The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 58


Hearing this, Han Xin was not surprised at all.

he does not continue

After persuading him for a while, he said mildly and politely: "Mr. is loyal and loyal, and he is unwilling to change his position and choose another master. It is also excusable. It is only because the letter is abrupt.

Mr. Tire is embarrassed, and I hope Mr. forgive me. Regarding the matter just now, Mr. is not busy making a decision. If you have a good trip, please ask Mr. "


Zhang Liangxin

Nian moved slightly, his expression stunned, and he couldn't help but look at Han Xin, who had an indifferent face and clearly said this to him on purpose.

Han Xin obviously didn't intend to explain his confusion, just nodded lightly.

First, calmly left.

Zhang Liang's self-declared ambition and actively asking for death, on the contrary, fulfilled his conjecture: the person who is loyal to the other party is not Liu Bang, but himself


Even so, it is not that there is no room for turning back.

Han Xin thought casually, calculating that the time was right, and flew to the military camp outside the city.


Next, as a general, he ordered the army to move out to the generals.

Although Zhang Han was very sleepy, when it was time for Han Xin to set off, he woke up spontaneously.

he is not out

I went to the city to send it off, but only rushed to the head of the city, and I was amazed when I looked at the vast Tang Tang, but all of them showed an orderly and well-organized Guanzhong Army.

Who would have thought that such

A powerful force with awe-inspiring murderous aura and strict order, a few months ago, it was just a scattered army with no morale at all

Turning rotten wood into magical training with a single hand

In terms of ability, Han Xin must not be in the pool.

Han Xin led the army to the east, and traveled day and night all the way. The marching speed was not very fast, but the energy of the soldiers was always maintained.

in a state of abundance.

This solid 100,000-strong army was intended for Wei State, neither covering up the formation nor taking the road of Hangu Pass, but went around the northeast with vigor and vigor.

Go, invade the land of Wei State.

Naturally, this huge movement could not escape the eyes and ears of Wei State's spies.

After reading this military report, I have been focusing on Dongchu Dinayu

The king leopard of the Western Wei Dynasty, the main force led by Xiang Yu, was caught off guard.

When Liu Bang made a pact, he kept saying that he would divide the Chu army according to the plan and carve up the land of Guanzhong with him.


Who would have thought that Liu Bang was simply a ruffian who did not succeed enough, and had more than enough failures, who only knew how to brag!

Xianyang, the capital of Chu, is as safe as Mount Tai from beginning to end, and the great Sima

Zhou Yin died in Huangquan without even a splash of water.

He failed to get him a share of the pie, and he lost 20,000 horses and general Bai Zhi.

Han Xin, the former leader of the halberd, called arrogant at the door!

At this moment, Wei Bao really hated Liu Bang, the bastard who spoke the vernacular.

But the other side will be able to fight the two counties of Bashu.

Located in a remote location and the road is dangerous, the Chu army was temporarily unable to take part in the expedition, and temporarily retreated and nothing happened.

He took possession of Liangdi, but he was the first to bear the brunt of Xiang Yu's anger, and there was no way to hide.

To hide, only bite the bullet and clean up the mess in person.

"How did Han Xin become a general?" Wei Bao frowned and felt a little relieved: "It seems that the elites of Chu have gathered in the East.

In the land of Chu, except for Zhang Han, Xianyang couldn't even mention a person who was slightly available. "

The general Zhou Shu was not as optimistic as he was, and said bluntly: "Your Majesty, don't let it go.

Take it easy! That Han Xin seems to be not well-known, but he led the Guanzhong army to conquer Yandi with Lv Bu. later lead

Ordered to divide the troops westward to break the Pengyue army, but did not take advantage of the victory to pursue blindly, but patiently stayed in Jiyin City, which must have the deep meaning of guarding against the king's westward advance and attacking Guanzhong! This person

When he was a lieutenant, he had the vision of giving up credit and making plans for the overall situation. How could he be a commonplace? "

-As a general, but inadvertently boosts the enemy's morale and destroys himself

The majesty! Even before the battle was fought, he made an excuse for defeat.

