The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 79


Xiang Yu and Lu

The three of Bu and Fan Zeng discussed in the hall for a long time, and did not rest until late at night.

In the early morning of the next day, in order to stabilize, because he has been away from the capital in a hurry, it is inevitable that he is a little restless.

With the hearts of ministers and generals, Xiang Yu ordered a banquet in the Zhongnan Hall of Xianyang Palace to entertain the princes and officials.

Everyone knows that the reason why Xiang Yu held a big banquet at this time is also because

It is implied that the meaning of officially rewarding the meritorious people will be soon, so they have their own thoughts, but they are all happy to go to the banquet.

Among the huge crowd, there is only no desire for official titles.

Lu Bu, who has nothing to do and is not afraid of delays in drinking, and Han Xin, who is only ready to follow the arrangement despite having expectations in this regard, can concentrate on tasting the wine.

Delicious food, everyone cares about wine or not.

Because Emperor Chu's expression was cold and majestic, he never showed his face even in the festive banquet.

Although the ministers had the intention of praising and flattering, it was difficult for them to open their mouths, and they had to find another way to try to find Lu Bu, the king's favorite.

Lu Bu was patient at first

Listen to your mind, and perfunctory a few words.

After being annoyed many times, disturbing him to taste this long-lost wine, he simply lowered his face and released a body that was no less powerful than Xiang Yu.

Murderous, rudely said: "Your Majesty's thoughts are as unfathomable as his majesty, how can people easily guess

Does Your Majesty know better? "

Sima Xin was speechless by these straightforward words, his face was blue and white, and he seemed to hear everyone snickering in his ears.

Lu Bu couldn't help being completely annoyed.

Lu Bu had a lot of suffocation in his previous life. If he could earn a lifetime for nothing, how could he be suffocated by a mere Sima Xin

Sima Xin looked at his old arms and legs horizontally, and he was not at all a match for him if he wanted to become angry and hard.

Lu Bu snorted lazily.

he is preparing

When I fell into the trap and said a few more sarcastic words, I suddenly thought of something.

As soon as he thought about it, the next moment he rushed to Sima Xin, whose face was full of anger, and handed it over.

There was a look of disdain, smugness and arrogance.

But to outsiders, Sima Lu's eyes seemed to be somewhat of His Majesty's aura, and it was unfathomable.

Unexpectedly, this dignified General Lu was thinking - 'Besides, the idiot who is really in charge is coveting the beauty of this old man, how can he speak for this old man! '

Thinking of this, Lu Bu felt a little uncomfortable about the loss that day, but he couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

He enjoys tasting wine while taking care of photos

Gu was sitting next to the cheap old man.

Han Xin was still a little cramped at first, but he was deeply moved by the fact that his virtuous brother cared so much for him.

However, he was very keen, and soon

I realized that every time my virtuous brother patted him on the back indiscriminately, because it was for his sake, but when it actually made him choked on alcohol, he often used the excuse of "not greedy for a cup", and the aroma was the strongest.

The altar of wine…

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Brother Xian's 'stealing wine' behavior as if nothing had happened. Han Xin shook his head in disbelief, but he chose to condone without hesitation.

It was not revealed out loud.

The one who also witnessed this scene was Xiang Yu, who was sitting on the main seat, frequently casting his eyes on his sweetheart.

Xiang Yu saw this and twisted it deeply.

He frowned, wondering what he was thinking.

After a long while, he summoned the palace servants, and after a few words in a deep voice, several jars of fine wine were brought in and added to Lv Bu's body alone.


Seeing this, Han Xin hurriedly nudged the shrewd brother, who was squinting and didn't know what to think, and urged in a low voice, "Your Majesty has given you the wine, and the worthy brother will thank you."


Shit, no thanks!

Lu Bu remembered that he had been bitten several times that day, and then he could not be satisfied with Hanzi's dazzling behavior to please him.

