The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 59


Xiang Yu's main force is stationed in Ling

At the time of the jade, the Chu army's momentum did not stop.

On the northwest side, the Guanzhong army led by Han Xin and the Wei army faced off in Linjinjin.

He didn't dare to cross, but in fact, he was secretly planning a decisive battle.

On the northeast side, there are several Chu envoys headed by Chen Ping asking to see the princes and lobbying hard, but nothing has been resolved yet.

information back.

On the battlefield on the south side, Long Qie and Zhong Liying had already conquered the Jiujiang Kingdom and abolished the country as a prefecture under the overlord's order.


Jiang is the land of the old Chu, and it is related to the people of Eastern Chu. Seeing that Tuibu rebelled against the old master for no reason, and slaughtered the people, it has already caused public anger.

After the tattoo cloth was defeated and fled, they

Ben was afraid that the overlord might be angry and indiscriminately punish them, so he set a low schedule and did not dare to act rashly.

But the king is generous and friendly,

Not only did he not anger them, but he also ordered that anyone who could provide the whereabouts of Wu Rui and his entourage with tattoo cloths would be rewarded heavily.

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man, not to mention the unpopular

Heart tattoo cloth and others

Long Qie and Zhong Liying were stationed in the six cities of the old capital of Jiujiang, and were ordered to hold a feast for the New Year to appease the hearts of the people.

After only one month's effort, there was

The people discovered that the people who were incognito, hiding in the mountains and forests outside the city, and repeating their old business as bandits, immediately exposed them to the county magistrate.

The county magistrate knows that he will not find a tattoo for a day

With Wu Rui, the ferocious army will not withdraw for a day, how can there be any delay

So in less than two days, the news took a fast horse and was reported to the layers.

, and soon called Long Zhong and the two to find out.

Long Qie immediately split up with Zhong Liying, sneaked secretly, surrounded the mountain, and then revealed his identity.

Long Qizhi's temper

Crack, even more than Xiang Yu.

As soon as he thought about the shameless head tattoo that slaughtered Dongchu Shucheng, he was hiding on the mountain at this moment, his eyes were red with hatred, and his teeth were gritted.

It rattled and stared at the dense forest, Lei Ting shouted: "Shameless tattoo, don't come out quickly and die!"

This roar is like thunder, echoing, and it is also

It spread to the ears of Tattoo Bu, who was anxious about the predicament on the mountain.

Ridiculous, who would go out and kill themselves

Tattoo Bu's face was gloomy, he spat angrily, and continued to conspire with his generals.

Make a breakout route.

He knew very well that since his whereabouts had been revealed, he had no choice but to hide on this mountain.

Not to mention that the Chu army stood by and waited for the rabbits, and they were able to defend so much that they couldn't get them.

He was running out of food and soldiers, and if the other party didn't even want to wait, he just set fire to the mountain, and he had to show up.

It's just plans to plan and plan to go, whether I can fight the dragon and have a relationship with Zhong Liying

With a weak defense, he is always 100%... or even 70% sure.

He used to serve in the Chu camp, except for Lu Bu, who has only recently made a splash, he is very capable of the generals of the Chu army.

, is naturally all too familiar.

Among them, the one he feared the most was King Xiang, who was incomparably brave and capable of pulling mountains and rivers; and King Xiang counted down, making him reluctant to confront him.

The number one generals on the board are Long Qi and Zhong Liying.

King Xiang looked down on him. Although he didn't stay to fight in person, he left the tough generals he didn't want to fight, and he stayed as soon as possible.

is two.

Tattoo Bu's brows wrinkled, looking at the gray sky, vaguely feeling a bit desolate that the general trend has passed.

I am afraid that if I can escape the first day of the first year, I will not be able to escape the fifteenth.


- Tattoo cloth's ominous foreboding was fulfilled soon after.

Although after some precise deployment, he relied on the sacrifice of more than 100 cronies and cavalrymen, and it was difficult to follow

He escaped from the mountain, but he couldn't go very far.

His father-in-law, Wu Rui, was shot several times by stray arrows on the way to escape.

Multiple injuries

And along the way, the bumps are violent, the meals are windy and the wind is loud, and people need to avoid people's eyes and ears everywhere, and they can't seek medical treatment.

On the third day of escaping,

The wound was oozing pus, causing Wu Rui to be nearly unconscious.

At this moment, Wu Rui, who was delirious in pain and full of tears, really regretted it.

Regret that day was not general

The king's messenger expelled him, but listened to the nonsense of the other party; he even regretted implicated his son-in-law Tattoo Bu, and ruined the other party's smooth future as King of Anle.

Now that I think about it, that Li eats every word

Sounds reasonable, but it is full of flaws.

King Xiang is violent and cruel, and is suspicious and suspicious, but he can always be called benevolent and kind to his subordinates.

, is also courteous.

Although Tuibu neglected King Xiang's edict and did not send troops to help in time, King Xiang was angry, and the relationship became rigid and alienated... But it would never break down and split up.

There is plenty of room for repair.

