The Corpse Ruler Confuses the World, All Seven Husbands Are Devils

Chapter 156: Husband and wife say goodbye


"Yueyao." Mo Qingli yelled out, "Send Mr. Chen Jue back.!"

"Wife master!" Chen Jue looked into Mo Qingli's eyes in disbelief. When he was in his boudoir, he heard that the sixth princess loved men. It belongs to a superior posture, not to mention that he is lying in front of Mo Qingli without a trace, an inch, or a thread.

Chen Jue is confident that as long as she is a normal woman, she will definitely be interested in her.

But the cruel reality told Chen Jue that the woman standing in front of him was not a normal woman at all.

Yueyao heard Mo Qingli's order outside the door, and quickly entered the door. She saluted Mo Qingli, and she knew Mo Qingli's displeasure from the corner of her eye. This incident can be regarded as being photographed on the horse's leg.

Quickly stepped forward, and said to Chen Jue: "Mr. Chen, please!"

Chen Jue still wanted to say something, but after meeting Mo Qingli's cold eyes, Chen Jue had no choice but to shut up, and reluctantly picked up the clothes on the side, and put them on.

"My wife, I... then I'll go down first." Chen Jue knelt in front of Mo Qingli and said.

Mo Qingli waved her hand, and after Chen Jue left, Mo Qingli took out a white handkerchief from her bosom, put it on the tip of her nose, and sniffed it carefully. This is the handkerchief that was accidentally dropped from Feng Chenling's body earlier, and Mo Qingli picked it up from the ground.

Lying on the couch, a clear teardrop flowed from the corner of Mo Qingli's eyes.

In the early morning of the next day, Mo Qingli heard the noise outside the door while her sleepy eyes were dim. She stood up and called out: "Yueyao, what's the matter?"

"Go back to the princess, the fourth princess...send someone to invite the princess!" Yueyao standing outside the door was dripping with sweat, and the fourth princess made it clear that she was here to show off and insult the princess.

Mo Qingli closed her eyes, and took a deep breath—what should come will always come! When did she learn to be afraid like ordinary people.

"Tell her, I will be there on time." Mo Qingli picked up the handkerchief next to the pillow and held it in her hands—Chen Ling, if you are good, so will I.


Since that day, after Mo Qinghan burned all the people, things, grass, and animals on the street with unknown means, although it was refurbished later, very few people lived in it. After all, no one wants to lose their x/ing life for no reason.

But at this moment, the originally deserted street was bustling with people, full of congratulatory and flattering people.

Mo Qinghan was dressed in a red robe, standing outside the mansion, her head was held up high by a red hairpin, only one or two strands of her hair were hanging down, and there was a touch of softness in her strength.

"The groom is here!" Xi Lang's high-pitched congratulations came from afar.

Hearing this, Mo Qinghan hurriedly left the officials who were still congratulating her, and went to greet Feng Chenling.

"Fourth princess, don't worry, please let the fourth princess kick the sedan chair first." Xi Lang at the side blocked Mo Qinghan respectfully, and said to Mo Qinghan with a smile.

Mo Qinghan patted his forehead, and smiled back: "I am so happy and confused, I forgot the rules."

After finishing speaking, he raised his leg and touched the car curtain lightly, and then heard Xi Lang's voice next to him, "Please bring the bridegroom into the mansion."

Mo Qinghan had been looking forward to this moment for a long time, and hastily lifted the curtain of the sedan chair, stretched out her hand to support the hand of the person in the sedan chair, "Chen Ling, your hands are so cold."

"I... I'm sick." Fengchen Ming Xipa looked a little panicked between his brows.

"It's no wonder even the voice is a bit different. If you bear with it, the ceremony will be over soon. I'll show you a good look at that time!" After finishing speaking, Mo Qinghan carried Feng Chenming on his back with a smile on his lips. , walked towards the mansion.

In the hall, because the empress was pregnant and it was inconvenient to come here, only Mo Qinghan's biological father sat on the high seat. Because of Mo Qinghan's biological mother's low status and poor appearance, she has not been favored by the queen, but since Mo Qinghan was born and was prophesied by a Taoist priest, the queen has been kind to him.

At this time, Mo Qinghan's biological father was in tears, maybe he was really happy to see his daughter finally calm down!

"Pray to heaven and earth." Xi Lang said loudly as he looked at the couple with a smile all over his face.

Mo Qinghan held Feng Chenming's hand and knelt down to worship the heavens and the earth, with a heartfelt smile on his face.

"Second obeisance to the high hall."

Mo Qinghan's biological father saw Mo Qinghan and his son-in-law bowing down to him like this, and said repeatedly: "Get up, get up. It's cold on the ground, don't catch a cold."

"Thank you, father and concubine." Mo Qinghan helped Feng Chenming up.

"Husband and wife salute!"

When Mo Qinghan and Feng Chenming were about to meet each other, there was a loud and clear voice outside the door. Mo Qinghan followed the sound and looked, the corners of his mouth gradually raised—you are here after all, Mo Qingli.

"Sixth Sister, why did you come? My sister was waiting for you so impatiently." Mo Qinghan held Feng Chenming's hand more and more tightly.

Under the Xipa, Feng Chenming's legs trembled involuntarily, he thought that he could enter the room after the salute, and by then, the fourth princess would not regret it anymore.

