The Corpse Ruler Confuses the World, All Seven Husbands Are Devils

Chapter 125: intense


"The queen is not feeling well, she is retreating."

After the ministers waited for a long time, a court lady came late, stood in the hall, and said loudly. After that, he ignored the ministers who were discussing a lot, and left very quickly to return to the queen.

"Sick again?" The minister said a little dissatisfied.

The other minister looked around and whispered to the minister who complained just now: "I heard that he caught a cold at night."

He was heard by another minister passing by, and said loudly: "How did these maids serve, why did the queen catch a cold in the middle of the night. They should be beaten!"

"Hush..." The minister hurriedly pulled the minister who had just spoken loudly, "Hush down, I heard that the queen accidentally caught a cold because of... the exercise at night, which was too intense."

The minister who spoke loudly just now, Buyi, slapped off the hand of the minister who was holding onto his clothes, and said loudly: "It's that man, pet, who has bewitched and confused the Queen to such an extent that he doesn't come to the court every three days. I'm going to have a look."

Mo Qingli followed the voice, and saw that the minister who spoke loudly had gray hair on his temples, but his face was upright. Mo Qingli knew her. There was this woman in Mo Qingli's memory before. She was the elder of the two dynasties. , and made great contributions to the late emperor. After the emperor passed away, she was also old, and her style was no longer what she used to be, so she gradually stopped going to court. Considering her old age, the queen also agreed that she should not go to court.

It's just that she didn't expect that not only did she come to court today, but she was also willing to be the first bird at this time.

In fact, the ministers were dissatisfied for a long time, but the Queen's words yesterday comforted the ministers a lot. But today, the empress repeated her old behavior and used her physical discomfort as an excuse. The minister's long-standing dissatisfaction was aroused through that minister.

Therefore, after the minister said that, all the ministers cooperated one after another.

Including Ouyang Qianlan, the Prime Minister of the current dynasty, all the ministers who supported Ouyang Qianlan saw that she was in favor of going to the queen's bedroom, so they did not hesitate to walk in front of the elders of the two dynasties and Ouyang Qianlan.

By the way, they also dragged Mo Qingli, who had a face full of reluctance, into the empress' bedroom.

General Li is not here today, I don't know if it's because she lost her face in the court yesterday or something, she also pretended to be a fake today and didn't come to the court.

When Mo Qingli was dragged away by those ministers, she caught a glimpse of Mo Qinghan and Mo Qingqin from the corner of her eye, looked at herself with a malicious smile, and then left.

In her heart, Mo Qingli did not want to follow this group of ministers to the Queen's bedroom. The last time Mo Qingli and General Li came here, they heard a voice that should not be heard. Presumably the Queen also had the same reason this time. But he couldn't stand the rounds of bombing by the surrounding ministers, so he had no choice but to follow along with him.

In fact, when she woke up this morning, she felt that her whole body was full of strength, and her body's magic power seemed to faintly show signs of growth.

This made Mo Qingli very happy, maybe it was because she had gradually integrated into this physical role? !

Mo Qingli doesn't know, but Mo Qingli will not let go of this possibility, so, as the identity of this body, Mo Qingli should go through with these ministers out of emotion and reason.

Outside the bedroom, the ladies guarding outside the queen's bedroom were first shocked when they saw the mighty crowd, and then remembered the queen's order, and hurriedly summoned all the guards in the bedroom as soon as possible , guarding the door of the sleeping hall.

"Ministers, please stay. The queen is not feeling well and is recuperating. If the ministers are in a hurry, you can tell the servants. When the queen wakes up, the servants will help the ministers to convey it. Also, all the ministers, please come back and don't disturb Otherwise, the ministers will not be able to bear the crime." The leading lady stepped forward, speaking half sincerely and half threateningly.

The minister of the elders of the two dynasties stepped forward first, and the leading maid said bluntly: "What are you?! Get out of here."

The court lady's face was blue and white after being yelled at by the veteran ministers of the two dynasties, but she had no choice but to endure it. She lowered her eyebrows and her tone was still respectful, "Your servant can't leave. I obey the queen's order to guard the gate of the palace. That servant must guard the door."

After finishing speaking, the court lady gestured to the guard next to her, and the guard next to her immediately understood and protected the door of the bedroom.

"You... presumptuous." The elder ministers of the two dynasties were so annoyed by this court lady that they held back for a while before they uttered such a sentence. Covering her chest and mouth, she took two steps back, and was supported by Ouyang Qianlan next to her.

Originally, this elder didn't have a good impression of Ouyang Qianlan, but when he saw Ouyang Qianlan at this time, his heart filled with emotion, and he realized that this girl is actually not bad.

