The Consequence of Judging Others by Appearance

Chapter 150: The text is finished


When Tan Tianshi fell to the ground, he seemed to hear the sound of blood flowing from his eyes.

That fearful yet powerless feeling reminded him of what happened in Wangxiang Town a few months ago. At that time, he was also lying on the bed, unable to move or speak, the whole world was noisy, but he could only lie quietly on the bed.

"Crack, crack."

It was the sound of the hands of the clock on the wall moving. The severe pain did not make him lose his mind, but made him terribly awake.

He knew he was about to die.

At the moment when the curse failed, his fate was doomed.

When he was young, he was lonely and lonely, and was taken abroad by his adoptive father to live a well-respected and well-dressed life. At that time, he knew that the Tan family had been so beautiful. The adoptive father was not reconciled and kept stressing to him that the glory of the Tan family was destroyed by the new Chinese government, and he wanted to avenge the Tan family.

More than 20 years ago, the adoptive father died because of the failure of the formation, and he did not expect him to embark on the same path as the adoptive father.

It seems that death is not so terrible. He has lived for the Tan family all his life, until the moment he falls, he can finally relax.

He seemed to see that when he was a child, he was standing at the gate of the orphanage, which was not very spacious. The dean was wearing a blue cloth, squatted in front of him, and handed him a little white dog toffee.

The toffee was fragrant and sweet, and he was reluctant to eat it in his hand. After getting into the car, his adoptive father threw away the piece of toffee that was about to melt.

"As the future heir of the Tan family, you have a lot of good things to enjoy."

Since then, he has been well-dressed, eaten with exquisite food, and even had a bunch of people around him to take care of him.

The time in the orphanage had lost its color in his mind, but those memories of those days became fresh again.

That piece of toffee, and the white lettering printed on the chest of Grandma Dean's blue cloth clothes.

Huaxia Apple Welfare Institute.

The dean's grandmother said that they are the sweetest and most cherished apples in China's future, not abandoned children.

Grandma Dean's palm on top of his head was warm, and her smile was gentle.

Although Hua Xia was not rich at that time, in his memory, he never suffered from hunger or cold, but he did not have luxury clothes and luxury snacks to enjoy.



He licked the corners of his dry mouth and seemed to taste the little white dog milk candy.

I really want to taste the taste of that candy, it must be very fragrant and sweet.

The world is quiet, quiet in the dark.

"Oh my god!" A man who was guarding the door found that something was wrong in the house, and hurriedly called out to his companions: "Tan Tianshi has an accident!"

The man who had just vomited from the bathroom endured the nausea in his stomach, walked up to Tan Tianshi, probed the pulse and breath between his neck, stood up straight and said, "Dead."

"What, what about this?" The companion looked at the tragic situation in the room and felt that the room was extremely infiltrating.

"What else can I do," the man in black didn't look at the corpse on the ground again, strode out of the house, lit a cigar, took a few breaths, and said, "Clean up the house."

"That Tan Tianshi's body..."

"What's the use of a person's death?" The man puffed out a puff of smoke, "It was directly cremated and buried."

He glanced at the blood stains on the soles of his feet, and rubbed on the sofa with disgust: "The shelf is placed so high, and the result is not useless, it's just a waste of time."

He didn't see that black air from the soles of his feet penetrated into the soles of his feet, and his forehead became dark.

"Master Qi..."

After waiting for the formation to disappear into the night, Xiang Qiang and the others looked at Qi Yan in awe and apprehension, "Just now... what happened?"

"It's nothing, I just did something trivial." Qi Yan waved his hand and returned to his usual smiling face, but after tonight's incident, no one dared to look down on him, even Lu, whose mouth was harder than a diamond Gang, they all look like they have lingering fears.

He has owed so many times in front of Qi Yan, and Qi Yan has never dealt with him. I don't know whether the other party is broad-minded or his life is big. Anyway, from today onwards, he does not dare to owe in front of Qi Yan.

Seeing that Lu Gang didn't say a word, Qi Yan teased, "I feel sorry for your magic tools."