Wei Bao's face was gloomy, and he was noncommittal on the surface, but in his heart he disapproved of Uncle Zhou's words.

If Bai Zhi was not captured, he would not know his life or death, he would not be able to pick out a general who could lead an army alone. How could Uncle Zhou be talking nonsense like this

Uncle Zhou is proficient

In the art of war, when it comes to discussing tactics and tactics, it is eloquent, but it is not at all aware of the importance of flattering the horse and observing the words.

He had no idea that the King of Wei had become annoyed by his frank remarks.

Heart, frowning, still chattering.

Wei Bao listened patiently for a long time, and it took only one month for Zhou Shu to talk about Han Xin's rectification of the army, and he took back Hanzhong under Liu Bang's control.

When his ability cannot be underestimated, he could not bear it any longer, and interrupted sternly: "According to the general's intention, the hundreds of thousands of brave soldiers and soldiers of the Great Wei are still paying attention.

Are you sure that you won't be able to defeat Han Xin in a few months? General Gu Zhao came here to discuss ways to defeat the enemy, or to open the door and surrender to the enemy as soon as possible.

! "

Uncle Zhou was stunned when he heard the words.

No matter how sluggish he was, it was impossible for him not to hear the King's ill-spoken and angry voice.

"It's not like this at the end—"

Wei Bao's words were cruel, and he was overwhelmed, so he was about to bow down and apologize, but Wei Bao, who was full of irritability, didn't want to listen to him any more excuses.

Just waved his hand impatiently,

He drove Uncle Zhou out and sent someone to invite Sun Yun.

Uncle Zhou hesitated several times, but at the end he could only sigh helplessly. He could only hold back his anxiety and retire as ordered.


Leopard was determined to abandon Uncle Zhou, and the news that Sun Yun was replaced as a general soon passed through the mouths of the spies of the State of Chu and reached Han Xin's ears.

Rao is as calm and serious as he is, and he can't help but feel great when he hears the news

Xi: "God helps me!"

He thought that a tough battle would be necessary against Uncle Zhou, the general who was proficient in the art of war and good at formation.

Unexpectedly, Wei Baoyu

Extremely stupid, She Xian will not have to use it, but to put his life and wealth on a mediocre person!

At this time, the 100,000 Chu troops led by Han Xin had arrived in the area of Linjinjin.

look ahead

Go, the other side is full of Wei soldiers who are waiting in an array, eyeing them, and there is a posture that the Chu army will swarm up if they dare to cross the river.

Han Xin knew that he could not force the crossing, Si

Not in a hurry.

While ordering the sergeants to find the ground to set up camp, he searched for ships around him, confronted them openly, but secretly focused on sending people to go there.

On the matter of flow detection.

Hearing that Xia Yang's defense was empty due to the scarcity of forests and the inability to cut wood to make boats, Han Xin immediately had an idea.

He summoned Feng Jing and other lieutenants,

He ordered one person to lead the army like a mountain and cut down wood; another person went back to the market to buy tile poppies, which required thousands;

, to contain the Wei army on the other side.

Although the second lieutenant was confused and didn't know the coach's plan, Han Xin was very powerful in the army.


At the same time, Xiang Yu, who thought that the army had stayed in Lingbi for too long, but had never heard good news from Chen Pingping, who was sent to various countries, was about to be unable to sit still.

He was originally disdainful of fighting wits, and just wanted to use his strength to conquer the Quartet and slay his violent temperament.

Being able to endure so far is unprecedented.

In the blink of an eye, it's already February, winter

Go to spring.

Xiang Yu's patience was on the verge of collapse.

He thought about it, he didn't want to wait aimlessly any longer, and he didn't want to give up his love and work with good intentions.

He then decided to call Lu Bu into the tent, so he could talk.

Lu Bu, who stepped into the main tent carelessly, even if he tried to break his head, he could not guess that he was heartless.

The foolish king had the delusion of trying to persuade him.

-Otherwise you'll have to laugh out loud.

He only thinks that the situation in Jiujiang has changed, and it is about him helping Chu to rule the world.

How could he ignore Liu's big plan to catch Liu mouse, and he came right away.

