The Consequence of Judging Others by Appearance

Chapter 131: This is simply too unscrupulous!


It is human nature to love gossip, it has nothing to do with status, it is just a matter of importance.

The words and deeds of the Cen family are what many people talk about after dinner. Cen Baihe suddenly publicly stated that he has a boyfriend. For many people, it is undoubtedly a Mars hitting the earth.

Tao Yiru walked all the way, and she had heard many people whispering, and could vaguely hear words such as "Cen" and "Five", a lady who had a good relationship with her whispered in her ear, "I heard that the girl from the Ruan family saw that Cen Baihe brought her boyfriend over, and even lost her soul. It's really..." She shook her head, feeling a little pity, and a bit like watching a play.

"You are an elder, and you are very concerned about the little girl of the Ruan family." Tao Yiru saw the waiter coming, and put the empty wine glass in her hand into the waiter's tray, "Let others hear it, and I'm not afraid to laugh at you."

"In our circle, who doesn't know how much Ruan Youyi cares about Cen Baihe?" The lady raised her chin slightly and wrote lightly, "Our Song family is not afraid of offending their Ruan family."

Thinking of some old grievances between the Song family and the Ruan family, Tao Yiru smiled, stepping on the soft red carpet with high heels, making her feel like stepping on the clouds, or maybe she saw Cen Baihe beside Cen Baihe It was only after that young man that he had such an illusion.

She couldn't describe in words how she felt when she saw this young man for the first time.

It seemed that she suddenly fell from a height, causing her heartbeat to skip a beat, and it was also like she was drunk, her mind was a little confused and couldn't find the direction. Even though she didn't know him, she wanted to walk up to him and have a few words with him, as if this was the only way to ease the restless emotions in her heart.

"Yiru, you're not the man who likes Cen Baihe, right?" Song Kui saw Tao Yiru's obsessed expression, blushing cheeks, and staring at Cen Baihe's boyfriend who couldn't bear to look away. Noticing her thoughts, he hurriedly pulled her wrist, "My dear sister, you have to be sober, that's Cen Baihe's boyfriend, don't kill yourself. And there are rumors that Cen Baihe's little boyfriend is nothing. Ordinary person, but a master, his crooked body was cured by this little boyfriend."

There are a lot of men and women around Yiru, and I haven't seen her talk to anyone. What's going on today, you're actually interested in a young man

"I'm not interested in other people's men, let alone any masters." Tao Yiru walked to the wine glass rack, took a glass of champagne, and walked directly in the direction of Cen Baihe.

"Since you're not interested, why are you going over there..." Song Kui secretly complained, the first rule of watching gossip is to stand far away and peek at him, and don't let the blood splash on himself. How can there be any reason to charge yourself

"If eyes can be turned into reality, I will now become Sun Wukong under Wuzhi Mountain."


"Because these eyes are heavier than a mountain." Qi Yan pretended to be holding a glass of transparent liquid, only he knew that it was not wine, but a transparent drink.

"If you don't like it, we won't come next time." Cen Baihe whispered in his ear, "Anyway, these occasions are not interesting."

"Come on, why didn't you come?" Qi Yan said with a smile, "I just like the way they are obviously curious, but they can only hold back. What did you do before to make them so afraid of you?"

"Nothing was done. It's just that those who want to secretly plot against me, or who are malicious to me, will be inexplicably unlucky. After a few times, these people think it's me who did it, and they still can't find it. Any trace means," Cen Baihe smiled lightly, "Even if I say those things have nothing to do with me, they won't believe it."

Qi Yan was speechless for a while, this kind of plug-in opened by God himself, of course no one would believe it, and he couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic to those people. Even the masters of Feng Shui dare not move, they dare to have bad thoughts, they are really fearless.

"Luck is a good thing, not everyone has it," Qi Yan patted his shoulder with understanding, "I understand you."

Cen Baihe smiled and said nothing else. Even if he had really used some means to deal with people who didn't have long eyes, he didn't need to talk about these little things to give money to him.

"Mr. Cen, good evening." A woman in a black evening dress walked over swayingly, her dark red nails and thin white fingers were sexy enough to ignore her age.

"Ms. Tao," Cen Baihe clinked glasses with the other party, "you are really radiant tonight."