Ouyang Qianlan smiled at the elder, signaling to reassure her, then took a step forward, and said to the court lady: "Auntie, please inform the queen, I am concerned about the queen's condition, and come to visit specially. Please don't reject."

Saying that, Ouyang Qianlan privately handed the maid an ingot of gold. When the maid saw the gold, her eyes lit up. This was her salary for several years!

The maid stretched out her hand holding the gold and suddenly withdrew it, shaking her head again and again, "No, no. This... I can't take it."

Ouyang Qianlan's eyes flashed with surprise. It stands to reason that she wanted to take her own gold, but she took it back at the last moment. What does this mean? ! This can only mean that there is something more important than gold, and she has to reject Ouyang Qianlan.

"I hope my aunt will express it?!" Ouyang Qianlan wanted to dig out some powerful news from the palace maid.

My younger brother Ouyang Haoxuan has been passing letters to himself recently, saying that the queen has not looked for him for a long time. Ouyang Qianlan used to wonder if the queen had a grudge in her heart. After all, they made a trap for Mo Qingli last time, but what she didn't expect was that the queen didn't do anything to Mo Qingli!

But Ouyang Haoxuan's answer to her was - definitely not because of that incident! Instead, the queen empathized again. Recently, there has always been a mysterious and strange man entering and leaving the empress' bedroom, and the empress not only did not go to Ouyang Haoxuan's place, but also did not go to the other concubines.

And this man, Ouyang Haoxuan is sure, he must not be a concubine in the palace.

If it's not a concubine in the palace, then it must be a man outside the palace.

Therefore, when the elder suggested that all the ministers come to the dormitory together, Ouyang Qianlan agreed without hesitation, and even dragged Mo Qingli along. When it is important, Mo Qingli can be pushed out.

The court lady glanced over her head with a determined face, not looking at the yellow-orange gold, and said: "Your Excellency, please don't force your servants, the empress is really unwell recently, and I hope all my lords please come back!"

"The empress went to the court yesterday, and she seemed to be in good health, why did she fail overnight?!" Among the crowd, a minister shouted.

When she shouted, everyone naturally echoed, while Mo Qingli stood aside, leaning against the palace wall, to see if they could force the queen out.

"This..." The court lady looked puzzled, she didn't know how to answer, she just avoided the question blindly, and kept saying: "Please come back, all ministers. Please come back, all ministers."

The elder regained his breath, stepped forward and pushed aside the maid blocking the door, and stretched out his hand to push the door open a little.

Soon, the guards next to him came to their senses, and hurriedly pulled the elder out and closed the palace door.

But just for a moment, the ministers heard the laughter coming from the hall.

That voice was enough for the ministers who came to hear it clearly. Their heads exploded at this moment—what did they just hear? ! It's so difficult that the queen didn't get sick at all, but hid in the bedroom, playing and playing with those men? !

"Let go." The elder glanced coldly at the guard who caught him, and the guard looked at each other. After all, the elder's prestige is there. After thinking about it, one of the guards said: "I hope that my lord will not embarrass the servant." us."

"Presumptuous." The elder's face was so dark that ink dripped out.

Hearing the words, the two guards gritted their teeth and said, "Then don't blame the servants, my lord."

As he spoke, he carried the elder and threw it into the crowd of ministers.

"I have the yellow mandarin coat bestowed by the former emperor, you dare to touch me!" The elder showed his trump card, and sure enough, the guard immediately let go of his hands when he heard it.

Hearing this, Mo Qingli squinted her eyes and looked at the elder standing in front of her, proudly raising her head—it seemed that she had come prepared.

In my heart, I have a little admiration for this white-haired woman. At least, she has more guts than everyone present.

The elder patted the clothes that were wrinkled by the two guards, looked at the guards with contempt, and said loudly: "You, as the Queen's bodyguards, your main duty is to protect the Queen's personal safety. But You actually acted as the gatekeepers and dogs of the queen's desolation, prostitution, and government affairs."

What she said made all the guards around him bow their heads, and then the elder continued unceremoniously to the court lady beside him: "And you, I chose you to serve the queen because you are clever and intelligent. But I didn't expect that you would pretend to be a tiger and a dog to take advantage of others."

The ministers were stunned when they heard the words, but they didn't expect that the court lady was chosen by the elders for the queen.

After finishing speaking, the elder took off his outer shirt, threw it on the ground, exposed his yellow jacket, turned around and said to a group of ministers behind him: "Come in with me to see what's wrong with my empress." , can still laugh so loudly!"

Then she held her head high, pushed open the palace door, and stepped into it first.

Ouyang Qianlan lowered her head and pondered for a while, then followed the elder into the hall. With the two people in front taking the lead, all the ministers naturally followed in.

After all the ministers went in one after another, Mo Qingli leisurely stood up from the palace wall, paced, and walked in slowly.