The Consequence of Judging Others by Appearance

Chapter 112: crush


"Master Qi is quite wealthy," Master Zhao joked and approached Qi Yan, "This robe alone is rarer than everything on our body."

Qi Yan smiled, but felt a little strange in his heart. Back then, in Wangxiang Town, Master Zhao had seen this robe on his body, but now it looks like he has never seen it before.

When other people didn't notice, Master Zhao whispered in his ear: "It's inevitable that you won't take care of each other when you are fighting, you have to be more careful." For this reason, if you continue to talk about it, you will offend people. It stands to reason that the masters who came to participate in the exchange meeting on behalf of Huaxia this time are all highly respected people, and he should not doubt their character. But as the saying goes, people who know their faces but not their hearts, these masters are not like ordinary people, and they can see through them at a glance, so at this time, it is definitely right to have more hearts.

Qi Yan was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Master Zhao would remind him like this. This is a very rare thing for Master Zhao's identity. When he was in the elevator last night, Lu Gang also reminded him strangely, is he just like a big piece of fat, everyone wants to take a bite.

"You kid," Master Zhao raised his voice and patted Qi Yan's shoulder with a laugh, "Have ambition."

Others didn't know what the two said, they just thought that Master Zhao was encouraging Qi Yan, so they didn't think much about it. Only Lu Gang, who was standing diagonally across from the two and secretly observing Qi Yan, saw that Qi Yan did not speak at all. He had long seen that Master Zhao and Qi Yan had a good relationship in private, and at this time, he did not forget to remind Qi Yan.

He looked at the other masters, his face skills were already poor, let alone what he wanted to see on the faces of these masters.

Regardless of attack or defense, Huaxia must pay attention to a formation, such as the seven-star formation, the plum blossom formation, the nine-curved chain formation, etc. Now they have 12 people, some are good at attacking, some are good at defending, and some are good at reciting spells. Gather aura, similar to the nanny with status in the game.

At the beginning, Huaxia's opponents were some little-known small countries. It was easy to win along the way, and in the end, only the four countries were left to compete.

Pine Needle Country, Luo Shan Country, Huaxia Country and Pearl Country.

The first two countries are Western countries and have a very good relationship with each other, while the latter two are Eastern countries, which have similarities in culture and are closer than the other two countries.

At the end of each exchange meeting, there is a melee between the four countries. In order to protect the people on their side, Huaxia in the past has been mediocre in the competition, so in the end, they couldn't even get the top two results. This is really a shameless shame for Huaxia.

This time, I don’t know if it’s because Huaxia detained the spy Luo Shanguo sent to Huaxia. Luo Shanguo was just staring at Huaxia. Pearl Kingdom seemed to be transparent in their eyes. Take a look.

"What are they doing?" A warlock from the Pearl Kingdom felt that they were underestimated. This kind of frustration when they were sent to the door and ignored by no one was simply defiant.

Although the name of the Pearl Kingdom is very gentle, in fact, the people are very individual, the women are sturdy, and the men are rough. If you recognize one thing, even eight horses can't pull them back. Now that Luo Shanguo dares to look down on them , They felt very unhappy in their hearts, so they rushed into the battle group regardless, and specifically stared at Luo Shanguo's people to beat up, and the three countries fought together for a while.

"Ouch, who hit me with a fist!"

How did the good fight become a boxing match? !

As soon as the beaten Warlock finished shouting these words, he heard a muffled bang. He didn't know who hit him on the head.

"I'm sorry, I made a mistake." A man from the Pearl Kingdom didn't expect his elbow to stun people. He looked at everyone innocently, but with that dark face, it really didn't have the effect of being cute. In the end he was taken off the field with the fainted Warlock for a foul.

"You guys from Luo Shan Country are really too weak," a pearl country sorceress shook her head in disgust. "Just hit it like this and you're dizzy. You can't get a wife in our Pearl country."

Warlock Luo Shanguo: Thank you, we don't want to marry a sturdy woman like you.

"Silver-like pewter head!" A sorceress on the Huaxia side spit out such a sentence, causing both Huaxia and Pearl Kingdom's warlocks to laugh.

Luo Shanguo and Pine Needle Country did not understand the meaning of this sentence, but seeing Huaxia and Pearl People smiling so happily, they knew that this was definitely not a good word, and the next impulsive warlock would raise his staff high, arousing the air in the air. The water molecules then condensed into ice, and turned into sharp icicles and attacked here.

"Emma, the mage in the game is embodied," Qi Yan saw this skill for the first time, and while throwing a few pieces of talisman paper out, he saw the mage version scene, I don't know, he thought he happened to pass by. Eat melon masses.

According to Huaxia's general behavior, after blocking other people's attacks, they will take a conservative defense, but this time is different, Qi Yan has the expression of the people eating melons on his face, but the speed of the hand gestures is not slow at all.

"For those who are approaching the army, all march forward in formation!" Qi Yan's hand speed was extremely fast, and his spiritual power was too strong, and the airflow around him began to surge because of his movements, and his palm fell to the ground. At that moment, several warlocks in Luo Shanguo felt a tightness in their chests.

