The Consequence of Judging Others by Appearance

Chapter 122: Since time immemorial, beauty and color have misled the country


Before he left Rose Island, he threw this memory card into the drawer. I wonder if Bai He accidentally brought it back when he was packing.

In fact, without looking, he can guess what is in this memory card. It is nothing more than that his master was bullied and forced to leave the country. If his master was a calm man, he might have believed this statement. However, a person like his master has always been someone who doesn't want to feel wronged and does whatever he wants. If anyone makes him suffer, he can make anyone cry and go back to his mother.

Qi Yan asked the housekeeper to help find an old computer, without connecting to the network cable or wireless network, Qi Yan put the memory card into the card reader, and then inserted it into the computer. No matter how powerful a hacker is, when faced with an old computer with no internet connection and no content, he can only cry and be stunned, unless the hacker can borrow souls or brain waves to enter other people like the ghosts in "X Caller". in electronic products.

In order to help Qi Yan find such an old computer, the housekeeper spent a lot of time, because the electronic products that the Cen family did not use, in order to avoid some information leakage, have always been the ultimate destruction, and no one will be allowed to touch them. In desperation, he could only have someone go to a nearby second-hand computer store to buy one.

The computer was too old. It took Qi Yan nearly two minutes to turn it on, and he waited another two or three minutes before swiping the contents of the memory card.

The content was similar to what he had guessed. He kept digging holes around his master's departure from the capital back then. He was ambiguous on some important matters. He deliberately led him to suspect the special department of Huaxia, and even described the characters of all Huaxia people very well. bad.

What kind of favor and vengeance, what to cross a river to demolish a bridge, what to be high above, to treat others rudely and so on.

Throughout the article, the text and photos in it seem to be grievances for his master, but whether his master is aggrieved, and his apprentice still doesn't know it

His master once told him when he boasted of his great achievements that he had done a great thing. Because of his physical damage, he didn't like to deal with dignitaries, so he went to a remote town and became a Taoist temple. 's chief.

Anyway, since he can remember, Taoist temples have no incense, and he has never taken the bullshit his master bragged about.

After all, who would believe that an old man who would grab even the fish his apprentice caught from the river would really do something great? What's more, when the old man said this, he was smiling and not serious, how could he take it to heart.

Things that he didn't care about before, now when he thinks about it, he realizes that the old man said a lot of truth, but his attitude was so bad that it was difficult for him to believe that it was the truth.

After reading all the content, Qi Yan took out the memory card, threw it into the toilet, and pressed the flush button to let it go into the sewer. Something like this paradoxical, deliberately leading others to think badly, is only worthy of being flushed down the drain.

"Mr. Qi," the housekeeper knocked on the door and came in, holding tea and snacks in his hand, "the little biscuits just baked in the kitchen, you can try it."

"Thank you," Qi Yan got up and took the tray and put it on the table, then handed the shabby laptop to the housekeeper, "Uncle, please help me deal with this computer, thank you."

"It's okay," the butler took the notebook and said with a smile, "Don't worry, no information will be leaked."

He has experience in dealing with this kind of thing.

Qi Yan has already dealt with everything, and Luo Shanguo is still monitoring the dynamics of the Trojan horse planted in the memory card, but there is nothing.

"Rails, it's been a long time and there's no movement, I think there are only two possibilities," the brown-haired man took off his earphones and turned around to face the bad-looking Ryles, "either Qi Yan didn't look at the contents at all. , or Qi Yan didn't use the Internet when he was watching these things."

"Didn't you say that even if he wasn't using the Internet at the time, as long as that computer was connected to the Internet, you could hack into his computer?"

"Rails, Qi Yan is a very cunning person," the brown-haired man spread his hands, "Huaxia people are so rich, maybe he has never used that computer again."

"Okay." As soon as Riles said two words, he began to cough continuously. After returning from Rose Island, his health became worse and worse. He asked priests and doctors to see him, and they all said that there was no major problem, it was just a common cold, and it was good to rest more. But he himself felt that his energy was not as good as the day. Sometimes he could fall asleep even standing up, and he didn't dare to go swimming, which he loved so much before. Now, as long as he sees the swimming pool, he feels a little dizzy.

"Although you can't use the Trojan virus to check the things on Qi Yan's computer and his friends, at least those things will affect him," Riles coughed too hard. After saying these two sentences, he gasped for a long time. It was only after his breath that he eased, "Huaxia wanted to train young warlocks, but after they spent manpower and material resources, they found that the warlock had already been separated from them, which is quite interesting."

"But..." the brown-haired man hesitated, "we gave him the stuff, he might not believe it."

"I didn't intend to make him believe," Riles sneered, "as long as he planted the seeds of doubt in his heart."

The brown-haired man nodded clearly, thinking that what Riles said seemed to make sense, "Rails, I seem to understand what you mean."