However, at such a critical moment, the Sixth Princess didn't know what medicine she had taken wrongly, and came to break her plan.

Mo Qingli stepped into the hall slowly, ignoring the strange eyes of the surrounding officials, and walked straight to Mo Qinghan. Although he encountered one or two short-sighted people blocking Mo Qingli's path, they were all caught in place by Mo Qingli's gaze. Just a small spell can make a mortal like Mo Qingqin suffer well for a few days.

"Sister, isn't she here?" Mo Qingli stood in front of Mo Qinghan, but her gaze was fixed on Feng Chenming who was wearing a wedding robe.

Mo Qinghan's eyes turned cold, and she held Feng Chenming's hand more and more tightly, "Sixth Sister must have worked hard to come here, please sit aside and watch the big gift from Sister and Feng Chenling."

His gaze was touching the hands tightly held by the two of them, Mo Qingli's eyes flashed a fleeting bleakness, his eyes locked on Feng Chenming at the side, and his cherry lips parted slightly, "Chen Ling, will you marry her? happiness?"

The ministers and rich girls who came to congratulate were all dumbfounded. Could it be that the fourth princess poached the corner of the sixth princess? It was true! ! !

At this time, Feng Chenming wished that Mo Qingli would leave as soon as possible, so that he could finish the ceremony with Mo Qinghan quickly, "This concubine will spend the rest of her life happily hand in hand with the fourth princess."

Hearing this, Mo Qinghan's face was a little overjoyed. In fact, this marriage was planned by her alone. Mo Qinghan didn't expect Feng Chenling to be so affectionate towards her. It was really a surprise .

"My sister can hear you clearly."

Mo Qingli frowned, narrowed her eyes slightly, glanced at Feng Chenming in red, and raised a smile that was not a smile at the corner of her mouth, "Oh? If that's the case, then my sister congratulates my sister and brother-in-law for growing old together."

"Thank you sister for your good words." After Mo Qinghan finished speaking, he cast a look at Xi Lang next to him. Xi Lang understood, and quickly said, "Husband and wife pay respects."


Seeing Xi Lang bring Feng Chenming into the room, Mo Qinghan breathed a sigh of relief—finally, Feng Chenming is hers.

At this moment, a fat woman who was completely dirty broke in from the door.

Mo Qinghan frowned slightly, and her voice was slightly displeased, "Who is here?"

"Back, back to the words of the fourth princess, slaves, slaves are the lovers of the third master of Fengfu." As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar. Especially Feng Chenling's mother and Feng Chenling's third father, their faces became more and more ugly.

" spitting blood." The third father stood up, swearing at Hui Fang who was kneeling on the ground regardless of his appearance, and then quickly turned his head and explained to Feng Chenling's mother beside him: "Ma'am, she, she must be You wronged my concubine. Ma'am, don't listen to the words of this unknown person!"

The madam gave the third father a look, and said coldly: "Sit down and pay attention to your identity."

"Yes." The third father reluctantly sat down.

When Huifang heard the words of the third father, she refused to follow her, and said to Mo Qinghan: "Everything that my servant said is true, if there is any falsehood, it will be struck by lightning."

Mo Qinghan doesn't want to listen to Huifang talking about her husband's scandal here, "Come here, delay."

"Fourth princess, listen to the slaves. The slaves will leave after they finish speaking, otherwise... otherwise..." Hui Fang struggled for the last time among the group of slaves who came to arrest her.

Mo Qingli sat at the side, holding a cup of tea, with a faint smile on her brows, and said softly: "Sister, why don't you let her finish speaking, it's not too late to make a decision."

"Okay, my sister's suggestion, as a sister, I must listen to it." After finishing speaking, he waved his hands to the servants who grabbed Huifang, then sat on the chair brought by the servants, and took a sip. Tea, said in a slow voice: "Go ahead, what do you want to say to Bengong?"

"Thank you Fourth Princess, thank you Sixth Princess." Huifang kowtowed to Mo Qinghan and Mo Qingli each, and then said: "This servant is here to expose the cruelty of the third master of Fengfu to the young master of Fengfu. Treat every word and deed."

"You are presumptuous." The third father slammed the tea table, stood up, and pointed at Huifang angrily.

Huifang kowtowed and didn't look at her third father, she just said silently in her heart - I'm sorry, for my own life, I can only sacrifice you first.

As soon as they heard that it was about Feng Chenling, the expressions of Mo Qingli and Mo Qinghan both changed, but Mo Qinghan's expression was more obvious.

"Let me listen to you." Mo Qinghan looked at Hui Fang carefully, not letting go of the strange look on her face, to ensure that she was telling the truth, not falsehood.

"Yes." Huifang raised her head, revealing her swollen face, and began to speak, "The third master of Fengfu has always regarded Mr. Fengchen Ling as a thorn in his flesh, and wished to pull it out quickly. But I didn't expect that Mr. Fengchen Ling would be like this The Fourth Princess loves her, and the third master's own son, Feng Chenming, has also admired the Fourth Princess's charm for a long time, and also wants to marry the Fourth Princess. Therefore, the two of them, father and son, can't say that they hate Young Master Feng Chenling deeply."

"Last night, the third master called me and my other two sisters into the mansion. While my wife was preparing for Mr. Fengchenling's marriage today, she brought us to Mr. Fengchenling's room. When we arrived, Mr. Fengchenling had already been poisoned and passed out. on the couch."