"How is that possible!" Riles was lying on the ground in embarrassment, when did China have such a powerful attack method.

Qi Yan didn't care about this, he quickly pinched a hand gesture again, and Riles, who was lying on the ground, seemed to have been smashed by something, and his whole body was stuck to the ground, and he couldn't even lift his head for a long time. If it wasn't for Pine Needle Country and other warlocks of Luo Shanguo to report in time, and Qi Qi stopped Qi Yan's offensive, Riles would probably have been carried down.

Seeing that Riles was lifted up by other warlocks, Qi Yan smiled coldly and turned to the other Huaxia warlocks: "Masters, change formations!"

Luo Shanguo's warlocks felt as if their eyes were dazzled. After the Huaxia warlocks changed, they always felt that the airflow around them was very wrong, and their staffs were also very difficult to use.

"What kind of formation are they?" The father's ancestors once came to the Huaxia court to serve, and after returning to Luo Shanguo, he brought back many books about Chinese spells. He can be regarded as Luo Shanguo's to Huaxia The person who knows the formation best, but he has never seen this formation.

"Even you don't know?" Riles spat out a mouthful of blood and looked coldly at Qi Yan in the formation, "I didn't expect that we would miss out this time."

The youngest warlock turned out to be the central figure of the formation. After he came to the exchange meeting, Huaxia's attack techniques were several times more severe than before. Where did this warlock named Qi Yan come from, and why was he in his hands? However, the information said that Qi Yan was just an orphan adopted by an ordinary Taoist priest.

Whose orphans could be adopted so easily? !

Luo Shanguo didn't know what the formation was, let alone the people from Pine Needle Country. Although Pine Needle Country is on good terms with Luo Shanguo, it does not mean that they want to die instead of Luo Shanguo, so seeing Huaxia putting up a formation they have never seen before, they immediately shrank aside and were unwilling to come forward.

They could clearly see Luo Shanguo's thoughts, but fortunately they didn't imagine that Pine Needle Country could be as useful as their own, so Riles wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said to his teammates, "As planned."

The original plan was to catch someone and beat him, but now he has to be firm and unshakable. This Qi Yan is a threat that must be dealt with.

However, the imagination is beautiful, but the reality is skinny. This Qi Yan, who is wearing a strange gossip robe, looks like something is protecting him. Many of their attacks fall on him, like soap bubbles. It's broken, and it doesn't work.

"This is... this is..." Xiang Qiang, who was watching the battle outside, stammered with excitement, "Is this the Twelve Demon God Formation?"

The Twelve Evil Spirit Formation, formerly known as the Great Array of the Heavenly Gods, is said to have used this formation to create a great creation of the demon clan tens of thousands of years ago when the twelve ancestral witch gods fought against the demon clan. But this is just a rumor in myth novels. In reality, there are no ancestral witches and no demon clan. These twelve evil spirit formations were also created by an expert hundreds of years ago. It is said that the inspiration came from the twelve ancestral witches. A small talk book with the demon clan.

Well, this is an expert who likes to read all kinds of country dialects.

Because of the excessive lethality of the Twelve Evil Spirit Formation, and the high requirements for the people in the formation, this formation has been lost in the war over time, and only its name has been passed down.

But now the formation with only one name has been put out, and it also has such a strong attack power, which makes Xiang Qiang not excited.

Get rid of his defenses, get rid of his gentleness, who can legally beat up people who don't look good, who doesn't want to be beaten? If it weren't for his identity, Xiang Qiang would have stepped on the table by now, cheering for his masters.

"What is the Twelve Evil Spirit Formation?" Cen Baihe heard the name, which sounded a bit awkward, and frowned when he saw Xiang Qiang's excited appearance. When he and Qian Qian were together privately these days, he had seen Qian Qian drew this array diagram.

"This is amazing, you can attack and defend," Xiang Qiang told Cen Baihe what he had read from the book, and then said with emotion, "Mr. Cen, you must have done a lot of good things in your life."

Cen Baihe raised his eyebrows, waiting for Xiang Qiang's next words.

"Don't think my words are ugly, your identity is unattainable and unattainable in the eyes of others," Xiang Qiang grinned, revealing his white teeth, "But Master Qi has come to us in the mysterious world. Said, that is a genius that is rare in a century, and if he has children, he will definitely have a good talent."

Cen Baihe probably understood what Xiang Qiang meant, he looked at the center of the Doufatai without speaking.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else." Xiang Qiang scratched his head, "not to mention that a person with a personality like Master Qi, no matter how much other people say about what he has identified, it will be of no use to him. I just Somewhat unexpectedly, Master Qi will walk with you, or in other words, you will choose to walk with Master Qi."

No matter how you look at it, these two people are not in the same world, but they just came together, and they showed their love in front of countless people.

Oh, this pot is mainly carried by Master Qi.

"There is nothing in the world that should be," Cen Baihe took a sip of the drinking mineral water on the table, and said slowly, "Maybe God is destined to let us be together."

