The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 24


Xiang Yu had a long talk with Fan Zengbingzhu last night, and did not go to bed until the sky was full of light.

It's not like I'm getting older, my body can't take it anymore

, Yafu, who slept until the sun rose three poles, was in his prime, and his energy was tight.

Even though he experienced ups and downs yesterday, he only fell asleep for two hours before recovering.

With a spirited appearance, he even went to the school grounds to personally accompany his generals to perform martial arts.

He was rarely interested, so he called Zhongliying, Longqie, and Tubu to step forward one by one.

Carrying great strength, even if the moves he used were completely unremarkable, he still made the generals unable to resist, and they all lost to him within ten rounds.

See with your own eyes that you can fight well

, The majestic and mighty generals were defeated one by one under the overlord. In the end, even if the three of them came together, they would not be Xiang Yu's opponents at all, which made the onlookers feel excited.

, the passion boiled, and involuntarily surrounded him, watching intently, while stroking his palms and applauding loudly!

After more than half an hour of fighting, the three generals couldn't hold it any longer.

Seeing that they were panting like cows, sweating like rain, and paralyzed on the ground regardless of their appearance, Xiang Yu, who only felt that he was warm, put his hands away.

He took the towel handed by him to wipe his sweat

, looking around for a week, he couldn't help asking: "Is Feng Xian still awake from a hangover?"

Somehow, he's always had a strange intuition - he's been looking for someone to be himself for years.

The opponent, who can fight against him alone, and who completely aroused his strong desire to fight is none other than Lu Bu.

I don't know the secret expectation in the overlord's heart, the pro who was asked what to say

After being stunned for a moment, his heart couldn't stop beating, and he nervously replied: "General Lu left the camp this morning, and he rode the king's Wuli, saying that he was chasing people by the king's order..."

neither does he

Dare to think, it was Lu Bu, who was appointed as a general and was destined to have a bright future. He was so daring, he pretended to be a deserter according to the king's edict, and he took the king's beloved horse, Wuxian.

... Or maybe the king has a bad memory, and the order he just gave was forgotten in a blink of an eye.

Xiang Yu was stunned, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

… he

Have you ever given such an order to that drunkard

There were so many things that happened yesterday, and the emotional ups and downs in one day were so intense that Xiang Yu's first suspicion was that it was not.

Lu Bu ate the bear's heart and the leopard dared to make up the king's edict to escape, but whether he had issued the king's edict before, but accidentally forgot.

Xiang Yu pondered silently for a moment, but did not remember

After searching for the answer, Quan Zuo threw the handkerchief back into his hands, strode back to the hall, and ordered someone to prepare water for bathing.


When he was taking a bath, he was still rummaging through his memories; when he was changing his clothes, he was still rummaging through his memories; when he was sitting in front of the case, preparing to meet with his staff to discuss matters and set the punishment for Xiang Bo’s rebellion against Chu

, still rummaging through memory...

When others see him, it is still the familiar one with a cold face, deep eyes, and awe-inspiring aura that makes people wary in their hearts and dare not take it lightly.

A dignified overlord.

It wasn't until the aides explained the two-day court discussions and the roughly settled matters of moving the capital one by one that Xiang Yu took the money that was placed on the inexplicable Lv Bu.

Mind, listen carefully.

However, it was deliberately ignored by Xiang Yu, and the vassals tacitly did not remind him that he was tied up by Wuhua at noon that day.

Tuibu personally dragged him to the high platform, Fan Zeng read out the charges in public, and beheaded Xiang Bo.

I never imagined that in my lifetime, I would be thrown into the Chu army prison one day.

, I never thought that Xiang Yu would be so cold-blooded and cruel, and he didn't care about blood and family, and Xiang Bo, who was going to execute him according to military law, heard Fan Zeng read out the punishment of beheading.

Everyone was startled.

