The Consequence of Judging Others by Appearance

Chapter 160: Extra ten


"Captain, where exactly is the place where Master Qi got married?" Xiang Qiang looked at the white clouds outside the window and the boundless sea, "Rich people really know how to play, so how much does it cost to get married and charter a plane?"

"You don't understand this, right? For the real rich, money is something outside the body, and what is spent is just a series of numbers," Yin Na, who was sitting next to him, said, "I'm still thinking about the relationship between Master Qi and Mr. Cen. Feelings, why do you have to hold a wedding, I didn't expect it to be delayed until now."

The little crush a few years ago has long since disappeared. Now when it comes to Qi Yan and Cen Baihe, for her, they are a pair of dog boys and girls who show their affection in the circle of friends from time to time.

At first, after they added to Master Qi's WeChat, their hearts were excited and their emotions were excited, until they found out that Master Qi's hobby turned out to be showing off their own men. This man is indeed very good, good-looking, caring, rich, with legs all under his neck. Holding such a man every day to show other girls, it is inevitable to feel that your boyfriend or husband is a little worse.

Therefore, Master Qi is really guilty, because he does not know that several female colleagues in the department have quarreled with their boyfriends several times at home.

Because their department often has contacts with Master Qi, this time the department sent three representatives of them to come here, which is a support for Master Qi. For a wealthy family like the Cen family, the guests must be rich or expensive. Although they have no money or power, they are also members of the high-level security department of the country. They must not weaken the momentum of Master Qi.

Although Master Qi's biological mother's family is rich, their relatives are few, and their population is much weaker than that of the Cen's family.

A group of people in the special group were heartbroken for Master Qi's wedding. If it wasn't for the special nature of their work, they couldn't be dispatched in full, and the entire department would have come at this time.

Those who took the same charter plane with the special group were the masters that Qi Yan knew after graduating from University, so after everyone sat together, they didn't have to worry too much about the topics they talked about.

"The cost of fruit is getting higher and higher now, so I have to increase the price. It's not easy to do a small business," this is a celestial master who opened a fruit shop at the gate of the community. He complained to Hao Meili , "My price is the lowest in the nearby streets. Since there are still people complaining about my high price, do you think this is unreasonable?"

"You're embarrassed to say that the last time I came to you to buy fruit, you charged me the same price as everyone else. We have been friends for so many years, and you still do this kind of thing," Hao Meili heard about the fruit. , so he got angry and said, "I don't want to listen to you, you can find someone else to complain."

The masters who originally had fantasies about mysterious figures like Tianshi became silent after hearing this conversation.

I didn't expect that Tianshi's life was so simple and down-to-earth. Maybe an uncle selling roasted sweet potatoes on the side of the road, or a sanitation worker sweeping the floor in the community, may all be Tianshi.

Heavenly Masters are everywhere, and Heavenly Masters are so... ordinary.

These masters live a respectable life every day, and they have never imagined what it would be like to open a small fruit shop or a small bookstore. Ming Ming is so powerful, he can show people a feng shui and a fortune teller, and they make more money than they make in a year when they open a shop, so why keep a small shop

Probably this is the difference in mood between them and the celestial masters. There is no end to learning. They cannot forget their own hearts just because others call them masters.

The few Celestial Masters didn't know that they could make other people come up with so many things by chatting casually. In fact, they were just bored and wanted to live an ordinary life. They don't lack money, houses, or status. What they lack is the life of ordinary people that they never experienced when they were young.

The truth is often simple, but people always like to think about them complicated.

"Hello, distinguished guests, the plane is about to land, please stop walking in the corridor," a flight attendant walked out and said with a smile, "Welcome to Moon Island."

Moon Island, the island bought by the ancestors of the Cen family, was originally called Narcissa Island, but when it fell into the ancestors of the Cen family, it changed its name to a Chinese style.

The Chinese people have always had good expectations for the moon, and the main island of this archipelago looks like a crescent moon, so it has the name Moon Island.

Everyone here knew that the Cen family had money and heritage, but after listening to the flight attendant's introduction to the island, they had a new understanding of the Cen family's financial resources.

The plane landed quickly, the island was well equipped, and the scenery was so beautiful that it could be seen in a painting. When their feet were on the ground, a staff member came to receive them warmly, "Dear guests, please come this way. The two grooms are preparing for tomorrow. , so I don't have time to receive you, I hope you don't mind."

"It's alright, alright." Everyone expressed their understanding. For this kind of big event that most people only have once in their lives, the parties must be busy, and they, the guests, can just have fun.

The staff led everyone to the resting room. Xiang Qiang was lying on the balcony, looking at the beach in the distance with envy on his face, and then said with emotion, "Actually, Master Qi is a kind person."

Obviously he can show off his wealth while showing his affection, but he did not do so, but chose to simply show his affection, which shows how considerate they are.

