The Consequence of Judging Others by Appearance

Chapter 126: I don't think you dare to touch me


From childhood to adulthood, Wang Hang has only seen dragons and tigers roaring in books or film and television works. In reality, he has seen tigers in zoos. Dragons are creatures that are only known by their name, but not by their shape.

But the moment Qi Yan drove the nail down, he felt that the ground under his feet was shaking, and a strange cry sounded in his ears. One dragon and one tiger, the golden dragon turned around and circled the golden tiger, turning into a wisp of gold and flying into the ground.

Just when Wang Hang thought the vision had stopped, the mountain wind suddenly picked up, and the trees around were whistling, and many birds suddenly flew out of the mountain forest, chirping all around. These birds circled around the real cave, which made Wang Hang suddenly think of a word - a hundred birds towards a phoenix.

I don't know how Qi Yan did it, but he waved his hand. The birds flew around the acupoints, and then formed a long row and flew into the dense forest.

The villagers who followed Qi Yan and others up the mountain were stunned by this vision, and no one spoke for a long time.

Qi Yan looked at the nail that had been inserted into the soil, turned his head and said to Old He, "Fortunately, it is not humiliating. Mr. He will arrange a burial according to the date I have calculated for you."

Lao He hadn't recovered from his excitement, and after a long while he shook his hands and said, "Thank you Master Qi, thank you Master Qi."


Qi Yan made such a big movement, Yuan Peng and others couldn't have not seen it. Looking at the movement Qi Yan made when he tapped acupuncture points, and Li Cunxu's tricks, it was not so surprising.

Yuan Chong'an didn't know that Li Cunxu had missed it now. The place they found now was just a fake acupoint, and the real acupoint was at the place Qi Yan pointed. Seeing that there were dragons, tigers, and phoenixes over there, Yuan Chongan felt as if he had been punched in his heart and face, feeling bored and uncomfortable, and had an indescribable feeling of suffocation.

Li Qianqian's face is not much better than Yuan Chong'an's. She also doesn't want to let her master fail. She also wants to marry into the Yuan family by taking advantage of her master's east wind. How can she accept such a result? Turning to look at the master, the master's face is really ugly, and the look in the opposite direction is a bit scary.

"This old man is incompetent, and he actually allowed a young man to find the true acupuncture point." Although Li Cunxu was in a hurry, he barely maintained his demeanor. "I am deeply embarrassed by Mr. Yuan's entrustment."

How could he find a fake hole? With such a flaw, will Yuan Chongan still trust him? How proud he was when the acupuncture was successful just now, and how embarrassing it is now, he felt as if he had been slapped hard in the face, and it was this slap in front of many people.

Where did this young man come from to have such a powerful ability

He has seen many Feng Shui masters, and they more or less understand the ability to see Yin Zhai, but at most they can only point to a general location. How could it cause such a big disturbance like this young man surnamed Qi

Good feng shui and accurate acupoint-pointing techniques, the combination of the two will create a strange image. This mountain is indeed a feng shui treasure, but unfortunately his skills are not as good as others, and a young man with a hairy head grabs the opportunity.

Li Cunxu could not wait to bite off a piece of meat from the other party's body, and when he turned his palm, he was planning to do something at this time.

The feng shui treasure that he can't get, other people don't want to get it safely, it's better to destroy it.

Qi Yan was waiting for the airflow to return to its place, and suddenly felt a suffocating aura coming from behind, about to burrow into the real dragon cave in front of him.

"Where is the wicked way?" Qi Yan waved his hand and threw out an obscure talisman. The evil spirit was bounced back immediately, and the talisman paper exploded in response, dyed to ashes.

"Qian Qian, what's going on?" Wang Hang stopped beside Qi Yan a few steps, and looked around vigilantly, "Is someone trying to harm you?"

"No one wants to hurt me, but someone wants to destroy this treasure of Feng Shui," Qi Yan sneered, "This kind of sinister means seems familiar."

Old He suddenly became nervous. This piece of land was going to bury his parents. If the feng shui was destroyed, wouldn't it be a waste of time? But although he was worried, he didn't dare to disturb Qi Yan, let alone urge him. After seeing the visions just now, he was full of awe for Qi Yan.

Qi Yan was never afraid of others coming to trouble him, because he called him back on the spot for those who troubled him. His master once told him that you can eat more of everything in life, but you can't eat too much, because if you eat too much, you will become a soft bun that any dog can bite.

Qi Yan can't make soft buns, he can only be a hard rock.

After blocking this wave of suffocating attacks, Qi Yan sat down directly with his legs crossed, quickly pinched a finger, locked the aura of the real dragon cave, and then concentrated on dealing with the opposite master Li who was playing the black hand.

There are only two of them on the mountain, except for the Feng Shui master surnamed Li next to Yuan Chongan, no one else will take a fancy to this piece of land.

As soon as Li Cunxu made his move, his two apprentices followed suit. Although they were not half as good as Li Cunxu, they were still a help. The two sides were separated by a certain distance from each other, and they started to do it. .

"Brother Peng, take Mr. Yuan back a little bit," Li Qianqian turned to Yuan Peng and said, "This master Qi is a shameless villain. Not to mention stealing the real dragon's cave, he still wants to use a trick to let us rush it. Don't take our master and apprentice in the eyes."

Although Yuan Peng didn't understand what rushing was, but after listening to Li Qianqian's words, he still took his bodyguard to support his grandfather and backed away a long way, for fear that unclean things might get on them.

Li Cunxu's master and apprentice are best at the methods of Yin people, so when they started to fight, they never thought that they would lose. Even if the domestic first-class masters fight with them, they may not be able to win, let alone a young and hairy young man.

Today they are going to let him see what it means to be humble and respect seniors.

