The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 75


Zhen Er and his party of more than ten people were all wiped out in an instant.

And Lu Bu, who was the initiator, deliberately dodged, but his body was still clean.

, did not even touch a drop of blood.

He walked in a hurry, and did not bring a few more clothes to change. Although he passed through many cities, he never entered a single one. all the way, all

With a screen in the sky, I have to cherish my clothes a little bit.

He simply gave that cheap old man a breath of air that he had accumulated for many years, and Lu Bu felt refreshed.

He didn't look at the corpse, he turned on his horse and rode the jade lion to the depths of the jungle.

After all, it was a whim that came from Xiapi, and it was delayed again.

For a while, Lu Bu looked up at the thick twilight, so he chose a place that was pleasing to the eye, tied the jade lion under a big tree, and prepared to sleep here.

Guess it's in his own mind

He fumbled out the dry food, and when he was casually preparing to take a few bites, his ears moved suddenly, and his eyes suddenly sharpened.

This dense forest is six miles away from the city gate of Huaiyin.

Li Yuan, I walked all the way before, except for some insects and birds, I couldn't hear the slightest human voice.

But with his extraordinary ear, at this moment when the night was falling, he clearly

I heard a neat and orderly sound of hooves!

What's the matter

Lu Bu frowned, his vigilance suddenly aroused.

Without even thinking about it, he put the dry food back into his arms,

Then he took off the reins of the jade lion and tightly coiled it in his hand.

- Listening to the ground shaking and the neighing of the horses, there are five thousand people at least!

and well-trained

The part of the book is not a group of mountain bandits and road fighters or wandering soldiers.

It stands to reason that the world has just been unified by the foolish, and those princes who have the ability to cause trouble are all

You are still in Xianyang, and there are no bandits nearby to clear up, so how come an elite army emerges out of thin air

The more Lu Bu thought about it, the more strange this matter became.

Although I haven't figured it out yet

However, Ke Er heard that the army, who did not know whether it was an enemy or a friend, was getting closer and closer, and he had to make a decision as soon as possible.

So he tied the reins in his hand into a ball and threw it on the back of the jade lion

, and then slapped on the horse's hip, urging the spiritual horse to flee in the opposite direction of the sound source.

Jade lion doesn't know the situation and thinks the owner is playing with him

, rubbed his big head against Lu Bu's neck affectionately, and did not leave.

Lu Bu: "..."

It's such a critical moment, why is this silly horse acting so coquettishly


When Lu Bu was so angry that he slapped it with 50% force on its hip, the jade lion jumped in shock.

Facing the ruthless master who suddenly turned his face, it was wronged,

Turning back three steps, in the end, it was a small step in the other direction.

What a foolish man to give a foolish horse!

Lu Bu had a dark face, no matter how unreasonable and vicious this thought was.

He ruthlessly killed the fool in his heart, and the next moment he used both hands and feet without hesitation. With his tall stature, he was like a monkey with a tail, but after a short while, he climbed up here.

The top of a tree with a height of five people.

Relying on the luxuriant foliage on the tree, and the darkness of darkness, it was impossible to see his figure just by the lighting of some torches.

The sturdy main tree branch sat down, and then he raised his face, waiting for the army of unknown origin to show its true face.

Because there is still a long way to go, another horse's hooves fall heavily

Ye and people pushed aside the "rustling" noise of the branches and leaves blocking the road, so that although Lu Bu could vaguely hear what they were saying, he couldn't hear it clearly.

until that

Thousands of people were divided into unknown number of shares, and after each scattered into the forest, a group of people paced back and forth, and finally came to the tree where Lu Bu was, and he got a glimpse of the true face.

Alright, let me see which bastard is going to cause trouble!

Lu Bu narrowed his eyes slightly and followed the approaching firelight.

only see headed

The man had a stern face, bright silver armor, and a very large body. He rode a dark horse with only a small white hair on each of its four hooves...

Killing in Lu Bu's eyes

The meaning suddenly solidified.

The shock brought by the moment he realized who was coming, made him suddenly weak in his hands and feet, and almost slipped and fell off the tree!

fucking wish

Damn, why is this fool here? !

Lu Bu's heart skipped a beat, completely panicking.

Looking at this majestic idiot who came here with his troops in person, he continued to

He didn't even know what he was swearing in his heart.

When he went east all the way, it was rare to be able to stay idle all the time. He couldn't help thinking about what would happen to Handi and the cheap old brother after he left.

Wait how people will react.

He didn't expect the fool to come to his senses and realize how unconscionable the decision to make him the prime minister and make him sacrifice his life for the rest of his life.

But the other party suddenly lost such a wise and powerful subordinate as himself, the number one capable subordinate in the world, and he must regret and miss him unceasingly.

After all, he is not as understanding as he can do things.

It's not as good as he can do things!

Every time he thought about this, Lu Bu couldn't help but feel proud.

But he never dreamed that this fool is still a muscle

Yes, he actually followed closely behind him, and after only half a day's effort, he brought most of his troops to chase after him in person!

Lubton felt bad.

Although he was mixed in Chu Ying, he would soon have

Two years later, but I still don't know much about the mysterious and unpredictable behavior of this unpretentious and honest man.

He does not take fame and fortune, even Long Yuan

The sword was also left behind, and only the jade lion and a few worthless gold ornaments in the room were taken away.

How could such a little thing still alert the new emperor to arrest someone in person

The princes and ministers headed by the old man surnamed Fan are all hard-boiled eaters, and they allow the monarch of a country to roam around!