When other people heard this, they didn't know whether to refute or agree for a while, but they were able to own an island...

If this happened to them, they would definitely have to take it out for a lifetime, but it's a pity that some of them bought a two-bedroom apartment and took out a mortgage.

"The scenery here is really beautiful," Qi Yan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, turned to Cen Baihe and said, "It's even more beautiful than Rose Island."

"As long as you like it," Cen Baihe wrapped his arms around his waist from behind and whispered in his ear, "We are getting married tomorrow, are you nervous?" "I'm not nervous, but you look nervous," Qi Yan held his hand on his lower abdomen and whispered, "Is this a premarital phobia?"

"No, this is premarital agitation," Cen Baihe kissed his earlobe, "Would you like to help me relieve it?"

"How to relieve it?" Qi Yan turned to look at him with a half-smile, "Why don't you teach me."

Cen Baihe's hand slammed down, and he picked him up by the waist and put him on the bed, "Of course... that's the case."

On the Cen family's side, Brother Cen was looking for his younger brother who was going to be the groom tomorrow, but he walked around and saw no one. He was busy on the phone, and finally he twisted Third Brother Cen and said, " Third brother, have you seen Bai He?"

"I saw that he went to Xiaoyan's room just now. What are you doing with him?" Third Brother Cen saw his elder brother's busy appearance, "Isn't everything ready? What else is there to worry about?"

"They are getting married tomorrow, isn't it inappropriate to stay in the same room today?" Brother Cen hesitated for a while, "The staff told me just now that several celestial masters and masters from Xiaoyan's side have arrived, I thought to myself. Do you want to notify the two of them to meet?"

"Don't worry," Third Brother Cen glanced at his watch, "it's the same when we meet at dinner time."

"But… "

"Okay, don't worry about this, our two brothers go to visit them first," Third Brother Cen took Brother Cen and walked out, "the newlyweds, if there are so many things to say, why are you running to disturb them? "

The two left chatting and laughing. After visiting the masters, it was almost time for dinner.

Qi Yan and Cen Baihe, who appeared on time at dinner time, walked out together. The two were suddenly not married, but the moment they walked out of the door, the scene broke out into warm applause.

"Qian Qian, congratulations!"

"Five Master Cen, congratulations."

"One hundred years of harmony, early ... a happy life."

"It's a perfect match, it's a pair made in heaven."

No matter how unacceptable these people were to men getting married before, when facing the two newcomers, they said festive and auspicious words without money, just to show their faces in front of the newcomers.

Fifth Master Cen, the most beloved son of the Cen family, can they offend him


Qi Yan, a famous Feng Shui master in the capital, who is young and capable, can they offend such a person

Not only can't, but dare not.

It is said that such celestial masters have some shady methods. If anyone offends them, it is very likely that they will be cursed, and then the whole family will be unlucky, so when they face Qi Yan, they will automatically become weak first.

A lot of Qi Yan's friends came, but Tao Yiru was the only family member. Tao Yan's mother didn't come, but Tao Yan sent him a congratulatory text message today, but he didn't know if he wanted to show it to him or if he wanted to. Show it to Bai He.

During dinner, everyone didn't make much noise about the two newlyweds, for fear that the two of them would be out of energy when the official wedding tomorrow.

"Qianqian," Wang Hang handed a box to Qi Yan, "this is the wedding gift I prepared for you with Lin Shuo."

Qi Yan opened it and saw that it was a 100-gram gold brick. He suddenly remembered that when he was in college, everyone joked with each other. When anyone got married, everyone pooled money to buy a gold brick, which was more useful than any gift.

"Thank you," Qi Yan put the box into his coat pocket, "I have the gift, but you still have to pay the gift."

"Qi Xiaoyan, you need to face me. You're a local tyrant with a net worth of several billion, so you still care about this?" Wang Hang gave him a roll of eyes, "Aren't you a good buddy anymore?"

"Because we are good buddies, I'm embarrassed to ask you," Qi Yan smiled and hugged Wang Hang, "Anyway, thank you, buddy."

"You kid," Wang Hang patted his chest, "between us brothers, who is with whom?"

Qi Yan patted his back with his backhand, and said nothing.

Wang Hang pushed him away and said with a smile, "Okay, Fifth Master Cen will see it later. I'm not responsible for eating vinegar."

"If you want to be responsible, I won't let you take it," Qi Yan put his hand in his trouser pocket, "then I'll go back, you should rest early."

"Well," Wang Hang raised his chin, "let's go."

Qi Yan turned around and walked a few steps. Seeing Wang Hang still standing there, he said, "What are you doing?"

"See if your back is stalwart enough," Wang Hang rolled his eyes, "Go to sleep, don't come out and get married tomorrow with panda eyes."

Qi Yan nodded with a smile.

"Fourth, I wish you happiness."

"Thank you."