Seeing that his companion was so interesting, Riles nodded contentedly, got up and said goodbye to him. When he walked out the door, he wrapped his coat tightly, put on a scarf and glasses, and walked to the snow-covered street.

On the street, every household was clearing the snow in front of their door, and Riles' leather boots stepped on the snow and made a creaking sound.


Something hit him on the head, and he fell to the ground as if he heard a high-pitched scream from a woman.

What a vulgar woman!

Did he get hit by the snow falling from the roof? He suddenly thought that when he was on Rose Island, he once placed a curse on Qi Yan, but the curse was unsuccessful, but instead caused him to be injured, and now he still feels faintly unwell.



He only remembered "death by water", but he forgot that when the snow melted, it was water.

Is he... dying? In a trance, he suddenly remembered a pair of beautiful eyes, the owner of these eyes is the person he wants to deal with.

This is the destiny destined by God, and the world of Chinese warlocks is destined to flourish. If he died, no one would be able to stop the progress of the Huaxia Xuanshu world.

Not long after Wang Hang and Qi Yan became WeChat friends, he found out that Qi Yan had posted a circle of friends. He excitedly opened it and felt that he was not very good.

Qian Qian is the most handsome: someone keeps giving me things, but I don't love them. 【Figure 1, 2, 3, 4, 5】

The five photos are all different high-end gift boxes, including jade pendants, bracelets, cufflinks, watches, men's brooches, etc., each of which is worth more than six or seven digits.

The inexplicable show-off tone of luxury goods paired with Qian Qian shocked Wang Hang. If Qian Qian had told him that there were no ghosts in the world, he would really wonder if Qian Qian was possessed by something unclean.

But which woman is so generous, willing to give these to her boyfriend? He wanted that watch for a long time, but he couldn't buy it.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but touched his face. They were all buddies in a dormitory. Although Qian Qian was likable, he was not bad. The family even opened a company, so why didn't he? Good luck money money.

Thinking about it again, Wang Hang suddenly realized that Qian Qian was eating soft rice

After posting on the circle of friends, it didn't take long for the backstage to remind him that he had nearly ten messages, some of which were a little liked, and some who asked him where he bought the watch, which was too lively. Even the abbot Yun came to join in the fun and said, "Amitabha."

A good Buddhist monk, destined to be a single dog all his life, what are you doing here to join in the fun

After Qi Yan replied to the messages from these masters speechlessly, Wang Hang's phone rang in a hurry.

"Qianqian, Qianqian, I didn't expect you to be this kind of money," Wang Hang said excitedly on the other end of the phone, "Tell me, which rich and precious daughter did you live with to eat such a big bowl of soft rice? ."

"What kind of soft rice, what kind of wealth?" Qi Yan coughed a few times, "I also gave him a gift, but you didn't add him as a friend, so I don't know."

"Okay, don't show me your love, I will be killed if I eat dog food," Wang Hang's voice was full of energy, "Then bring your little lover tonight, and our brothers will be together. I'll call Lin Shuo for dinner, and you'll treat me."

"Okay," Qi Yan didn't refuse, "it just so happens that he won't work overtime today, so I'll call him together."

The more Wang Hang listened to this, the more he felt that it was not quite right. His girlfriend was working outside to make money, and the money was sitting at home to scan WeChat. Isn't it a bit too lazy

"Qianqian, it's not my brother's disgust, it's just that this man has a girlfriend, so he should be diligent," Wang Hang said, "if you're okay, you can help your girlfriend with a little thing, even if you give her a cut. Fruit, or a cup of tea, don't be as lazy as before. How can such a good girl be better than others?"

"He's not a woman..."

"Okay, I won't say anything else, I'm going to a meeting soon, see you in the evening!" Wang Hang hung up the phone in a hurry before he could hear Qi Yan's explanation.

Hearing the beeps coming from the phone, Qi Yan sighed helplessly, just asking them not to be too surprised when they see Bai He tonight.

He lowered his head and swiped his circle of friends again, and a circle of friends posted by Cen Baihe popped up.

Songhe Yannian: Someone always only remembers to deliver meals, but always forgets to take away the lunch box. 【figure 1】

Qi Yan sighed silently. He didn't expect that Bai He would also learn badly, and even had to show off a insulated lunch box. And what does it mean to always deliver food, he only delivered it twice in total, okay? !

Liang Feng turned to the circle of friends, and after seeing the news posted by the boss, he silently gave a like. Before him, several senior management also liked it.

People like this who show affection when they don't have anything should have been blocked long ago, if this is not his boss.

"Assistant Liang, I'm sorry, I'm going to have dinner with Qian Qian's friend tonight, and I may have to leave work early. If you have anything to do, please call me. Thank you for your hard work."

Since ancient times, beauty has gone wrong!

Their boss has the potential to be a fool.

The author has something to say: Liang Feng: Do not fall in love to protect your IQ!