Xiang Qiang: …

"That's a good word," Mrs. Pei, who was sitting next to Cen Baihe, said suddenly, "I think the two of you are a match made in heaven."

"Mrs. Pei, can you see pictures?" Xiang Qiang asked curiously when he heard Mrs. Pei's affirmative words, "Would you like to show me too?"

"I don't know how to look at pictures, but I can look at people," Mrs. Pei shook her head. "You people are too dependent on looking at appearances. No matter how powerful a physiognomist is, there are times when they are wrong, so they believe in other people's faces. Better to trust your own eyes."

"You're right." Xiang Qiang was stunned for a moment, only then did Mrs. Pei's words make sense.

"You are still young, and you don't understand some things, but when you see more and experience more, you will understand that some things cannot be measured or compared," Mrs. Pei lived in her seventies and saw He shouted that the love was as deep as the sea but turned against each other in the end, and I have also seen people who seemed to be in love and never gave up until their death.

Between Cen Baihe and Qi Yan, they resembled a pair of homosexuals she had met when she was in their twenties. When she met them, they were over eighty years old. They had experienced dynasties and wars, but they were both. The eyes people look at each other are still so soft.

At that time, she thought that if someone could look at her with such eyes for the rest of her life, she would definitely be willing to marry him.

Later, she met her wife, and she had suffered and enjoyed happiness in her life, but in the end, it was sweet and bitter, and her memories were full of good things. Cen Baihe looked at Qi Yan, just like the pair of gays she saw back then, as soft as water and as warm as the early winter sunshine, just by looking at those eyes, they knew they were in love.

The following family members and staff members are still in the mood to chat, but the situation on the battle stage is very tense, because the Huaxia Kingdom, which has always been tepid in previous years, has become more and more sharp-edged, it is like a knife with a sharp edge. , is invincible and unmatched.

Riles didn't understand why all the attacks on Qi Yan were ineffective

And those Chinese warlocks, all of them in their seventies and eighties, why would they willingly make green leaves for a young man in his early twenties? Don't they like to pay attention to seniority and seniority? Why do they let Qi Yan stand out without any grudge

He didn't understand, not at all.

"Masters," Qi Yan took out the jasper pen hanging on his waist, and said to the surrounding masters, "The younger generation may have to lend a hand from you."

"Master Qi, please rest assured, no matter what you want to do, our old guys can stand it." An old man with a childish face pinched a finger and said with a smile, "I will show them today, I am so proud of myself. What kind of momentum is Yang Huaxia!"

"Okay!" Several other masters also came up with the same trick. Even Lu Gang, who was very indifferent to Qi Yan, didn't say a word at this moment, his face was pale, his teeth were clenching his teeth. Out of the whole body of aura.

When the master was alive, he once said that the warlocks of Luo Shan Kingdom are very good at borrowing certain elemental power from nature. As long as there is air, their power will be endless and very difficult to deal with.

But being difficult to deal with does not mean that it cannot be dealt with.

He glanced at Qi Yan in the center of the formation, and the speed of pinching his fingers quickened, so fast that even he himself felt that this was the fastest hand speed in his life.

Qi Yan never thought that his formation would not work, because Luo Shanguo's people would not be able to crack this formation. Hundreds of years ago, an army used a sacrificial flag to set up this evil spirit formation, which defeated countless enemies. Today, they use their own spiritual power as the eye of the formation, so the effect will be doubled.

"Form formation! Form formation!"

Luo Shanguo's people have never experienced what it feels like to be on top of a mountain, but this time they finally experienced the fear of dying.

It was obvious that there was nothing in front of them, but they just felt that there was a big mountain pressing down above their heads, making them breathless and almost dying.

"Pfft!" Riles spit out blood again and slumped on the ground, but this time there was no teammate to help him, because his teammates were no better than him.

"My staff!" A sorceress yelled in horror. When he looked back, he saw that his teammate Varsha's staff was broken, and the gems on it fell to the ground and turned into powder.

"No, no!" The sorceress was almost crazy, and she didn't dare to accept this reality. For a mage, the staff is her life. Without the staff, she can no longer be a great mage.

Riles felt a chill in his heart, and when he looked up at Qi Yan, he found that the other party was also looking at him.

What kind of eyes are those

Beautiful, black and white, with a hint of coldness.

Riles couldn't help supporting the ground with his hands and shrank back, even he himself didn't understand why there was such a subconscious action.

"Hey!" Qi Yan raised his chin and looked at him with a pitiful look, holding a few talismans in his hand, "If you Luo Shanguo are willing to admit defeat, I can temporarily stop."

"You ruined my staff!" The sorceress stood up with a twisted face and roared frantically, "Don't want to live."

Who knew that Qi Yan didn't even look at her, a talisman flew out, and the sorceress fell down.

"Tigers don't show their power, do you think we are sick cats?" Qi Yan squinted and smiled, his eyes full of ridicule, "It's just a barbarian rude, do you really think you are the boss of the mysterious world?"

The pine needle country warlock who was hiding in the corner began to tremble.

Here, the trembling mouth cannon is here again!