The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 73


No matter how headache Lu Bu was, Xiang Yu's enthronement ceremony was carried out in an orderly and rapid manner under the auspices of Dr. Sun Tong's uncle.


King Xiang ordered him to keep everything simple, as smooth as Shusun Tong, and he would not leave some extravagant rituals to make fun of him.

After ten days, the complete process was finally sorted out.

As soon as it was presented, the item Wang, who had seen it in person, waved his hand and began to cut down radically.

Not only can the part of the ministers kneel down and salute can be saved, but he even wears the emperor's robe.

, King Xiang also refused to order people to rush.

As soon as this decision came out, there was an uproar in the court.

Although the world is initially settled, the emperor leads everything to be simple, which is beneficial to gathering

People's hearts... But not even wearing the emperor's robes, it would be too unethical!

In the face of the ministers who came to persuade, Xiang Yu had a firm attitude and asked indifferently.

: "The world is determined at the beginning?"

Before waiting for the ministers to speak again, he said solemnly: "There is still Zhao Tuo in the south, and there is Liu Bang in the west. If the two thieves of Zhao and Liu are not eliminated for a day, how can the world be called

The last 'set' word! "

This sentence is loud and domineering.

The ministers were taken by the intimidation, and they were silent for a long time.

At the end, bow down and bow again, no more persuading King Xiang


Only Lu Bu looked serious, not surprised at all.

If it wasn't out of time, he probably couldn't help nodding his head in satisfaction, and he was happy on the spot.

This foolish king

Empress, your brain is really bright!

Whether it is to simplify the enthronement ceremony, or to invest the saved manpower and material resources in recovering the remaining territories, or to specifically mention the need to

Fu Liu mouse... all of them spoke to his heart.

So Shusun Tong had to slash again and cut down the ceremony, and finally got the nod of King Xiang.


It took nearly three months to prepare again, even if we hurry and hurry.

- In February of the third year of Chu, the Temple of Heaven was newly built in the southern suburbs of Xianyang City.

Xiang Yu look

Stern, with a pair of pupils that are not angry but majestic, the new uniform makes the figure tall and burly, the inscription symbolizes the emperor's supreme golden claw dragon decoration, and the waist wears a gorgeous sword, and the imposing manner is wide and dignified.

Step up to the altar.

At a glance, it is more like a general going on an expedition than an emperor ascending the throne.

Not far behind him, Lv Bu and Fan Zeng lead the way.


Lü Bu was led by Han Xin, Long Qie, Zhong Lixuan, Ji Bu, and other outstanding generals of the Chu camp who made great contributions; while Fan Zeng was closely followed by this time alone.

In-depth and successful talk about the descendants, Yan Erguo, Chen Ping who stood out, and Wu She and other civil officials; in addition to these two columns of Chu officials, Zhao Xie, Shenyang, Si, who were once princes and kings stood.

Ma Wan and Han Cheng.

The 400,000 soldiers of the Chu army were gathered around the outermost part of the Temple of Heaven and stood in a dense crowd.

The atmosphere was solemn and solemn, although the crowd was huge, it was

It was silent from beginning to end, and the needle drop could be heard.

Even though we are far away, we can still vaguely hear the words of King Xiang, who is majestic and full of glory, telling the ancestors to sacrifice to heaven and earth.

last time

When Xiang Yu divided the feudal lords, Lu Bu, who was about to fall asleep with his eyes wide open, was almost irritated by the boring energy, but this time he was completely absorbed in it.


Staring closely at the back of Hanzi's sacrificial figure not far away, he had mixed feelings in his chest for a while, and he didn't know what it was.

No matter how good the emperor Xiang Yu can do,

On the edge of the Wujiang River, there will no longer be a hero who draws his sword and kills himself.

Lu Bu was stunned, and the ceremony was completed on the Temple of Heaven.

—Xiang Yu, Overlord of Western Chu

From then on, he really became the founding emperor of the Chu Dynasty.

Watching with his own eyes the most heroic, fearless and invincible monarch of Da Chu finally ascended to the throne, and the civil and military officials were still able to reluctantly hold back.

