The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 39


If this injury

It was obtained after a great victory, so Lu Bu would not care, I am afraid that he would have been stunned long ago.

On the other hand, he clearly has the great advantage of being the first to strike, but he is confronted in the blink of an eye.

Fang's unreasonable brute force uniform ended up losing both sides, and he didn't take any advantage at all.

Thinking of his name, Lu Fengxian, who did not know in his previous life, who did not


Those who dare to fight alone can be counted on one hand!

There are very few people who can fight evenly with him.

If you can make him willing to bow down, then

Not one at all!

As a result, once I came to these hundreds of years ago, I ended up being suffocated everywhere. The most proud of martial arts, I also called a reckless man with no brain.

The power of life is broken...

Lu Bu felt gloomy at this moment, one can imagine it.

Clearly aware of King Han's scorching gaze on the back of his head, Lu Bu did not notice it.

Not too lazy to move.

Until he heard a slight sound of the clothes rubbing against his ears, his body sank faintly, and the sound of Xiang Yu exhaling and inhaling was close to his ears.

Lu Bu

Without opening his eyes, it's not difficult to tell that this idiot with a strange mind somehow sat beside him.

Xiang Yu's love is fading for unknown reasons

He sat down beside him, and his heart still lingered with thousands of emotions, but he didn't know where to start.

He pondered to himself, and didn't speak for a long time, but Lu Bu, who was in a bad mood, was more serious than him.

Can hold back. He continued to lie on his stomach in such a lifeless manner, motionless, like a bottle of clay sculpture.

In the end, Xiang Yu thought about it first, and took the initiative to break the dead silence of the room.

He promised: "If Feng Xian wants the king to align the land, it is absolutely impossible."

If Long Qie or Zhong Liying heard this promise, they would have been ecstatic.

However, people are

Chu Ying, Lu Bu, who was interested in Liu Bang, only felt that the more he described him, the darker he was.

Unable to bear it any longer, he opened his dead fish eyes and turned his head straight, staring at God angrily.

The stern Xiang Yu said with grief and indignation: "Bu Qingli follows the king, is it possible that he will be rewarded for meritorious deeds, fiefs and titles?"

Wang Naraushi, swallows and swallows

, of what use is it to him

He was exhausted, running around, all he wanted was the head of the ancestor of his old enemy!

Seeing Xiang Yu's dazed eyes, Lu Bu became even more imposing.

He sat up abruptly, not even caring about the stinging pain on his body, his eyes were about to burst into flames, and he said sarcastically: "In the past, when the tattoo cloth served under the king's command, he won the championship and the three armies.

The heroic and martial arts are unparalleled, even if they have to go through fire and water, they will not hesitate to do so. Of course, since he was able to become the king, after occupying one side, can the king still make him move? "

Xiang Yu was stabbed in the sore spot,

His face suddenly gloomy.

Before Fengxian, among the generals of the Chu army, he valued the most, none other than the tattoo cloth.

Because the tattoo cloth followed him in the south and the north, he took the lead and made great achievements in battle.

However, he did not treat him lightly when he split the earth to seal the king.

Not only did he not overlook the merits of his wife and son, but he also included the fertile soil on the southern side of the Chu land barrier into his territory, and ordered the two to be their kings.

, the meaning of letter weight is obvious.

It was just a few short months after the enfeoffment. Qidi, Changshan, and Liangdi rebelled one after another. He ordered the tattoo to send troops to attack Chen Yu, and he got a suit.

The excuse of suffering from illness, and dispatching a mere general, leading thousands of soldiers to perfunctory.

Lu Bu is half a rogue mentality with a broken jar, half a subconscious fearlessness


After all, even when he beat up the opponent last night, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, his majesty was greatly damaged, and he was not punished, and he was willing to give him the title of king.

- This arrogant man doesn't say anything else, his arrogance

It's quite big.

After keenly figuring out Xiang Yu's extraordinary tolerance for him, Lu Bu, although he couldn't understand the reason, let go of his arrogance in a kind-hearted manner.

How could you be frightened by Xiang Yu's stinky face

He squinted his eyes slightly, raised the corners of his lips slightly, and then showed a very mocking expression: "The monks in the world have left their hometowns, stay away from

Hometown, for nothing more than to get a reward. However, the king fulfilled the wishes of some people and divided the king's land, but things in the world were destined to be uneven and uneven, causing more people to fall.

Empty, disappointed to go. Besides, the wanderers all returned to the country and served their respective lords, so who would put the king in his eyes? Forget about others, just keep the tattoo low and be small

For many years, once he raised his eyebrows, Wang Yu Woye was no different from the princes who stood on the sidelines in the battle of Julu. He repeatedly shied away and ignored the orders of the king. Even

I won't be willing to return to the king's command, follow orders, and shout at any time! "

Xiang Yu's thin lips were pursed tightly, his thick eyebrows were tightly twisted, and he didn't say a word.

