The Consequence of Judging Others by Appearance

Chapter 125: Find the dragon


After having breakfast in the hotel, the group went directly to the place Lao He said.

The natural scenery of Yungu Province is very good. The water surrounds the mountains, the trees are shady, and the mountains are undulating. As soon as the car drives out of the city, all you can see are dense flowers and trees.

The car drove for nearly two hours, and finally stopped in front of a mountain. Qi Yan pushed open the door and got out of the car. Seeing that there were several consecutive mountains, the place Lao He took him to was the shortest one. There is only a stone-paved path up the mountain.

There were several well-dressed middle-aged men waiting at the foot of the mountain. When they introduced themselves, Qi Yan realized that these people were local village leaders. They were very enthusiastic about Lao He, and one of them called him brother Lao He.

"These are all relatives from my hometown," Lao He introduced to Qi Yan the identities of these people with a smile. "It is all the brothers and elders in the family who take care of me, so that I can have what I am today."

"Where, this is your own destiny," the village party secretary waved his hand, "but our village has enjoyed a lot of blessings by relying on you, and even the road at the entrance of the village was built by you for us, and now no one cares about you. it is good?"

Lao He didn't put on the air of being a rich man: "This is what it should be, it should be."

Qi Yan found that this old He was a very talkative person. Even if his identity was enough to make these receptionists rush to fawn over, he did not show any arrogance, but talked to these people as a relative in the same village. Qi Yan saw a lot of making a fortune, and he was so proud that he didn't know his surname.

The village party secretary was also somewhat knowledgeable. Seeing how respectful Lao He was towards a young man, he guessed that this person's identity was not simple. He and Lao He and his father were relatives of the same clan, and Lao He Lai had mentioned to him what he wanted to do before, so he knew these things.

It's just that Lao He brought several entourages, and he didn't know who was the specially invited Feng Shui master.

Nowadays, many rich people love to pay attention to these things. I heard that some powerful Feng Shui masters can sell for millions of dollars at a time. This amount of money is beyond their imagination. But what other people do, that's what others want. This time they are here to receive wealthy businessmen who have returned home, and they don't know anything else.

"Good mountains and good water," Qi Yan looked at the fronts and aerial photos of several mountains, and finally chose the most suitable one. Now he stands on the mountain's waist and takes a deep breath, "The air here is stronger than the emperor's. Much fresher."

"That's not it," the party secretary of the village looked a little happy when he heard this. "Since the farmland has been returned to forest, the air here is better than before. This mountain is called Yuanbao Mountain, because it looks like Yuanbao. This is what people in the village call it. But only half of the land is in our village, and the other is in the village next door. When the land contract was divided, the whole mountain originally belonged to our village, but the people in their village cried and cried. It was a riot, and finally the county party committee made a fuss, not to mention that this mountain was originally designated in their village."

Obviously, the party secretary of the village was still brooding about what happened decades ago, and the tone of his childhood when he mentioned the next village was not very good.

Qi Yan lived in a small town when he was a child. He knew how much farmers valued land at that time, so he smiled and didn't speak.

"All the young people have gone to the city now, and no one wants to stay in the countryside," the village party secretary waved a long wooden stick in front of him, to remove the spider silk on the trail, "There are few people in the village now, so go to the mountains. Fewer people walked, and some of the trails that used to be used were overgrown with weeds, making it impossible to pass."

Qi Yan turned back to look at the mountain village at the foot of the mountain. Occasionally, green smoke rose, but it was more quiet. He remembered a poem he learned when he was a child.

"Actually, it's good to be able to enter the city. You don't have to face the loess and back to the sky like our older generation." The village party secretary grinned, and his face was crowded together. There are more options."

"Competition pressure is high now, and young people's pressure after entering the city is not small," Wang Hang looked around. "I think this place is very good, the scenery is beautiful, the air is fresh, and people don't want to leave when they come."

"You just came here, it's fine to stay here for a few days. If you are allowed to live here all the time, you will definitely not get used to it." The village party secretary saw the young man's appearance and knew that he had never lived in the countryside before, and he had never been with him. I have been arguing about this issue, "The vision here is the best, you can stand here and take a look."

"Left Qinglong, right white tiger, Qinglong has the tendency to turn around and embrace the white tiger again, leaning on Zushan in the back, and looking at the water veins in front of it, as the saying goes, there are dragons and there are veins," Qi Yan pointed to the place where he stepped on his feet. Shan, "The location of this mountain is very good. It is more suitable for Yin House to be chosen on this mountain than other places."

When Qi Yan opened his mouth, the village party secretary realized that the boy who looked very young was the Feng Shui master invited by Lao He. It was the first time he saw such a young Feng Shui master, and he was a little respected for a while. stand up.

"Master Qi, do you think this is the best choice?" Old He was overjoyed and rubbed his hands together, "Then please take a look, which is the best place?"

This is to want him to find acupuncture points.

Qi Yan was about to speak when he suddenly heard voices coming from the woods, and there seemed to be a lot of people coming.

"Mr. Yuan, the location here is definitely the best. If the elders of the family are buried here, not only will the descendants be united and motivated, but they will also bless the family's daily fortunes and endless wealth."