How could they be fascinated by ghosts, and just because they suspected that the disaster would hit them, they gave up everything they had and rebelled preemptively


I'm... confused for a while," Wu Rui lay on the dirty mud floor, took off the tattoo cloth on her pillow and put it on him, which also became dirty and couldn't identify the original color of the cloak.

, apologized: "But it hurt you!"

Tattoo Bu said nothing, but his eyes were red.

After saying these words, Wu Rui closed her eyes weakly, all her strength slowly.

Xu faded, breathing slowly cut off.

After the tattoo cloth buried Wu Rui, he continued to flee.

It's just that the sky is big and the earth is big, where can he escape to

his place

His whereabouts were revealed because the people of Jiujiang hated him, the former King of Jiujiang!

The tattoo cloth was confused and lost the hearts of the people, and was disheartened by the death of the woman

, failed to escape for a long time, and was finally caught by the pursuers led by Long Qi.

He stared blankly as he followed him faithfully, desperately resisting and struggling to the last moment.

The last fifty generals who fought hard for him to escape were all brutally killed by the furious Longqi.

He was tied up by Wuhua again, trapped in a sill car, and escorted to Lingbi with the army.

Since the tattoo cloth was captured, he has been in a state of despair and slaughter.

Even if Long Qi punched and kicked him, angered and scolded him, if it wasn't for Zhong Liying's desperate efforts several times

He stopped him and almost cut him to death with a sword, but he was indifferent.

Until they arrived at the main camp of the Chu army in Lingbi, they saw Erdao standing in front of the camp gate with a tall figure, broad shoulders and narrow waist.


Tattoo Bu shivered suddenly, and finally tasted the long-awaited fear.

He personally came to the camp to welcome the triumphant Long Qi and the two men of Zhong Liying's army.

People, not King Xiang and Lu Bu, who else could they be

Lu Bu couldn't wait to see the tragic end of the rags, which was so unbelievably high, so much so that he felt uncomfortable.

He couldn't help leaning forward, and his footsteps shifted a few inches along the way.

Before he knew it, he stood side by side with Xiang Yu and stood at the front of the queue.

this stop, plus his

The tall and tall man on the same level as King Xiang suddenly looked very eye-catching.

It should be noted that even Fan Zeng, who was politely called Yafu by Xiang Yu, was a step behind, let alone.

On the other cronies.

Fan Zeng was the first to notice that Lu Bu had overstepped his position, lest he would offend the king, so he not only coughed, but wanted to remind him in a low voice.

Xiang Yu seems to have


After catching the light cough, he turned his head slightly just before Fan Zeng could speak.

Although the side face is difficult to distinguish between joy and anger, it silently handed out

His eyes couldn't be clearer.

Fan Zeng was stunned.

Although he is not so powerful, he can see the thoughts of the unpredictable king with just one look.

, but it is not difficult to comprehend the most obvious meaning.

Not only is the king acquiesced, and even intentionally encouraged...

Fan Zeng straightened his back calmly.

When he reached his lips, he naturally swallowed it back.

Seeing that the king is becoming more and more open-minded, he has changed his old self-willedness and cronyism to the present.

Following advice like a stream of advice—although only from one person—and willing to take the initiative to get along with Feng Xian, a great hero with both courage and strategy, he was more than happy to see him succeed.

where to be free

, what is the scenery of running away

Unconsciously, Fan Zeng had a smile on his face.

Compared to Fan Zeng, who was overjoyed at the increasing transformation of the king, this

At the time of the tattoo, I was terrified to the extreme.

When the sill car was pushed in front of Xiang Yu, who was wearing frost-cold silver armor, but his face was colder than that of frost and snow, the fear in his heart was even more instantaneous.

reached its peak.

Xiang Yu only glanced at the former general, and ordered without wavering, "Let it go."

The thresholds are opened, the shackles are taken off

, Long Qi, who gritted his teeth in hatred, pulled him out from the inside himself, and fell violently to the ground.

The tattoo cloth is exhausted, how can he eat and live the strength of Long Qi in anger


He was tossed by this tug and fell to the ground in an embarrassment, and rolled on the rough gravel again, his whole body was in burning pain.

He didn't dare stand up.

He just prostrated himself and bowed his head down. Even when he was facing the ground, his eyes were still dodging.

Even if he didn't look at King Xiang, he could clearly feel the killing intent.

Cold eyes.

Even if he knew that he had made a big and irreparable mistake, even if he gave up his face and begged for mercy, he was destined to have only one way to go...

But it's really here

When he had to face the overlord, he was still extremely frightened.

Xiang Yu didn't say a word, his eyes without warmth fell on Tattoo Bu for a long time.

Tattoo since the lost capital

After that, he was chased everywhere and fled for several months. Along the way, he was trapped in a squatter car. He was scolded by Chu soldiers all day long, and it was beyond recognition.

Not only ragged, but completely thin

His appearance and demeanor were also extremely dejected, and the vigorous spirit of the past had long since disappeared.

How can you recognize the brave Chu general who once won the championship and the third army, Chunfeng

The proud King of Jiujiang

In the past, rulers and ministers met again, but only one side was ashamed and fearful, and the other was silent.

