The Corpse Ruler Confuses the World, All Seven Husbands Are Devils

Chapter 135: Is it so hard that Miss has forgotten?


Is this still Mo Qingli who treats everything indifferently? Is this still Mo Qingli who is dismissive of everything? This is the same Mo Qingli who hurt herself thousands of times but still doesn't frown!

Feng Chenling walked up to Mo Qingli uncertainly, raised his hand to cover Mo Qingli's frowning brows, and whispered, "Li."

His voice was soft and slightly hoarse, Feng Qingjue's eyes darkened, he turned his head and told the guard: "Throw these three people into an empty room."


With a flash of black shadow, the room became much empty. After staring deeply at Feng Chenling and Mo Qingli, Feng Qingjue decided to leave the room to the two of them.

He still has a lot of things he hasn't done yet! Thinking of this, Feng Qingjue's eyes flashed sharply.

Perhaps it was thanks to Mo Qingli that he had grown up so fast and assumed the responsibilities a man should have.

"Li, Li. What are you doing to torture yourself like this!?" Feng Chenling's voice was choked with sobs, such Mo Qingli made his heart ache.

"Chen Ling, Chen Ling, don't leave me. Chen Ling." Mo Qingli's brows that had just been smoothed by Feng Chenling frowned again, and even started to wave her hands wildly.

Feng Chen's heart twitched, he reached out to grab Mo Qingli's hand, and said repeatedly: "Li, Li, I'm here, I won't go, I won't go."

Maybe it was Feng Chenling's consolation at the side that had an effect, maybe it was Feng Chenling's aura that gave Mo Qingli an inexplicable peace of mind, no matter what it was, Mo Qingli gradually calmed down.

Seeing that Mo Qingli's hair was wet, Feng Chenling was afraid that Mo Qingli would catch a cold, so he got up and prepared to get a dry towel to wipe Mo Qingli. Unexpectedly, as soon as he got up, his hand was tightly grabbed by Mo Qingli, "Don't go."

Feng Chenling thought that Mo Qingli had woken up, looked back in surprise, and saw that Mo Qingli's eyes were still tightly closed, but there was a touch of fear on his face that Feng Chenling had never seen before.

Yes, be afraid.

Feng Chen's heart was shocked, what was she afraid of? Afraid to leave by yourself!

He leaned down and gently patted Mo Qingli's hand that was holding him with his other hand. Her hand was very cold and cold, without any warmth, but it made Feng Chenling feel extremely at ease.

"Li, I'm not leaving. I'll get you a towel, be good." At this moment, Mo Qingli was like a child in Feng Chenling's eyes, a drunk child. Maybe he prefers Mo Qingli at this time, Mo Qingli when he is awake always makes him feel oppressed and difficult to get close to.

Feng Chenling saw that Mo Qingli relaxed a little, and was about to take his hand out of her hand, but just as Feng Chenling moved his hand out, out, and out a little, Mo Qingli's hand was tightly grasped again. he.

So back and forth several times, still the same.

Feng Chenling sighed softly, and had no choice but to sit next to Mo Qingli, raised her hand to lift a lock of Mo Qingli's hair, blowing gently with her mouth, dried one strand, and then picked up another strand.

"Chen Ling," Mo Qingli didn't know what dreamed again, and his whole face showed a look of heartache, "Chen Ling, why don't you trust me? Why don't you trust me? Why!?"

I wronged her! ? Where to start. A hint of puzzlement flashed across Feng Chenling's eyes, could it be that she was referring to the incident about Feng Qingjue!

"I'm so sad, so sad."

Mo Qingli grasped Feng Chenling's hand tighter and tighter, her fingertips were embedded in Feng Chenling's flesh, but Feng Chenling didn't notice it at all. His eyes were full of guilt, "I'm sorry, Li, I'm sorry. It's my fault. I shouldn't believe you, which caused us to fall into such a field. It's all my fault, I'm sorry."

His warm lips covered Mo Qingli's cold lips, and he gently kissed and sucked, and Mo Qingli instinctively responded to Feng Chenling's kiss.

With a flick of the tip of her tongue, Feng Chenling gently opened Mo Qingli's lips, and slipped into her mouth, entangled with her fragrant tongue. In a daze, Mo Qingli let go of Feng Chenling's hand.

As soon as Feng Chenling's lips sucked, he closed Mo Qingli's little tongue, and kept letting, sucking, coming from her mouth that was stained with alcohol, but it belonged to her alone.

Mo Qingli's body, body, just instinctively responded to Feng Chenling, making noises,,,, murmuring.

Feng Chenling listened to Mo Qingli's soft, whispering, muttering, he took a tight breath, and then his big hand went along Mo Qingli's clothes, caressing, touching, touching her softness.

Feeling the body of the person under her getting hotter and hotter, Feng Chenling's breathing gradually became faster, and the affectionate kiss gradually slid down from Mo Qingli's lips and landed on the neck.

"Li, is this our bridal chamber candle, okay?!" Feng Chenling leaned close to Mo Qingli's ear, breathlessly said: "You promised me, if you don't speak now, I'll take it as your acquiescence. !"