Hearing this, Lao He couldn't help but feel tight, is he here to grab the feng shui treasure from him

After a while, the group of people walked out of the dense forest. The village party secretary recognized one of them as the village party secretary of the neighboring village. The two never dealt with each other very well.

"Village Chief Yuan, this is the boundary of our He Village," the village party secretary said unhappily, "Don't break the rules."

"You can come here, why can't others come?" Village Chief Yuan glanced at the people next to Village Chief He, his eyes became subtle, wouldn't he also ask people to come to see Feng Shui

Yuan Chong'an and Yuan Peng's grandfather Sun saw Qi Yan first.

Since Qi Yan took Yuan Chong'an's face, the Yuan family has never been to Cen's house again. When someone asks about Qi Yan as a Feng Shui master in private, they don't want to mention it, but they have to miss a word or two. They don't know whether Qi Yan is strong in Feng Shui, but he has a strong ability to confuse people.

It doesn't sound like a compliment. If you don't know the inside story, you don't dare to ask Qi Yan to do things. Spending money is a trivial matter. If you invite a half-assed person to come back and the feng shui has not changed, but instead restrain yourself, it will be a big deal.

"Master Qi," Yuan Chongan held the crutches in both hands, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes did not move, but the corners of his mouth curved up slightly: "I didn't expect that I would meet you here."

Li Qianqian heard Yuan Peng mention Qi Yan. It is said that this person was young. After getting on the boat of the Cen family, he looked up at people, not even the Yuan family. Now that Yuan Chongan suddenly called someone on the opposite side as Master Qi, he suddenly looked over curiously, but there were nearly ten people standing on the opposite side, who was who she was.

Qi Yan looked at Yuan Chong'an's smiling face, and chuckled, "Mr. Yuan, good morning."

Li Qianqian's eyes widened. This Master Qi looked younger than her. Why did the Yuan family plan to invite such a person

"It seems that Master Qi has set his sights on the same mountain as us," Yuan Chongan pointed at the foot of the mountain, "I just don't know which place Master Qi has set his sights on?"

"Respecting the elders is my Chinese tradition," Qi Yan stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, "Mr. Yuan please first."

Yuan Chongan just thought he was afraid of himself, nodded rather reservedly, and said to Li Cunxu beside him, "Master Li, let's go."

Qi Yan looked at them coldly as they walked towards the foot of the mountain on the right, with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Master Qi, this..." Lao He knew the status of the Yuan family, so when Qi Yan asked Yuan Chongan to choose first, he didn't dare to speak out against it. After the group of them walked away, he frowned and said, "Do you know Mr. Yuan?"

There is also the Master Li who is with Mr. Yuan. He was originally invited to help him with Feng Shui. He didn't know that the other party suddenly resigned. Now the two sides meet each other, and the atmosphere is a little awkward.

"Yeah." Qi Yan put his hands behind his back and stretched out his hands, watching Yuan Chongan and his group stand more than ten meters away from them. A thin old man beside him kept pointing his fingers, as if he was pointing at the ground under their feet. Very satisfied.

"Qianqian, what if they robbed the feng shui treasure?" Although Wang Hang is not very close to his cousin's family, this does not mean that he likes others to rob him of things he is optimistic about. "The Yuan family is really haunted."

The Yuan family's methods in the business field are not very clever. Ordinary businessmen like Wang Hang's family have been implicated and suffered several losses.

"Can't grab it," Qi Yan said slowly, "the place they fancy is a fake acupoint."

"Fake acupoints?" Wang Hang swallowed, "What happens when you find fake acupoints?"

"It's the same as buying fake products. In light of the fact that the product is not right, the quality is not good enough, and in the worst case, it will affect the body and cause side effects," Qi Yan glanced at his watch. The real cave of his house."

"Why?" Wang Hang felt that Feng Shui was really a very profound knowledge. He often got together with money, and he couldn't quite understand what he meant.

"He said that moving the Yin house for the elders in the family is not about finding a suitable Yin house for the deceased person. Moving the Yin house is more important and more complicated than finding the Yin house." Qi Yan turned his head and stopped looking at the Yuan family's house. Moving, "Feng Shui, as long as you don't notice one thing, it's a waste of effort."

Wang Hang felt like he understood, but he didn't seem to understand, so he could only stare at Qi Yan in a daze.

"Then let's find the real cave now?"

"No hurry," Qi Yan stared at his watch, "wait another three minutes."

Three minutes later, at twelve o'clock at noon, the sun shone on everyone, bringing a comfortable warmth. Qi Yan's eyes shuttled between the mountains and forests, and suddenly stopped somewhere: "I found it, let's go!"

"Ah?!" Seeing Qi Yan walking down the mountain, Wang Hang immediately followed.

"Grandpa, they're going over there," Yuan Peng whispered to Yuan Chong'an, "It doesn't seem that far from us."

"What do you care about them?" Yuan Chongan said lightly, "We still wait for Master Li to point acupuncture points."

Li Cunxu is worthy of being an old man who has traveled all over the world for many years. Before the acupuncture point, he was well prepared, and the acupoint has not been touched yet, but everyone present has begun to believe that this is the real acupoint.

