The Consequence of Judging Others by Appearance

Chapter 109: Does it match?


Several masters who had never dealt with Qi Yan looked at Qi Yan as if they had seen a priceless treasure. They have lived so many years, and they understand the value of these talismans better than anyone else. Now that the world of esoteric arts is on the decline, and the things handed down in the early years have also been lost due to the war, how can they not be excited when they see these things that should have been lost now

Seeing the excited appearance of these masters, Qi Yan took a small step back in fright: "Yes, yes."

"It's really asking for a talisman," Master Pei held the talisman paper carefully, his eyes turning red with excitement, "I didn't expect that I would see it in my lifetime."

In the early years, when he was studying with his master, he had heard the master talk about asking for a magic talisman. It is said that this talisman can communicate with the gods in all directions, and as long as the altar is placed, he can talk to the gods. At that time, the master also showed him the appearance of asking for a divine rune, but no one has successfully drawn this kind of rune again. Maybe the way of drawing the rune is wrong, or it may be due to lack of spiritual power, but no matter what the reason is, he has been urinating since childhood. The things that I have longed for, I have never seen the real thing.

Now that he suddenly saw the real magic rune, he found that his obsession from childhood to adulthood disappeared, and even the spiritual power in his body deepened.

Putting down the talisman, Master Pei gave Qi Yan a deep bow: "Thank you Master Qi for being so generous and not keeping secrets, please accept the old man's worship."

"Master Pei, what are you doing?" Qi Yan jumped to the side in fright and held up Master Pei's hand, "I'm a junior, please don't give me such a big gift, it will lose my life."

"An ancient teacher with a character, today Master Qi has broken the magic barrier in my heart, and I deserve this ceremony," Master Pei took a step back and bowed to Qi Yan with a serious expression, "I don't want to express my gratitude, Master Qi's kindness , I have it in my heart."

This time, Qi Yan didn't stop Master Pei again, but after he finished his salute, he returned the salute, "Master Pei's words are serious, these talismans are just something I learned from my mentor since I was a child, and they are not uncommon things."

Not something rare

The eyes of several masters are about to pop out. Which of these talismans is not a high-quality talisman, and most of them are still lost talismans that are only known by their names and whose bodies are not seen. Rare stuff? ! Is this Master Qi joking, or is he being modest

"I wonder if Master Qi would mind if we take a closer look at these talismans?" a master asked in a trembling voice.

"Please feel free," Qi Yan concluded from the excited expressions of these masters that the talismans he took out might be really rare in the world of mysterious arts. But the old man had never told him this, and even took the thunder talisman to the river to fry fish to eat. He always thought that these talismans were more commonly used in the mysterious world.

This time the misunderstanding seems to be a bit big.

He was sitting in the corner, watching these masters all excitedly surrounding the talismans, but what came to his mind was the picture of his master sitting on a worn-out rocking chair and teaching him to draw talismans.

"Keep your back straight, concentrate your energy, and gather your spiritual energy on the pen."

"The talismans, formations, and instruments are nothing but things outside the body. If you want to become a real Celestial Master, don't be bound by these foreign things. Cultivating yourself is the way."

"Respect ghosts and gods, don't believe in ghosts and gods, the only person in the world can believe in yourself."

When the old man speaks, his expression is always indifferent, and even his actions are condescending, so that he has not paid much attention to the external objects such as magic tools since he was a child. For him, these are just icing on the cake.

I didn't expect that something that he and his master regarded as external objects would have such a high status in the mysterious world. From childhood to adulthood, the master never emphasized to him how rare and rare these things are, until his old man passed away, he only mentioned a few words to him.

"I'm a disciple of Heaven, regardless of background, power or wealth, all I want is to find the chance of life left by God and do whatever I want. I don't want to help justice, take the lead, I don't want to be famous, but I want to be worthy of my heart and follow my original intention. , live a comfortable life."

"Stinky boy, your life is not good, but everything in the world has a chance for him, and so do you."