Lu Gang retorted: "Yes, when will you pay me these instruments?"

After saying this, he helplessly shrugged his shoulders, looking at Qi Yan like this, he couldn't help but want to slap him, and he couldn't help it at all.

Master Pei smiled and said: "Master Qi is polite, the instruments are all external objects, as long as you are fine."

Qi Yan didn't focus on the topic of magic weapons anymore, and thought in his heart to find an opportunity to compensate the two.

Others treat each other sincerely, he can't take these as ordinary, the only way to get along is to come and go.

"It's ten o'clock," Qi Yan glanced at the time, "it's time to get ready."

This mountain is very close to the very famous Fangwai Mountain. It is the real Hidden Dragon Vein, but because this mountain is really inconspicuous, it has neither special scenery nor ore worth digging. Even the soil is not particularly fertile, but the vegetation is. Looking very good. No one knows that there is a dragon head hidden under this mountain, so it has been safe for so many years, and even foreign forces have no need to find it.

Qi Yan can know that this is the head of a main dragon vein in central China, or it is because the master made him carry a tattered book.

At that time, the master said that this was a treasure that was not passed down from the world, but since the master once used it as a table foot, he did not believe it. Whose treasure will be used to padded table legs, is it worthy of the word "treasure"

Take the stone in the mountain and set up a formation that fits the nature of heaven and earth, so that the power of the dragon vein can be borrowed.

The stones were all ready. Qi Yan asked the special team to place the stones in the positions he designated, and then used his jade pen to draw a strange pattern on each stone, because there was no cinnabar and no light and shadow effects. No one knew what he painted.

But Master Pei has seen him draw it with his own eyes. This is not like a talisman, but more like a very ancient totem. God prayed that they could find more of that type of food.

An ancient, complex, yet solemn totem.

It is not so much the worship of God as it is the worship of nature.

At that time, humans were grateful for the food that nature gave them, and because of nature, they could pick fruit, hunt, and continue to survive.

When human beings invented more and more tools and learned to plant and breed, this ancient ritual decreased. Now, everyone can only see relevant introductions in some archaeological materials. Those ancient totems have long lost their meaning, and no one can understand what they mean.

Qi Yan drew very seriously, even more seriously than when he drew the formation just now. He made every stroke very carefully, and before the stone was finished, fine sweat broke out on his forehead.

Until the last stone was painted, he walked to the middle of the stone formation and spent a repeated totem, and then said to Xiang Qiang, who was standing outside the formation, "When is it?"


"It's almost time."

Qi Yan looked at Lu Gang and Master Pei, "You two, in the left and right directions, it's up to you."

Master Pei and Lu Gang nodded silently. In fact, they were just protectors. It was not them who really needed to do anything, but Qi Yan.

The three sat cross-legged and began to read the scriptures softly.

Xiang Qiang looked at the Taoist robe on Qi Yan's body, and also found a place to sit cross-legged.

The audience was silent for a while, everyone knew that this was a matter of national importance, and no one dared to be sloppy.

The relevant departments also sat quietly in front of the computer, watching the video images sent from five places. There were more than 20 people sitting in the entire hall, and there was no sound at all. All they saw was a picture divided into five small grids on the big screen, waiting for a miracle to happen.

In the Dongfang Mountains, Lao Litou was wearing a strange looking earth-colored robe with a mountain map embroidered on it. It looked very strange, but no one laughed at his clothes at the moment. Focus on his mouth and gestures.

"Today Hao Tu looks for the seventeenth generation disciple of Mumenmen..."

In the Western Mountains, Hao Meili wears a red Han robe and a bright red smear on her forehead. Although she is no longer young, this kind of beauty can ignore age and time. s things.

"The twenty-first generation disciple of the Red Clothes Sect..."

In the southern mountain range, Old Wang bit his finger, drew a water wave pattern on his face, and slowly closed his eyes.

"The eleventh generation disciple of the current Shuibomen disciple... "

In the northern mountains, the aunt who likes to wear sweaters is wearing a green long-distance running, wearing a double-branched crown on her head, pinching a strange finger with both hands, and salutes the earth.

