The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 70


As soon as the words fell, the two of them accelerated their horses almost at the same time, turning into one black and one white.

The lightning flashed forward.

The sound of the horse's hooves, which suddenly accelerated, was getting closer and closer to the sound of breaking the air. The movement was so loud that the restless Zhang Er and his party could no longer deliberately ignore it.

I skipped it, and instinctively turned to check.

This time, it's amazing.

Erzun Killing God didn't know when to follow behind him, how could the people who were already worried in their hearts not

Frightened and frozen!

Zhang Er's horse ran at the front, and suddenly he heard a horrific sound of gasping from the surrounding area, and a bad premonition arose spontaneously.


The hands holding the reins trembled, and the teeth couldn't stop fighting.

Tears were swept out of his eyes by the fierce cold wind, blurring his vision, but he turned his head slowly as if he was unaware.

Just a simple glance, it scared his soul away on the spot.

- Xiang Yu, the overlord of the Western Chu Dynasty who killed the illustrious name, and his famous pheasant tail

The crown's surnamed Lu's love general, who is actually riding a god horse, has a clear goal and goes straight to him!

With the good horses under him, how can he be worthy of the love of the snow-riding black and jade lions who travel thousands of miles a day


In his hasty blink of an eye, the distance between the two horses and him was mercilessly narrowed.

The closer you get, the better you can see

The appearance of these two people: Gu is tall and tall, with slender limbs, the upper body in silver armor is slightly forward, one hand is calmly holding the rein, and the other hand is the most handy soldier.


Xiang Yu naturally carried the most proud of the Overlord Spear, which weighed a hundred and twelve pounds with him on the battlefield for several years.

Eyes are as cold as frost and snow, turning all over

Boundless suffocating aura suffused, so that the riders were caught in their minds and did not dare to be the enemy.

As for Lu Bu, who was riding a snow-white jade lion, his young and handsome face was also unremarkable.

Losing the Overlord's sharp-edgedness, his whole body is full of killing intent.

Erdao pheasant's tail feathers flutter wildly up and down, and carry a very insolent and gorgeous Fangtian painted halberd, the blade is shining with snow.


Mighty tigers and tigers attack together, with an old stag, how can they be enemies

Zhang Er watched in despair and fear as the distance between himself and the two could not be shortened.

Have a look at the road ahead

This also caused the mount to slow down a little overwhelmed, and when he blinked for the third time, the two evil stars were already close at hand!

Lu Bu noodles

It's not obvious from the above, but in fact, he has always been brooding about the fact that he fell behind in the last hand-to-hand fight and owed the fool to kick the flying weapon rack.

On weekdays, I have been thinking about what to do

Only by taking advantage of the strengths and circumventing weaknesses in the traces, before the day of leaving the Chu army, he can regain a city in the hands of this fool.

Now ushering in a great opportunity, he offered to try again


For Zhang Thief's small life, it is inevitable, and if he has to regain his prestige, how dare he be distracted for a moment

But I don't know this sullen idiot around me

Son, because he was the only opponent in the world to invite him to fight, he was very competitive.

If there is no such fight, like Xiang Yu or Lv Bu and other unparalleled heroes,

How can Zhang Er be such a mediocre general in his eyes.

At this moment, what Zhang Er represents is not only a simple head, but also not the final decision to compete in the Central Plains.

sound, and will decide who will be the winner in this two-person contest!

For the self-proclaimed invincible and arrogant two people, how can they not wake up the spirit of twelve points and work hard all over the body

Power to win!

Lu Bu knew that the Jade Lion's short-range leg strength was not inferior to Wu Wei, so he didn't realize how much he suffered in the car.

To win back this time.

When he finally got to the front, his eyes lit up, his right arm suddenly exerted force, and Fang Tianhua halberd swung out like lightning.

At the same time, also

Consciously, he raised his breath and shouted, "Fish come to his life!"

Xiang Yu never starts talking nonsense with his prey, he just concentrates on hurrying on the road, and when he is far enough away, he does not blink.

Ground to pick.

It's too late, it's too soon.

The two people, who are both unparalleled and invincible, have the same sharp eyes, and they shoot almost at the same time, and they stare at the same time.

Targeted Zhang Er's most vulnerable back.