Looking back on the past a few years ago, it still seems to be in front of him. Qi Yan spreads his palm, and the disordered lines cover up his destiny, like a mountain forest shrouded in clouds and mist, and no one can see its original appearance. , Even the mountains themselves can't see clearly.

"Master Qi," Master Pei carefully put the talisman back on the table, as if putting fragile treasures, "although it's a bit presumptuous, but I still want to ask, which expert do you teach?"

His question was also what other masters wanted to ask, so as soon as Master Pei said this, the other masters all looked over, waiting for Qi Yan's answer.

"The teacher is not a famous person. When he was adopted by the old man, he was over sixty years old. When I was with him, no big person came to visit. The people near the local Taoist temple also called him Lao. Taoist priest," Qi Yan smiled lightly, "he has no name and no taboo, so the old man calls himself no taboo."

"No taboo?!" A master wearing a green robe exclaimed, "But twenty-five years ago, master no taboo who was looking for dragons for the International Reception Building?"

Twenty-five years ago, the country held a meeting of international leaders, and the reception building was specially built. However, after the building was repaired, strange things happened frequently, so that there were many rumors against the country, and even some foreign media followed the rumors and made trouble. Later, things became more and more serious. An expert came, and the practice of opening the altar was to solve the strange appearance of the building.

According to legend, on the day of the practice, a dragon and phoenix phantom appeared over the reception building, and many people heard the dragon and phoenix singing together. After this incident, some people even ran outside the building to kowtow and ask for the blessing of the gods. But it is also strange. Since then, there has been no incident in the reception building. Many things have been negotiated in this building, and they have been very smooth, as if they were blessed by gods.

So although more than 20 years have passed, the buildings inside and outside of this building have not changed much, and even the pruning of flowers, plants and trees is very particular, and it will not be easily replaced. Although this matter is a state-level secret, they, the great masters of the mystic arts, have heard of that incident back then. In all fairness, they couldn't do the step of being a master of no taboo, and they couldn't protect the foreign affairs for nearly 30 years.

After the incident that year passed, Master Wuxi disappeared in the imperial capital, and some powerful and powerful people wanted to find him, but they were not found. Some gossip said that he was requisitioned by the state, for fear of being discovered by foreign forces, so the state hid him. It's just that no one has confirmed the news, and there are not many people who believe it.

Others say that this Master Wuxi used too much spiritual energy when he set up a feng shui array, and he died not long after that. Otherwise, why did he do such a big thing without seeing much benefit, but disappeared

There are many rumors about the Master of No Taboo, but none of them can be confirmed. Over time, except for the occasional gossip on the Internet, such as "Twenty Unsolved Mysteries in China", the incident of the International Conference Building will be mentioned, and no one will be curious about the events of that year.

In fact, not many people take the "International Conference Building Incident" seriously. It's just that when netizens are bored, they find a novel topic to gossip about.

"What international reception building?" Qi Yan was stunned for a moment. "You mean the international reception building that often appears in news broadcasts?"

"Master Wuxi finds dragons and points acupoints, and uses Feng Shui to set up a formation. It is really unparalleled. It turns out that Master Qi is the master's apprentice."

Even Master Zhao, who had fought with Qi Yan several times, was also very surprised at this time. He knew that Qi Yan's master was extraordinary, and he was born in the mysterious Tianyi School, but he did not expect his master to be a sensation in the imperial capital back then. Master, according to this, Master Wuxi is also born in Tianyimen

Thinking about it this way, he felt that everything made sense.

No wonder Qi Yan knows so many formations that other masters have never seen before, and can draw so many talismans. At a young age, he has extraordinary merits and spiritual power, and he turns out to be the apprentice of Master Wuxi. It's ridiculous that he envied which master was fortunate enough to accept such a spiritual apprentice as Qi Yan. Now that he thinks about it, in addition to such a character as Master Wuxi, are there any masters who are worthy of being Master Qi

Originally because of Qi Yan's youth, the master who still slightly despised him, now looks at Qi Yan with a very different look. The previous contempt is half gone, and there is a lot of respect inside and outside of his words.