When Feng Chenling said this, she raised her lips and smiled, then kissed Mo Qingli's neck, took off Mo Qingli's clothes with both hands, and took them off.

The white and clean skin ///exposed/// was exposed in front of Feng Chenling's eyes, Feng Chenling only felt his belly tighten, and after taking off his clothes, he got into the quilt and talked with Mo Qing Glass, body, body, tight, close, together.

His kiss gradually moved downstream from Mo Qingli's neck, passed Mo Qingli's steep peak, then skipped over that petite and delicate navel, and continued down until it stopped in the dense bushes .

Then, selfless, explore, enter, go in,,.

Feng Chenling looked at Mo Qingli who was still sleeping soundly beside him, he raised his lips and smiled contentedly, and after kissing Mo Qingli's cherry lips, he got up and got dressed.

At this time, Feng Qingjue appeared in the room as if he had a connection with him.

Seeing that Feng Chenling was dressed neatly, he said, "Are you going to leave?"

"En." Feng Chenling smiled at Feng Qingjue, there was gratitude and emotion in that smile, "Qingjue, thank you, thank you for fulfilling my wish."

Feng Qing never understood, "Why did you leave?"

"I... still have the responsibilities I need to bear." He had promised Mo Qinghan that he would marry her, and he couldn't let Mo Qinghan bear the charge of deceiving the emperor. Otherwise, he will never feel at ease for the rest of his life.

Feng Chenling's eyes looked at Mo Qingli who was still sleeping soundly - he was already very satisfied with this. She didn't belong to him after all.

"Chen Ling." Feng Qingjue grabbed Feng Chenling who was about to go out, and said in a low voice: "You really just left like this? Leave her here?"

"Qing Jue, thank you, thank you for doing so much for me. But..." Feng Chenling paused, and then continued: "But I promised Mo Qinghan, I can't break my promise."

"What's more, she still has you, and you love her so much, don't you?!" Feng Chenling looked at Feng Qingjue with some encouragement in his smile, "Qingjue, face her with your true face! Believe in you Own."

Saying that, Feng Chenling took Feng Qingjue's hand away, pushed open the door, and walked out without looking back.

Feng Qingjue stood there blankly for a long time, until the dark guard carried the three men back from the outside again, Feng Qingjue woke up, and he walked towards Mo Qingli.

She raised her hand to caress, touch Mo Qingli's cheeks, her cheeks were smooth, delicate, and cold. Just like her appearance, she always gave him a cold look and didn't let him get close.

Why? Why? Why are you willing to block such a sword for me, but you don't want to marry me? Do you know that in order to marry you, I gave up my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, and my subjects.

But why are you unwilling to marry me in the end.

I don't believe you did those things? But if those things hadn't happened, would we be husband and wife now

Feng Qingjue's heart was crying out, and a drop of warm tears flowed from Feng Qingjue's eye socket, and landed on Mo Qingli's hand.

Putting a kiss on Mo Qingli's lips, her kiss was as cold as her own. Then Feng Qingjue got up, walked to the table, lay down next to a man, and closed her eyes.

Feng Chenling walked out of Wanhua Pavilion, although there were people looking at him strangely along the way, but he didn't care at all. His heart was filled with Mo Qingli, he thought, he should talk to Mo Qinghan, although he promised to marry her, it was just a stopgap measure to keep her from bullying the king, I hope she can understand.

Thinking of this, Feng Chenling's mood immediately improved, and when the time comes, just ask Mo Qinghan to divorce herself. But, I don't know if Mo Qingli will still want her at that time? !

In an instant, his mood sank again.

Hey... that's how he is, he loves to think about things.

He shook his head, trying to get it all out of his mind. Taking a deep breath, he raised his legs and walked towards the Fourth Princess' Mansion.

After Feng Chenling left, a green shadow slowly came out from behind a wall behind him, looking at Feng Chenling's leaving back, he clenched his fists tightly.

After Mo Qingli woke up, it was already noon of the second day.

She slowly opened her eyes, and as soon as she sat up, she felt a gust of cold wind blowing into her bones. When she looked down, her upper body was uncovered, and a wisp of it was exposed in the air.

Mo Qingli quickly pulled up the quilt on her body, covering the infinite, the, spring, and light.

"Miss, you're awake!"

A very sweet male voice sounded beside Mo Qingli, Mo Qingli looked back, and saw that there was a man beside her at some point, and he was just like herself, with no hair or a wisp on his body, he was slightly reddish. With a straight face, he was looking at himself shyly.

"Who are you?" Mo Qingli turned cold, this man was quite courageous, he dared to climb into her bed in the middle of the night.

Hearing this, the man's eyes widened, he looked a little aggrieved, he pouted and said: "Miss brought Lun's home yesterday, so it's so hard that miss has forgotten?"

What? !

Mo Qingli frowned, and looked around at the bed and bed, it seemed that it was really not her room.

She looked around the room again, and saw three men lying crookedly on the table not far from the window.