The Corpse Ruler Confuses the World, All Seven Husbands Are Devils

Chapter 158: Can't sleep at night


"Yo ho, you little wolf made my Li'er sad again!" A soft voice came from the door, falling into the ears of the two of them.

Mu Tianlang's eyes were red and staring at Nai Mo who was leaning against the door—this guy came to disturb the atmosphere he had created with great difficulty, damn it.

"What are you doing here?" Mu Tianlang said angrily to Nai Mo who was at the door.

Naimo didn't take it seriously, walked up to Mo Qingli and sat down, poured a cup of tea, pecked lightly, and said leisurely: "This is not a place for you alone, why can't I come?"

"Li'er, what do you think?" Naimo turned to ask Mo Qingli, Mo Qingli nodded, and said to Mu Tianlang, "Don't quarrel as soon as you two meet, I don't know who told me back then, The two are good brothers."

Mu Tianlang was speechless, so he stomped his feet, sat aside, picked up the teacup, and drank it in one gulp.

"The day after tomorrow I will go to the border with General Li. The border is far away and harsh. After I go, Mo, Lang, you must not continue to fight each other like this." Mo Qingli looked at Mu Tianlang and Mu Tianlang with worried eyes. Naimo, she was really worried that these two people would make the entire princess mansion uneasy. Perhaps, when he came back, it was possible that the Princess Mansion would be in ruins.

They both have the ability, she believes.

"Li, you know, I came to you just to be with you and not to be separated again. If we are separated again because of the turmoil in this mortal world, it is absolutely impossible." Naimo's determination made Mo Qing Li couldn't help being moved.

Mu Tianlang didn't want to let Namo take the lead, and he said affectionately to Mo Qingli, "Li, you also know my heart, and I don't want you to go alone. Anyway, I want to be by your side too. What's more, with your current physical condition, if you encounter some monsters and ghosts on the road, it will be dangerous."

"Cough..." Mo Qingli coughed lightly, her face flushed with embarrassment.

Naimo shot Mu Tianlang a look, "What are you talking about, how could we, Li, pay attention to those little monsters, don't talk nonsense there."

"Mo, don't blame him." Mo Qingli stopped Naimo's urge to go forward and beat Mu Tianlang, "I don't know what happened to me. After I came to this mortal world, I attached the body of this princess. The magic power in the body is so weak, as long as you use a little bit of magic power, your whole body will be ripped off by c/hou. Until now, it has gradually become stronger, not so weak."

Nai Mo frowned slightly, a pensive look flashed in his eyes, but he quickly retracted it, and turned to Mu Tianlang, "Where's Ming Ning Hua?"

"Ming Ning Hua is kept by me." Mu Tianlang replied.

Hearing this, Naimo breathed out softly, "That's good."

"What's the matter?" Mo Qingli couldn't help asking when she saw Naimo looking mysterious.

"Li, this Mingning flower has a miraculous effect on concentrating one's mind, improving one's cultivation, and breaking through bottlenecks. But it also has an unknown effect." Naimo stared at Mo Qingli, and said slowly.

Mo Qingli and Mu Tianlang asked at the same time, "What is it?"

"Pick up the marrow and change the bones, and take the aura of Yin Lu. Therefore, if you take this flower, Li'er, your journey to immortality will be smoother."

You know, their zombies have too much yin energy in their bodies, so the road to immortality is very difficult. If the Ming Ninghua really has this effect, it will be beneficial to Mo Qingli and not harmful.

"Then what are you waiting for, Li, take this Mingning flower quickly." After saying that, Mu Tianlang took out the box containing the Mingning flower from his bosom, and placed it in front of Mo Qingli.

"No rush." Mo Qingli looked at Nai Mo with a smile, "Brother Nai Mo must have something to say!"

Naimo smiled, "Li'er really understands me best. The Ming Ninghua has this magical effect, but don't take it rashly, otherwise, with the aura of the heron in our zombies, it will suddenly meet the Mingning Flower." The power of Yanghong contained in it is afraid that if one is not careful, it will be burned, and even the soul will be scattered."

Mu Tianlang wished he could punch Nai Mo into the sky with one punch. He only knew that the Ming Ninghua had the effect of concentrating divine power, but he didn't expect that this carelessness would also make Mo Qingli's soul fly away. Fortunately, he didn't let Mo Qingli rashly Take it, otherwise, he really can't feel at ease for the rest of his life.

"Brother Namo, tell me what you can do, Tianlang is dying of anxiety." Mo Qingli looked at Mu Tianlang who was glaring at Namo with a funny face, and said with a smirk.

Naimo squinted at Mu Tianlang, and said angrily, "Death to him, who told me that this wolf is always against me."

Mu Tianlang clenched his fists tightly, and the veins popped out on his forehead, but he endured it and did not speak again. I thought to myself, after he finished speaking, he must be too hungry to walk around.

