The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 40


Xiang Yu

He personally led the army to return from Jiaodong to the east and west to the plain area, but ordered the soldiers to build camps and repair them on the spot, and did not continue to enter the territory of Changshan.

At the same time, he continued to order

Jiujiang King Tuibu, Hengshan King Wu Li and Linjiang King Gong Ao, ordered the kings to send troops immediately, and jointly send troops to Changshan.

Tattoo Bu has to be recruited again, and he can't help but be upset.

He followed Xiang Yu to fight for many years, and knew that he was unparalleled and brave, so he was in awe and fearful.

However, he was originally a prisoner in Lishan, and the reason why he gave up his life on the battlefield,

To build great achievements, the plan is to crack the earth and seal the king, and enjoy the power and pomp.

As a result, he had to seal the land of Jiujiang before February, and was immersed in returning to his hometown in a glorious day.

Wine, in the joy of Lady Ye Ye, was suddenly summoned by the former king, who had to put on a frost-cold iron armor to live through the bitter days of living in the wind and sleeping in the wind and the iron horses and glaciers that had made him tired earlier.

How could he want to!

Although Xiang Yu was a self-proclaimed overlord, in the final analysis he was only one of the princes. It was only because Chu was the strongest that he seemed to have the kingdoms to follow their horses.


Since he is also a prince, why does he have to obey the old master's order to re-dress for him, saddle the front and the horse behind

Tattoo cloth is really reluctant to leave, but it is difficult to restrain the bones

The fear of Xiang Yu buried deep in the child.

He has a good understanding of Xiang Yu's temperament and knows that he is extremely brave.

Ming, treating the enemy army is a first-class grumpy, cold-blooded and cruel.

In the past, he was appreciated by him, repeatedly promoted by exception, and became the most respected love general.

, with the title of King of Jiujiang today.

If he claims to be ill again, he may be ungrateful. Even if he has not yet been questioned, he will take the resistance order seriously, and he will definitely

Xiang Yu was annoyed.

Thinking of Xiang Yu's unparalleled bravery and his harsh methods of dealing with the enemy, Tattoo Bu felt chills in his heart.

Just as he was in a dilemma, he didn't know whether to

In response to this call, a military official suddenly came in to announce that there was an envoy from Hengshan.

Tattoo Bu's eyes lit up and couldn't wait to say, "Please invite someone in soon!"


The mountain king Wu Li was not only his father-in-law who admired him, but also an ally who fought side by side and fought against Qin for many years.

With this level of relationship between Weng and son-in-law, the relationship between Jiujiang and Hengshan is even more

Tight and unbreakable.

The messenger was summoned, and after a while he entered the hall with a smile.

Tuibu sat on the throne impatiently, and saw that he was eight feet long, with a long sword on his waist, walking as if walking.

Such as bringing the wind, but wearing a Confucian clothing and a Confucian crown, and at a glance at his age, he knew that his ears were smooth, and he couldn't help frowning, and he felt a little more contempt in his heart.

How could his father-in-law discuss important matters with him

But sent an old Confucianism over here

Tattoo Bu said nothing, and continued to sit on the throne. The old Confucian didn't care about his arrogant attitude, and leaned over to salute.

Without waiting for Tattoo Bu to speak, he sat down casually and calmly met Tattoo Bu's displeased gaze, and at the beginning came a sentence that was not surprising: "In Xiali Ji, I specially honor King Yuheng of Han.

The life of the mountain king is here to save the next life! "

This person is none other than the most powerful debater and mastermind under Liu Bang, who has been proclaimed the King of Han since he entered the land of Bashu—

- Li eat it.

Tattoo Bu frowned, and subconsciously repeated: "King of Han?"

In this world, where did the King of Han come from

Looking at Li Shiqi's half-smile but not smiling eyes,

Tattoo Bu suddenly realized, he couldn't help sneering and said: "Wow! I was negligent that day, and I was able to survive and survive in the land of Bashu, but I didn't want that traitor to be courageous.

, brazen, self-proclaimed king of Han! "

He used to be a general of Chu, and he was deeply afraid of Xiang Yu's might, but how could he look down on Liu Bang, a defeated general and a dog who had lost his family!

Tuibu said contemptuously: "You are so daring and dare to come to the door. If you have any last words, just say it now, or Gu Ming will have you tied up and sent to the overlord.

, once in the cauldron, even if there is a clever tongue, it will not be able to come out. "

His words were gloomy, but Li Shiqi was not afraid at all, but instead laughed.