He didn't want to take this cheap old man's face, so he thought about it and fell down on the low table decisively, pretending to be drunk.

Han Xin doesn't know where, virtuous brothers

Ming is half-drunk and won't wake up, so he will play this shit.

He smiled helplessly and indulgently, and was about to persuade a few more words when Xiang Yu, who had been speechless, suddenly stood up and said lightly, "Everyone.

continue. "

After he said these words neatly, Xiang Yu actually left the table first.

After Emperor Chu left the banquet, the wine at the banquet could not help but rise a bit, and he was still holding it reluctantly before.

Some of the ministers of the shelf finally dared to drink freely.

In a short while, the banquet was filled with drunkards who were indulgent.

Han Xin is not good at wine, and Yu Gourmet is also known as

Not too enthusiastic, but also used a lot of them unknowingly.

When he felt a little fullness in his abdomen, he stopped immediately, and then he looked around, and he didn't know when he had changed from pretending to be drunk to being really drunk.

The virtuous brother, who stretched out his limbs softly and lay flat on the ground, couldn't help laughing.

When he was about to carry his virtuous brother on his back so that he could send him back to the mansion, a number of guards suddenly appeared beside him.

Before, he politely stopped and said: "Your Majesty has an order, drunk people can rest with the palace, and then go back to the palace after sobering up tomorrow."

Han Xin shook his head without thinking, "No.

It will be troublesome. "

Although he is not good at force, in the end he is a member of the army, and he is still sober at the moment. It's hard work to carry a drunk virtuous brother, but it's not impossible.

Besides, this time, there were a lot of people going to the banquet, and there were a lot of absurd behaviors after getting drunk.

In order to prevent the virtuous brother from being tricked by the rape while he is unconscious, he still looks after it carefully.


Wei Wenyan was stunned for a moment, completely unexpected that Han Xin would resign like this, and for a while he didn't know how to persuade him next.

When they were in trouble because of the secret order of His Majesty, Han Xin

The virtuous brother, who had struggled to lift his body and looked even more heavy after being drunk, fortunately his limbs were still honest, walked out slowly step by step.

After exiting the gate of the hall, there will be cars waiting.

Not too far.

Only before Han Xin walked ten steps away, he heard the sound of heavy and orderly footsteps coming from behind, from far to near, and the people in front of him looked surprised.

They all bowed down and paid their respects.

Han Xin was stunned for a moment, and turned his head subconsciously, only to see Xiang Yu, Emperor of Chu, who left the table first, and returned for no apparent reason!

Xiang Yu is very natural

He took Lu Bu on Han Xin's back, and after a moment of hesitation, he used his arms to hold him in a position that would most comfortably allow Lu Bu to continue dozing off.

hug people

After that, he calmly looked at Han Xin, who had a stunned face, and said calmly, "Follow me into the hall."

Han Xin nodded dumbly, and followed Xiang Yu timidly.

The virtuous brother who made him have a hard time on his back was in the hands of Xiang Yu, who was the best in the world with his supernatural power, and he looked extremely light.

It can be seen that Han Xin is both admirable and


Xiang Yu's pace was steady, but his speed was extremely fast. After a while, he led Han Xin and the others to... in front of the palace where the emperor lived.

Look at the words on the plaque,

Han Xin was surprised again, and he couldn't help but feel a thousand emotions in his heart.

The overlord has achieved dominance in the world, and the virtuous brother is indeed the greatest contributor.

Fortunately, Bawang also believes deeply, never

Live up to this loyalty and courage, not only gladly accept the martial admonitions of the virtuous brother, but also wish to let the virtuous brother sleep soundly on the side of the couch.

After Xiang Yu entered the hall, he staggered slightly.


After hesitating for a moment between the main hall and the side hall, in the end, he only carried the person to the side hall, and then placed Han Xin here as well.

It's just that after putting people down, he didn't leave in a hurry.