"As long as you take it, seven men will guard you for seven to four or nine days, integrate your own masculinity with the Yin heron energy in your body, and then fight against the yanghong energy contained in Shangming Ninghua itself. Just be angry." Naimo didn't want to say this method at first, after all, he always felt a little unhappy when he saw Mo Qingli with a man other than himself. But he also knew that after so many years, they were no longer what they were at the beginning. Now, he only wants to stay by Mo Qingli's side, life after life, forever and ever.

Mo Qingli pondered for a moment, then said: "The time is too long, and now we only have two days to go. We will discuss this matter later."

"I'll go with you." Mu Tianlang put his hands on Mo Qingli's shoulders and said firmly.

"Me too." Naimo turned back and straightened Mo Qingli's body from Mu Tianlang's hand, fixed his eyes on Mo Qingli, and said firmly.

He deliberately ignored Mu Tianlang's glaring gaze at him, and just stared at Mo Qingli blindly.

"Okay." Mo Qingli said with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.


"Mr. Chen side, please spare me! Woooooo..."

As soon as Yue-yao came outside Chen Jue's room, she heard a shrill scream. Yue-yao was startled, but pushed open the courtyard door and walked in.

"You stupid hoof, see if I don't kill you."

"Mr. Chen, please forgive me, please forgive me."

"What's wrong with Mr. Chen, how did this servant offend you?" Yueyao just walked to the door of Chen Jue's room, when she saw Chen Jue holding several slender branches in his hand, c/hou beating back and forth non-stop Serving Chen Jue's servants.

When Chen Jue heard the sound, she quickly threw the branch in her hand on the ground, kicked it aside, walked up to Yue Yao with a smile on her face, "Yue Yao, why are you here?!"

"Hello Chen Fangjun." Yueyao bowed to Chen Jue, "I don't know how he made Chen Fangjun angry, and made Chen Fangjun so angry!"

"It's nothing serious, even if I asked him to do a small thing, I couldn't do it well. I scolded him a few times, but I didn't want to be seen by Miss Yueyao." Chen Jue looked elsewhere in a panic.

The servant kneeling on the ground cried even louder, Yueyao couldn't bear it, and said: "Since Chen side Junhuo is also fired, how about..."

"Naturally." Chen Jue said with a smile to the servant kneeling on the ground: "Go down, if you don't grow snacks next time, it won't be so easy to get away with it."

"Yes, yes, yes." The servant kneeling on the ground kowtowed again and again, then stepped back.

Yueyao looked at the back of the slave who staggered away, and sighed softly—it was probably because this Jun Jue was sent back by the princess yesterday, he felt resentful, so he vented his anger on the servant. Hey... It's really pitiful for him, he was beaten for no reason.

"Miss Yueyao, but the princess asked you to come?" Chen Jue asked Yueyao to sit down by the table and chairs, and asked.

Yueyao still stood where she was, "Mr. Chen is being polite, just call me 'Yueyao' directly. The princess is ordered by the queen. Two days later, she will go to the border with General Li to fight at the border to avenge the eldest princess."

Chen Jue was startled when he heard the words. He didn't expect that he had just been made the side king of the sixth princess, and the princess was about to go to war before he could enjoy the blessings. What's more, the princess didn't have anything to do with him that night. If others or the princess find out, I'm afraid my life may be lost.

I wanted to make things happen last night. After the raw rice was cooked, the princess would not say anything about herself. but didn't think...

Seeing that Chen Jue was in a daze, Yue Yao continued to speak, "Will Mr. Chen side go with the princess?"

In fact, Mo Qingli didn't ask Yueyao to ask Chen Jue, but just asked her to inform them. But thinking of Chen Jue's ruthless appearance just now, it was different from the gentle and virtuous Chen Fangjun she usually saw, which made Yue Yao feel a little disgusted with him. Then he said these words.

"this… "

Chen Jue didn't expect that Mo Qingli would let him accompany him. One must know that the border is extremely bitter and cold, and from time to time those small countries on the border come to disturb him, so he has to live in fear every day. He finally jumped out of the stove, so he didn't want to live that kind of hard life again. he does not want.

"Chen Fangjun?" Yue Yao called Chen Jue again.

"Oh." Chen Jue regained his composure, there was still a little sweat on his forehead, he raised his hand to wipe it off, and smiled at Yue Yao: "I am willing to go to the border with the princess and take good care of her. But, look at me, I'm not in good health yet, especially today, I can't sleep at night and cough endlessly. Cough cough... "

As he spoke, he pretended to cough a few times.

"Look, with my sick face, if I use my sick body to accompany the princess, the princess must be very upset. I'm afraid I won't be able to concentrate on the battle." Chen Jue took out a handkerchief and covered his lips, After coughing twice, he continued: "I think the princess has many capable side lords by her side, why don't they accompany the princess to go, I think they can take better care of the princess's daily life."

"Mr. Chen is really thinking of the princess!"

Chen Jue didn't seem to hear the sarcasm in Yueyao's tone, she still smiled and replied: "She is my wife, of course I have to think about her."