Tattoo Bu knew that he was doing it on purpose, but he still couldn't help being annoyed, and said murderously: "If you have nothing to say, then—"

"My life is nothing but a must, so why should I be afraid

die? Li Shiqi said unceremoniously, "The one laughing at the bottom is the king who is arrogant and brave, but he is so stupid, but he shuts out the chance of life that came to the door, and he is still full of energy."

proud! "

Before Tuibu became angry, Li Shiqi suddenly stood up, took a step closer, and said aggressively: "Who was the rebel who killed the king that day, and the people were indebted.

Hidden, your step was once a confidant and loved general, how could you not know it! "

After drinking the tattoo cloth, Li Shiqi angrily flicked the sleeve of his robe and mocked: "Xiang borrowing can never be trusted. He killed the king.

First, the stigma was passed on later, the feudal army joined forces to break Qin, but asked him to pick the victory alone and preside over the division. If he really ceded the land for merit, and did not say that the Han king entered the customs first, he should have

Wang Zhi, why is Zhao general Chen Yu anonymous? Why did Zhang Han lose the seal? "

Tattoo Bu's eyes were cold, staring at Li Shiqi who was wanton mocking.

Li Shiqi laughed

The voice continued: "The world is divided into feudal feudalisms, all will be kings, if Xiang borrowing is really selfless, he should dismiss his soldiers and provide for the people to recuperate.

Now, I borrowed the Prince of Yan to kill the old monarch first.

The incident occurred in Yan, attacked and destroyed the state of Yan, and after occupying Liaodong together, in the name of quelling the rebellion, the army marched eastward and captured the land of Sanqi. Xiang borrowed the rebel generals and executed them one after another, but refused to stand up again.

The king of Qi, who was insatiable against greed, made Chu officials predominant! It can be seen from this that Xiang borrows a lot of scheming, and what he wants is to swallow the land of the feudal lords, to dominate the world alone, and to emulate the emperor of the former Qin Dynasty.

industry! That being the case, how can it stop so easily? The Qi land is vast and fertile, and there are many soldiers. After gaining this place, Xiang Ji's strength has increased greatly again. That Chu army was in the ascendant, and its prestige was at its peak.

Now it is like a tiger with wings, if he wants to do something wrong and tear up the covenant in the future, who can stop the iron hoof! If the feudal lords are still fighting each other, or stand on the sidelines, or fight endlessly, I am afraid that

Tomorrow I will become the snipe and clam that compete, and the fisherman will gain the advantage! "

These remarks were loud and slammed heavily on the tattoo cloth, causing his face with indigo ink marks to be stabbed.

The hole is more gloomy.

He took a breath and urged in a vicious voice, "Tell me!"

Li Shiqi smiled, but the words out of his mouth were word for word: "Your Majesty sent Ji here to invite

Why did he perfunctory King Xiang, saying that he would not join the coalition army because of his illness? Why would he dare to believe that King Xiang would not invite his teachers to ask for guilt and come to crusade? "

Tattoo cloth is said to be painful, finally

He eased his face, looked directly at the arrogant and bold scholar, and said coldly, "What did the king of Han have in mind, just say it directly."

- From the previous 'Rebel' to

'King of Han', the change in title made Li Shi, who seemed to be confident, feel relieved, and instantly knew that the matter was done.

When the tattoo cloth received Li Shiqi, the former Chu Zhuguo, now

On the day of the command, Gong Ao, the king of Linjiang, summoned his generals, gathered 30,000 soldiers, and rushed to the plain without stopping.

I don't know why, Xiang Yu is a rare watch this time.

Be patient now.

In a blink of an eye, ten days have passed. He waited for Gong Ao's trilogy far away in Linjiang, but he never saw Jiujiang and Hengshan, which were closer.

The two countries came, and their faces became more and more ugly.

However, the army of the state of Chu has always kept its troops in motion, not only making the people of the plains very puzzled and uneasy, but even the think tank Fan Zeng can't guess the tyrant.

Wang thought.

Only after Lu Bu moved from place to place, based on past experience, he quickly got a clue and couldn't help being surprised.

- This foolish overlord is actually watching


Xiang Yu, who has always marched vigorously and resolutely, unexpectedly showed 100% patience, waiting for the situation to become clear.

As for Zhang Chen of Changshan

The struggle was not taken into account by Xiang Yu at all.

The first rebel led by the company, Tian Rong of Qidi, has already been put to death, and Chen Yu, who was assisted by his soldiers, fought alone, how could it be Chu

Army opponent

With the bravery and strength of the Chu army, once they intervene, the rebellion will be quelled within three days.