The heart was stirred, and the hundreds of thousands of Chu soldiers gathered outside had completely turned into a puddle of boiling oil that had been dripped into cold water!

When the majestic Chu Emperor in military uniform turned around,

When facing the crowd under the altar...

Lu Bu was still stunned when he looked at this idiot's rare and mighty appearance. The next moment, he was almost overturned by an unprecedentedly powerful sound.


- "Chu Long is in this world, Your Majesty Tianwei!!!"

The faces of the Chu soldiers were flushed, with tears in their eyes, but their eyes were extremely frenzied, and they were all hoarse.

Enjoy drinking.

This cry was like thunder rolling and deafening; it was like a cloud of joy and a purple sky falling from the sky.

Lu Bu was in it, and his pupils were almost shaken by the shock.

There was a buzzing sound in the auricle, making him dizzy.

Straight mother thief, when this group of stupid soldiers under Han emperor shouted, it was really overwhelming!


Reluctantly, his face was tense, but he didn't look like the other Chu officials, and was rushed by the bursts of shouting to stand unsteadily.

Only the corners of his mouth that he thought were tensed, but he was always indifferent.

Zhidi rose high, showing pride and arrogance for the share of pride and grace that echoed in his chest.

- As soon as he turned around, he went straight to the item where Love will cast his gaze.

Yu looked into the eyes of income.

A fleeting soft light flashed across Xiang Yu's eyes, and then he looked at the tearful Yafu Fan Zeng, silently exchanged glances, and nodded slowly.


Since the end of Emperor Han's enthronement ceremony that day, Lu Bu seemed to be out of his body.

lingering in the heart

The taste in it was both complicated and unfamiliar, and it was rare for him to ponder it patiently, and then his eyes gradually emerged.

He regrets that he has no children, and he has always looked at this foolish hair.

Frizzy, Po Xiao Shang is his self when he was stunned.

- My family has a son who is just beginning to become a device, I am afraid that is his state of mind at the moment.

Lv Bu doesn't care about the 3721

After hesitatingly came to a conclusion, he finally felt relieved.

Seeing that idiot is now the emperor, he has the power and the heart.

Wasn't he the one who asked for soldiers

A good time to fight, expedition to Bashu, and recover the two counties

After thinking about it day and night for nearly two years, Liu Mouse's head was finally at his fingertips, and Lu Bu's spirit was lifted.

Where can I think about the stubble just now, a carp kicked up from the couch.

Han Xin, who was immersed in compiling military books, had no ears to hear what was going on outside the window, when suddenly a dead fish lay on the couch.

The virtuous brother who was lying down woke up.

He looked sideways subconsciously, and saw that the virtuous brother, who had been haunted for the past few days, had regained his usual spirit for some reason.

Step by step rushed towards the outside.

... Why did Brother Xian go out

Han Xin was puzzled.

He just glanced at the scroll under his hand again, and without hesitation

It put it aside and chased out.

Lu Bu rode the jade lion in high spirits, all the way to the front of the main hall.

At this moment, everything is waiting to be done, and the reward of the official position is still fundamental.

It has not yet been decided, so there are no rules for the promotion of the court.

Lu Bu flew off his horse and was about to step into the hall impatiently, but stopped abruptly at the next moment.

Fang Cai,

Sounds like you heard your name

Lu Bu has been practicing martial arts all year round, and his ears and eyes are far better than ordinary people.

First ' the word.

After recognizing Old Man Fan's voice without hesitation, he frowned, instinctively vigilant.

If there is nothing to do, I can always find him and ask Lao Shizi

What kind of crooked idea do you want to play with the bad old man who used him as a counselor

Even with Han in private... When Emperor Han talked about him, he would have to take risks if he was not sure.

The evil land ensnared him, forcing him to make plans.

The more Lu Bu thought about it, the more important it became.

He was determined to figure out what kind of bad idea that old man Fan was up to, so he simply

Don't rush in.

But as soon as he rolled his eyes, he stood in front of the closed door, pricked up his ears earnestly, and began to eavesdrop.

That belly black

The old man Fan of Shui rambled on, citing scriptures, and was very particular about it.

