The Conqueror Isn’t Alone

Chapter 97


During this northern expedition,

The Chu army swore to attack, and the offensive was fierce. A total of nearly 300,000 Xiongnu troops were wiped out, 100,000 horses were captured, and countless cattle, horses, sheep and other livestock were seized.

And slaughtered Shan in the blood of Maotun,

Like a big win.

It was even as Lu Bu had planned before, in time for the coming of winter, pinching the tail of the late autumn, and embarking on the road of triumph.

Chu Jun

The good news that the Xiongnu army, which has been harassing the border and harming the border people like a gangrene of the bones, will be sent back to Chu, and the people will all applaud.


On the way back to the DPRK, the army was successively returning to the DPRK. Everywhere they went, the common people came to greet them spontaneously and embraced the food at home to reward this invincible iron army.

In addition to being moved, the soldiers of the Chu army were reluctant to accept it, but it was unavoidable to delay a while if they refused to be courteous.

Xiang Yu and Lü Bu, who had become intimate with each other, saw this scene and thought about it.

When they reached the territory of Great Chu, they simply left the army behind, and the two of them rode on a black lion and a jade lion, and headed towards Xianyang without stopping.

They are all the best horsemen in the world

The two are riding a horse that is hard to find in the world. With the same expectation and joy, the two of them have been galloping all the way, and they have reached Xianyang within ten days.

when the dust

, When His Majesty the Emperor, who was still not in a state of arrogance, appeared together with General Lu, he immediately called the guards and soldiers dumbfounded, and almost thought they were in a dream.

… what about the army

They were in a trance for a moment, and then General Lu raised his eyes impatiently, and urged in a deep voice, "Don't let me go!"

How can I touch the juncture of getting married in a hurry

On such a group of blind soldiers!

Not knowing what General Lv was worried about, everyone woke up like a dream, and hurriedly stepped aside, they were about to bend over and bow to Dao

Side, welcome to the Holy Driver.

It's just that the two of them had just stepped aside, and they had no time to bow down and salute in the future, and the two horses, who were in a hurry, galloped in like arrows from the string.


The dust swept up their faces, and they were ignorant as they stared blankly at the majestic Er Dao back, in admiration.

Lu Buben also wanted to go back to the mansion to bathe and change clothes before entering.

Gong Yiqing.

Unexpectedly, just as he showed signs of turning a corner, Xiang Yu, who was quick-witted, reached out and grabbed the reins, pulling back the head of the jade lion that he had just moved.


He stared calmly at Lu Bu with an inexplicable face, and said of course, "Follow me back to the palace."

Lu Bu blinked, lost in thought.


In this world, who can keep up with the great fortune of this silly mother-in-law

He has helped him all the way, and now except for a mansion and a salary, all the rewards are given to him.

The soldiers in the lost army encouraged the soldiers to go. Compared with the silly woman, they were simply poor.

Even if it is a high marriage... I have to be a door-to-door son-in-law, he posted this

How hard you work to get in, it is indeed a matter of course to be stationed in the palace! Why is there such a clear distinction between the palace and the palace

Thinking of this, Lu Bu decided on the spot to be cheeky.

Come be kind.

Seeing that Fengxian really followed his words, he entered the palace with him...

Although Xiang Yu's face was still tense, his heart was full of surprise and joy, infinite joy.

After returning to Fengxian Palace, Lu Bu did not hesitate to occupy the emperor's soup pool, and under the service of the palace staff, he soaked in comfortably and washed away the dust.

while the item

After simply washing and changing clothes, Yu couldn't wait to summon the courtiers to the palace.

Due to the emperor's personal expedition, the early court has been suspended for a long time.

Handle business at their respective residences

The ministers in charge of affairs had just received the news that His Majesty and General Lu were only rushing back to the capital.

When walking to Fengxian Hall,

Some familiar courtiers looked at each other, and Gu saw confusion in each other's eyes.

If you say it is for rewarding soldiers, hosting banquets for light work, consolidating border defense, etc., it is important to be important

, but according to Emperor Chu's temper, it would not be so urgent.

It can make His Majesty, who has always been calm and steadfast, not hesitate to leave the army, and gallop back to Beijing day and night.

As soon as you enter the palace, you will call in the ministers... How urgent is it to be so impatient

In the queue of officials following Fan Zeng, a new one was also mixed in.

Face: It was Xiao He who thought he was going to die not long ago, but was only brought to prison and left to be dealt with.

His Majesty said that a war would be fought, but Fan Zeng was too busy.

It sucks, I can't wait to split myself into dozens of people.

When Xun He Fengjun came to ask for instructions, Fang asked him to slap his forehead and suddenly realized that Liu Bang was in the hands of him.

Among the captured people, there are still some rare talents!

In such a short period of time, Bashu can be managed so well that it can afford Liu Bang to send troops.

The huge loss of the Northern Expedition, how can it be incompetent

Even doing trivial things is better than eating dry rice in prison!

So Fan Zengyi had to follow

He, immediately went straight to the cell, and slipped out Xiao and Cao, who were still waiting for the sentence, which came in handy that day.

And how orderly is there in the Chu camp

Of course, the real situation of how busy the internal affairs are... Cao Can, who was sent to the barracks, was shocked by Xiao He, who was well versed in this and had a first glimpse of the Chu court.

to Xiao

He's talent quickly stood out among Fan Zeng's vassals and was highly valued by Fan Zeng.

So on the day when Emperor Chu was summoned into the palace, Fan Zeng didn't even think about it,

Xiao He was taken out and brought into the palace together.

The minds of the ministers were different, but their faces were the same, and they were led by the guards into the hall.

Just a step

Entering the hall, I saw Emperor Chu in a dignified manner, sitting dignifiedly on the throne, and had been waiting for a long time.

