The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 71



Lu Bu was puzzled by the question.

what home


Han Xin's cheap brother, could it be counted as his family

Xiang Yu remembered it clearly, but he had completely forgotten that he had acted to humiliate and provoke Xiang Bo a while ago.

The nonsense that often talks about "mother-in-law".

Xiang Yu Guan'ai's face was confused, and he was stunned immediately.

… why is this

The two looked at each other

At that time, after some hard thinking, Lu Bu remembered the few times when he was open-minded.

Xiang Yu's thoughts moved slightly, and he asked again as if nothing had happened: "If it is inconvenient for Feng Xian to visit in person,

Lonely can send someone to pick up. "

"Don't have to."

After figuring out the reason, Lu Bu completely relaxed.

Hearing this, he waved his hand, and wrote lightly:

"My servant's family members are either dead or run away, so there is no need to look for them."

He didn't come out of Bingzhou long ago, he just stepped into the red and willow green, splendid flowers.

When he was in the imperial capital, he would be amazed by the dazzling array of treasures and beauties.

When a person dies like a lamp goes out, relying on his relationship with those wives and concubines...

Lu Buzui

Angled slightly.

Instead of believing that they would die for him, it is better to believe that Gao Meng Hulu and that Chen Nagao would be fooled by their brains for a while, and they would accompany them to death!

Xiang Yu obviously did not expect Lu Bu's answer.

At the last moment, he felt a little guilty for accidentally poking Ai Jiang's wound, and the next moment he saw the other party's cloud.

The light breeze, the appearance of a forced smile, the brows are getting tighter, and the more distressed.

However, he is not good at words. At this moment, thousands of thoughts are surging, and he does not know how to speak.


Xiang Yu didn't speak, and Lu Bu was so happy that he didn't have to use his brain to make up nonsense to deal with it, closing his eyes and resting.

With their own thoughts, the two sat side by side on the grass, lying down

It's very harmonious.

It wasn't until the sky was bright and the sun was rising that Lu Bu was the first to wake up and get up.

The grass clippings on the stock, go back to the account and change clothes.

Tu Liu Xiang Yu was still contemplating, and after a while, he got up and returned to the account.

He pondered this little for a long time,

Vaguely wanted to understand some key points.

Why love will be open-minded and indifferent to wealth, fame and fortune, but only hate Liu Bang, even after being drunk, he still remembers it

Behead his head

Such deep blood feuds must be related to Ai Jiang's family members who have never been seen.

He was just guessing, and Cai Ai's answer was completely sealed.

Prove what I thought.

Xiang Yu closed his eyes, and when he opened it again, he had passed the names of the cities that Liu Bang had slaughtered in his mind.

Naihe, although there are generally eyebrows

, the specific clues are still nowhere to be found.

Xiang Yu frowned, his eyes showing hesitation.

... that's all.

After thinking about it, Xiang Yu finally decided to put it aside.

Lest one accidentally open the scars in Love Jiang's heart.

And what he didn't understand the most was that when he first knew that love was going to be in a tragic situation, he had been in a heavy heart to remove love and love.

Besides, why... It's inexplicably much easier.

How could Lu Bu know that the fool had a huge misunderstanding in his heart.

It's not bad.

As soon as noon arrived, the army really moved towards Xianyang, the capital of Chu, as Xiang Yu said, leaving only Zhong Liying's army to continue to pacify Zhang Eryuan's allied forces.

According to the place.

Zhong Liying led tens of thousands of Chu soldiers wherever he went, and immediately hung up Zhang Er's head and called for the people in the city to open the door and surrender.

If you encounter desperate resistance, you will break through the city by force.

When he entered, he always only removed the chief general, and pardoned those who followed, and those who surrendered voluntarily were rewarded as promised by King Xiang.

Every time you take over a city, leave it behind

Chu officials came to take charge of the affairs.

The Chu army is already at the same level, and the people of Qi did not seem to be skeptical when they first returned to the overlord who was willing to kill and be lenient to the people.

They chose to obey.

After completely pacifying the remnant enemies of Qi and Zhao, Zhong Liying was ordered to bury Zhang Er's head properly, erect a tomb, and allow his old minister Shen Yang and others to come down early.

went to offer condolences.

King Xiang's performance was so reasonable and magnanimous and benevolent that it naturally attracted praise.