Xiang Yu paid more attention to it, and he did not hesitate to delay the fighter plane, and has been waiting for it.

, Hengshan and Jiujiang, whose attitudes have been unclear since the enfeoffment.

It depends on whether the latter is obedient and obedient, or shows a fox's tail.

However, Xiang Yu

It was worth the wait, but Zhang Er, the king of Changshan, couldn't bear Chen Yu's onslaught.

He and Chen Yu were once close friends, one was the Prime Minister of Zhao State, and the other was a general of Zhao State.

Suspicion and hatred of things, and now the killing is in full swing, and there is no way to do it.

Even though the battle was fierce, the two of them did not forget to pay attention to the battle situation in the east. When they heard that Xiang Yu had personally led the Chu army to pacify

Qidi, the first rebel, killed Tian Rong and Tian Heng, causing a family to be happy and a family to worry.

Zhang Er knew that reinforcements were coming, and his morale greatly increased; and Chen Yu had been a general for many years, although he knew that he was in a desperate situation.

However, because of his stubbornness and unwillingness to give in, even if he knew that he would lose to Xiang Yu, he would still defeat Zhang Erkou's evil spirit in his chest.

Zhang Erben

Not Chen Yu's opponent, he persisted for nearly ten days, but he still did not wait for the Chu army to come, and suddenly felt bad in his heart.

When the spies he sent returned, they reported that the Chu army was stationed in the Central Plains for some reason.

, When he was motionless, he was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood!

Item borrowed a person, really hateful!

He is already at the end of the shot, and he really can't care about other things, even if he is in his heart

He scolded Xiang Yu a thousand times, and when he sent a messenger to ask for help, he could be called sullen.

He knew in his heart that no matter how critical the situation was now, as soon as Chu Guoxiong arrived, he would definitely

It will be solved easily, and naturally I dare not offend Xiang Yu.

Xiang Yu has waited for half a month, but he has never seen the trilogy of Jiujiang Kingdom and Hengshan Kingdom, even if he had already expected it.

, but his heart was still full of anger.

Therefore, when the envoy sent by Zhang Er arrived, his face was as cold as frost, his body was frozen with murderous aura, and he let the envoy fight with both sides.

Hearing his intentions, Xiang Yu, who had already come to a conclusion from his deliberate waiting, nodded absently, knowing that Zhang Er really couldn't delay any longer.

When he was about to promise to send troops, he suddenly heard a clear laugh coming from his side.

Everyone couldn't help but follow the sound, only to see a young General Chu, dressed in fancy clothes, sitting crookedly.

In the second seat next to Xiang Yu and Fan Zeng, but able to join Long Qie and Zhong Liying, he folded his arms lazily, a cynical smile hung on his handsome and fair face, and his tiger eyes were full of insecurities.


Although the Changshan messenger didn't know why he sneered, his face was red with anger, and he dared not to speak.

Xiang Yu cast a suspicious glance at Ai Jiang and asked:

"Why is Fengxian laughing?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, I have no intention of being disrespectful to others," Lu Bu said with a deeper smile.

The casual: "But it's a matter of fact."

Hooked by his demeanor and tone, Xiang Yu's face was still cold, but he was actually aroused a bit of curiosity: "Oh


Fan Zeng's heart was tense, and he looked at King Xiang, who was expressionless and indistinguishable between joy and anger. He was afraid that Feng Xian's remarks would make him annoyed, so he quickly added to the description: "Feng Xian Dan

Say it okay. "

Lu Bu grinned, and the next words he said made the messenger from Changshan break out in cold sweat: "My servant's knowledge is superficial, and I really don't know what this prince is.

The child was incapable of suffering, and when he asked for reinforcements, he didn't even promise a single thank you, so he dared to open his mouth, and the overlord of the labor hall would recruit himself? "

Without waiting for the messenger to speak,

Lu Bu lazily threw out the next sentence that was even more frightening: "—If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought that the king was a subordinate of King Changshan, and let him take it for granted.

It's coming, it's going! "

He vaguely remembered that Han Xin had mentioned that Zhang Er is not only the eldest brother of Liu Mouse's brother, but also Wang Shenyang of Henan, or an eldest brother.

The mediocre former Qin general Sima Yan was once his former department, and he communicated widely.

That being the case, why not ask for help from those old subordinates who have friendships, but are cheeky

Shamelessly grabbing the fat goat who is running around on behalf of the fool who has suffered a loss and doesn't know it yet

Lu Bu snorted coldly, the tiger's eyes narrowed slightly, and the murderous aura overflowed inside.