The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 38


Fan Zengli, who was very close to the main tent, naturally didn't call Fan Zengli, who was very close to the main tent, to listen to the shaking like a mountain in the middle of the night.

Since he acted alone for Xiang Yu, he wanted to kill and surrender

Tucheng's fainting move was anxious, and he pinned his hopes on Lu Bu. Since his own soldiers did not return, he has been anxiously waiting for news.

Tossing and turning all night, never really

Eyes closed.

It seems that the mindless dragon is sleeping soundly, just waiting for the bright light of tomorrow to attack the plain and slaughter the civilians according to his order.

In the dead of night, a sudden burst of

The shocking sound woke up almost half of the people in the camp. Naturally, some generals who didn't know the situation hurried to check.

are dutifully waiting outside the tent

The soldiers stopped him, but they were vague about the specific reason.

As soon as the account was heard, there were only General Lu and the Great King. Even if the inquirer had thousands of guesses, neither dared to offend them.

So I put the question back in my stomach, and honestly went back to each other.

Fan Zeng sent people to investigate, and learned that Feng Xian was so foresight and acted as the king.

Knowing this, I couldn't help but be surprised that he came back earlier than the personal soldiers he sent the order.

After the astonishment was over, there was a sense of relief.

Although I don't know what to do

He Jianyan, can only persuade the king to change his mind... But in this large camp, only Feng Xian, who only won the king's blue eyes, can do this.

- Fan Zeng didn't even dare to think about it in his dreams,

There are warriors in the world who dared to pick up their fists because the overlord refused to listen to persuasion, and cursed the foolishly rude "Wu Jian".

As for the main account, Xiang Yu had the doctor brought in first.

Deal with the injuries on him and Feng Xian.

Although the doctor was rudely awakened by the soldiers in his sleep, he was so frightened that he was sweating profusely when he heard that he was summoned by the overlord. How could he dare to complain.

He didn't dare to delay for a moment, and after picking up the wooden box, he was led by someone, and he came to the main tent with sincerity and fear.

Because his mind was still awake, he overlooked the veiled expression on the soldier's face.


After entering the tent, he glanced up, and he was caught off guard when he saw the usual majestic King of Chu, who was actually wearing a few shocking bruises and bruises.

The appearance of Zhi was so shocked that his soul almost flew away.

Oh my goodness!

Seeing the overlord who is still unscathed during the day, how can he become such a bruised face


He didn't dare to watch more, but that scene was deeply reflected in his mind, which filled him with fear, and couldn't help but scolded the personal soldiers thousands of times.

he is when

To say, or not to say

Although he was in the main tent, he had no choice but to deal with the broken tendons and bones of the King of Chu who was lying indifferently, and put ointment on the bruises.

, while peeking out of the corner of the eye, the curtain was pulled down, but it was obvious that his own bed had collapsed.

I don't know what is the holy place lying on the couch, and it can take the brave and unparalleled Chu Ba

Wang hit it like this!

He was terrified, but he couldn't control the wild speculation.

Fortunately, Xiang Yu was contemplating at this time, and he did not take into account his uncontrollable trembling expression.


In addition, he is strong and healthy, and he avoided the key points with experience when fighting. The doctor is not too difficult to deal with, and he did not put this small injury on the


As soon as the doctor retreated, Xiang Yu regained his senses, sat up, stretched his lower limbs a little, and felt that his movements were normal, so he signaled the doctor with his eyes to diagnose and treat the love general on the couch.


The doctor was struggling, with a look of hesitating to speak.

Drag what

Xiang Yu frowned in displeasure, and was about to give another order when the doctor reacted first.


He was uneasy, worried that he would hide it and not report it, and then be killed, so he gritted his teeth and reminded in a trembling voice: "The wound on your face...


Are there any wounds on his face

Xiang Yu's brows tightened when he heard the words, and he subconsciously rubbed his face a few times.

Because of that rough finger

Light or heavy, just rub it to the wound, and the dull pain suddenly hits.

"Wipe it off."

Xiang Yu didn't care.

Although he pays great attention to etiquette and looks decent, he is mostly reflected in his attire.

In terms of behavior and behavior, he doesn't care much about his appearance.

- There is no evidence in the account, and he has no way of knowing how noticeable the scar is.

The King of Chu personally ordered

, The boulder on the doctor's chest just fell to the ground. He didn't dare to ignore it. He restrained the trembling of his hands and carefully applied the medicine.

Xiang Yu let him apply the medicine, his expression was stern, and the bottom of his eyes

But it was already empty, and I didn't know where to go.

After finally applying the medicine, the doctor only felt that he had walked away from the tip of the knife many times, and backed away obediently, following orders.

The man lying on the couch was healed.

Lu Bu was still soundly asleep, although he didn't know that a doctor was trying to heal his wounds, but he was used to being served by others.

feel out

When someone touched his body, it was numb and itchy. He frowned in dissatisfaction and snorted a few times. The doctor was too frightened to move, but he only smacked his mouth a few times, and turned lazily towards him.


