The Corpse Ruler Confuses the World, All Seven Husbands Are Devils

Chapter 121: Princess, don't scare the servants


"Are you threatening me?" Mo Qingli went to a chair beside her and sat down, poured a cup of tea, took a sip, and said calmly without looking at Fleeting Nian Sui.

Fleeting Broken shook his head again and again, "Master, how dare I threaten you!! These are my true thoughts, I really want to learn art from a teacher."

As he said that, he kowtowed to the ground a few more times, "I beg Master to accept me as an apprentice, and I will learn from Master well."

Mo Qingli stared deeply at Fleeting Years, and finally sighed softly, "You go, I won't accept disciples."

"Master." Liu Nian Sui raised his head, holding back tears in his eyes, stubbornly not letting them flow down, just like what Mo Qingli saw in the restaurant that day, in order not to be bullied and humiliated, he would rather Choose Jump.


Mo Qingli lowered her eyebrows, drinking tea, her tone could not hear any emotions.

Liu Nian broken looked at Mo Qingli, then slowly stood up from the ground, he walked towards the door, when passing by Mo Qingli, he said firmly with a voice that Mo Qingli could only hear: " Master, I will not give up."

She drank the tea in the teacup in one gulp, she didn't want to have too much concern in this world, but things always backfired. There are always too many people that she has to worry about, now, she only wishes to have one less concern and one less! ! After all, I don't belong here.


Yueyao walked in, looked at Mo Qingli who was sitting in a daze on the chair, and called out.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Mo Qingli returned to normal, looked up at Yueyao and asked.

"The eldest princess is at the gate of the city, ready to go to battle." Yueyao lowered her eyebrows, and respectfully said to Mo Qingli from the side.

Mo Qingli pondered for a while, but decided to go and see Mo Qingyu, because maybe it would be difficult to see her again in the future.

city gate.

Mo Qingyu was dressed in military uniform, riding on a horse, looking at the end of the street with a lonely face.

There were not many guards accompanying her. The Queen said that there would be no danger along the way. After arriving at the border, there would naturally be soldiers guarding the border to meet her, so she didn't need too many guards, as long as they could keep her safe.

Mo Qingyu has completely despaired of the empress, her empress is driving her to a dead end! ! Now she only hopes that Xiaoyaoyun can still receive the news she sent out, and can see herself at the city gate.

But after all, Mo Qingyu couldn't wait for Xiaoyao Yunshang. Under the repeated urging of the accompanying guards, Mo Qingyu walked out of the city gate reluctantly.

Mo Qingli, who was standing on the high wall, turned around the moment Mo Qingyu walked out of the city gate, and said to Yueyao beside him, "Let's go."


An eager voice sounded beside Mo Qingli's ear, and Mo Qingli turned her head abruptly, only to find that there was no one behind her.

Seeing Mo Qingli stop and look around, Yueyao couldn't help but asked in doubt: "Princess?"

"It's okay." Mo Qingli shook her head, and continued to walk forward, maybe because she drank too much recently, the hallucinations in those human mouths appeared.

"Li, Li, come quickly."

That voice sounded in Mo Qingli's ears again, and Mo Qingli turned her head suddenly, but she still didn't realize it, Mo Qingli frowned involuntarily, Yue Yao also looked around like Mo Qingli, but Nothing was found.

"Princess, what's the matter?"

Mo Qingli narrowed her eyes slightly, her cherry lips parted slightly, "Yueyao, did you hear someone calling me?"

"Ah?" Yueyao opened her mouth and looked around. As the sky was getting late, there were fewer pedestrians on the road, only a few pedestrians passed by occasionally, but no one looked towards them! ! Could it be... a ghost? ! !

Thinking of this, Yue Yao tightened her clothes, she is not afraid of people, but... hell... she is still afraid.

"Princess, I didn't hear it." Yueyao said to Mo Qingli with a frustrated face and trembling voice, "Princess, don't scare this slave. I am... a coward!!!"

Normally, Mo Qingli would definitely be amused by Yueyao's appearance, but at this moment, Mo Qingli's brows are full of solemnity.

"Li... why haven't you... come!"

That voice faintly rose in Mo Qingli's ear again, and this time Mo Qingli assured that it was definitely not a human voice. It seemed a little familiar, but Mo Qingli couldn't remember who it was.

"Princess..." Seeing that the weather was getting darker and darker, Yueyao couldn't help tugging at the corner of Mo Qingli's clothes, looked around, swallowed, and said, "Princess, let's go back quickly!!"


Mo Qingli turned her head to Yueyao and said, "It's okay, you go back home first."

"What about you, princess?" Yue-yao asked subconsciously.

But the only answer to Yueyao was a back that was gradually moving away. Yueyao held the sword at her waist tightly in her hand, and went back to the house alone, looking left and right.

