately squeezed forward, scaring the docile jade lion to the ground.

Shivering, she ducked to the side.

And Lu Bu thought, if he rides on the horse that King Xiang loves, at least he can make his words more credible, so as not to meet Han Xin and refuse to accept it.

back situation.

Alas, at first he thought that Han Xin was going to his hometown in Huaiyin, and he first took the wrong road to Hangu Pass, and then he found the north side with a clever idea.

Missed half a day of effort.

Want to run? What a joke!

If there is no Han Xin, he will not even have a think-tank to negotiate matters, wouldn't it be true that sooner or later he will be reduced to

Gao Fu righteously saddled King Han of Western Chu all day long, and he had to use his pitiful brain

Since Xiang Yu does not hesitate to be talented, then he is not polite—whatever, whatever,

He also had to ask Han Xin to come.

Han Xin didn't know how much he believed this nonsense, but then he remained silent and didn't ask any more questions.

The moon in the sky is as condensed as

Wash, pour out quietly, and illuminate the world.

Lu Bu was distracted by his wishful thinking, and he never looked back.

—I don’t know what is behind Han Xinwei

He smiled, tears flashing in his eyes.