The Consequence of Judging Others by Appearance

Chapter 145: Bloggers are stupid and don't explain


Ascension Mountain had a very special significance during the feudal dynasty. After many emperors ascended the throne, they would come here to worship the heavens to prove to the world that he was the son of destiny and was recognized by the heavens. Sometimes when there is a major disaster year, the emperor will come to worship in person, praying that God will bless this land with good weather and the disaster will pass as soon as possible.

The more ancient times, the more emphasis was placed on sacrifice, but the more time progressed, the simpler the sacrifice culture became, and it even died out.

In fact, this is a good thing, because it means that human beings have the ability to survive, and no longer need to pin their hopes on the invisible and intangible gods. The only problem is that when human beings lose even the most basic sense of awe, they begin to harm this land recklessly.

There was a time when human beings for economic development led to over-exploitation of energy, serious environmental pollution, and widespread destruction of trees and vegetation. Fortunately, human beings are now slowly waking up, knowing how to protect vegetation, protect water resources, control energy development efforts, and develop environmentally friendly new energy.

In short, human beings have already started to go back on the road to death, so when Qi Yan and the other five borrowed the position of the five-element formation to worship the sky, the first worship went smoothly.

It's a good thing to be able to worship, but it's a real trouble if you can't.

"Pray for good harvests and good weather."

A glass of sake was spilled against the sky. In such a cold day, the wine was steaming on the ground, and the melon-eating crowd who didn't understand anything began to wonder if the wine had been heated.

The funniest thing is that there is a messy tune on the player next to it. They have never heard this tune. It was brought by a Celestial Master. It is said that he played it himself. .

I didn't think it sounded good just now, but now I listen to it for a while, and there is really so much mystery that can't be explained.

"Ding!" A Celestial Master knocked on the bell on the table. I don't know if it was everyone's misunderstanding. The wind on the mountain seemed to instantly become smaller.

"Pray for the prosperity of the country, and peace in the world."

The incense in Qi Yan's hand emitted a curling cigarette, flew into the blue sky, and disappeared.


Another bow, Qi Yan felt that there seemed to be a resistance in his waist, but it was not obvious, this bow was completely completed.

The five people felt the resistance, and after exchanging glances, the five of them pinched a finger in unison, then picked up the wine on the table and sprinkled it into the sky.

The wind lifted the robes on their bodies, and the cold wind poured into their necks and sleeves, but their hand holding the incense remained motionless.

"Three thanks!"

The gust of wind suddenly rose, and large flakes of snowflakes were constantly flying in the wind, with a violent and messy beauty.

The escorts standing next to him noticed that something was wrong, and their faces showed anxiety, but no one dared to make a sound at this moment, and even dared not take one more step.

Yin Na couldn't help putting her hands together, closed her eyes and prayed silently.

"God bless."

"God bless."

There was no appointment, but it seemed like an appointment. Everyone put their hands together and bowed down.

The wind was strong, but the feet of the five Celestial Masters seemed to be rooted, standing firmly on the spot, their robe sleeves fluttering in the wind, they were like immortals who did not eat the fireworks of the human world, and they were about to go away with this wind.

In the conference room, a branch manager finished the report and found that the boss didn't speak, so he looked at Liang Feng nervously.

"Boss?" Liang Feng noticed that something was wrong with Cen Baihe, and whispered in his ear, "What do you think of Manager Wang's plan?"

What's going on today, the boss has been a little restless, this is not like the boss's usual behavior.

After the meeting, Cen Baihe raised his hand and told everyone to leave. He sat in a chair a little tired and didn't even have the desire to flip through the reports on the table.

Liang Feng sorted out all the information and saw that the boss's face was not very good-looking, he remembered the physical condition of the boss before he was with Master Qi, and was a little worried: "Boss, your face is very ugly, why don't you go back and rest for a day? ?"

"No, I just didn't sleep well last night," Cen Baihe put down his hand rubbing the bridge of his nose, "It's nothing."

"But I don't think you seem to be okay," Liang Feng poured him a glass of water, "Master Qi has not been here for the past two days?"

Otherwise, like the boss is like today, Master Qi will definitely not let him go to work.

"He went out." Thinking of what Qi Yan was going to do, Cen Baihe felt even more at ease, but this was not something he could manage, so he felt even more restless.

Seeing him like this, Liang Feng guessed that the boss's bad state was related to Master Qi, he thought about it and persuaded: "Master Qi is so powerful, you don't have to worry..."

"I know," Cen Baihe picked up the documents on the table, "the meeting in the afternoon will continue."

Liang Feng was stunned for a moment, then got up and said, "Then you sit here and rest for a while." He can be Cen Baihe's special assistant. He is not an idiot. I'm afraid that what Master Qi has done this time is not easy, otherwise he will be the boss and the boss. Master Qi's feelings must have been with him long ago, so why would he sit here alone and worry about it secretly

It seems that the boss can't intervene in this matter, and can't go.

After closing the door of the conference room, a secretary came over with the document: "Assistant Liang, you need to see this report in person."

