The Consequence of Judging Others by Appearance

Chapter 146: come back earlier


"Someone took a picture of the cloud change just now and posted it on the Internet." After the group came down from Wending Mountain, Yin Na took out her mobile phone and swiped, and then went to the homepage of Weibo and someone reposted the photo of Longfeng Chengxiang for blessing, and even Others swore that his mother gave pocket money just after reposting the photo.

Isn't it normal for parents to give their children pocket money? It's inexplicable what it has to do with this picture.

"What online?" Xiang Qiang clicked on his phone in confusion, saw the Weibo with over 3,000 retweets, and was instantly speechless, "Now these people really have no taboos."

"It's quite taboo," Qi Yan, who was sitting next to him, nodded after reading the entire Weibo, "You shouldn't post this kind of Weibo at will in the future."

"Why?" Xiang Qiang asked curiously, "Is it because of suspected propaganda of feudal superstition?"

"No," Qi Yan shook his head, "what people say is like an oath. In order to increase the number of retweets, you say that retweeting this kind of thing will bring people good luck. In fact, those pictures are not like this at all. It will affect your fortune.”

"Ah?" Xiang Qiang widened his eyes blankly, "Will it have an impact?"

"Yes, if someone really believes in retweeting, the coincidence is that the wish came true, which means that he really borrowed fortune," Qi Yan tapped the Weibo on the screen of his mobile phone, "Then you say this luck, Who lent it to him?"

"The blogger who posted this Weibo?" Xiang Qiang stammered, "It's scary."

"But generally no one really borrows luck," Qi Yan smiled. "Because the bloggers are joking, and the forwarders are joking, so there is no such thing as luck."

Xiang Qiang touched his forehead: "It still sounds scary."

"So this tells us a truth," Qi Yan shook his head, "Men should not promise easily, the consequences of failing to do so will be more serious."

Xiang Qiang nodded in agreement.

"It seems that Xiao Qi is a good man who speaks his mind." Because everyone was sitting on the bus, everyone could hear who said what. Hao Meili took out a few bags of beef jerky from her bag and asked everyone to share it. "No wonder someone asked me about whether you have a girlfriend last time."

Qi Yan quickly waved his hand: "Famous grass has its own owner, thank you for not being sensitive."

Everyone in the car knew that Qi Yan and Cen Baihe were a couple, and now they all laughed in unison when they saw him like this: "Others are strict wives, but Master Qi, you are husbands."

Qi Yan didn't get angry when everyone made fun of him, but instead said with a smile: "You always have to take care of your lover's emotions."

Everyone is joking, but they still agree with Qi Yan's view of love. Even when Hao Meili divides the beef jerky, he catches the most, and the jerky is also the biggest.

"After the success of sacrificing the heavens, should we consider starting the formation and enchanting the barrier?" After eating the beef jerky, Hao Meili brought up a topic that everyone wanted to talk about but didn't want to talk about, "When we set up the formation, the five of us have to separate. When you choose a place, you also need to bring a Dharma guardian. Now let's discuss who is in charge of that place.

Originally, they planned to form the formation in the direction of the five lakes and four seas. Later, considering the shortage of manpower, they changed to five positions in the south, south, north, and middle, but this was a big test for their spiritual power.

"Please rest assured, several heavenly masters, we have contacted many famous masters in China, and they are all willing to help," Zhao Zhicheng glanced at Qi Yan, "Many of these masters are acquainted with Master Qi."

In case these Celestial Masters don't believe him, at least they will believe in Master Qi.

Hao Meili nodded, then said to Qi Yan, "Xiao Qi, you are the youngest, you choose first."

Qi Yan pointed to the center of the map, "Just here."

"Do you really want to choose this place?" Hao Meili's eyes were scrutinized, and Qi Yan greeted her with a smile and said, "Yes, it's here."

"Mr. Hao, this..." Hao Meili interrupted Old Li Tou before he could finish his words.

"Okay, then here." Hao Meili drew a circle at the place Qi Yan pointed, and then drew another circle to the west, "Then I'm here, you can divide the other three directions."

When the other people in the car saw several Celestial Masters "dividing territory", they didn't dare to talk to them, so they could only sit next to them silently and look at them with admiration.

After a while, the five of them divided their positions. Old Li Tou looked at Qi Yan and hesitated, but he still didn't speak.

"Go back to the imperial capital to live for a few days," Hao Meili was old after all, and even if she was in good spirits, she was a little sleepy after spending so much spiritual energy. "These days are not suitable."

"When will we wait?" Zhao Zhicheng asked, "What else do we need to prepare?"

"You can't prepare what we need." Seeing that Hao Meili was really tired, Qi Yan replied on her behalf, "We have to wait for the most popular time."

"The most popular?" Zhao Zhicheng was stunned for a moment, "You mean... New Year's Eve?"

"Yes," Qi Yan nodded, "New Year's Eve has the meaning of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new. It is mixed with the joy of the Chinese members and the hope for the coming year. There is no other day that can be more popular than New Year's Eve."

"Then you can't spend New Year's Eve at home this year?"