After all the courtiers entered the hall, Xiang Yu, who had been wandering in the sky, returned to the palace.

After realizing it, he said solemnly, "I invited you all to come here for three reasons."

Xiang Yu has always been concise and to the point. He likes Jane and doesn't like to be annoying, but it's the first time he's so eager to make it clear.


The ministers gathered their minds and listened with bated breath.

But I heard Chu Di said: "This time, the expedition to the north, the soldiers and soldiers are very laborious, rewarding all the services, and I also ask Yafu to pay more attention.

think. "

After Fan Zeng heard the words, he stepped out of the queue without hesitation, leaned over and said, "This minister follows the order."

"Yafu, please get up." Xiang Yu continued, "I have no children under my knees, so

The country cannot be without an heir, and at the end of the year, I will choose a son from the clan to be the crown prince. "

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the hall!

Xiang Yu's year is not over

, but because of many years of fighting, and because of the early death of his uncle, he has not yet married.

Originally, when Xiang Yu first ascended to the throne, there were princes and nobles looking for beauties in the clan to fill the

The harem had to be put on hold because Xiang Yu once again led the army to the north.

Now Xiang Yu offered to adopt a son as heir in the clan...

The courtiers also discussed

After a while, Xiang Yu couldn't hold back his excitement any longer. He forced a straight face and asked, "Where is Uncle Sun Tong?"

Suddenly being called by name, Uncle Sun Tong was stunned for a moment

, then suddenly came back to his senses, stepped forward and said, "I'm here!"

Xiang Yu nodded slightly in satisfaction, and smashed the third pass without warning, also on the spot like a thunderbolt.

The order that stunned everyone: "The wedding in three days will be presided over by you."

In the noisy hall just now, the words were split into a dead silence that could be heard dropping needles.

Shusuntong was also shocked and stood for a long time like a puppet. Under the urging gaze of Emperor Chu, he bowed down tremblingly and stammered: "Three

… three days? It's a bit too hasty... I hope... Your Majesty think twice. "

The emperor's big wedding, not to mention three days, even three months is too short!

last moment because of

Uncle Sun Tong, who was so excited when His Majesty remembered his name and called it out in court, can only wish to faint on the spot.

Although he is good at catering to the emperor's mind, everything is complicated

For Jane, the ceremony of proclaiming the emperor that day was completed.

But this does not mean that he can arrange the emperor's wedding in just three days!

Uncle Sun Tong

Just want to cry without tears.

Three days? Three days!

If the person who uttered this absurd remark was His Majesty the Emperor of Chu, he would have condemned the remarks as absurd and whimsical.

Not to mention that he still doesn't know anything about the sacredness of what His Majesty will marry, even if he really ignores the steps before the big wedding and only manages the big wedding... Shan is the emperor.

The dress of the maid next to you needs to be embroidered for three to five days!

Xiang Yuxian did not expect Shusun Tong's shirk.

He frowned in dissatisfaction and asked in a deep voice.

: "Why?"

Uncle Sun Tong had to bite the bullet and talk about the difficulties one by one.

However, the unparalleled heroic Chu Emperor did not take this seriously, and said indifferently: "There is no need to talk about it.

Worry about the rites... Just tell the heaven and earth, tell the world, tell you, etc., and then pick up the Queen's Palace and move the objects in. "

The maid's dress

- Worry unfounded.

Xiang Yu thought blankly, Feng Xian's side... There is no maid, and there will be no maid in the future.

As for the other side, Feng Xian looks like him

, is relatively thin, and he can handle it by changing his Mianfu.

Hengzhi's abandoned mian suit a while ago is sufficient proof, although Fengxian likes a majestic and fancy shirt

, but dislikes the complicated clothing that is inconvenient to move.

If Feng changed his mind first, and then thought about how many people would do it, he could have people do it at any time.

You really don't have to make a special trip

This moment should not be delayed before getting married.

On the way back, Xiang Yu had already planned everything in his heart, how could Rong Shu Sun Tong argue

he micro

With a slight frown, the dazed Shusun Tong was defeated in just a few words. Just as he was about to pronounce his sentence in the silence, Fan Zeng, who had been stunned since the first time he heard about it, finally turned around.

God has come.

He slowly raised his arm, not caring how disrespectful the move was, Teng Teng said: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you are married?"

Instead of fighting the Huns,

When did you kidnap... Which beauty did you fall in love with, and did you have to be the queen? !

Xiang Yu looked calm, nodded and said, "The appointment has been made, and the marriage contract has been made."

Fan Zeng's mind

There was another buzzing sound, and he repeated blankly, "Has the appointment already been made?!"

When to hire, for whom, and for what

he is

Prime Minister, why do you know nothing about this!

Fan Zeng didn't know, because he was too shocked, he had already asked what was in his heart.

Xiang Yu slightly softened his expression and was about to discuss

After explaining a few words, just in time, Lu Bu, who had showered and changed his clothes and looked refreshed, strode into the hall.

Thinking of getting married soon, he's in a really good mood

, did not notice that all the surrounding courtiers had been struck by lightning with demented expressions, and only happily wanted to stand in the old position.

It was precisely because of the good timing that he sent Old Man Fan.

Hearing what my son said, he was instantly blown away.

Why, this old man Fan dared to think that his dowry was not enough

Lu Bu glared aggressively, looking at Wu

Old Man Fan, who was in the fog, suppressed his dissatisfaction and said, "What? Could it be that the head of the Xiongnu Shanyu, and the addition of a Xiongnu Shanyu's territory, are not enough to be a dowry gift!"

Even if I really feel that it is not enough, it must be enough at this juncture - even if the King of Heaven is present, he cannot stop him from marrying this wicked woman whom he finally hired!