The doctor couldn't recognize it, this was General Lu, who was the most important to the king.

Rao is because he wants to break his head, but he can't figure out why this General Lu ate a bear.

Heart leopard courage, fight with the overlord, and lose both.

I can't even figure out how the other party was able to sleep soundly after committing such a rebellious crime.

on the king's couch.

How dare he ask questions

He was apprehensive and tried his best to finally heal the big and small injuries of this sleeping tiger.

After dealing with them one by one, Fang Youyou wiped off the thin layer of sweat on his forehead, put down the curtain again, and retire to the overlord who never said a word from beginning to end.

Xiang Yu who was recalled to his mind

Flicking his eyes coldly, he made a light "um" and allowed him to step back.

And it wasn't long before the doctor escaped, Fan Zeng and Long, who were summoned, came one after another.

After the soldiers reported the news, they entered the tent together.

Fan Zeng had a hidden expectation and walked in a windy manner, while Long did not know the inside story, his face was confused, and he walked casually.

Although the two are

Each of them had their own thoughts, but when they saw the Chu Bawang, who used to be majestic and dignified, and his face was covered with two white ointment, which made it even more conspicuous.

They were equally terrified and their eyes widened, and they stopped subconsciously.

Looking at the two inexplicably lost their composure, Xiang Yu was puzzled, but he did not think about the small wound on his face, and he wrinkled.

He frowned: "Sit."

He has changed into civilian clothes, and his injuries are not visible at all, except that he can't hide his glamorous face.

Long Qie's mouth is still wide open, it can almost be stuffed

The egg went in, and it was only when Xiang Yu threw a second warning glance that he staggered his eyes in a panic, and sat down with a face full of concealment.

Fan Zeng was shocked

After that, I suddenly realized something, and the first thought that popped into my mind was worry about Fengxian's safety, and was deeply touched.

- He didn't want to be first

So fierce, in order to persuade King Xiang, dare to risk death to do that martial admonition!

Xiang Yu is already slow, and he has important things to discuss, and his mind is changing.

The two looked strange.

Once he was determined, he would not hesitate, and said in a very calm tone: "After persuading Feng Xian, it is indeed inappropriate to slaughter the city and destroy the prisoners.

It hurts righteousness. The reason to invite the two of you to come here is to humbly ask for the plan, and please enlighten me. "

The tone of voice sounded calm, but it caused a shock in Fan Zeng's heart.


Even though he had some expectations, when he heard that the always stubborn and stubborn King Zhen had changed his mind overnight because of his advice, he was still in a state of turmoil.


In terms of speaking to the Great King, the only one who was able to have such a weight, besides Feng Xian, was the former Xiang Bo.

But that unlucky heart and dog lungs, anti

Use this to let down the king and want to harm Chu Ying.

Which seems to be the first to serve the Chu wholeheartedly, painstakingly and painstakingly, all the time and all the time to make plans for the king.

And with the pride of a king,

Since he was willing to adopt Fengxian's advice, then Fengxian's bold and daring act should be safe for his life.

Long Qie heard it inexplicably - why did you change it again

Do not

He was born in a pirate from a tattoo, and was used to killing people. Although his nature was belligerent and greedy for merit, he could not be said to be fond of killing civilians.

Apart from being surprised, I didn't really care.

After all, he had followed Xiang Yu for many years, and he would change his orders from time to time, and the sudden change of mind was almost a matter of habit.

Long Qi sneaked a yawn.

——He kept his head down and obeyed orders, don't ask him to make plans.

It is also thanks to the Chu army that they all treated the domineering King Xiang like a god, and they were loyal and unswerving.


They were afraid that King Xiang would be temperamental and would often change the war proposals.

Seeing that Xiang Yu was willing to change his mind and ask for advice in person, how could Fan Zeng be unfaithful

The truth of the heart.

The more humbly Xiang Yu asked, the more Fan Zeng gave.

When he talked about Lv Bu's advice from the king's mouth, he even felt that the other party was acting like a

Rough and unruly, in fact, attentive, with a long-term vision, he is a rare loyal and wise general.

Long Qie was drowsy listening to the side, thinking for a while.

Since there is no war, whether it is to send a lobbyist or to appease the hearts of the people, it seems that he is not needed.

He simply smeared oil on the soles of his feet because he was hungry.

Just as Long Qi slipped away on his front feet, Lu Bu woke up on his hind feet.

His consciousness was hazy, but he was disturbed by Fan Zeng's Chen Gongtai-like nagging in his ears.

Overcome annoyance.

It caused him to do the dream of 'stepping on Liu mouse, slashing big-eared Liu, and making the snake spear ring-eyed thief scream in anger, he laughed to himself'.

In the transition, it became a weird nightmare where the daring Chen Gongtai guy grabbed his neck and yelled, constantly forcing him to come up with ideas.

