The Consequence of Judging Others by Appearance

Chapter 139: Hongliang Mountain, where the dragon veins pass


After Qi Yan's circle of friends was sent out, several people quickly liked and left messages for him.

Some masters who were close to him had given him birthday gifts in advance. They didn't like this kind of occasion, so they didn't come to the banquet. Wang Hang and Lin Shuo also got together with him ahead of time. Now Lin Shuo and the professor are going to another place to do a project inspection. Wang Hang is on a business trip and neither of them can come here to join in the fun.

However, both of them saw Qi Yanfa's circle of friends, and then ruthlessly kicked over the bowl of 82-year-old dog food.

As soon as Qi Yan finished replying to the comments of several masters, the phone rang, and the caller was Zhao Zhicheng from the special group.

"Captain Zhao?"

"Tao Yan, eight characters?" Qi Yan's expression changed slightly, "Don't worry about the eight characters, is Tao Yan all right?"

"What's wrong?" Cen Baihe saw Qi Yan's face was wrong, and he also mentioned the eight characters. Now he is very sensitive to Feng Shui, he immediately raised his heart, "What happened?"

"It's alright, it's just that there is a problem with Tao Yan, someone is looking for trouble with him and asking him about my eight characters," Qi Yan frowned, "This Luo Shanguo is really mad, to bully our people like this. "

In Qi Yan's opinion, Tao Yan's personal friendship with him should be put aside first. Luo Shanguo's treatment of their Chinese people is a form of disrespect.

"Isn't that Riles, who was looking for trouble, died under his own curse, why are people still staring at us for trouble?" Qi Yan threw the phone aside, "And Luo Shanguo's warlocks don't pay attention to birth dates. , I suspect that there are Huaxia warlocks helping them behind their backs."

"Let's go," Qi Yan picked up his jacket and said to Cen Baihe, "Let's go to the special group to ask about the situation. Luo Shanguo has been jumping up and down like this, and they have to clean up before they can be honest."

"Then I'll go tell Mom," Cen Baihe grabbed Qi Yan who was in a hurry, "Wait."

"I'll go with you," Qi Yan sighed, "some things are more convenient for me."

Seeing that Qi Yan and Cen Baihe suddenly came to look for him, Tao Yiru stopped the conversation with Song Kui: "Qian Qian, what's wrong?"

She is now called Qi Yan, just like Cen Baihe.

"I have something urgent to go out with Bai He," Qi Yan smiled at Song Kui, bent down and whispered in Tao Yiru's ear, "I can't tell you about the country-related matters, but it's not dangerous. ,you do not need to worry."

Tao Yiru was stunned for a moment, remembering Qi Yan's ability. She had also heard that there were secret organizations in the country, so she nodded and whispered, "Then you and Bai He should be careful."

Anyway, the cake was cut and the wine was drank. She also formally introduced Qian Qian to all the guests. The banquet had come to an end, and it was not a big problem if Qian Qian wanted to leave early.

After Qi Yan and Cen Baihe left, Song Kui said with a smile: "Your son is very good, he has something to do, and he knows how to greet you. It's not like the devil king of my family, who can't even find a single person in a blink of an eye."

"Okay, your children are so sensible, and you are still being eliminated like this every day." Since finding Qi Yan, Tao Yiru's smile has not dispersed in the past month, and the whole person seems to be five years younger. , the whole world came alive in her eyes.

Song Kui saw it in his eyes and was delighted, "I just saw several big bosses in front of Qi Yan, they were polite and respectful, it really opened my eyes."

Tao Yiru smiled without saying a word. She didn't know much about Feng Shui, so she didn't say much.

"When Qi Yan is free, let him take a look for me too," Song Kui said with a smile, "I don't feel relieved when others see me.

"Okay," Tao Yiru immediately agreed, "he usually likes to stay at home and sleep in when he has nothing to do, but Bai He likes to be used to him, and letting him go out for a walk is good for his health.

"Cen Fifth Master is used to it, aren't you used to it?" Song Kui saw that his friend and his son got along naturally, unlike the rumors from the outside world, the last worry disappeared, "Anyway, as long as this child is not separated from you Just fine."

Hearing this, Tao Yiru was stunned for a while, then sighed: "This child is too sensible."

It hurts her to be sensible.

In a hotel in Luo Shanguo, Tao Yan was sitting in the corner, and the brown-haired man was sitting one meter away from him talking on the phone, because the other party spoke in Luo Shan's language, and he didn't understand much. Ask the other party if the eight characters are real.

After hanging up the phone, the brown-haired man glanced at him coldly: "Boy, if you dare to lie again, you will never want to go back to Huaxia in your life."

Tao Yan sat on the ground, hugging his knees and not daring to speak.

It's been almost half an hour, why hasn't anyone come to save him

Ten minutes later, the brown-haired man answered a call, turned around and strode in front of Tao Yan, and picked him up from the ground with one hand: "Good boy, how dare you lie to me." Tao Yan's stomach.

Tao Yan had never experienced such hardships since he was a child, and immediately burst into tears: "I didn't lie to you, he is this character!"