"Thank you." Liang Feng nodded to the secretary and took the documents.

The secretary did not leave, but glanced into the conference room: "Is the boss still in there?"

Liang Feng glanced at the secretary and said in a flat tone, "En."

The secretary noticed that his attitude was a little cold, smiled embarrassedly at him, turned around and trotted away.

Liang Feng looked at her back and couldn't help frowning. Someone in the secretarial department asked for maternity leave before, so the secretary was temporarily brought up. I didn't expect this female employee to be so unstable, it seems that she is not suitable for staying in the secretarial department.

Cen Baihe sat in the quiet and empty conference room and picked out the peace talisman Qi Yan made for him from his collar. He held the talisman in his palm, closed his eyes and thought, if this talisman could be used to make a wish, he hoped for money This time, I can return safely, without any hardships, let alone danger.

Mingming Qian Qian said that if he was born in a troubled world, he would be a big man who would save the people of the world, but now he can only sit in a heated conference room, can't do anything, and can only wait for his boyfriend's return.

Qi Yan took a bite of the wind with snow, and was almost blown away by the wind. If he hadn't learned the footwork from a young age, he would have fallen to the ground.

When offering sacrifices to the heavens, it is the most basic rule to worship three times and nine kowtows.

Just when he almost thought he couldn't carry it anymore, he saw that his chest was surrounded by purple energy, and the wind and snow, who had slapped his cheek mercilessly, seemed to be afraid of this purple energy, and they all bypassed him and let him Successfully bent down.

After three salutations, Qi Yan put the incense into the incense burner, and he turned to look at the other Celestial Masters, who were still bowing and unable to straighten up.

Bai He's father's purple energy is really easy to use, and when he goes back this time, he will definitely give him what he loves.

Qi Yan glanced at the sky, his hands kept moving, pinching out one trick after another, helping a few masters.

After the five sticks of incense were inserted into the incense burner, the five of them breathed a sigh of relief, and then took a step back.

Zhao Zhicheng had never seen such a strange step. The steps the five Celestial Masters stepped on and the arcs of the waving arms were different, but the movements were the same.

In the past, when they dealt with some liars, they would watch them dance on the scene of the Great God. The actions of these liars dancing with the Great God would only make people feel ridiculous, but the actions of these celestial masters would only make people feel solemn.

Raising their hands to the sky, patting their feet to the ground, no matter how much wind and snow blows, they will not disturb their movements and steps.

"Bang!" The five of them stepped in unison, and Zhao Zhicheng, who was standing beside him, even felt that the earth was shaking.

"Snow... stopped."

Yin Na looked up at the sky and found that the dark clouds in the sky were dispersing little by little, as if someone had removed a thick layer of clouds so that he could see the scenery behind the clouds.

A ray of sunshine, two rays of sunshine, the sun drilled out of the clouds.

Looking at the five celestial masters crawling on the ground, and then looking at the sun coming out of the clouds, Yin Na didn't know what was wrong with her, her eyes were hot, and tears came out unconsciously.

She hurriedly wiped the tears from her face and turned to look at the others, only to realize that they were no better than her.

Some scenes are so spectacular and solemn only if you have seen them with your own eyes. She didn't understand it before, but now she understands.

When the clouds completely dissipated and the sun shone all over the mountain, Yin Na saw the clouds and mists rolling in the mountains, as if... as if something was rolling and flying in the clouds and mists. Seeing this vision, she held her breath.

Then she saw that the clouds turned into dragons and phoenixes, and the edges glowed golden because of the sunlight.

Dragon and phoenix, dragon and phoenix are auspicious!

She only thought of these four words, this is a good omen!

"It's done," Hao Meili looked at the vision in the mountains and wanted to get up from the frozen ground, but she swayed and sat on the ground.

Seeing this, Qi Yan hurriedly ran over to help her up, and when she stood firm, he also helped the other three heavenly masters up.

Only then did the people standing beside them react. They poured tea and water, took their clothes and blankets, and surrounded several Celestial Masters.

"It's better to be young," Hao Meili glanced at Qi Yan, and took a sip of hot water to suppress the chill in her heart, "I put in the most effort, and my spirit is still so good."

Years are not forgiving, this era already belongs to young people.

Qi Yan's hands almost trembled into chicken paws, and he almost shook out half of the hot tea that Xiang Qiang brought him. Hearing Hao Meili compliment him, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Aunt Hao, I'm almost frozen into an icicle, so don't compliment me."

Several heavenly masters looked at me and I looked at you, and they all felt embarrassed to each other, and couldn't help laughing in unison.

On the Internet of the matter, someone took a picture of the cloud and fog looking like a dragon and phoenix with a mobile phone, and it was also posted on the Internet.

Ben Bendi: I just took a picture of a miracle at the foot of the mountain, and I forwarded this Weibo, and good things will happen in the next month.

Passing by: The blogger is stupid, this is just a normal cloud change, don't promote feudal superstition.

Qiu Lai: The blogger is an idiot and doesn't explain it.

Dong Dong Qiang: The blogger is stupid +1.