The Corpse Ruler Confuses the World, All Seven Husbands Are Devils

Chapter 122: Everything is my own doing


Mo Qingli hugged the little fox, turned around slowly, and looked at the person coming.

She was dressed in Chinese clothes, her hair was crowned high, her skirts were elegant, and she had an outstanding demeanor. She looked at Mo Qingli with a pair of peach blossom eyes with a smile.

"It's you!?" Mo Qingli opened her mouth in surprise.

"It's not me." Naimo looked at Mo Qingli and smiled.

As soon as Mo Qingli let go of his hand, the little fox in his arms fell to the ground. The little fox grinned in pain, and its small eyes looked at Mo Qingli resentfully, but at this moment, Mo Qingli didn't look at it at all, her whole body All attention was on the man in front of him.

"You... why are you here?" Mo Qingli took two steps back.

"Because you are here, I am here." Naimo looked at Mo Qingli with a smile on his lips.

"Why did you come to me!?" Mo Qingli suppressed the shocking waves in her heart, and looked at the man in front of her pretending to be calm, but her trembling shoulders revealed her mood at this time without a doubt.

Naimo curled his mouth, "Seeing that you don't come to me, I can only look for you."

"me… "

Mo Qingli's eyes dimmed, and she didn't look at Naimo, "I... I'm sorry for you."

With that said, Mo Qingli was about to turn around and leave. But Naimo finally found her, how could he let her go so easily. In an instant, Naimo moved to Mo Qingli, put his arms around Mo Qingli's waist, leaned close to Mo Qingli's ear, and breathed like blue, "This time, I won't let you run away so easily. "

"Yes... I'm sorry." Mo Qingli smelled the breath after many years, and her eyes were full of apology. .

Naimo's chin was pressed against the top of Mo Qingli's head, rubbing, rubbing, rubbing back and forth, eyes closed, and his tone was full of favor and indulgence, "It's okay, it's all over. We will be together in the future, and we will never be separated again."

Hearing Naimo's words, Mo Qingli lowered her head even more. Back then, she was bewildered and confused by a monster, wounded Naimo, snatched the top-grade spiritual weapon from Naimo's hand, and then disappeared without a trace. trace.

In fact, Mo Qingli had already regretted it at that time, but she, who was fascinated by the demon, did something to hurt Nai Mo.

The demon asked Mo Qingli to kill Naimo at that time, but the trace of emotion in Mo Qingli's heart did not allow her to do so. Mo Qingli felt ashamed to go to Naimo again, so she found an extremely secret place to practice.

But she has been paying attention to the news of Naimo, but Naimo seems to have disappeared without any news. Later, Mo Qingli gave up, maybe Naimo was already dead, after all, she was hurt so badly by herself. Or maybe, Naimo has already become a fairy. After all, Naimo is a wizard who has cultivated immortality for tens of thousands of years in the zombie world.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, he would appear in front of her.

"Okay." Looking at Mo Qingli's appearance, Naimo knew that she must have remembered the past again, lifted Mo Qingli's small face, stared into Mo Qingli's eyes, "those things have passed , I forgot, and I hope you can forget too. Don’t let the past bother you, okay?”

"Nai Mo." Mo Qingli's heart was full of emotion, Nai Mo was still so understanding, he was always tolerant towards her, no matter what mistakes he made, he would never mind.

In order not to let her tears flow down, Mo Qingli pushed away Naimo who was hugging her, turned her head away from looking at Naimo, and said, "I... I've forgotten about it a long time ago."

"Fool." Naimo raised his hand to straighten Mo Qingli's face, "If you forget, why are you crying?"

Mo Qingli wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said firmly, "I didn't cry, it was sand that got into my eyes. Besides, don't you know that zombies don't cry?"

"Oh?" Naimo raised his eyebrows and smiled, "I was wrong."

Mo Qingli knew that he was laughing at herself, so she glared at Naimo and remained silent.

The appearance of that little woman stunned the little fox at the side. When Mo Qingli, who was calm about everything, would show such an expression in front of a man, it was so shocking. While being surprised, the little fox was also thinking to himself - who is this man!

Naimo touched Mo Qingli's hair helplessly, "How have you been doing all these years?"

"Well, it's okay." After a while, Mo Qingli spit out these words.

How could Naimo not know that she meant "not bad" when she said "it's okay". But seeing that she didn't want to say it, Naimo wouldn't force it.

The little fox ran to Mo Qingli's feet and kept rubbing his head against Mo Qingli's ankles, only then did Mo Qingli notice the existence of the little fox.

Gently pushed Lai Naimo, bent over to pick up the little fox, and rubbed the little fox's head. The little fox looked at Mo Qingli aggrievedly, and then pointed to the painful place with his front paw.

There was a trace of apology in Mo Qingli's eyes, and he carefully rubbed the place where the little fox fell, and the little fox closed his eyes comfortably, enjoying Mo Qingli's gentle, touching, touching.