Lu Bu was originally gloating at the misfortune, and he wanted to appreciate this dog traitor

The end of the game, but seeing this, there is only a lack of enthusiasm.

This rag is greedy for money, pleasure-seeking, short-sighted, cruel and tyrannical, not only betraying the old master,

He also slaughtered innocent elders and elders of the Chu country, even if they were chopped into flesh, they would still be innocent.

- But the tattoo cloth, who was dying, did not speak even though he was trembling with fear

beg for mercy.

He just bowed down silently, refusing to raise his head.

Xiang Yu looked indifferent, and suddenly turned his right wrist to the outside, only to hear a "swoosh" sound, and the Long Yuan sword was unsheathed.

Tattoo Bu heard the all-familiar sound in his ears, and subconsciously stopped trembling.

He didn't expect that after causing many monstrous acts, he would always act cold-blooded and reckless.

The violent King Xiang was willing to mercifully give him a happy death instead of torture.

Xiang Yu's heavy pupils seemed to burst into ice, his right arm was slightly raised, and the sword edge was ready to go.

He didn't stab him immediately, but suddenly said, "I promise you... leave a word."

Up to now, whether it is asking why the betrayal, or why the massacre

, are meaningless.

Even if the tattoo cloth has a tongue-in-cheek tongue and really wants to argue for right and wrong, before the blood of the people of Chu country is beginning to fade and thousands of bones are not cold, it will only appear

Ridiculous and shameless.

Tattoo Bu was not afraid, and grinned nonchalantly.

Strange to say, when he fought with Xiang Yu in the four fields in his early years, he turned back to take the lead and fought bravely.

In the battle, the three armies are often crowned, and the murders are like numbness. Why have you ever feared death and injury? If not, how could he be able to overwhelm a shrewd general, the most eye-catching King Xiang above the top!

Now that he has left the battlefield that he hated so much, he has lost his courage and has become timid and fearful.

In fact, even he can't figure it out, why did he

The difference of a single thought, the confusion has fallen to this point.

If he didn't listen to Li Shiqi's instigation and provocation, but honestly obeyed Wang Zhao and personally bowed his knees to King Xiang

As for sin... King Xiang has always been soft-hearted towards his subordinates. As long as he keeps his attitude low and his attitude sincere, most of the big things can be turned into small things.

Maybe it's no wonder Li Shi


Because of his unspeakable ambition, he only wanted to strike first and be stronger when he was in shock.

In anger and anger, he walked out of Tucheng's stupid move, Tucheng.

Lost all the way people, lost all the way people's hearts.

Not only did the Chu people go crazy, but also made the Jiujiang people leave their hearts and completely cut their own way.

He fled from the capital six cities

When he died, he didn't dare to ask about the fate of his family.

They all knew that the rest of the blood relatives who didn't have time to escape must have called Long Qi and others to vent.

slaughtered in anger.

"I knew it earlier..."

Thousands of thoughts were surging in Tattoo Bu's heart, and he finally sighed sincerely: "You shouldn't be the king of Jiujiang who is such a scumbag!"

As soon as the words fell, Xiang Yu had decisively raised his sword, and cut off the tattooed head without blinking an eye.

The head of the man with a grim expression rolled to the ground, and the blood was hot from the neck.

The fracture at the neck spewed out.

The body was knocked down, and the dust was splashed.

The tattoo cloth that slaughtered the people of Chu State was finally put to death, and he did what he watched with bated breath from beginning to end.

The civil officials and military generals of the state of Chu slowly exhaled the bad breath that had been held back for a long time.

Long Qie was the most excited, touched his palms on the spot, and applauded loudly.

if not that tattooed human head

It was cut down by the king himself. Not only did he want to grab it and play it as a ball, but he also wanted to throw it into a kettle to boil it, so as to relieve the hatred in his heart.

Your Majesty is merciful, even for this evil

Man Ying's rebellious, but also caring about his old love, gave him a quick death, otherwise he should have experienced more punishment!

Only Lu Bu was absent-minded, and when the crowd was full of emotions, he also

He only caressed his palms perfunctorily, which seemed somewhat out of place.

Xiang Yu's face was as deep as water, and he turned a deaf ear to the surrounding noise.

He silently took over

After the cloth towel was presented, he concentrated on slowly wiping away the remaining blood on the Long Yuan sword, and with a single stroke of the snow, he returned the sword neatly into the sheath.

Even when Lu Bu had a straight face, he copied his hands.

While wandering out of the sky, Yu Guang suddenly caught a slender black shadow and grabbed it subconsciously.

With a very crisp "pop" sound, that once did a great thing in his hands

The Longyuan Sword, so he asked him to hold it firmly.

Well done, why did this fool give him his own weapons again

Xiang Yu, however, did not look at the confused love general, and turned around.

He turned around, his face was like water, he looked at a group of subordinates with different expressions, and announced in a deep voice, "Today, I will be bestowed by Long Yuan."

Everyone held their breath and looked at Lu Bu.

As the recipient of the gift, General Lu was still flattered and humiliated.

Lu Bu didn't show any sincerity, and Xiang Yu didn't notice either.

There was a difference, and he said lightly: "In the future, everyone will see Longyuan as if they are lonely."