Lu Bu was happy to talk, and suddenly

Seeing Xiang Yu's face becoming more and more terrifying, as if he was going to draw a sword to kill at the next moment, he secretly thought that something was wrong.

In order to prevent the overlord from becoming angry and taking his own breath away, Lu Bu rolled his eyes.

, in an instant, his tone slowed down, and he cleverly broke the words back: "It's a shame that the king is dedicated to dividing the seal. This is to declare to the world that you are strong, and you don't want to fight with troops.

The fraternity of the people to recuperate. The reason for giving up the title of generals is because of love and sincerity.

favor. "

Lu Bu sighed heavily.

He took the opportunity to pause, quietly brewing some emotions, and then he continued to tell the story: "Rather than giving the seal

To Xianlian, shameless, unfaithful and unrighteous people, Bu is more willing to see the unparalleled heroic king like the king rule the world, so that the people can be attached to them. Before that day comes, before the Saddle

Empress Ma, loyal to the death, how could she covet the mere throne? "

Having said that, there is another example of refusing to be entrusted. Even if Xiang Yu's heart is like a stone, he can't help but feel for this.

Zheng Zhonggu and Yin Yin were moved by their expectations.

The anger that had just been ignited by Lu Bu's provocation of the tattoo, also slowly dissipated.

Lu Bu no longer opened his mouth, but closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Dao Si thought about how to continue to coax this fool to dominate the world next.

Xiang Yu, on the other hand, with mixed feelings, silently watched as he worked hard and fought in the four fields.

For a while, Lu Bu didn't know what to think.

After a long silence, he suddenly stood up and walked outside the tent without looking back.

Lu Bu glanced at his back from the corner of his eye.

Shadow, and after it disappeared completely, Fang sighed.

If I knew this earlier, I shouldn't have thought that the cheap brother Han was nagging like Gao Shun, so he sent people to chase the bandit Peng Yue.


If Brother Han is here, he still has a credible person who can negotiate countermeasures, how can he need to work so hard and exhaust his brains like he is now, and he is not enlightened all day long.

The overlord of Western Chu hates iron not turning into steel

The more Lu Bu thought about it, the more he regretted it.

His injury is not serious, but he also injured a few bones and muscles, so he needs to take good care of him.

Horizontal and vertical Chu army

Sheng, Tian Rong has already been put to death, and there are warriors Long Qie, Zhong Liying and Xiang Yu, who is a good leader, and he will not have the opportunity to play for a while.

Lu Bu is nothing

Work hard, and enjoy leisure, so that you can nourish your brain that has been working hard for a while.

Following Xiang Yu's order, Fan Zeng could finally let go. In order to prevent this temper turbulent,

The impermanent Overlord wants to change his words again. He doesn't even dare to sleep much, he just wants to call Mu Chengzhou as soon as possible.

Therefore, while the people of Pingyang waited in terror, the fierce god

The Chu Guoxiong division not only did not force the attack, but sent a smiling debater into the city. After seeing the magistrate, there was a magistrate who was lenient and let go, and knew that he was definitely not the opponent of the Chu army.

In order to meet the current affairs, he simply surrendered to Kaesong.

The army was still stationed outside the city, only Long Qi led 3,000 Chu soldiers to patrol the inside and left a group of soldiers, but they did not wantonly.

Intentionally looting, and helping to maintain legal order, the city, which was still a little turbulent, has since been in order.

Although Xiang Yu was full of impatience, under Fan Zeng's diligent persuasion, he summoned Pingyuan.

The common people in the area openly announced that in addition to taking part of the food, they would release tens of thousands of prisoners, and they would not allow the Chu soldiers to invade and plunder the common people, just to eliminate violence and peace.

As soon as this news came out,

The people were not so excited, but dumbfounded.

It's as incredible as seeing the cruel tigers become vegetarians, and the villains show kindness and kindness, and give them food.


Xiang Yu said this with a stern face, looking around, seeing the sluggish expression of Qi Di's father, he couldn't help frowning.

Swept away by the piercing gaze, everyone was terrified

Surprised, they all thanked and left like sleepwalking.

Even with Xiang Yu's words in front of him, Qi Min was still trembling and didn't dare to believe it.

Until the Chu army stationed outside the city was very

Leave quickly and continue toward the Jiaodong area where Tian Heng is located; the Chu army who stayed behind really did not do anything wrong, and only helped to supervise the order; and except for the more officials of Chu State, familiar with them.

The officials in the city of Xi also served as usual...

They gradually let down their guard and dared to believe that the famous and ruthless King of Chu who was rumored to be killed was actually so reasonable and lenient.

Great benevolence.

Xiang Yu's patience and unfamiliar means to appease Qi Min really effectively calmed the turbulent situation.