Feeling a hot, hot, hot, hot gaze staring at him, the little fox opened his eyes, meeting Namo's penetrating, fiery eyes.

The little fox stared back unceremoniously, now that Mo Qingli is here, it is not afraid! ! !

Naimo raised her hand and lifted the little fox from Mo Qingli's arms, and threw it casually to the side. Mo Qingli looked at Naimo in surprise, she remembered that Naimo was not so rude before.

"Don't hold it." Naimo looked into Mo Qingli's eyes, pursed his mouth, and said.

Mo Qingli: "... :"

On the contrary, the little fox who was thrown on the ground by Naimo rushed towards Naimo fiercely at the first moment, lured out his sharp fangs, and unceremoniously bit on Naimo.

Naimo frowned in pain, looking down at the little fox who was biting his calf with a trace of murderous intent in his eyes.

"Nai Mo, don't hurt it." Of course, Mo Qingli didn't ignore the killing intent in Na Mo's eyes, she hurriedly grabbed Na Mo's arm and said.

Naimo looked back, facing the ink-stained pupils, the murderous intent in his eyes gradually faded, there was a soft smile on the corner of his mouth, but there was a hint of slyness in his eyes, "I won't hurt it, I will only let it a month I can't open my mouth."

Saying that, before Mo Qingli could react, Naimo stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers at the little fox, and the little fox fell to the ground in response, and then the little fox's mouth was tightly closed.

The little fox tried hard to open his mouth, but his mouth seemed to be sewn together by thread, and he couldn't open it no matter what. It glared at Naimo resentfully, probably now it even wants to eat Naimo.

"Naimo, what do you do with it?" Mo Qingli was going to pick up the little fox, but was frozen there by Naimo's words.

Namo said flatly, "Every time you hold it, I will make it unable to open its mouth for another month."

So, of course, the final result was that Naimo walked forward with Mo Qingli in his arms, while the little fox stared at Naimo's back with resentment, but had to follow them.

"Naimo." Mo Qingli said.

Naimo frowned slightly, "Don't call me Naimo, call me Mo like before."

"Mo." Mo Qingli called out jerkyly, this word had been stored in her heart for too long, and now when she called it out, her voice was a little hoarse.

Naimo nodded in satisfaction, looked forward, and was thinking about where to take Mo Qingli to play first. He remembered that Mo Qingli had been practicing hard all the time before, and he had never been to a human being. What about the world!

"Where... are you taking me?" Mo Qingli couldn't help asking as she watched the distance from the imperial city.

"Where do you want to go?" Naimo lowered his head and asked Mo Qingli, and before Mo Qingli could answer, he said to himself, "I'll take you to the world for a while first, and then I'll find the elixir for you." Cultivation. I just discovered that your body is extremely weak, and you only have so little magic power to maintain it. How could it be like this?"

Hearing this, Mo Qingli's eyes darkened, not knowing how to explain it to Naimo.

"Huh?" Seeing Mo Qingli's silence, Naimo asked again, "Did someone suck your mana away?"

In the world of cultivating immortals, there is a kind of demon who practices a vicious spell, which is to absorb the mana of the cultivator and transform his own mana, thereby improving the realm.

Thinking that Mo Qingli might have been sucked away by this kind of magic, Naimo's eyes flashed fiercely, "Tell me who it is, I..."

"No." Mo Qingli interrupted Naimo's words, then Mo Qingli raised her head to look at the sky, and said lightly: "I have done everything myself."

Then, Mo Qingli told all about how she sneaked into the fairy world, and how she was beaten down by the Jade Emperor.

Nai Mo's eyes darkened slightly, "You mean, you are now a human?"

Mo Qingli nodded.

"You want to go back to the human world now?" Naimo's tone became colder and colder.

Mo Qingli nodded again. At this moment, she didn't know what she should say, what she could say. I owed Namo once, and now, I am doomed not to be able to practice with him again, and I have to bear it a second time.

Naimo let go of Mo Qingli's hand, remained silent for a while, and said, "Do you want to become a fairy!?"

"I think." Mo Qingli nodded resolutely, becoming a fairy is what she has been chasing since she was born, even if she sometimes finds it difficult and occasionally has some minor complaints. , but, no matter what, she will take this as the goal she pursues in her life, never give up, nothing can replace it.

"After all, I still can't compare with it." Naimo said a little lonely.

Then before Mo Qingli could react, she suddenly raised her lips and smiled, leaned over and kissed Mo Qingli gently on the forehead, "I will always support you, never leave."

When Naimo said "never leave, never give up", his eyes were deeply fixed on Mo Qingli, especially solemn.

"Thank you." Mo Qingli looked back at Naimo and smiled - thank you Naimo, this time, I will definitely live up to you, and we will definitely become immortals together. Fulfill our lifelong wish.

What Mo Qingli didn't know was that Namo's lifelong wish was not to become a fairy, but Mo Qingli.