As for Zhao and Dai Wang Xie before the early fall, and the former Henan king

Shen Yang, the former Yin King Sima Yu, the former Han Wangcheng and others were 'escorted' by Han Xin and Zhong Liying respectively.


And Lu Bu, who followed the army back to Xianyang in high spirits, suddenly realized one day that his cheap brother was still holding a military talisman that could drive more than 200,000 generals.

When it was not returned, the eyes couldn't help but go dark.

This soldier immortal is really smart and confused for a while!

Lu Bu thought angrily, if Han Xin had the ambition to stand on his own, it would be fine.

But he is a man who has no choice but to go to war.

The person who really wanted to rebel, Shang Xiao, was pretending, but Han Xin, the loyal one, was chasing down the quarrel!

Han Xinshang

When he didn't realize anything, he stumbled into the palace under the urging of his virtuous brother, Hundred Thousand Hurried, and begged to see King Xiang, and took the initiative to return the military power.

Xiang Yu looked at Han Xin, who was calm and composed.

A glance, nodding lightly.

After he had gathered all his military power, he was assisted by Yafu Fan Zeng and other counsellors to arrange personnel in an intensive manner.

Prepare rewards for heroes and veterans...

Lu Bu knew very well that when this fool was going to become emperor, there were bound to be many affairs involved.

That stupid king's brain is not very easy to use, and he will

Delay for a while.

In addition, when he thought about the approaching day of Chu, his mind became more and more complicated for some reason... Under the influence of ghosts, the always impatient Lu Bu miraculously took

With 100% patience, An Ran waited for the day when the foolish man became emperor.

As soon as the foolish man becomes emperor, he can justifiably invite the Chu Qi on the grounds that he can regain the remaining territory.

Among the peaks and ridges, Bashu, which is not much valued by the Central Plains princes.

What Lu Bu did not expect was that he was waiting for a whole month!

A month of kung fu

In an instant, the sadness and sadness that he rarely gave birth to, which even he is not willing to admit, has almost disappeared without a trace.

What makes his head hurt even more is that he still had a problem a year ago.

The cheap old man who ran away from the camp is actually a complete toiler.

Even if he doesn't need to go to the barracks to take up his post, he still holds the pile of dusty ancient books that no one wants to touch except him.

Even while engrossed in studying, he enthusiastically compiled a recruit book based on his own experience of leading troops to fight!

Watching Han Wang spontaneously work and work hard every day

Han Xin, who was still enjoying the labor, was horrified by Lu Bu.

His mother's greedy, who can become immortal by fighting with this by himself, really is not the same person!

Lu Buyi

When he was careless, after being caught by Han Xin and working for a few days, he was no longer willing to visit this toiled soldier's mansion.

However, in his own temporary residence, he also called

If you don't get clean - every now and then, you will either be visited by the old man Fan asking for advice, or harassed by the unfamiliar Chen Hu's eyes.

It really made him a head and two big, and he couldn't avoid it.

Such a situation really made Lu Bu's sorrow gradually dissipate, and his life became like a year.

I'm too concerned

Liu mouse, who had been nesting in Bashu but seemed to be forgotten, couldn't sit still today, hurriedly stepped on the jade lion and entered the palace.

Wait for him to drive straight in

, As soon as he broke into the hall, he looked at each other with all the people who had received the title of Hou and the Prefect.

The ministers looked calm, and Lu Bu looked stern.

Now he's down and realizes:

In the past few days, Xiang Hanzi has indeed frequently called him into the temple to discuss matters, but he finds it troublesome, and his full name is that his illness has pushed the future...

And he rushed into the hall, looking like a dragon and a tiger.

Are you sick

Rao is as thick-skinned as him, and his eyes couldn't help but wander, showing a bit of guilt.

Xiang Yu's expression was always indifferent, capturing the love general.

After the embarrassed look on his face, he added without hesitation: "Fengxian is in poor health, but he still cares about state affairs and is unwilling to rest. It is really precious."

As soon as this statement comes out

, the people present could not help but secretly startled.

Who would have expected that King Xiang, who has always been taciturn, would take the initiative to save the siege for love!

It can't even be called a clearance - anyone with a discerning eye

It can be seen that the king is clearly talking nonsense!

"Thank you king."

Lu Bu blinked, pressed his surprise expression, and did not pretend to refuse, relying on the lack of

Everyone knew that his ears were hot, and he took his seat.