This Chen Gongtai really doesn't know what's wrong, it's getting worse

Arrogant, do you really think that you don't dare to beat him for fear of breaking someone

Lu Bu snorted angrily and opened his eyes fiercely.

he still has no brain

Very awake, I suddenly thought that I was trapped in the camp tent, and I was about to sit up swiftly, that is, I was heavily involved in the injury on my body, and I screamed in pain on the spot!

Xiang Yu cast his gaze expressionlessly, his brows slightly wrinkled.

Fan Zeng, who had no idea that there was still a person lying behind the curtain, was startled on the spot.

Wait for Lu Bu to slow down

With that breath, his cheeks twitched in pain, and when he lifted the curtains at an extremely slow speed, he immediately met Xiang Yu and Fan Zeng, who were in formal suits.

Do not know why,

He always felt that the face of the white-haired old Fan seemed to be inexplicably added... A kind of tingling kindness

Lu Bugang suspected that he was dazzled, and Fan Zeng had already dismissed it as inconsistent.

The young man stood up neatly.

Although Fan Zeng is old, he is by no means old-fashioned.

On the contrary, he seemed to have sharp eyes, so that he could see Lu Bu clearly at a glance.

A white cloth bandaged, and the overlord-style bedclothes.

Then contact him calmly lying on the overlord's couch... Between the lights and flints, he has roughly described in his mind

Out of the scene of Wu Jian last night.

Since there was nothing wrong with him, he felt at ease.

Fan Zeng commented on Lu Bu's martial arts in his heart that he was so powerful that he stood side by side with the overlord.

He didn't reveal the slightest, only smiled slightly, and then went to arrange affairs first, and then slowly quit.

Lu Bu, who had just woken up in the tent, and Xiang Yu, who had a deep face, exchanged six pupils.

After staring for a while, in the end Xiang Yu was the first to speak, leaving a seemingly mindless sentence: "The meal is ready."

Lu Bu hesitated and said slowly, "Then...

...let's eat first? "

Xiang Yu nodded reservedly.

The two of them were silent, and after they concentrated on their breakfast, Xiang Yu suddenly said, "This time, the honor of being the first is very great, and it needs to be rewarded.


Lu Bu's neck stiffened, and he didn't even bother to wipe the oil from the corners of his mouth. He raised his head in disbelief, as if he was looking at an unprecedented and unprecedented fool.

He had to suspect that this Dumb King, who was calmly holding a colorful face, might have made his previous fist beating foolishly.

Compare your heart to your heart, if the generals dare to rush

He waved his fist, he didn't care why the other party was loyal, just because his handsome face was beaten like an invisible bird...

He doesn't reward each other

The military stick is already considered a crime.

How stupid - generous enough to make him a king to do it

Because of the ups and downs of this place, and it was rare to have a good fight, Xiang Yu would not

Shen forgot the word 'dumb', how could Ai Jiang seem flattered, but he has such a rebellious slander.

He stared at Bongxian intently, in a rare way.

He Yan Yue said: "When the war is over, can Feng Xian wish to go to King Yan's?"

In Xiang Yu's view, Feng first killed Ziying, then four Han generals, and then Xiong Xin, and then eliminated the inner circle.

Traitor, then quickly pacified the rebel king of Yandi, and then prevented him from making another big mistake in massacres... Such a great achievement, he should have been crowned king long ago.

Since it was the Yandi Rebellion that Fengxian had pacified with his own hands, then the

He went to Wangzhi, and it was justifiable.

However, with the combination of wisdom and courage, even though he is not a native of Yan, he has a way to win over the people of Yan.

Xiang Yu made this arrangement, thinking it was very

That's right, but Lu Bu, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, opened his eyes like a ghost, but he didn't appreciate it at all!

Lu Bu had just finished his meal, and he didn't have time to rest for a while.

Defense was hit again by this stupid trick.

If it weren't for the injury, I would have jumped up on the spot, but the reaction was fierce enough: "This is absolutely impossible!!!


Why does he say that, this is a reckless man who has to keep the good fruits that dominate the world and not pick them, and has to cut them into small ones and spread them out one by one? !

Ruomang Wang is really iron

If he doesn't want to take the world, then he has to wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse before he can lead his troops to go out to the corners of Bashu? !

His head was swollen with anger, and Lu Bu felt that he was hurt and twitched as well.

The pain started, causing him to twist his face for a moment, grinning.

When the pain passed, he slumped on the low table and sighed.

- wait for him

After the injury is healed, I will try to retrieve the tendon and calluses from my previous life. At that time, I must find a loophole and push the foolish king who relies on brute force to the ground again, and beat him to tears.

Excuse me!

Lu Bu reacted violently, and Xiang Yu was puzzled.

The men in the world fought bravely, and they all sought to be promoted to officials and titles, and they once split the soil and crowned them as kings.

only the first

This man was willing to persuade him with death intent in order to prevent him from making mistakes, and he was willing to run for thousands of miles for the Chu State, but he was absolutely unwilling to take the throne that he personally bestowed on him.

Xiang Yu stared silently at Feng Xian, who was downcast for some reason, with a thousand confusions hovering in his chest, but his eyes were... but he didn't know it.