In stark contrast to this,

It was Tian Heng's predicament that in order to prepare for the Chu army who would come to attack at any time, he had to resort to violent expeditions, causing people to become more scattered and complaining about the dilemma.

Tian Heng is the land of Tian Rong, where it is usually

Honest, and quite famous.

But the reputation he had accumulated so hard was naturally vulnerable to the strong deterrence of the Chu army's strong cavalry.

If Xiang Yu is tyrannical,

To slaughter the city and kill the prisoners at every turn will surely force Qi Min to rebel.

However, Xiang Yu was uncharacteristically, not only did he not let the soldiers massacre,

By example, he also comforted the people for the first time, and actively recruited and surrendered.

When he learned that obeying the Chu army would not only save his life, but also save most of his belongings, how could Qi Min be willing

Accompany Tian Heng to hit the stone with an egg

Under Fan Zeng's deliberate propaganda, the Chu army went all the way to the east. In all likelihood, all the prefectures and counties in Qidi took advantage of Xiang Yu's change of tolerance.

Jin Er looked down on the wind and let them go east without hindrance.

Xiang Yu didn't know that Huairou's effect was so remarkable, and he didn't have to worry about the city that opened up and asked to surrender all the way.

The power can send someone to take over, can not help but feel complicated.

Since he started the army with his uncle, he has experienced more than 30 battles.

Broken down, heavy casualties.

And he and his subordinates are brothers and sisters, and the more he sees the severe casualties, the more angry he becomes.

To pay homage to the generals, to avenge the hatred, and to deter

Enemies, forcing them to be fearful and afraid to become enemies.

Everywhere he went, the enemy tried their best to die.

A bloody battle. Have you ever experienced what the hearts of the people want, and how easy it is for the people to take the initiative to obey and respect them

Xiang Yu's heart was shocked, and he couldn't help thinking.

Fan Zengzi

It is clear that Tian Rongtian Heng has to be given a part of the credit for this success.

Not to mention that it was Xiang Yu who killed 200,000 soldiers in Xin'an Pit.

Under the rule of the former Qin Dynasty, Xiang Yu was completely angered because of his stubborn resistance to the Chu army.

Chengyang's foreshadowing is impressive

If there is another way to survive, Qi Min will not be gullible.

However, Tian Rongtian Heng was not only not an opponent of the Chu army, but he never offered favors to Qimin, but only asked for it, so he called Qidi earlier.

People are not living.

Since it is difficult to serve the jackal, only the tiger can be served.

Qi Min is not afraid of Xiang Yu's moodiness and changes in the country, but compared to the Tian family who can see the road to ruin at a glance

Brother, since Xiang Yu entered Qi, apart from the war between the two armies, not a single civilian was killed, and tens of thousands of prisoners were released.

In the end there is a little hope.

so happy

Returning to the Chu army was nothing but a wolf before and a tiger at the back. Due to helplessness, he had to choose the lighter of the two.

However, Xiang Yu, who was addicted to murder, was obviously deeply shocked, and often fell into a deep depression.

Si, Fan Zeng is happy to see it happen, it's too late to help, so how can he expose this point ignorantly.

The Chu army sang the song of triumph all the way, and was advancing to Jiaodong every day.

And Tian Hengyan

Seeing that people were separated, and Jiaodong, which had been hard-guarded, became an isolated city, the army was in a panic, and I couldn't help but feel sad.

It is late autumn, it is rainy and rainy, this day, the fields are across the city.

Looking from a distance, I suddenly saw the black and heavy iron cavalry from far to near, with several flags in the middle, white characters on a black background, and a huge "item" that was shocking.

It was actually Xiang Yu himself!

Tian Heng knew that the situation was over, and with the poor thousands of soldiers under his command, he was definitely no match for the Chu army.

With a long sigh, he resolutely drew his sword and killed himself.

So far, three

The chaos was completely settled.

Whether it was the three Kings of Qi that Xiang Yu had entrusted to him, or Tian Rongtian Heng, who seditioned the rebellion, they all died in Huangquan.

Xiang Yu looked at Feng Shangtian in silence.

After a long while, the guard of Jiaodong County, who was at the top of his head and begging for surrender, sternly threw the sentence "proper burial", and just ordered more than a thousand Chu soldiers,

One of the Chu officials remained.

Qi is set, and the next sword edge of the Chu army is pointing to Changshan.

There was no one in this heroic division of the Chu army advancing towards the northwest.

It was learned that shortly after they left, there was a saying that had a nose and eyes and spread in Qi, and there were many believers.

The reason why General Xiang, who is rumored to have always been bloodthirsty,

Unusually, he treated the people with benevolence and righteousness, all because of a brave and loyal, sympathetic and compassionate general named Lu who fought to the death and gave advice to the people of Qi.