The Consequence of Judging Others by Appearance

Chapter 153: Extra three


"Don't run!"

"catch him!"

Lin Peng ran in a panic and saw a large potted plant in front of him. He took the opportunity to squeeze in. It happened that a patrol car passed by. The gangsters who were holding steel rods were found and taken away.

He slumped on the ground, exhausted, until after the crisis was over, he was now cramping in his calf. No matter how dirty the ground is, he fell to the ground and looked at the lights above his head, remembering that the group of bastards who chased him just now would be locked up by the police station all night, he covered his face and laughed happily.

"Squeak." The store door behind him opened, and a baby-faced man stood in front of him, looking down at him.

"Hey, don't lie in front of my store so late."

He stood up from the ground with his hands up, and snorted, "It won't affect your business by lying here so late."

"But it affects the beauty of my shop," Babyface locked the door of the shop and turned to look at him, "Didn't you eat?"

"What's your business?" Lin Peng glared at the baby face fiercely, not wanting people to know his embarrassment.

There's always a way for him to find money, there's always a way.

"Let's go, there is a noodle soup restaurant nearby. The business is very good." The baby face looked at him with a smile, "Do you dare to come with me?"

"Why don't I dare?" Lin Peng was so provoked by him that he patted the dust on his body and followed behind the baby face, "You lead the way."

The two walked for a while, Baby Face didn't ask him why he was so embarrassed, Lin Peng put his hands in his trouser pockets, and stared at the young man in front of him with vigilant eyes like a wolf.

"It's here," Qi Yan pointed to a small noodle shop on the side of the road, and glanced at the baby face. The noodle shop was very inconspicuous, but it was kept clean. After following Babyface into the door, he found that the shop was opened by a couple in their fifties. The wife's left arm looked unnatural, but her face was very ruddy and her smile was very warm.

"Mr. Qi, didn't Mr. Cen come with you today?" The wife greeted the two of them and sat down. "You still have chicken soup and mushroom noodles. What do your friends like to eat?"

"Just like me, bring him a big bowl."


"I want to eat braised beef..."

"Haven't you heard of the guest?" Babyface got up and took two pairs of chopsticks from the disinfection cabinet, and put a pair into Lin Peng's hand, "The wound on his face hasn't dried yet, what spicy food should you eat?"

Lin Peng immediately died down, and after serving it on the table, he didn't even look at the baby's face, and buried his head to eat.

After the two came out after eating, Lin Peng said goodbye to Babyface, but he still secretly followed Babyface back to the door of his store. When he saw Babyface actually drove out in a luxury car, he scolded himself. one sentence.

Being so rich, he even invited him to eat a bowl of chicken noodle soup.

But this bowl of noodles is really delicious, and he is all warmed up now. Pulling on the gray down jacket on his body, he shoved his hands into his pockets and found that there were two more pieces of paper in his pockets. When he took them out, they turned out to be two hundred-yuan bills.

He was stunned for a moment, this was given to him by the baby face just now

Lin Peng didn't know how long he had been standing. When he noticed two suspicious-looking young men standing in the baby-faced shop, he walked over.

When Qi Yan and Cen Baihe took the car to the studio in the morning, they found a circle of people around the door of the shop, as well as uniformed police officers. What happened

"I'll accompany you to take a look," Cen Baihe walked out of the car with him, glanced at the ambulances and police cars parked outside the store, and vaguely felt that something might have happened here last night.

"I'm sorry, let me let you go, I'm the owner of this store, what's the matter?" With the help of Cen Baihe, Qi Yan finally pushed aside the crowd of melon eaters watching the excitement and arrived at the door of his own store. When he saw the blood on the door of the store, his expression changed.

Could it be the boy from last night

Last night, the boy was covered in blood, and he secretly stuffed 200 yuan in his pocket. Why did something happen

"Mr. Qi," the policeman who was doing the work knew Qi Yan, and someone from above came to say hello a long time ago. This Mr. Qi's identity is not ordinary, so they should pay more attention to his safety. However, this store has been open for more than a year. Although it has been fishing for three days and drying the net for two days, the business is relatively deserted, and there are no other problems.

Who knew that an enthusiastic citizen reported the case this morning. A young man was seriously injured and collapsed at the door of this store. As police officers, they had to act according to the rules.

"The injured person's name is Lin Peng, he is only 18 years old this year, and the guardian column is his uncle, but we can't reach him by phone. This child should be left alone now," the policeman sighed, "but he is already 12 years old. At the age of eighteen, he can't force his guardian to take care of him any more."

"I have installed surveillance cameras in my store to assist the police in solving cases," Qi Yan opened the store's door and called out the surveillance cameras.