One is thick-skinned and imposing, while the other willingly opens and closes one eye...

king heart

Si Zhaoran, the people present, how could they be ignorant to expose it.

In secretly amazed that the king is so fond of love, his expression is still the same, and he continues to discuss matters.


Lu Bu listened and listened, the embarrassment gradually dissipated, and his rationality returned, which suddenly made him feel that something was not right.

Why did I talk about this for a long time, but I didn't mention the fool

Proclaimed emperor, or the enthronement ceremony

… Could it be that Xiang Yu has made a fool of himself again, tossing around in such a big circle, and is still content to be just a bully, and he doesn’t know what to do.

Will you be king

An ominous premonition came to Lu Bu's heart.

As soon as he frowned and fell into deep thought, Xiang Yu, who looked at him from time to time, was caught


Xiang Yu's mind moved slightly, and he patiently waited for the person who was speaking to finish speaking, and then decisively said: "Does Feng Xian have something to say?"

As soon as the king said this, Lu

The cloth was full of the eyes of the people present.

He frowned even more, subconsciously trying to deny it, but as soon as he raised his eyes, he met the idiot's obviously concerned gaze.

When it comes to the mouth, the words are changed at once.

- That's all.

Lu Bu turned his heart away, while secretly scolding this fool for his good life, but at the same time, he did it completely.

Decided to push this undecided Xiang Yu with all his strength.

So as not to dream too much at night and ruin his plan.

Under the watchful eyes of all, Lu Bu's face was cold,

Hearing this, he suddenly stood up, walked to the hall, and faced King Xiang.

He was born extremely tall, and he had a murderous aura that had been condensed from fighting for many years, and he was always in the top position and had his own toughness.

Courage is remarkable.

Everyone couldn't help but stunned, but they didn't realize that Lu Da Sima would be disadvantageous to King Xiang, but they suddenly stood up for no reason.

they are wondering

, Lu Bu resolutely lifted his robe at the next moment, bowed his head and bowed his head, nodding his forehead on the ground.

When this was done, everyone


If it were someone else who gave such a great gift to King Xiang, it would not be surprising to anyone.

But this General Lu has a straightforward and arrogant temperament. He salutes the king on weekdays.

More than one handed over to perfunctory things.

And King Xiang loves and respects him very much, but he never cares about them. Over time, the Chu camp has also treated the only general Lu Ai who dared to be rude to the king.

Get used to it.

Xiang Yu's eyes were full of shock, and he couldn't understand why the love general who never bowed his knees knelt down on him.

He subconsciously descended the steps and leaned over in front of everyone's eyes.

, to help yourself.

With his natural strength, it took 50% of his strength to support him, but he still couldn't lift the person up, which shows the firmness of Lu Bu's mind.

Xiang Yu was confused and said:

"Feng Xian?"

Lu Bu was determined to bring this idiot up, and at this moment, he even gave up the face he had always valued, how could he stand up

he is not

But he never got up or even raised his head, thinking in his heart that this fool treats him well on weekdays and repays his great determination for the last time before leaving, he said loudly and forcefully, "Lord Qin in the past.

Violent and inhumane, the king obeys the will of God, leads the army to kill him, and takes credit as the first; after the peace of the people, the peace of the four seas, the merit is great and the world is known;

Being generous and benevolent, he has been awarded the seal many times, and he is so grateful that he can't wait to be loyal to the king's foundation. "

He said this in one breath, and returned to the side.

Fan Zeng, who was at a loss, suddenly glowed in his eyes, and his mood was agitated.

At this moment, he still doesn't know what the purpose of Feng Xiantu's great gift is!


The words, Lu Bu once heard people say that Dong Fat thief beat the horse, and he did not say that he knew it by heart, but he could also apply it like a gourd.

In addition, in his heart, there is nothing wrong with that

The asshole Dong fat thief who made is a hundred times better than the foolish king

Lu Bu groaned silently.

Although it was not the first time to persuade him to enter, it was the first time if he was willing to do so.

"Bu started from Wei Xiao, and is a reckless man who doesn't know the red tape, but he knows the supreme emperor's throne. Since ancient times, it should be held by the most sage!

How dare the people in the field have the audacity to hold the title of honor! "

Lu Bu took a deep breath, and said the last sentence in a deep and powerful voice - "Bu is willing to risk death to speak, hope

The king has mercy on the people of the world, and worships the emperor's honorary title as soon as possible! "