"Mr. Cen really knows how to talk. I'm old, so I'm not worthy of the words "glorious", but this friend of yours is really personable and handsome." Tao Yiru's eyes fell on Qi Yan, and there was something unexpected. He couldn't move away, "Don't be afraid of Mr. Cen's jokes. When I saw your friend, I had a feeling of hit-and-miss."

At first, Cen Baihe thought that this was just a pretext for Tao Yiru to get closer to the Cen family, but when he saw the other party's look at Qian Qian, he felt a little uncomfortable. What does Tao Yiru mean

In the circle of rich people, it's not news that men take care of women and women take care of men. Although Cen Baihe doesn't like this, he has never been interested in other people's private lives. Now suddenly a woman who is old enough to be Qian Qian's mother appeared in front of him and said that she knew her boyfriend at first sight. Is this upright or provocative

In his impression, Tao Yiru is a woman with great skill and a clean private life, so she should not do such irrational things.

"Hello sister, my surname is Qi, you can just call me Xiao Qi," Qi Yan didn't feel any malice towards this woman, but he still couldn't see the fate of this woman clearly, so he stretched out his hand and said, "I can It is my honor to have such a beautiful sister meet me at first sight."

"Mr. Qi can really talk, what's your name sister? I'm about the same age as your elder," Tao Yiru stretched out her white hand and held Qi Yan's hand. When she looked up and saw the dimples on both sides of Qi Yan's cheeks , stunned.

If her child is still there, I'm afraid it will be so big, maybe she will have such a pair of cute little dimples when she smiles.

"Ms. Tao?" Cen Baihe said in a slightly cold tone when he saw that Tao Yiru was holding Qian Qian's hand, "Are you alright?"

"I'm sorry," Tao Yiru retracted her hand and took a sip of the wine, "Seeing Mr. Qi reminds me of an old friend from the past."

Qi Yan retracted his hand very naturally, and smiled at Tao Yiru.

"We still have something to do. Excuse me." Cen Baihe felt that something was wrong with Tao Yiru today, so he didn't want her to get too close to Qian Qian, "Ms. Tao, please do it yourself."

"Please wait," Tao Yiru saw that Cen Baihe and Qi Yan were leaving, trotted and grabbed Qi Yan's arm, and when Qi Yan turned his head, he quickly retracted his hand, "I'm sorry, I'm rude."

"Ms. Tao," Cen Baihe walked in front of Qi Yan and stopped between Tao Yiru and Qi Yan, "Is there anything else you can do?"

Tao Yiru saw Cen Baihe's displeasure, she turned the ring on her left ring finger, "Sorry, I just heard a rumor, so I want to ask Mr. Qi to do me a favor."

Just as Cen Baihe was about to speak, Qi Yan squeezed his hand. He looked back at Qi Yan helplessly and took a step back.

"I looked at Sister Tao and thought you were very kind." Qi Yan looked around and found a sofa for people to rest in the corner, "Let's sit on the sofa over there and talk slowly, you Do you think so?"

Although this Tao Yiru behaved a bit strangely and her fate was unclear, she had a golden light of merit and virtue on her body, indicating that she had done a lot of good deeds in private. He has always been better at talking to people who do good deeds with sincerity.

The three walked to the sofa and sat down. Qi Yan put the wine glass in his hands on the table and said directly to Tao Yiru, "Sister Tao, please speak directly."

"I heard a friend mention by chance that Mr. Qi is a very powerful master." Seeing that Qi Yan's expression did not change, the artist continued, "I wonder if you can do me a favor."

"If you want me to help you see Feng Shui, I can agree. If it's fortune-telling, I'm afraid I can't help you."

"Why?" In order to find the child, Tao Yiru had sought out many so-called masters. As a result, those people boasted about themselves so much that they couldn't do anything. They also said that her child was born at a bad time and was doomed to die early. She was so angry that she drove these liars out.

Seeing the faces of the so-called masters, Tao Yiru has never believed in ghosts or feng shui in these years. She said that Qi Yan would do her a favor, but she just wanted to say a few more words to him, and she didn't plan to let him do anything at all. But when she heard the other party tell her frankly that she couldn't help her fortune-telling and fortune-telling, she was still a little uncomfortable.

Are the current Feng Shui masters so sincere

"The trajectory of your destiny is a bit strange. It should have been a difficult childhood and a lonely destiny in old age, but it seems that something has changed in the middle. I can only see that you are rich in your old age, but nothing else. ," Qi Yan shook his head and said, "So I can't calculate your life, and I can't see your face. But you have done so many good deeds, and there will always be blessings."