"We won't be able to celebrate New Year's Eve, but there are still thousands of households to spend New Year's Eve well," Qi Yan yawned, "That's it."

Zhao Zhicheng: …

What can he say

After the success of offering sacrifices to the sky, several Celestial Masters finally fulfilled their wishes, that is, public funds to travel and public funds to eat and drink. Qi Yan acted as their cameraman, bag carrier, and wayfinder along the way, making the old people have a great time.

After everyone got on the plane back to the imperial capital, all the old people had already treated him like a nephew.

Cen Baihe waited outside the airport for a long time, and finally heard the broadcast that the flight that Qi Yan was taking had landed. Before Qi Yan had time to speak, the old people complimented him.

"The facial features are straight, the body is upright, and the fortune is full of luck," Old Li Tou nodded to Qi Yan, "Your partner is very good."

"There is still the appearance of an emperor," Old Man Wang also came over to take a look, and shook his head regretfully, "It's a pity that it was born in the wrong era, and the peaceful and prosperous times meet the heroes, and I don't know whether it is fortunate or unfortunate."

"Uncle Wang, needless to say about this." Qi Yan pulled Cen Bohe out of the encirclement and introduced him to the identities of these masters.

After the two sides introduced each other's identities, Qi Yan looked at these masters with a smile: "Our family Bai He is also a junior, right?"

"Isn't it just for a meeting gift?" Old Litou digged around in his pocket and took out a thumb-sized sign, "Cen boy, Xiao Qi is usually a headache for you, this is the meeting gift your uncle gave you, Don't despise it."

"Thank you," Cen Baihe took the wooden sign and said with a smile, "Qianqian is very good."

I don't know what kind of wood this wooden sign is made of, but it is very smooth in the hand, as if someone is gently stroking the heart, which is extremely comfortable.

"The lucky sign made of agarwood," Old Man Wang glanced at the sign in Cen Baihe's hand, "Old Li is also generous to you."

Cen Baihe didn't quite understand the use of this thing, so he turned his head to look at Qi Yan, Qi Yan shook his hand and signaled that the gift should be accepted, no problem. This made Cen Baihe suddenly have the illusion that when he arrived at his boyfriend's house, he received a gift from his parents.

Afterwards, he received a few more greetings, and after the arranged driver and vehicle sent away the several Celestial Masters, Qi Yan said to him, "Don't lose these good things that money can't ask for."

"Did you have fun going out?" Cen Baihe took his hand and walked into the car.

"It's alright, the old men and the old ladies are too physically strong, I can't climb the mountain," Qi Yan was a little discouraged, he lay on top of Cen Baihe, "I just miss you."

"I miss you too," Cen Baihe kissed him on the lips, "Go back and take a bath and have a good rest."

Cen Baihe knew that Qi Yan's going out was definitely not just as simple as playing. Thinking of the attitude of the old people just now, he was vaguely aware that these old people might be different from the masters Qian Qian knew before, otherwise he would not deliberately Emphasize that what the old people give is good things that money can't ask for.

Ordinary things Cen's family can't buy, or money can give him, if even money and money think it's a good thing, then it can be seen that these things are not necessarily made by money and money.

"There are ten days before the New Year, and we have to prepare the New Year's goods."

The smile on Qi Yan's face was filled with guilt: "Bai He, I'm sorry, I may not be able to accompany you on New Year's Eve this year."

The first New Year's Eve together, they couldn't stay together to keep the New Year's Eve. Qi Yan felt sorry for Cen Baihe. He stretched out his hand and hugged Cen Baihe's neck, "I'm sorry."

The excitement in Cen Baihe's heart was quenched by cold water, but although he was disappointed, he still had a smile on his face: "It's okay, I'll wait for you to come back at home."

Qi Yan put his head on Cen Baihe's chest, listening to the heartbeat coming from Cen Baihe's chest, he hugged Cen Baihe's waist tightly, leaving no gap.

Ten days passed in a flash, Qi Yan took the coat from Cen Baihe and smiled at him, "Okay, it's time for me to go out."

"I'll take you," Cen Baihe said involuntarily, "I'll take you to the airport."

"People from the special team came to pick me up at the door," Qi Yan kissed him on the cheek, "It's cold outside, don't come out."

Cen Baihe smiled reluctantly, took Qi Yan's hand and walked downstairs, and then saw Xiang Qiang standing in the living room, and there were several SWAT officers in civilian clothes standing outside the door.

"Mr. Cen." Xiang Qiang looked at the strong atmosphere of the Spring Festival in this house. For some reason, he always felt a little afraid to look directly into Mr. Cen's eyes.

"Mr. Xiang," Cen Baihe helped Qi Yan straighten his collar, "Have you had breakfast?"

"These cars are all ready, please don't worry, Mr. Cen." Xiang Qiang understood the meaning of this look, which was concern and worry.

"Okay." Cen Baihe accompanied Qi Yan out of the door, and when he was about to step into the car, Cen Baihe suddenly grabbed his hand.

"Money money."

Qi Yan looked back at him.

"Come back early," Cen Baihe smiled and kissed his forehead.

Qi Yan saw that a large group of purple energy poured into his body, and his eyes were already purple.

"it is good."