The guards had received Wang Ling long ago, so how could they stop him, and went straight to report this step, when they saw General Lu

Come, give way now.

Lü Bu was used to being the leader of the situation, and he didn't think it was a big deal, so he strode into the tent with great strides.

But I saw this idiot with a deep face

Unpredictable, he sat upright on the main seat, as if thinking about something important.

Capturing the figure of General Ai from the corner of his eye, Xiang Yu raised his eyes slightly, and his eyes fixedly looked at him.

Without hesitation, he said, "Sit."

As a matter of course, Lu Bu came to the old position closest to Xiang Yu and sat down neatly.

Immediately, he looked at Xiang Yu with bright eyes,

Apparently waiting for the following.

Xiang Yu's face was stern, but he didn't know what to say in his heart.

When his uncle was alive, he didn't have to make any plans, he just had to do what he was told.

Later, he became the coach of the state of Chu and the dignified overlord, and he became a strategist who tried every means to advise him. He only needed to listen to the previous round and decide whether to adopt it.

Never bothered him to search his bowels

Belly, have you thought about your words and personally persuaded your soldiers to change your mind

He was thinking hard, and when he didn't know how to speak...

Lu Bu was keenly aware of something unusual.

The suspicion in his eyes grew stronger.

His tiger eyes narrowed slightly, vigilantly scrutinizing this Han Wang, who was especially cold and strange today, who seemed to be extremely worried.

- what is out

What a terrible mistake, even a foolish man like Xiang Xiang is troubled by such a worried appearance? !

Lu Bu's heart skipped a beat, only to feel that something was wrong.

The more he couldn't figure out what could go wrong, the more uneasy he became, how could Xiang Yu play dumb riddles with him, and immediately asked, "Your Majesty has summoned Bu here, but there is an urgent matter.

talk over? "

After Lu Bu's urging, Xiang Yu frowned, but he finally made up his mind.

—Forget it, since Feng Xian was very Xiao, he had a quick temper when he was young, if he explained

The key point is clearly understood.

Therefore, under the pressing gaze of Lu Bu, this dignified overlord with a sinking face, after dawdling for a long time, finally moved and kept sipping it tightly.

, revealing the thin lips that are engrossing and chilling.

The next moment, the overlord slowly opened his mouth and said: "If the battle situation is stagnant, morale will definitely decline. After waiting for three more days, if

There is still no good news, and the army also needs to be pulled out, led by orphans, to attack Qi in the north. "

Lu Bu immediately understood: This fool is in a hurry, he has been idle for too long and is flustered, he is really waiting

Not enough.

Lü Bu once believed in quick battles, and even admired them.

He looked at Xiang Yu, who was hesitant, and couldn't help but think of a time when he was in the past.

The self who is proud of himself, who is dashing and attacking in person.

However, the further back you go, the more you rely on the bravery of a single soldier, the more doomed you will be exhausted sooner or later.

Captured and helpless big mold.

If you don't want to fight the battle for a long time and end up exhausted, you need to put more effort into using tactics to get more results with less effort.


Lu Bu subconsciously caressed his unscathed neck, his teeth clenched hard.

Whenever I think of the day at the White Gate Tower,

He will surely remember the humiliation and pain of being hanged to death.

He was breathing hard, and his temples jumped suddenly.

- When he repents, it is too late.

Xu Shi recalled the tragic past, and looked at Xiang Hanzi, who was fearless and ignorant, but he looked like himself back then, and Lu Bu miraculously felt calm.

this big

The pit is dazzlingly placed in front of him, unless you want to watch the other party fall, otherwise - persuasion, you must persuade.

Just hold your breath at this critical moment

, No matter whether the cunning and wise fox eyes can do anything, for the cheap old brother Han Xinchu, he is willing to believe it.

If even Lingwu crowns the world, he will make no

Fang Rubing Xian can also capsize in that stupid leopard's gutter...

Lu Bu's mouth twitched slightly.

Not to mention that the old face he tried so hard to recommend does not need to be kept anymore, it also means that the old face is old.

Tiandang is really determined to kill the fool in front of him.