"Didn't lie to me?!" The brown-haired man pulled Tao Yan's hair and made him look at him, "Then tell me, why is this a dead man's character?"

"Dead, dead?" Tao Yan was even more shocked than the brown-haired man, his eyes widened in disbelief, "How could it be a dead person?"

Did he fucking lie to him, or did he remember it wrong

No, it's impossible, this horoscope time is so strange, as long as the average person remembers it, it's hard to remember it wrong. But why this horoscope is dead, obviously Qi Yan is still alive and well.

Could it be... Qi Yan is not his aunt's son at all, he is a liar? !

"Bang bang." There was a knock on the door outside the hotel, and the brown-haired man frowned, "Your friend?"

"I don't have any friends in Luo Shanguo," Tao Yan was frightened. Seeing the brown-haired man frowning with joy, he hurriedly covered his face and said, "I don't know."

Seeing him like this doesn't seem like a lie. The brown-haired man just got up and was about to open the door. The door had already been opened from the outside. Outside stood a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, followed by a few people with cameras behind them.

"I'm sorry, we are the staff of the Huaxia Embassy in Luoshan," the man at the head looked to be in his 40s. Facing the tall brown-haired man, his face didn't change in the slightest. Citizens are being treated unfairly here, and I am here to deal with the matter on behalf of the Huaxia government!"

Hearing the word "Hua Xia", Tao Yan suddenly screamed loudly: "Help!"

The brown-haired man screamed badly. He didn't expect this cowardly-looking man to contact the embassy in a short period of time, and the embassy's people actually came? !

He reached out to smash the other party's camera, but the seemingly ordinary middle-aged man backhanded him on the ground.

After the camera showed a few close-ups of the faces of him and several other companions, the middle-aged man said to him lying on the ground, "Young man, you must have never heard of Chinese Kung Fu."

Fuck your mother's kung fu, isn't Chinese kung fu a TV series to deceive people

It's daytime on Luo Shanguo's side, but it's late at night on Huaxia's side. After listening to the audio from the embassy, Qi Yan rubbed his forehead, "We have so many people in Huaxia, why do they have a soft spot for me? "

Zhao Zhicheng said with a wry smile: "It may be because you helped me win this exchange meeting."

"It's all of us who can win, I don't have such great ability alone," Qi Yan took a sip of a sports drink to refresh himself, "I said there's no way we can deal with them here, we keep making them jump up and down like this, Is it a little annoying?"

"There used to be a lack of opportunities," Zhao Zhicheng pointed to the audio on the computer, "this time they gave us the opportunity."

"How is Tao Yan?" Qi Yan remembered that Tao Yan was a disaster this time, and couldn't help asking, "Is the injury serious?"

"The person has been sent to the hospital, but the skin tissue is injured, there is no major problem." Zhao Zhicheng hesitated, "He has already told the people in Luo Shanguo your eight characters, you have to be more careful in the future."

Qi Yan smiled, noncommittal.

Early the next morning, various TV stations in China began to broadcast the news of the kidnapping of Chinese artists.

"Members of Luo Shanguo's mysterious organization kidnapped Huaxia artists. Fortunately, the embassy staff rescued them. After investigation, this mysterious organization has also repeatedly assassinated successful people from all walks of life in China. In response to these incidents, Huaxia will conduct the most rigorous detectives... "

When Qi Yan came down from the upstairs, Cen Qiusheng was watching the news on TV. He glanced at the TV and knew what was going on inside. He yawned, "Good morning, uncle."

"Early," Cen Qiusheng took a sip of water and patted the table, "Luo Shanguo is getting more and more arrogant. When I was young, this happened too. At that time, the two countries almost fought because of this. When I got up, I didn't expect them to be honest for decades, and then they started to make old mistakes again."

Qi Yan helped the old man to get along: "don't be angry, I'll help you clean them up."

"Clean up!" Cen Qiusheng patted Qi Yan's shoulder, "Come on, I'll send you a plane when it's done."

"Okay, then I'm going to earn money to keep the plane now," Qi Yan glanced at the time, the appointment time with Boss Li was coming.

In such a cold day, Qi Yan didn't want to go out at all, but the matter had already been promised, and it would not be good to change his mind.

Boss Li had been waiting at the appointed place for a long time, and when he saw Qi Yan appeared, a big smile appeared on his face.

"Boss Li," Qi Yan stuck his head out of the car window, "Why are you standing in Xue Tian'er waiting, get in the car quickly."

"I'm afraid you can't see me when I'm sitting in the car," Boss Li rubbed his hands and rubbed cheekily into Qi Yan's car, "It's snowing a bit heavy today, I'll have to work hard for you."

"It's alright, let's go." Qi Yan motioned for Huang He to drive, "Have you done charity work recently?"

"Master Qi, you are really amazing, you can see it all." Boss Li looked at Qi Yan in shock. He didn't tell anyone about this. How could Master Qi even figure this out

Qi Yan nodded inexplicably.

Hongliang Mountain, where the dragon veins pass.

Qi Yan turned his head and looked out the car window, thinking in his mind how to deal with Luo Shanguo's warlock.