One shot and one halberd is like carrying a thousand thunder, and it strikes forward brazenly!

A cold light burst forth in front of his eyes, Zhang Er knew that the time of death was coming, and he was in despair.

Head up!

His subordinates had their eyes split open, and they closed their eyes, not daring to see that the commander would be doomed to death in the next moment!


Guess the next moment

What sounded was not Zhang Er's last whine before his death, nor the dull sound of his lifeless body falling to the ground.

But Lu Bu was caught off guard and used Fang Tian to draw the sharp edge of the halberd.

When he collided with the Overlord Spear, which also attacked with all his might and was bound to win against Zhang Er's life, he was shocked by the severe pain in his mouth, and he cried out in pain from the pain of the joints!

Not only is the audience watching

He was stunned, and he never dreamed that there would be a day when a flood of water rushed to the Dragon King Temple, and his family collided with his own!

His eyes flashed gold stars, and his palm was pierced by that

The impact was painful and numb, and it was impossible to exert any strength for a while, and the halberd in his hand fell uncontrollably.

Lu Bu was angry and cursed in his heart.

He drops a motherfucker!

He glared angrily at the expressionless Xiang Yu.

What did this idiot eat to grow up? It's so powerful!

while at the same time being

Xiang Yu, who had a great hedging force, also suffered a big loss.

The arm he exerted force was paralyzed by the great momentum brought by the collision of the two weapons on the spot.

The first time even the Overlord Spear was almost knocked out of his hand.

Fortunately, his strength was better than the two of them. After the most powerful paralysis, he almost stabilized.

in heavy

After Xin gripped the Overlord Spear tightly, he didn't care that his right arm was still numb, and the other hand loosened the reins without hesitation, jerked his waist, and leaned forward.

Hardly will love will be loved by him

The Fang Tianhua halberd, who had been shot by Bawang's spear, was caught in the air with his left arm before he fell to the ground, and he used his strength to use his waist. He threw his arm and threw it back into Ai Jiang's hands.

Lu Bu took the Fang Tianhua halberd with a sullen face, without saying a word, he held a very beautiful trick.

Regardless of how the arm has not fully recovered, continue to move towards that changed by this

Therefore, Zhang Er, who was stunned, pierced his heart.

- It's just that no matter who stabs this ear first, in Lu Bu's heart, the outcome is already decided.

Zhang Er still

He was killed by a spear and a halberd, and his body fell to the ground.

Lu Bulle stopped his horse, raised his jaw angrily, and looked at the naive tyrant.

Wang, reluctantly said: "This time, the king is superior."

Xiang Yu was stunned for a moment, then nodded reservedly: "I accept it."

After personally admitting defeat, Lu Bu Yu

Feeling suffocated.

This meant that he would have to find an opportunity to win two times in a row before it could be considered a draw!

Exactly how to do tricks, so that this fool can be

The damn brute force can't use it, so that he can get a full head bag

With a serious face, Lu Bu lowered his head and thought hard, so he missed the faint smile on Xiang Yu's face.


When the two of them were discussing the outcome as if no one else was there, Zhang Er's surviving horseman wanted to escape, but he didn't dare to escape.

It is conceivable that no matter who moves first

, will be the first to face the power of the two-headed tiger.

Besides, the king has already been killed by one blow... two blows, so why are they fighting back

It is better to wait for the overlord to show kindness,

Willing to accompany the offender and let them live.

In this eerie silence, Xiang Yu seemed to be unaware, only silently staring at his love general, thinking in his heart.


As for the love general himself, only after being sullen for a long time did he realize that there were still a group of geese around him, and he couldn't help but feel annoyed and said: "If you want to live, please surrender.

Yes, still don't tie yourself up? Could it be that I still have to do it myself? "

In response to this unreasonable request, everyone dared not even let out the air, so they actually took it seriously.

He took off his belt and did as he was told with a bitter face.

Although they can't bind themselves, they can help each other bind them.

So after a while, the dark-faced Lu Bu sat on the horse's body.

With a head with open ears hanging on the side, while carrying the long string of people, they began to return to Linzi City.

- Followed by a face that is not obvious, but the mood is very good

The fool king.

Before they could go far, they encountered the Chu army vigorously following the trail to find the king.

Lu Bu was so happy that he left all the troubles at hand aside.