"Impossible!!!" After being stunned, he roared in despair: "I don't believe it!!! It must be an old man like you, I want to see the king,

Let me see the king! ! ! How could the king be so ruthless! ! ! "

He roared regardless of his manners, but he was very clear in his heart that if it wasn't for Xiang Yu's advice, Fan Zeng and Tuo would

Bu would never dare to treat him like this.

But Xiang Yu has always been affectionate, how could he be so cruel

At the moment when he realized that he was going to die, he had always been lucky before.

, I truly regret it.

In order to repay the life-saving grace of the past, I should go to the Han camp at night to inform Zhang Liang about Cao Wushang's whistleblower and Xiang Yu's anger;

The gods listened to Zhang Liang's words, and wanted to meet Liu Bang; if he regretted accepting Liu Bang's bribes of heavy gold pearls, he interceded for his dealings; if he regretted that he should accept Zhang Liang's heavy gold, he offered it at the banquet.

Liu Bang blatantly covered it up; he regretted that after Zhang Liang was sent to the Chu military prison, he overestimated his weight as an uncle in front of Xiang Yu, raided the prison and released it privately...

Where was he

Lu Guishen was fascinated, leaving the high above Zuo Yin absent, yet embarked on such a dead end

Looking at his old rival who was dying and had been battling him for many years, he knew

Fan Zeng, who knew that everything had settled down, had cold eyes and snorted coldly.

Although he didn't care about Xiang Bo's slanderous words, but seeing the other party in such a miserable state, he still felt the slightest bit in his heart.

Can't arouse the slightest pity, let alone the death of the rabbit and the fox.

As a foreigner who is not a relative or an ancestor, he is loyal to King Xiang, and he worked hard to make plans for the Chu army.


And this is Zuo Yin, the patriarch of the Xiang clan, and the most trusted blood relative of King Xiang, who shamelessly confronted the poisonous insects that eroded the hearts of the Chu army. even to the point of death

, is still crawling and biting, no shame and repentance.

If it wasn't for God's mercy on Chu, who didn't want to see Xiang Bo succeed in his treacherousness, and sent a god general like Lu Bu to help him, I'm afraid it would take a long time to fight.

, It was not Xiang Bo who was tied and cut off his head, it was them.

Fan Zeng sneered and said mercilessly: "If anyone knows some shame and makes such a big mistake,

I have already wiped my neck with a sword and gone, how can I still have the face to ask you to see your Majesty? Besides, if you are not the blood relative of the great king, with your sinful sins, you have been cooked alive, and you are not enough to relieve your hatred, how can it hurt

I'll chop your head off and give you a quick death? "

Xiang Bo blushed for a while and then turned white for a while, and finally let out a humiliating roar, tears streaming down his eyes.

but since then

He lowered his head, even though his body was trembling, he stopped begging for life.

Fan Zeng's face was stern as he watched the executioner's hands shaking for a long time, and finally

He stared at him, and with a ruthless heart, with a fierce force, he swung the big axe, and he cut off Xiang Bo's tearful head neatly.

The head rolled on the

On the ground, Li Suo took a bag of cloth that he had prepared beforehand, held it in front of his chest, and politely said to Fan Zeng: "Your Majesty has an order, you will go to the commander," he paused and swallowed.

"Zuo Yin" came to his mouth because of habit, but because he didn't know what to call him, he simply passed over: "Looking for a place to be buried."

Since people are dead and the scourge has been eliminated, Fan Zeng will not be aggressive

Aggressive, he nodded at the tattoo cloth, and then walked to the main hall where Xiang Yu was, while thinking about whether to appease Yi or Er.

However, there are too many things to reprimand Xiang Yu

, such delicate work as appeasement has never happened before. The more I think about it, the more difficult it becomes for Fan Zeng.

When he walked to the front of the main hall and was let in by the guards, he still hadn't finished

Choose your words carefully.