"This is the ninth generation disciple of Xun Mumen..."

On the TV, the festively dressed host stepped onto the big stage with a burst of joyful background music.

"Audience friends, there are only five minutes left until the Year of the Dog. We once again wish the audience at the scene and in front of the TV a happy family, happiness, good health and all the best."

"I wonder what new wishes everyone has for the New Year?"

"Now let's hold the hand of the family around us, say a word of blessing to them, and then let us look forward to the coming of the new year."

"Our host has a couplet here that we want to dedicate to all the audience friends in China. In the last two minutes, let's read this couplet."

"Min'an and Guotai welcome the prosperous world!"

"The weather is good for the Chinese New Year!"

"Audience friends, let me count down together and cheer for the New Year!"

"Nineteen eight seven six..."

"five four three two one!"

"Happy New Year!"


Kyushu Huaxia fireworks bloom together, so beautiful, so dazzling, so beautiful that people forget all their troubles and just cheer for this moment.

At the same time, a certain five hilltops in China emitted a light as bright as day. This light was intertwined with gorgeous fireworks, and then scattered across this beautiful land. So conspicuous, yet so insignificant.

No one cares about these rays of light, they are busy saying good wishes for their lovers and friends, they are busy complaining on the Internet how boring the Spring Festival party is, complaining about how noisy the firecrackers are, laughing at each other, and happily spent this seemingly New Year's Eve is not much different from previous years.

"It's done."

Qi Yan looked at the light in the sky, showed a bright and silly smile, and then fell to the ground amid the cheers of Xiang Qiang and others.

In the hall of the special department, more than 20 men and women looked at the picture on the big screen and couldn't help crying.

done! It really did!

This is the most beautiful New Year's gift in China, even though the Chinese people don't know anything about the gift they have received.

After the early morning, a netizen posted a Weibo.

I'm really not a panda: just now, a mysterious ray of light was emitted from the mountain behind my house. Do you think that some great immortal has succeeded in transcending the calamity

This Weibo attracted laughing laughter from netizens, and many people even compiled a joke about how monsters celebrate the New Year.

As a result, this Weibo became popular on the happy New Year's Eve.

There is also an inconspicuous reply under this Weibo, but no one likes it, so it did not attract anyone's attention.

I'm the beautiful Nana: maybe it's not the great immortal who crossed the robbery, but the immortal who gave us a mysterious gift in China.

Qi Yan found himself dreaming again.

He was still ten years old, lying on the table and drawing talismans. The master sat on the dilapidated rocking chair next to him, drinking and sizzling with a teapot.

"Master, can you make a lot of money by learning this? I'll take you to a big city and live in a beautiful house in the future."

"Yo ho, such a big ambition at such a young age?" The master's rocking chair creaked, but the smile on his face was very bright, "Okay, when you make a lot of money, keep the best house. live with me."

"Yeah." Xiao Qiyan nodded solemnly.

The master got up and walked in front of him, gently stroking his forehead: "Son, although I am a family of people who pay attention to following my heart, there is one sentence you can't forget."


He looked up at the master, who had a rare solemn expression.

"The people of Tianyi can never betray their promises and help Zhou to abuse them."

"Do you mean to make me feel good about the world?"

"Hahaha, what kind of life do you have in your heart?" The broad palm baldly rubbed the top of his head.

"But please follow me for the rest of my life, or it will be extremely peaceful."

Qi Yan opened his eyes and saw Cen Baihe and Tao Yiru sitting beside his bed.

"Qianqian!" Tao Yiru and Cen Baihe showed surprise expressions together.

Qi Yan held the hands of the two of them and smiled and rolled his eyes.

His life will be obedient.

The author has something to say: I couldn't find the feeling of this chapter at first, and then I finished writing it at one time at night, and the ending of the text is here. This is the ending I imagined.

There are more than a dozen extras in the back, some showing affection, some I wanted to write in the main text before, but everyone wanted to see a few short stories that I deleted from the main story when the two fell in love.

Thank you for your support along the way. I hope everyone has Baihe brand purple gas body protection, and I love no one of you.