Just when Lu Bu was at a loss,

During the chaos, Emperor Chu, who was sinking like water below, just happened to rush Wu Wei to the tree where Lv Bu was at the next moment.

Under Lu Bu's heart-pounding gaze,

Xiang Yu got off his horse and leaned back against the sturdy tree trunk, closing his eyes and resting.

Looking at this posture, he is actually planning to wait for his subordinates to report the situation here!

Lu Bu: "…


Just now, because of his extreme shock and guilty conscience, he never dared to move.

After taking a breath for a while, I realized that I was in a cold sweat, and I didn't even know

Xing's sweaty palms were also wet, and the bark was slightly wet when he touched it.

He originally chose a comfortable position and a comfortable sitting posture, but now he is in this and

On the top of his head, the idiot who was as smart as he was, didn't dare to move at all.

I'm afraid that a little movement will make this fool look up...


Lu Bu's body was stiff and turned into a stone sculpture. He just stared at the fool underneath who had done him a lot of harm, and the other soldiers who were searching in the forest came back one after another.

as predicted,

These are all the close troops of Emperor Chu, and they are all familiar faces that he has been working on for the past two years.

"Report to Your Majesty, General Lu's jade lion has been found!"


Among them was a group of jade lions that wandered aimlessly in the vicinity without running very far at all, and they quickly brought them to the Majesty as soon as they found a treasure.

Item that sinks into water

At this moment, Yu finally lifted his eyes, and there was a little light in his dim pupils.

He chased Lu Bu all the way here, and there are dozens of fish and meat villages outside the dense forest on the outskirts of Wenrenbao.

The rogues in the gang, who were killed by a ranger from nowhere, rushed to this place non-stop.

Waiting to see the deadly corpses of those lingering corpses

After the injury, the original nine-point confidence has become very certain.

Only Feng Xian has such beautiful and sharp skills.

Only Feng Xian can have this every

The majestic aura of caring for the young, beheading the villains and eliminating the evil, and the chivalrous spirit are still praised by the people of Qi.

Xiang Yu's eyes gradually softened.

In the past, Feng Xian Shang

In addition, people are light-hearted, and still dare to personally humiliate the King of Chu Xiongxin at the banquet.

Today, I dare to run thousands of miles to kill Zhen Er, the villain who insulted his righteous brother Han Xin in the past.

- Horses are there, people must not be far away.

"it is good."

Xiang Yu calmed down and nodded slowly: "Go on looking. Feng Xian had already made the move to leave, so he must hide his figure without permission.

Can be dropped in any hidden place. "

Hearing the impending victory in His Majesty's words, everyone froze and responded in unison, "Here!"

Lu Bu watched from above, still cheerfully

Shaking his head, he didn't even know that because it was not easy to escape, and even the stupid horse that betrayed the owner's whereabouts, he only felt a sharp pain in his chest.

If I knew this earlier, I shouldn't ride this stupid

Another eye-catching guy out!

It's a pity that it's too late to regret it. No matter how angry he is now, he can't stop him from insisting that he hides in this forest and wants his soldiers to turn it over.

An upside-down idiot.

The only hope is that Xiang Yu will be able to find somewhere else before the dawn arrives, when his hiding place will become apparent...

Lu Bu was in a state of confusion, and he still did not dare to move.

Apart from the two personal guards and Lv Bu on the tree, there was no one else around. Xiang Yu stared at Zi Zi without saying a word.

The leisurely jade lion suddenly asked softly as if talking to himself, "Where is your master?"

Yushi blinked innocently.

Xiang Yu sighed lightly and said nothing.


This question naturally fell into Lu Bu's ears.

He frowned and pursed his lips uncomfortably.

He really couldn't ignore the melancholy,

For the first time in the world, Xiang Yu, who was unable to scold Xiang Yu for asking the horse's words, could no longer use the word "naive".

It stands to reason that he is an uncompromising success and retirement, not only does he owe Emperor Han, but it should be said that he is convenient

Xiang Yu is appropriate.

Why does it feel like he owes this feather a lot now

Just when Lu Bu was at a loss, he kept bowing his head and nibbling on it.

The fresh turf Wu Yan suddenly tilted his head.

One of its black eyes, the next moment, happened to meet Lu Bu's gaze hidden in the branches!

Lu Bu's throat

His head was inexplicably tight.

The next moment, he laughed at himself silently: I'm afraid that he was so shocked by Xiang Yu's sudden action that he lost his mind? But it was discovered by a horse, and

what matters

No matter how well Wuxian understands human nature, he still can't tell people's words, so it's possible that he can sue his master.

How did Lu Bu know that his idea was wrong


- Wu Wei really can't speak, but he also has a talent for tipping off.

Xiang Yu closed his eyes, wondering what he was thinking, when he heard Ai Ma Jian beside him.

Gradually agitated, pushing him with his head from time to time.

What's wrong

Xiang Yu looked at Wu Wei, who suddenly became extremely anxious for some reason.

Uzumaki ignored

Lu Bu stared at him full of anger and warning, first digging the ground with his front hooves, then raising his head and neighing, his head still arching at this stupid master who was not yet enlightened, and he was very hard.

Xiang Yu was bewildered, looking at this black horse's strange behavior for a long time, his mind suddenly moved.

Although he was a little dull, in the end he fought side by side with Wu Wei for many years.

There is a tacit understanding between the people.

He first instinctively looked around, but he didn't notice anything, the next moment was a blessing to his soul, he held his breath and looked up—

I saw

For the past ten days, the love general he has been searching for and longing for, is really crouching on the tree like the legendary colorful giant tiger.

A pair of eyes reflected bright fire, burning silently,

Looking straight at him.