Tao Yiru was a little surprised at the bottom of her heart. She has been donating money to many orphanages in private, and she has also helped many orphanages with high-achieving children to provide education funds, but these have never been made public. How did this Mr. Qi know

She glanced at Cen Baihe, could it be that he said it

In her opinion, it is normal for the Cen family to know something that others don't know.

"What if it wasn't for me, but someone else?" Tao Yiru asked, "I have this person's birthday, can you help me calculate how he is now?"

Qi Yan was silent for a moment, and then met Tao Yiru's earnest eyes, "I can't guarantee that I'm 100% accurate if I only have the birth date. If Sister Tao trusts me, I can give it a try."

"Thank you," Tao Yiru regretted it after she said that, but facing Qi Yan's face, she still read out the name and birthdate that were hidden in her heart.

"His name is Shen Xi, he was born on November 11, 2036 in the Chinese calendar, and his birthplace was in the imperial capital." In order to let Qi Yan understand which three words were, she put her fingers on the table I wrote it once, and I can see that she has written the name countless times in private, so she is so familiar.

"Winter moon twenty-two years ago..." Qi Yan glanced at Tao Yiru, calculated the person's name, place of birth, and date of birth, and immediately frowned. What does Tao Yiru mean, let him count the birth date of a dead person

Looking at Tao Yiru's expression, she seems to be looking forward to it, but it doesn't look like she is playing with him.

This person was born in winter, and the birth date is very bad. If the name has the Japanese character, there is still a chance of life, but he has water in his surname and water in his name. When it encounters water in the cold, it will turn into ice, which is a certain death. grid.

"If I'm not mistaken, this person and Sister Tao should have a mother-son relationship?" Qi Yan sighed softly, "It's just a matter of fate, and Sister Tao should not force it."

Tao Yiru's face turned pale, and the hand holding the wine glass trembled a little. She was stunned for a while, and after gulping down the champagne in the glass, she forced a smile: "Thank you Master Qi, I also know that some things cannot be forced. It's just that I always fantasize that the child may have been adopted by some kind person, or sent to an orphanage by a kind person, and is still alive, instead of..."

It was so cold that winter and the snow fell so hard, how miserable her child must have been.

Tao Yiru blinked and suppressed the tears in her eyes, "I'm sorry, I made you laugh."

"It's okay," Qi Yan felt a little uncomfortable seeing her forced smile. He pulled out the bra and handed it to Tao Yiru: "It is a man's honor to serve a lady."

Tao Yiru was stunned, she looked at Qi Yan as if she had seen twenty-five years ago.

At that time her husband also looked at her like this and handed her a handkerchief, and he said something at that time, as if to say...

"As a man, how can I watch a woman cry?"

Just when Qi Yan was about to get up and leave with Cen Baihe, there was a quarrel between a man and a woman in the distance.

"Get away from me, get out of here."

"Don't bother me, we have broken up."

As the quarrel went from far to near, suddenly a glass of red wine fell from the sky, just splashing Qi Yan's trouser legs and a shoe.

He suddenly opened his eyes wide and turned to look at Cen Baihe beside him. With his family's super powerful purple qi blessing device, Bai He, he would have such unfortunate times, this is simply too unfathomable!

"Yes, I'm sorry." The girl who poured wine saw that there were still people in this corner, and she also poured the wine on people, so she didn't have the energy to quarrel with her ex-boyfriend, so she hurriedly took out a handkerchief from her bag and ran to the sofa.

After seeing who she was pouring, Deng Linlin almost knelt down, "Master Qi?"

Qi Yan squinted at the young girl, and it took a long time to remember who she was. This is the online editor who was confessed on the street and was almost stabbed to death. It seems that his surname is Deng

"Editor Deng," Qi Yan shook his left foot, feeling that he could hear the sound of swaying water, "Your technique is really accurate."

I don't know what kind of luck this girl is, why she always attracts bad peach blossoms.

"Sit still, I'll have someone bring you clean shoes, socks and pants." Cen Baihe made a phone call, then lowered his head to take off Qi Yan's shoes, "Take off this shoe first."

"I'll do it myself." Qi Yan stopped Cen Baihe and bent his head.

At home, it was fun for her boyfriend to help him take off his shoes, but outside he was reluctant to let Bai He be slapped by others because of these trivial matters.