The staff of the special team on the side were also very surprised. Because of their work, they were very familiar with the major suspense incidents that have occurred in China. The International Reception Building incident can be regarded as one of the ten major incidents. Until now, there are still people who think about it Find this unscrupulous master or his heirs. Unexpectedly, the people who have been cared about by the above are right under their noses, and they have also helped them solve several problems.

"Captain..." Xiang Qiang stared blankly at Zhao Zhicheng, "I didn't expect that Master Qi came from such an extraordinary background."

Their special team once investigated Qi Yan's information. According to the information, Qi Yan was adopted by a Taoist priest in a small town since he was a child. It now appears that this information is problematic.

However, the information was handed to them by other colleagues of the Ministry of National Security. It is reasonable to say that it should not be faked. It only means that Master Qi's master disguised well, and the fake identity was well prepared, so that even the people from Guoan were deceived. .

It's just that their investigation focused on Master Qi, and they didn't consider the authenticity of his master's information at all, so they didn't find out that Master Qi's origin was so terrible after so long.

Thinking that Master Qi's master passed away a few years ago, the people in the special group were a little discouraged. How good would it be if such a powerful master was still alive

For a time, everyone looked at Qi Yan as if they were looking at a 24K pure gold doll.

Lu Gang, who was inconspicuous among the masters, looked coldly at Qi Yan who was surrounded by everyone, and pouted his lips in disdain, but he felt a little uncomfortable. The name of Master Wuya, he once heard the master mention it, and when the master mentioned Master Wuya, his tone was full of admiration and regret.

The master said that he owed Master Wuya a favor back then, but it is a pity that Master Wuya has disappeared for decades, and this favor may be owed for a lifetime.

Before he died, the master told them that the world of mystic arts was on the decline, and their brothers and sisters couldn't protect them even with precious instruments, so they gave the instruments to others, and the things left to them were not bad. , but after all, it is not worth a fraction of the magic tools sent out.

Those of them who are apprentices, who will feel good after hearing these words? When this word was spread, others would only think that their master would rather give things to outsiders than to give them to them. It must be because their apprentices are too bad and unfilial.

He was resentful, dissatisfied, unwilling, and even hated Qi Yan, because he got what the master gave him. But now that he saw those talismans full of spiritual energy on the table, he suddenly felt discouraged. He has been studying with his master for nearly thirty years, and in terms of his ability, he is only second- or third-rate in the field of Chinese metaphysics.

But Qi Yan had a great master, but he never talked about it. Relying on his own ability, he made a fortune in the imperial capital, and even the fifth master of the Cen family was fascinated by him...

No, the fifth master of the Cen family should not be counted...

The more he thought about it, the weirder his mood became. Lu Gang only felt that his heart was overwhelmed, and he felt unbearably uncomfortable. In the end, he simply sat in the corner and closed his eyes.

Out of sight out of mind.

Although these masters were excited, they still remembered what they came to Rose Island for this time, so in the end they managed to suppress their excitement and talked about the exchange meeting.

The itinerary of the exchange meeting is simple and simple, complex and complicated. To put it bluntly, it is to see who is more capable, but everyone's methods are different, so as to understand each other's strength. Huaxia's performance over the years has been good or bad, not tepid, not too embarrassing, but in terms of Huaxia's history and culture, lukewarm is already a shame.

They have their own sects that have been passed down for thousands of years, and have their own complete mythological system, but they can't come up with a master who is enough to amaze others at this kind of exchange meeting. The regret in their hearts is not without.

But who is to blame

When foreign enemies occupied their land, plundered their treasures, burned their buildings, maimed their people, and destroyed their culture, it was a history made of blood. Forget, dare not mention.