Fan Zeng didn't know that, outside the door, Feng Xianhu was pulling the door to eavesdrop, still talking endlessly.

Jian Yan: "... Feng Xian has the talent of the sky and the latitude, and the loyalty of serving His Majesty is even more remarkable. He has repeatedly admonished His Majesty, and he has personally been involved in dangerous situations.

Even though I have to be named the Great Sima, I am still too wronged... But Feng Xian is indifferent to fame and fortune, not greedy for wine and beauty..."

After this conversation was spoken, Lu Bu heard gold stars in his eyes.


Damn, it's just a bunch of nonsense!

Being so hyped up by this old man, it's like a pure idiot who has been reborn as a sage, who has gone through fire and water to save the world and save people.

Mao'er... How could he be a wise man who is wise and decisive? !

Lu Bu's tiger eyes narrowed slightly, almost bursting out with rage!

Murder with words will be punished,

When and where did he offend this stinky old man surnamed Fan, to be smeared like this behind his back!

The one who made him most angry was obviously also in the temple.

The Han Emperor, who never stopped drinking from the beginning to the end, just silently allowed Fan Zeng to talk nonsense and smear his illustrious name behind his back!

Lu Bu's heart became more and more angry, just as he endured it.

I can't bear it anymore, I'm not going to continue listening to this slander, I want to push the door and ask Fan Zengshi—

Xiang Yu said in a deep voice, "What Yafu said is exactly what I worry about."


Zeng smiled gratified, so he struck while the iron was hot, and continued to advise: "The minister is old, his physical strength is not good, and the honor of the first is high, but the honor of the minister is insignificant, and I dare not fight... If Feng Xian is the prime minister

, which can not only convince everyone, but also live up to the peerless country. "

Without hesitation, Xiang Yu nodded happily: "Yafu's words are great."

It's unpredictable

With a thunderbolt, Lu Bu's eyes were stunned, and his whole body was frozen, only the soul flew away!

I don't know how long it took, until the clothes were gently rubbed inside, and it seemed that someone got up.

Only when there was a slight movement did he startle the petrified Lu Bu.

His face was as black as ink, and he turned around and left.

It's really unpredictable, this fool is obviously born with one

He looks like a good-looking person, and he is also generous on weekdays. Who would have thought that he would have a cruel heart that is even worse than that of the fat thief Dong!

Back then, that Zhuo thief lost his conscience

, full of evil, in the end one is not bad: just use him as a warrior, how can he catch him every day, forcing him to rack his brains and come up with ideas

Lu Bu didn't know what to think.

Involuntarily shivered.

It's not like this stupid emperor, who has ordered him for nearly two years is not enough, and secretly wants to tie him to the prime minister, the most laborious and difficult position.

Set it up, you can sell your life for a lifetime!

Lu Bu was pacing in disorder in the hall. At this moment, his heart was full of grief, and it was as if all five insides were on fire.

How could he not know the benefits of this

The position of prime minister is extremely fatal, but it is not like the Long Yuan sword that Xiang Yu gave before, which represents the authority under one person and over ten thousand people.

For that Long Yuanjian, he had already done it.

Plan: In order to avoid trouble in the future, as soon as the day when Shin is anointed with oil on the soles of his feet, he will leave Long Yuanjian behind.

He only took away the jade lion and some gold and silver as his reward for his hard work.

But once you become prime minister, how can you just leave

Usually he has to work hard for everything, and he has to be under the eyes of Emperor Han all the time.

Even with his height and strength

Art, it is easy to escape, but the troubles are bound to be endless.

When the dignified Prime Minister of Chu abandons his official position and runs away, isn't that the same as throwing the majesty of the Han emperor to the ground and trampling on it!

At that time, not only will the fool be completely annoyed, and the whole world will hunt him down;

A great crisis is imminent

Eyelashes, how could he dare to be greedy for Liu Mouse's momentary pleasure

Lu Busi thought about it, looked desperately in the direction of Bashu for a long time, his complexion was unpredictable, and finally he made up his mind.

, the strong man broke his wrist!

- Forget about that Liu mouse, and get out of here!