Although ordinary people can't see the special effects like those in TV dramas, they can feel the surging air. It is cold for a while, hot for a while, sometimes the wind rises, sometimes the wind stops, and even the birds and insects in the mountains and forests have all disappeared without a trace. Even if they are mentally retarded, they will not think that this is a natural phenomenon.

"Uncle Biao, hide behind me." Wang Hang held a peace charm that Qi Yan gave him, squatted on the ground with his neck shrunk, his hair was blown like a chicken coop by the wind from left to right. Looking at the vision of flying sand and stone in front of him, he felt that his three views seemed to be broken.

Lao He noticed what he was holding in his hand and asked in a low voice, "What are you holding?"

"Peace Talisman, Master Qi gave it to me." After speaking, Wang Hang hid it in his arms, "I am the one."

Seeing his rare appearance, Lao He began to think about how to ask for a talisman from Master Qi. Such a master must have no shortage of money, so what should he use to impress him? He glanced at this cousin who had no relationship with him, and began to regret that he had not had a good relationship with him over the years and cared more about him.

When love is used, there is less hatred, and I want to ask people to be empty and sad.

Qi Yan felt that fighting against others was actually a very interesting thing, especially fighting against the local wicked and crooked people in China. At this moment, he had the satisfaction of learning something useful. The masters he met in the past were all too normal and upright, and he didn't bother to use those small tricks. Now that he finally met an opponent who didn't have long eyes, it was no wonder Qi Yan was so excited.

However, he was still relaxed, but Li Cunxu couldn't hold it anymore. Li Qianqian and her senior brother even vomited blood and fell to the ground unable to move.

She was lying on the dirty and cold ground, hoping that Yuan Peng would come to help her, but she waited for a long time, Yuan Peng just supported his grandfather, hiding in the circle of bodyguards, did not dare to take half a step.

Li Qianqian's heart is a little cold, just like the land under her body, no matter how long she lies down, it can't warm it, but it can only make her body colder and colder. At this time, she was already a little scared. No matter what Qi Yan's identity was or who he inherited from, the other party had the ability to find the true dragon's cave, and under the attack of the three of them, he was not even a little bit timid, this person would not be possible. What an ordinary person. Reluctantly propped up her body and sat up, she saw that the master's complexion had also turned sallow, and she knew that they had lost this game.

She guessed right, and sure enough, a minute later, the master vomited blood and fell to the ground.

"Master." Li Qianqian wanted to help Li Cunxu, but she didn't have any strength on her body. She looked at Yuan Chongan with pleading eyes, but only saw the displeasure on the other side's face, and there was no warmth in her eyes. Their enthusiasm looks like two people.

Is it because they feel that they have no use value, so they no longer pay attention to them

Li Qianqian smiled bitterly in the bottom of her heart. She had long known that people from such a big family valued interests the most, but she did not expect them to be so realistic. But the three of them are already like this. If the Yuan family doesn't care about them, what should they do? She turned her head to look at Yuan Peng, hoping that he could help with a few words.

After receiving Li Qianqian's gaze, Yuan Peng uncomfortably turned his gaze away, "Go and help the three masters up."

Yuan Chongan glanced at his grandson, but didn't say anything. All his attention was now on Qi Yan.

"Master Qi, how's it going?" Seeing Qi Yan standing up from the ground, Lao He asked eagerly, "Is there anything wrong with this real dragon cave?"

"The real dragon cave is alright, it's the people with bad intentions." Qi Yan had already seen that Master Li and the two young men behind him, a man and a woman, were full of suffocation. They must have done a lot of wicked and harmful things, so he started They didn't have much scruples at the time. Now that the other party is being attacked by their own means, it won't get better if they don't lie down for a few years. Even if they're okay in the future, as long as they use the genital injury method to harm others, they will suffer from bone-scraping needle-like pain.

"Master Qi," Yuan Peng brought his bodyguards to a place seven or eight paces away from Qi Yan and stopped, not daring to get too close, "Master Qi is a good way, as the saying goes, stay ahead of the line, and meet in the future, Master Qi is here. Are you planning to kill them all?"

Qi Yan sneered: "Yuan Da Gongzi's words are really interesting. What I, Qi Yan, always pay attention to is that if people don't offend me, I won't offend others.

"Didn't you just use suffocation to trick people?" Although Yuan Peng didn't have much true feelings for Li Qianqian, but the other party was following his own woman anyway. Seeing his own woman become like that, he couldn't swallow the breath in his heart for a while. .

"I use suffocation to deceive people?" Qi Yan laughed instead of being angry, "Yuan Da Gongzi is from a famous family, when did he develop the character of believing what others say? No wonder Mr. Yuan is eager to move the elders to the Yin house. The younger generation is so unpromising, so I can only rely on this feudal superstition to comfort myself."

Yuan Peng almost vomited blood from Qi Yan's words, a Feng Shui master mocking others' feudal superstition? !

"Although God has the virtue of good life and loves to stay in the front line of everything, the evil done by the predecessors will be repaid by the younger generation sooner or later. Not to mention that moving the Yin house can't save you, even if you move the Yang house, it will be useless," Qi Yan raised his chin slightly. Looking at Yuan Chong'an, who was holding a cane in front of him, "I don't want to accumulate blessings and virtues from generation to generation, but I want to be rich and famous from generation to generation, that's God without eyes!"

"What do you mean by that?" Yuan Peng said angrily, "Don't think that with the support of the Cen family, I won't dare to touch you."

"I don't think you dare to touch me," Qi Yan didn't like to hear what he said when he pulled the Cen family into the water, and squinted at Yuan Peng, "Have you ever thought that I have the ability to find dragons and acupoints today, so will I be able to do so tomorrow? A means of killing one's luck?"

In the past, Yuan Peng would never take Qi Yan's words to heart, but today is different.