The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 95


Where did Lv Bu, who was single-mindedly approaching Mo Dun among the enemy group, know that, just because he witnessed a small incision on his waist, Xiang Yu was already agitated.


The Xiongnu army was eager to protect Shan Yu, and after seeing through his purpose, they rushed to stop him like a lifeless force, which was like a tidal wave for a while.

Rao is Lv Bu's martial arts unparalleled, for a time

He also felt that it was difficult to move an inch, and the speed at which he was approaching Mo Dun dropped sharply.

It's a good thing that Shan is a brainy person, and he is leaning towards him, otherwise he will be afraid that he will not be able to get close for a while.


While Lu Bu killed the enemy in a dark tone, he was distracted and pondered.

At this moment, in the corner of his eyes, a strangely familiar silver armor flashed by.

- What the hell is that

Lu Bu thought subconsciously, and after a while, he suddenly raised his eyes and looked at it in astonishment!

The helmet is armored, and the foot has a hundred and twenty

Jin's Overlord Spear wields a powerful force, and he is not afraid of the danger of arrows, stones and spears.

Xiang Yu was born with heavy pupils, and his body was extremely large. Even if he simply walked to that station, he would still be so majestic that people would not dare to look at him.

What's more, he killed

At the moment when the intention is at its peak, and the momentum is not restrained

Just like a sluggish male lion rushing into the wolves and biting wantonly, even if he is wounded, he will still take his revenge.

The ferocity and ferocity that killed all the enemies!

Lu Bu's eyes widened, and he was dumbfounded for a while.

-Damn, when this fool was fighting with himself a few times before, he was afraid

There is still a lot of energy left!

He stared blankly for a while, but the movements of his hands did not stop.

Even if the halberd is just swiped by conditioned reflex, it will harvest and take away a few at once.


However, just as he was in a daze for a short while, Xiang Yu had already opened a wide bloody path without looking back!

His eyes were red with ruthless redness,

Blood-soaked and indistinguishable.

Seeing this innate divine power, Emperor Chu stabbed at will, that is, like a knife cutting tofu, he easily split the skulls of the Xiongnu soldiers, exposing them.

Yellow and white inside!

The most terrifying thing for the Xiongnu soldiers was that this Zun, who had gone mad for some reason, never showed a trace of hideousness on his face.

Except for that idiot

In addition to the suffocating energy that can be produced at once, the expression on his face can be described as still as still water.

Lu Bu watched helplessly as Xiang Hanzi Li's unsatisfactory dowry in his heart became more and more.

The hair is approaching, and the eyes are immediately anxious.

——It was clear that he had been arguing for a while, how could this idiot forget his words as soon as he started to kill him!


So shameless for this idiot, Lu Bu would not be willing to stand by and watch him go ahead of him to pick his fruit.

Lu Bu's heart was burning with anxiety, but his mind was unprecedentedly sober.

He looked around for a week, an electric light flashed in his mind, and he suddenly had an idea.

So he deliberately sold a loophole and gave seven or eight smart Hungarians again.

The slave soldiers used spears as an array to attack together.

Of course, when the eight iron spears stabbed at the same time and seemed to be unavoidable, the big man Lu Bu bent his knees and jumped on the horse.

, picked up a very beautiful cloud flip in the air.

Before everyone could see the situation clearly, they felt the iron spear in their hands suddenly sink, causing them to suffer from pain.

Unable to hold tight.

It turned out that when Lu Bu was stagnant in the air for a short while and then fell again, he stepped on the eight spear tips with his thick soles precisely!


When the slave army couldn't hold their weapons and called their spears to the ground, Lu Bu stepped down and jumped half a circle in the air!

Only to hear a deafening 'crack'

Crazy sound, between the lightning and flint, the eight extremely heavy spears were actually snatched by him with an exquisite technique, and all of them were held under the ribs!

After Lu Bu repelled the crowd,

But he didn't make up the knife, but turned back on the horse without thinking.

The weight of these eight spears increased for a while, and Rao was a rare horse like the Jade Lion, and it was almost crushed on the spot.

Kneel down.

However, the purpose of Lu Bu's climb back on it was definitely not to rely on riding skills to continue the collision.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, this young man dressed in bells and whistles

General Chu, actually stood up from the back of that tall horse!

At the moment, the horse had only a rough saddle and no stirrups, but Lü Bu miraculously stood firm.

he double

Eyes like a torch, he held his breath to observe for less than half a breath, then he burst out, took a spear, aimed at the front and threw it!

Although Lu Bu is not as strong as he can carry

, For thousands of years, I am afraid that this is the same big fool of the Xiang family, but it can definitely be called the four characters of 'natural power'.

The blue veins on his tightly muscled upper arm burst out, in his fierce

Suddenly, the power that erupted was astonishing.

- The Xiongnu army looked in horror, and the spear thrown by the Chu general from the horse that few people dared to stand on.

However, the stab was extremely deep, and it sank into the ground nearly half a foot deep!

For fear of going a step late, Lu Bu, who was robbed of the dowry by Xiang Hanzi, didn't even blink an eye, and he didn't even know the Xiongnu soldiers around him.

He was shocked by his actions, and he didn't think of continuing to attack for a long time.

After he threw the first spear, he leaped and landed smoothly.

the end of the spear.

Before he could completely stand still, he took advantage of the castration to continue throwing his spear forward, continuing to traverse the enemy group...

His act of stepping on the spear for the road is really

Unprecedented, not only the Xiongnu soldiers were horrified, but even the Chu soldiers were dumbfounded!

Until Lu Bu approached with this bizarre method, it could be called unimpeded.

Before he ran out of spears, Sheng Sheng caught up with Mao Dun, who had already fought against the wild lion Xiang Yu, who had been fighting alone under the support of hundreds of guards.