So far, in some famous foreign museums, there are still precious antiques, calligraphy and painting articles of their country. When these cultural relics are introduced in the history book, a comment will be made at the back, which is now in the xx museum. Who is not distressed, who is not sad

The ancestors used their flesh and blood to bring peace and happiness to them now. They can only step by step on this bright road to find a better tomorrow.

It's a pity that they can't get better results, but now they can sit here, quarrel and compete on an equal footing, and they are happy.

"Master Qi," Master Zhao put the stack of talismans back into Qi Yan's hands, "These things are very precious, don't take them out easily in the future." These people can still hold back their greed, but what about the others? , is it also possible

Qi Yan looked at the talisman in his hand, and put it back on the table: "Master, the old man said that the talisman is just something outside the body, so don't take it too seriously. And these things are not uniquely created by me, these are originally from countless ancestors. The things left behind belong to me as well as others. If you masters are interested, you can take them back and study them slowly, only if these things can be used for the right path, it is considered not to bury them."

"Master Wu Taboo is Gao Yi, Master Qi is kind and generous," Master Zhao turned to look at the several masters present, and bowed again to Qi Yan: "Thank you."

The other masters also got up and bowed to Qi Yan. This time Qi Yan did not dodge or evade, and stood up to accept the ceremony.

He did not receive this gift for himself, but for Tianyimen. He didn't know why these ordinary talismans in his eyes became so precious, but he could guess how much effort his teachers and ancestors had put in to save them back then.

"I'm just being generous to others and being blessed by my ancestors." Qi Yan turned to the sky and bowed three times.

The masters were silent upon seeing this. If others had such an opportunity, they would already be complacent and complacent. However, Master Qi did not have these performances at all, and the only thing he remembered was the kindness of the teacher.

There are disciples like this, what more can the husband ask for

It is no wonder that Tianyimen has been passed down for so long, and it is no wonder that Qi Yan can become a disciple of Tianyimen.

This kind of mind, this character, these people are far incomparable.

After Cen Baihe had a video conference with the company's executives, Liang Feng had a separate video exchange with him.

"Boss, you are traveling through time, and the decoration of the house is too particular," Liang Feng said in a joking tone, "As expected of Master Qi, even if you take you on a tour, you can find such an exquisite room." , he suddenly smiled ambiguous, "Is the book I asked you to bring useful?"

Cen Baihe said with an expressionless face: "You still have mood gossip, it seems that you are very leisurely."

"Tsk," Liang Feng was very sensible and didn't mention it again. He reported some personnel in the company, and then said, "Boss, there is something you may be interested in."

"What's the matter?" Cen Baihe frowned, "It has something to do with money?"

With Liang Feng's character, if it wasn't something related to him, he would never bring it up on purpose.

"It does have something to do with Master Qi," Liang Feng said. "Yuan Hengyu's case has been sentenced. It has been sentenced for a total of ten years. There is no response from old man Yuan, but he is busy with the matter of moving the house."

"Have they found the right person?" The Cen family and the Yuan family have already torn their faces. Outsiders are not very clear about this, but Liang Feng knows it.

"Well, it is said to be from other places," Liang Feng thought for a while. "The master seems to be surnamed Li. What's more interesting is that this female apprentice of Master Li seems to be interested in Yuan Chong'an's eldest grandson, Yuan Peng." At this, Liang Feng couldn't help but sneer.

Yuan Chong'an obviously wanted Yuan Peng to marry Ruan Youyi, the daughter of the Ruan family. Yuan Peng also had some interest in Ruan Youyi. Ruan Youyi had a crush on their boss. Their boss didn't like beauties and blues. Now there is another Master Li's. The apprentice liked Yuan Peng, and when they got there, there was trouble, and the relationship between the Yuan family and the Ruan family was good.

"Now the Yuan family talks about this Master Li from time to time, and on certain occasions belittles Master Qi consciously or unintentionally..."

"Everyone compares it with money," Cen Baihe said in a calm and chilled tone, "Is it worthy?"