In Han Xin's eyes, Xiang Yu's eyes were deep, looking at his virtuous brother who was immersed in a drunken dream, wondering what he was thinking.

Suddenly he said to himself, "You know, today

Why can I win the world? "

If I were someone else, I would definitely seize this great opportunity to flatter the horses, praise the might of the Chu army, praise His Majesty's bravery, praise the soldiers like gods, praise the actions

Able to…

In this hall, apart from the palace servants who were guarding the door, there was only Han Xin, who was also looking at Lu Bu's sleeping state.

Han Xin was puzzled by this inexplicable question.

, still said frankly: "It's because Your Majesty has a virtuous brother as the humerus and is fully assisting."

He spent far more time in the Chu camp than Lu Bu did.


Depressed and disappointed to leave that day, it was nothing more than seeing through Xiang Yu's fatal weakness.

Knowing that he is self-willed, cronyism, cruel and violent, short-sighted,

Compassionate people...

Although there is unparalleled courage in the world, it will definitely end in death in the end.

Han Xin always firmly believed that all the turning points after that started from Xiandi.


Mountains are easy to change, but nature is hard to change.

Looking back on the past now, he still feels a little weird.

I'm afraid that only the virtuous brother, who is also unparalleled in the world, can get the move.

Yu's stubborn temperament.

Hearing this, Xiang Yu not only was not annoyed, but he smiled extremely rarely.

He curled the corners of his lips lightly, turned around involuntarily and looked directly at him.

To Han Xin, who looked calm, he said solemnly, "I think so too."

Han Xin's expression did not change, and when he was thinking about the truth of what he said, Xiang Yu suddenly spoke again, indifferently.

Greeting: "Sit down."

It was actually a gesture of wanting to have a long talk with Han Xin.

Although Han Xin led the army to swept across several countries and made outstanding military exploits, he was neither from Jiangdong nor from Jiangdong.

Xiang Yu's cronies who have followed Xiang Yu for many years, but he is not like his worthy younger brother, came from behind, and miraculously, he was the closest confidant to Xiang Yu's eyes.

In addition, he is good at plotting the army, but not good at plotting

I don't know what it is to dig into officialdom.

At the critical juncture before the reward, when others were busy making friends and working actively, he always focused on studying and writing soldiers behind closed doors.

Books, there are very few even entering the palace, not to mention that they made a special trip to Xiang Yu to perform

After returning to Xianyang, at the urging of his virtuous brother, he handed in the military talisman and returned his military power, except that he was killed by his virtuous brother on that day.

After urging him to enter the palace to congratulate Xiang Yu, who was about to become emperor, there was only one time when he got a letter from his virtuous brother and entered the palace in shock.

Really proud item

It was the first time that Yu invited to talk so peacefully and intimately.

After Han Xin was stunned for a moment, his expression was still calm. After he nodded slightly and thanked him, he really sat down.

Lu Bu's

This night talk between the two is naturally unknown.

In his sleep, he galloped on his horse, killing and slaughtering heartily, and he was about to catch the hateful Liu mouse.

Block, when he laughed proudly, a very familiar voice suddenly came from his ear.

Even that conversation vaguely made him feel a bit familiar.

It seems that the idiot is there

Q: "… If I can figure out the geometry?"

As if it was his cheap and stern voice: "Your Majesty's generals, the more the better."

Just when he felt a few dimly

Feeling gratified, I secretly said that this Han Chang is much stronger than that Han Emperor in the end. When he learned the essence of flattering and patting horses without a teacher, he heard the Han Emperor say 'um' unsavoryly again.

He asked again, "How is your son?"

However, after listening to Han Xin's style, his words were extremely arrogant: "The more ministers, the better the ears."

- these two fools

How dare you brag so brazenly in his face while he is asleep!

Lu Bu's anger rose from his heart, and he opened his eyes suddenly. Before he became conscious, he couldn't help but angrily said:

"I am also a lot, the better the ears!"