Although there is a vague

I had a hunch, but I still greatly underestimated the powerful strength of this Emperor of Chu Xiang Yu - the three hundred most valiant athletes under his command were encircling the battle, but they were unable to stop the opponent!

vertical bid

Yu had more or less skin wounds on his body, but it only aroused the madness of this fierce beast, making his shots even more ruthless.

When looking at the pair of eyes that were still burning with rage

, For the first time in his life, Morton knew what fear was.

If he hadn't been very sure, he would never have seen this Chu Emperor Xiang Yu before today, except when he dispatched troops to harass the borders of the Qin people in his early years,

Apart from the beacon fire and looting in the chaos of the Central Plains, let alone any hatred...

Seeing that the other party is so dignified and independent, but he is determined to kill him, and he is determined to kill him,

He almost thought it was to avenge some bloody vengeance!

Mao Dun felt a chill in his heart.

What he didn't know was that Lu Bu was exactly what he thought.

—Faced with Xiang Hanzi, who was just fine and went mad for no apparent reason in the blink of an eye, he had a hard time chasing, but also felt very embarrassed.

Completely ignorant

The small wound on the waist that had stopped bleeding and was not worth mentioning at all, Lu Bu had a dark face, so that he could rush to the enemy with three hundred Huns alone before he ran out of spears, but he still did not fall.

Next to Xiang Hanzi, who is downwind.

"Rush to your grandma's legs!"

Lu Bu cursed loudly, but his actions came before his mouth.

He couldn't bear to look at Mo Dun not far away,

Without hesitation, he stood behind Xiang Hanzi, who seemed to be injured.

This wicked woman who is usually silent, but who is more ruthless than him, will have to drink when she turns back.

A generalist has a long memory!

The two stood back to back, each holding a weapon in their hands, focused on fighting.

Because of the loss of a defensive blind spot, there are more equal helping hands

- The two who should have fallen into this endless enemy army and seemed helpless and in a dilemma, completely established an absolute advantage in the blink of an eye.

Although Lu Bu did not

I know how much water has gone into this fool's brain, but he knows that even if it's just for his old face, no matter how many injuries he suffers... he has to protect the fool behind him!

Do not

However, the fool protected him, but he did not protect the fool. After comparison, it would appear that he was not as capable as the fool!

Lu Bu's heart would go crazy for no reason and take sex

Xiang Hanzi, who was destined to make a joke, scolded him a hundred and eighty times, and he became more and more ruthless at the endless stream of Xiongnu soldiers, otherwise it would be really difficult to vent the evil fire in his heart.

Although Mordun could not stop mobilizing his troops, he wanted to surround the two of them and force the Chu army to retreat, but a group of Xiongnu soldiers, who had been frightened by the two men's heroic and unparalleled posture, where could they be

Dare to go up and hit the stone with an egg!

At first, there were people who wanted to go up, but as the frontline battle became more and more tense, the corpses of the two killing gods who died in the main formation were one by one.

A horrific death...

It seemed that it wasn't long before no one dared to go, no matter how harshly Modun scolded him.

How can the flesh and blood of mortals be compared with the God of War

Steel and iron bones are the enemy!

Xiang Yu and Lu Bu, who had finally cleared Shan Yu's guards, turned around at the same time and hurried towards the target.

They fought close to one

For an hour, although the battle was hearty and enjoyable, it was also unprecedentedly exhausting.

However, the Chu army watched the king fall into the enemy's line with his own eyes, even if he didn't need a commander.

Urging, has long been insane, desperate to attack the Huns.

Inside the formation, there are untiring and unmatched evil stars running rampant, and outside the formation

There is a steady stream of fierce Chu troops...

The Xiongnu army was gradually killed and dispersed, and even if there were still those who were loyal to Shanyu, there were only a few.


After hesitating several times, he missed the opportunity. At this time, he knew that there was no way to run, so he simply did not leave.

He stood proudly where he was, staring blankly at the two tall,

The bloody Chu general who fought in the same way just sneered when he walked towards him.

It's not that he's incompetent, but it's the time when he's not with him.

Xiang Yu is always sinking


He obviously still had a little energy left, and he approached Mo Dun half a step earlier than Lu Bu.

Lu Bu just now

He was so engrossed in the battle that he suddenly stopped, and his legs were as heavy as lead.

He has squeezed out the last bit of strength, and he is still half a step behind,

Besides, you still need to wield a halberd

He really couldn't understand why this idiot was so blessed, he was born with supernatural power, and even after a long battle, he was able to walk so easily!

However, the slander returned to the slander, when he worked so hard for such a week, but when he saw the fat around his mouth flying back like an open ear, he was very anxious, thinking about it.

He shouted reluctantly, "Leave that head for me!"

His desperate shout was loud, resounding through the fact that most of the Xiongnu army had surrendered with weapons, and the Chu soldiers had taken prisoners.


All the generals and soldiers were stunned, and looked at General Lu who suddenly said this in confusion.

Not to mention why General Lv wanted to rescue this evil-doing Xiongnu Dan.

Yu... Just making this unreasonable request to His Majesty in public really caused people to break into a cold sweat on his behalf!

However, what shocked everyone even more was that Su

His Majesty, who has come to be dignified and unequivocal, really stopped according to his words!

Xiang Yu, whose brain has been in a state of violent chaos, suddenly returned to his position rationally.


He took the Overlord gun without hesitation and stood to the side honestly.

Then look at love will be aggressive, but slow to 'rush' forward, knocking over a few times

Mo Dun Shan Yu.

Then he took out the Long Yuan sword and cut it sharply, and finally got the dowry gift for the overlord of Western Chu that he had found, and he was satisfied.