At this moment, when he raised his eyes, he saw Xiang Yu sitting on the throne as if nothing had happened, listening intently to what his staff said.

"… "

Seems to be all right

Fan Zeng pondered, and breathed a sigh of relief involuntarily, and then under the guidance of the halberd master, Yu Xiang Yu took the second seat reserved for him.

As soon as he sat down, he was keenly aware of something, and he couldn't help but glanced at the halberds standing behind Xiang Yu, lowered his voice, and asked, "Okay.

Seems like... one person missing? "

He learned from Xiang Yu last night that he was going to promote Lu Bu Yuege to general.

From his point of view, whether Lu Bu showed

The talent, or the actual achievements, even if a prince is named, it is enough.

Xiang Yu had this intention, so he naturally would not object.

Now give him the position of general

, it is not too grievances to lead an army alone in the future.

He didn't count Lu Bu as the leader of the halberd, but he could still see that there was definitely one less person in the queue.

Xiang Yu is not there

Glancing intently, he said casually, "Oh?"

When Xiang Yu and Fan Zeng asked one after another, the halberd-wielding officers looked at each other, pushed one person out of the queue, and replied stiffly, "Return to the big boss.

Wang and Yafu, Han Xin has not been seen since this morning... They must have escaped from the camp. "

As soon as these words came out, Fan Zeng only nodded slightly, indicating that he knew, but it was like a thunderbolt.

, instantly split the cloud of suspicion shrouded in Xiang Yu's heart!

It turned out that Han Xin ran away.

Xiang Yu frowned slightly and changed his sitting position slightly.

That's no wonder Bong first went after him

—Wait, are you really going after it? Shouldn't he just run away

Xiang Yu furrowed his brows again, and changed his sitting position again.

If you listen to Han Xin's Gu

Huo ran after him, and Han Xin, who kidnapped his favorite general and horse, was extremely hateful, and he would definitely be caught back.

Ruo Fengxian is just to get friends back

If so, he... It's not that he couldn't help to round up that lie and help cover up the past.

It's just after that, I have to reprimand Feng Xian a few words, don't let him always be young and arrogant,

In the future, he then acted daringly and made his own claims.

Especially since he is the commander of the army, if he always acts impulsive, even if he has a strategy, he will easily get into trouble.

Xiang Yu thought silently


Because of his tense face all the year round, he has a lot of thoughts at the moment, and his expression has not changed at all.

The things that made everyone in the field change their thoughts about him were the same from beginning to end.

Nothing to check.

Seeing that it was night and he still hadn't heard the news from Lu Bu, Xiang Yu couldn't help frowning again.

It stands to reason that Han Xin fled the camp privately, with only a little luggage

, there is no horse to ride, and no matter how fast the footsteps are, it will not go anywhere.

Why did Fengxian ride Wuxian, who traveled thousands of miles a day, to chase people, but he chased him for a whole day, and he still hasn't seen him


Xiang Yu was in a daze, thinking about whether to send more people to find his missing General Lu, when there was a sound from outside, followed by a guard announcement: "

Your Majesty, General Lu came back with that Han Xin riding on Wu Qian! "

Hearing this, Xiang Yu said indifferently, "Hmm", "Bring them here immediately."


The guard in the main hall of the main hall actually guessed the truth to some extent.

He couldn't help thinking, this General Lu is really bold, and he made up Wang Ling and didn't say it.

, and dared to ride the great king's favorite horse, Wu Wei, to leave the camp without permission, and the most amazing thing was that he dared to come back in a careless manner!

Now, even if General Lu is highly regarded, he will definitely be

After being punished, don't you see that the king's face has been ugly all day

He quickly took orders and was about to summon the two, but unexpectedly the king stopped him again: "Wait a minute.


His expression froze, and he leaned in response.

After listening to the overlord inside for a moment, Fang slowly ordered: "...Two more dinners."



He was stunned for a long time before he recovered from the shock, responded stiffly, and left in a trance.