After the body, Shi Shiran went back to the barracks.

As soon as he returned to the inner tent, he took off the shirt that had not been stained with much blood this time, and also took off his undershirt, leaving him naked.

After standing in the open space and hurriedly washing for a while, I just randomly approved a thin bedclothes, a bunch of sloppy belts, and lay down on the couch.

However, it didn't take long for him to be caught in the chest

Driven by the strange taste of the tumult, he sat up irritably, and strode out of the inner tent.

Before going too far, he found a fairly clean grass in the camp

, I lay on it carelessly, looking up at the gradually whitening night sky and the dimmering stars, letting my thoughts fly.

He knew that when Zhang Er died, this

Linzi City will collapse without a fight.

The joke-like anti-Chu alliance has completely collapsed, and the Chu army can be said to be invincible in the world.

Next, we only need to show Zhang Er's head by hanging

, and then send a strong team out, using both hard and soft, will soon be able to calm down the remnants of Zhang Er who are still stubbornly resisting.

Lu Bu was sullenly holding on to the weeds he plucked with ease,

Unconsciously chewing, an unbearable bitter taste spread in the mouth instantly.

He secretly said that he was unlucky, and with a "poof", he slammed the broken grass out, and he was simply relieved.

Extend your arms so that your palms overlap behind the back of your head, so you can rest comfortably on your pillow.

Where did the preoccupied Lu Bu know that the bedclothes that he had been wearing were messed up, and he had called them to those just now

An outrageous move to make it even more messy.

At this moment, when he raised his arms, the belt around his waist was also killed in action, and it completely loosened.

The bed clothes are spacious and only worthy

Covering the lower body, the upper body is boldly exposed.

A complexion that was so deeply disgusted by him, that it was dazzlingly white even at night, was in harmony with the undulating and tightly knitted complexion.

The combination of beautiful muscles with solid and smooth lines is very noticeable at this moment.

It's just that no matter how shiny and smooth that gorgeous fur is, it's also born in evil

On the body of the evil tiger.

The patrolling Chu soldiers who passed by secretly cast envious or astonishing glances, but they did not dare to linger for long, so as not to provoke General Lu's anger.

Lu Buren had an open mind, and felt that the wind was blowing comfortably that night, but he did not know that his current body was undoubtedly much inferior to the solid tendon he cultivated hundreds of years later.

The thin figure is also very eye-catching.

He was expressionless, just staring at the stars that were sprinkled all over the sky, and picked one that was barely bright.


Because he was in the Chu army camp, which knew that it was absolutely safe, he unwittingly let go of his defenses and let his thoughts diverge, so he didn't notice the approaching heavy footsteps in his ears.

It wasn't until it was suddenly dark in front of him, covered by a coat that fell from the sky, that he seemed to be scalded by hot soup, and a carp sat up straight.

He aggressively

The coat was torn off from the upper body, and he asked fiercely, "Why, who would dare to look for Lao Tzu's fault!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his aura turned into a fog.


Inexplicably, Lu Bu looked at King Han's burning gaze that contained anger, and he had no idea how this reckless man who had just turned his head turned dark.


What kind of bastard with no eyesight is he that dares to provoke even this fellow born with strange power

Lu Bu angrily slandered.

But he was so tired that he made that punching bag!

Lu Buqing

After clearing his throat, he said nonchalantly, "Your Majesty may have—"

Before the word "thing" could be said, Xiang Yu interrupted him in a deep voice: "Put your clothes on first."


Bu widened his eyes in confusion, but did as he was told.

Seeing that the love will finally be wrapped up, Xiang Yu's dark complexion slightly turned, and he added lightly: "It's cold at night."

Lu Bu casually said "Oh".

When he was hesitating whether he should stand up, Xiang Yu sat down first without saying a word.

Lu Bu was suspicious


The overall situation has been set, and the world is extremely close to the stuffy gourd with the surname Xiang, and it is already within reach.

Why do you look so unhappy

he is still

Guessing this fool's strange thoughts, Xiang Yu opened his mouth first.

The tone was casual, but what he asked was a strange and thoughtless sentence: "The rest of the work is handled by Zhong Liying,

I can go back to the capital tomorrow... Can Fengxian send someone back to his hometown to pick up his family? "