As soon as Xiang Yu said those words, he concentrated on observing the reaction of the general.

But seeing Lu Bu's indifferent face,

His eyes were blurry, and he seemed to be extremely disappointed. He just lowered his head and remained silent... His heart gradually became suspended.

His face was expressionless, and he waited for a while, still unable to

Bu responded and couldn't help asking: "What do you think about Feng Xian?"

There was a trace of unfamiliar and unfamiliar anxiety in this harmonious question.

Lu Bu is also


As long as he moved around a little bit, it was not difficult for him to imagine that this stubborn, arrogant and irritable fool in front of him, even if he really hit his head and bleed his blood, for a while.

He didn't even wake up for a while.

Not to mention listening to outsiders.

I think it was Chen Gongtai, Gao Fuyi, and even the young boy Zhang Wenyuan.

Either be straightforward, or persuade him around the corner.

However, he seemed to be blinded by lard, so he insisted on going his own way. Even though he was in danger, he failed to wake up.

Niang Xipi, this matter is really difficult to handle!

When Lü Bu thought of persuading this stubborn and foolish king who was just like himself back then, he felt that the road ahead was difficult.

Dangerous, really hopeless.

Xiang Yu saw that his expression changed for a while, but in the end he became more and more despondent, and his eyebrows couldn't help frowning deeply.

The two have different thoughts,

After being silent for a long time, Lu Bu was the first to cheer up.

That's all, just give it a try.

If this fool is really unwilling to listen and insists on sending troops... big deal

He also only got into Chen Ping Xiaoming, who had no time to escape in the future. The advantage of the cheap brother Han Xin could always be preserved.

As long as the overall situation does not collapse, there is no need to

The idiot who is not very smart is too harsh.

Lu Bu opened himself up like this, and there was a bit of love and tolerance in his eyes that he didn't know.

without blinking

When staring at Xiang Yu, who was looking at him, he cleared his throat a little, without any expectations, he only tentatively said: "In Yibu's opinion, this matter can't be rushed, you might as well—


As soon as he spoke, Xiang Yu, who had been silent for a long time, lit up his eyes and interrupted him abruptly: "Feng Xian's words are reasonable."

"Wait again-"


The field was stunned.

After he digested what Xiang Hanzi said... Hu's eyes suddenly widened, looking at the man in front of him in disbelief!

Xiang Yu kept watching his expression change.

He was completely settled at this time, he let out a sigh of relief, but his tone was the same as usual: "Since I have been waiting for a few months, it is not too short of a while."

Lu Bu's face was dull, deep


He couldn't help but murmured silently: How could this fool's head be so bright all of a sudden? Could it be that he really opened his mouth with a heavy punch that day

Otherwise, use Xianghan

Son of this stinky and tough temper, will this be so easy to follow his words

The more Lu Bu thought about it, the more wrong it became.

I'm afraid I'm not taking the wrong medicine!

His heart froze, his eyes were fine

The light burst out and looked at Xiang Yu, who was dignified and serious.

The two of them made eye contact and looked at each other silently.

Lu Bu was aggressive, Xiang Yu's eyes were deep,

But bewildered.

On the other hand, when Lu Bu was sure that the other party was not speaking in anger, but he really thought so, great joy and great sorrow swept over him for a while!

— Greg

Son of a bitch, Xiang Yu suddenly enlightened, doesn't it make him so stupid that he was so arrogant in the past that he was defeated by death, and he couldn't even compare to the foolish king! ! !

Lu Bu is sad.

Lu Bu gasped.

Lu Bu was sad and angry.

Just sad and sad, angry, he... inexplicably happy.

"That's it."

Lu Bu snorted softly

, pouted, and under the gaze of Xiang Yu's worried eyes, he muttered to himself, "Alright."

He has always looked at this foolish person like himself: they are all unparalleled in the world

Wu Yong, who is good at leading troops, but what he believes in is not human, plus several mistakes in his actions, he is attacked by mediocrity, and he is helpless and desperate.

Now the opponent has changed his life against the sky,

Calling the eccentric thief Laotian to die is equivalent to avenging him for a little bit... but it is not satisfactory.