The surveillance showed that two people tried to pry Qi Yan's store door, but Lin Peng found out. I don't know what the three said, Lin Peng handed the money in his pocket to the two people opposite. Who knows that after the two took the money, they didn't stop, so the two sides had a dispute. In the end, Lin Peng was stabbed by the other side, and the other side was scared and ran away.

The surveillance at the entrance of Qiyan's store is very concealed, so most people don't know that he has surveillance here, and presumably the two thieves who wounded people with knives also don't know that their appearance has been recorded by surveillance.

Lin Peng hates hospitals, but now he has been stabbed in the abdomen and has to lie in the hospital for a long time. When he was pretending to be asleep, he heard the nurse and the police discussing his medical expenses. The final result was that the hospital and the police station each paid half of the down payment for him. The medical expenses for later treatment must be reported to his superiors in order to have a suitable solution. .

He couldn't help being a little scared. If he didn't have the money to continue the treatment, the hospital would not care about him when he was a child. One of his classmates died because of a wound infection. He... didn't want to die.

"Yo, are you awake?"

At this moment, the baby face walked in with a smile on his face. He paid for his medical bills and arranged for someone to take care of him.

He lived in the hospital for nearly a month. When he was discharged, he asked Qi Yan's baby face to drive to pick him up, "Let's go, I'll find a place for you to live."

"Is there a shortage of people in your store?" Lin Peng sat in the luxury car that he didn't know how to put his hands and feet on. "I'll work for you, you'll be fine." He wanted to pay back the medical expenses. He, to stop the two thieves, was his own accord and had nothing to do with Qi Yan.

"Okay," Qi Yan said, "you will work with Xiao Yang in the future, and let him teach you what you don't understand."

Then, he met Brother Yang, who was dyed with yellow hair. Brother Yang was very diligent. He usually wiped the table and mopped the floor. . Since then, he has felt that this store is a little abnormal, and he has never seen a handyman so rich.

After staying in the store for a week, he saw that Qi Yan received a total of three customers. When other people's business is not good, the boss must be very attentive to the customers. Their store is quite special. When the three customers saw Qi Yan, they said a word to Master Qi, and the attitude was so enthusiastic that it was hard to see.

Ten days later, after Qi Yan received the fifth guest, Lin Peng finally couldn't help but ask Brother Xiao Yang, "What exactly does Qi Yan do, so that the business is not afraid of going bankrupt?"

"What do you know, little brat?" Brother Yang glared at him, "Remember to call Master Qi next time. Did you call the name Qi Yan?"

Look, there really is something wrong with this store, even the staff are so crazy.

Until one day, Lin Peng found out that Qi Yan was actually doing fortune-telling to see Feng Shui, and his face changed with fear. He opened such a big shop on this street as a liar, and he was not afraid of being reported and taken away

Soon after, his worries finally came true. Two men and a woman dressed in ordinary clothes came to the door, saying that they wanted to see the boss, and it was Brother Xiao Yang who received them.

Before Xiao Yang could bring people in, Qi Yan came out of the room. The first thing he said when he saw the two of them was, "Are you two journalists?"

Lin Peng glanced at these two people strangely. They were ordinary in appearance and ordinary in temperament. How could they look like reporters

"Boss, what do you mean by that?" It was the woman who spoke, her voice was very pleasant, and it was soft that made it easy to fall in love.

"It's nothing, please sit down." Qi Yan invited the two to sit at the table outside, but did not let them enter the room inside, "I don't know what is the matter with you?"

"We heard that you are very good at fortune-telling, so I would like to ask you to help us calculate. Is it suitable for the two of us to get married?"

"Are you two trying to make me happy?" Qi Yan glanced at the two of them and poured them tea, "Sir, you are married, and there should be a daughter who is under three years old. Madam, you don't like men, and How can you marry a man?"

Not only was Lin Peng shocked, even the man and the woman changed their faces.

Could it be... He's not a liar, really a master

"Is the little girl in the husband's family having a bad stomach recently?" Qi Yan gave the man a mysterious look, "Children tend to accumulate food, so be careful."

The man who originally planned to secretly expose the master's deception almost jumped up now. How could this man know so clearly, "Master, when will my child get better?"

"It's not a big problem, when the child grows up, the resistance will be stronger, sir, don't be too nervous," Qi Yan put down the teacup, "The two of you should stop taking pictures secretly, anyway, even if you take pictures, you can't take them out. play."

"Are you really... a fortune teller?" The woman was still a little skeptical, "Then can you figure out my family?"

Qi Yan stretched out his hand in front of her.

"Two journalist friends, fortune-telling costs money."