Mo Qingli focused her attention, felt the source of that voice, and suddenly opened her eyes, a golden light suddenly shot out from her eyes, and she, she, went in one direction.

With a light leap, he jumped onto the roof, and then quickly ran towards the source of the sound.

"Li... Li... why haven't you come yet!!"


That voice kept ringing in Mo Qingli's ears, forcing Mo Qingli to curse, "Shut up."

After all, Mo Qingli looked around, she was already outside the imperial city, and the city gate was closed, so there was no one walking around outside the imperial city, Mo Qingli quickly intertwined her hands back and forth, and then her figure gradually faded away , and then disappear.

After Mo Qingli disappeared, the man in the blue gown ran out behind a wall and turned around where Mo Qingli disappeared. His face was somewhat regretful, but more excited.

After a short period of dizziness, Mo Qingli slowly opened her eyes. Every time she used this locked teleportation spell, she would feel extremely dizzy, and it would consume a lot of mana and physical strength of the user.

What met Mo Qingli's eyes was a huge cave, with no grass growing around it, only it was independent on this land. Mo Qingli sat on the spot and recovered her mana. Although it didn't have much effect, at least it made Mo Qingli's heart a little calmer.

After a while, Mo Qingli stood up and walked towards the cave.

As soon as Mo Qingli walked into the cave, the scenery outside changed again and again, and finally the place where there was no grass turned into a sea of flowers, and there was no shadow of the cave.

Besides, Mo Qingli walked into the cave. In the cave, it was dark and deep. Mo Qingli frowned slightly, raised her hand and cast a spell, and her fingertips instantly ignited like flames.

With the light of the flames, Mo Qingli could see the cave clearly. There was nothing in the cave except broken stones.

"Glass... glass..."

That voice sounded again, but this time it didn't ring in Mo Qingli's ear, but in the depths of the cave. Mo Qingli pondered for a while, then raised her legs and walked in. She really wanted to see who the person who spent so much effort to lead her here would be!

Mo Qingli was walking towards the depths of the cave while secretly recovering her physical strength. If the visitor was not kind, with her current physical condition, it might be difficult to win. Therefore, if you recover a little more mana, you will have a better chance of winning.

This section of the road, Mo Qingli walked for a long time, and the voice calling for Mo Qingli was getting closer and closer.

In the depths of the cave, it was no longer as dark as when Mo Qingli came in just now, but it was filled with light. Mo Qingli blew out the flames on his fingers and began to look at it.

At the end of the cave is a stone room, and the top of this stone room is inlaid with moonstones of different sizes and shapes, which is why the whole stone room is so bright.

Seeing so many rare moonstones, Mo Qingli was not half happy, but deeply worried.

But before Mo Qingli could think about it, a sob sounded, and Mo Qingli followed the sound, "Little fox?"

"Hmm..." The little fox who was tied up into a meat ball called out to Mo Qingli twice, and looked at Mo Qingli with a pair of round eyes aggrieved, as if accusing Mo Qingli of taking so long to find him.

Mo Qingli approached the little fox, slowly untied the rope on it, rubbed the little fox in distress, and said angrily: "I told you to run around, and you will be caught by the bad guys!!"

As soon as the rope on the little fox's body was untied, he threw himself in front of Mo Qingli's chest, coquettishly and slightly aggrieved, arching into Mo Qingli's arms.

"Okay, okay." Mo Qingli rubbed the little fox's head, and said softly: "I don't know why you haven't become a human yet, this appearance is really annoying."

Hearing this, the little fox raised his head, his red eyes stared at Mo Qingli straight, hooked, hooked, as if he was saying - do you want me to become a human!

"Ahem..." The majestic Wannian Zombie King blushed when the little fox stared at her. She coughed twice to hide her embarrassment. Thinking of Leng Hanling who had turned into a human, his condensed tone, and arrogant attitude, Mo Qingli thought, he was cuter when he was a little fox, at least when he was a little fox, he would still be like this now, in his own Act like a baby in your arms.

Mo Qingli didn't understand why the goblin's original body and transformed personality were completely opposite.

"Li, it took you so long to find me. It makes me so sad!!" The voice that rang in Mo Qingli's ear just now rang out behind Mo Qingli again.

As soon as the little fox heard the voice, it trembled and leaned into Mo Qingli's arms, showing its fear of the owner of the voice.

Mo Qingli's eyes were a little dignified. When he entered the cave just now, he had used his magic power to check everything, but he didn't find any creatures other than the little fox. Thinking, maybe that voice is not necessarily made by the little fox. That's why she let down her guard and untied the little fox from the rope.

And this person, under his own inspection, did not reveal anything, which is enough to prove that his magic power is above his own.

Mo Qingli hugged the little fox, turned around slowly, and looked at the person coming.