The Yuan family's grandfather and grandson watched Li Cunxu's movements without blinking. With his fingertips, Li Cunxu took steps they couldn't understand. The diamond-shaped cone plunged into the ground with a puff.


A gust of breeze blew, and a few water vapors seemed to rise on the ground, turning into a small rainbow in the sunlight, so gorgeous that people doubted their eyes.

"This, this," Yuan Peng stammered and pointed at the rainbow in the sky, "how can a rainbow suddenly appear?"

"It's not surprising," Li Qianqian walked over to him and explained in a low voice, "When looking for dragon acupuncture points, as long as the acupuncture points are correctly identified, visions will appear."

"Master Li is really a master," Yuan Peng suddenly said after hearing this, "What happened to that wind just now?"

"It's aura," Li Qianqian smiled while covering the corners of her mouth with her hands, "Fengshui treasures have their own auras, so the wind will blow only after the master has successfully tapped acupuncture points."

After hearing this explanation, Yuan Peng couldn't help but think, he never thought that Feng Shui would have such a magical effect.

Just at this moment, Li Cunxu withdrew his hand, his face was pale, and there was sweat on his forehead: "Mr. Yuan, according to the auspicious time that I hoped for you before, prepare to move to the Yin house."

"Master Li has worked hard," Yuan Chongan said with a smile, "I asked the village chief to arrange a banquet in the village. Although the things are not expensive, they are pure natural good things from the farm, please."

"Then there is Mr. Lao Yuan." Li Cunxu didn't expect this trip to be so easy, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. What he is best at is not looking at Feng Shui, but he is not willing to give up when he can hug Yuan's thigh.

The only bad thing is that I met Boss He on this trip. Seeing this scene, the other party must have known why he suddenly resigned from the job of helping the He family to watch the house, and he was offended with the boss.

But since he can get on the big boat of the Yuan family, he should be offended by a small wealthy businessman like Boss He.

"We have already found the real acupoint, what else do you want to join in the fun?" Li Cunxu's eldest apprentice said proudly, "Looking at the young age of Master Qi, he doesn't seem to be someone who can find dragons and acupoints. ."

"Teacher, don't learn that arrogant and complacent bad behavior." Li Cunxu frowned suddenly and scolded the eldest apprentice. Even though Yuan's grandfather and grandson didn't like Qi Yan, and because of Li Cunxu's behavior, he looked at him several times.

"Yes, Master." The eldest apprentice responded immediately, "My apprentice remember your teachings."

Looking at the way the master and apprentice get along, Yuan Chongan thought of his son again, and felt a little uncomfortable. Master Li said that if repairing the Yin Mansion here can help future generations to unite and fraternize, and make a lot of money, he can only hope that this is the case.

This Li Cunxu master and apprentice are singing and picking up the tune, and Qi Yan has already found the dragon's cave, and found a nail from the box that he carried with him. His ability is limited, and he is not as good as the master's ability to locate acupoints with silver needles, so he can only use nails.

However, Boss He, who has a little understanding of metaphysics, was secretly shocked. He had never seen any master who could use gold nails to fix the real dragon's cave. This master Qi was so young at such a young age.

"By the way," Qi Yan suddenly turned his head and said, "May I ask if anyone standing here is a tiger?"

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, one of the entourage with the boss stood up, "I am a tiger."

"Then you should step back," Qi Yan said. "This is the Zhenlongwang acupoint. If the acupuncture point is successful, the airflow here may collide with you."

The entourage turned pale with fright.

Seeing this, Qi Yan smiled and reassured, "Don't worry, I haven't had acupuncture yet, so it won't be a big problem. Even if you don't avoid it, it won't be a big deal. At most, you will have a headache and a fever, and you will be in bed for two days. All right."

No, your comfort doesn't reassure me at all.

The entourage didn't dare to watch the fun anymore, and ran away after a few steps. After running a distance, they looked back at Qi Yan, as if waiting for him to say if the distance was enough.

Qi Yan nodded, and the Yellow River behind him immediately said, "Okay, no need to go!"

The entourage took a few steps back, and then stood there with his arms crossed and looked this way from a distance.

"What are they doing?" Yuan Peng frowned, "Making such a big noise."

"It's just a gimmick to scare people," Li Qianqian whispered, "There are often liars in the world who tell people that this and that should be avoided, and the other and this should not be disturbed, so people first have a sense of awe, They can continue to cheat."

Yuan Peng thought for a while, but did not speak. Li Qianqian's words made some sense, but Yuan Peng's mood was a bit complicated for Qi Yan, and subconsciously, he did not dare to regard this person as a pure liar.

Even if the ability is not good, there should be half a bucket of water.

"Qian Qian, I'm a pig, do you want to avoid it together?" Wang Hang attached great importance to his little life.

"No," Qi Yan said without turning his head, "I don't even have to avoid it, what are you avoiding?"

After he finished speaking, he ignored Wang Hang, squeezed the top of the golden nails, walked to the acupoint with the seven-star gossip step, pooled the spiritual energy of his whole body on the golden nails, and stabbed it down!